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Einstein justifiably said, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” The same
holds true about the current pandemic situation. Many people will point out the
hole in the doughnut but won’t see the essence of the doughnut itself.
Good morning to one and all present here. Revered judges, worthy opponents and
intellectual audience. Today, I, along with my teammate, am standing here to give
a vent on the topic covid-19 pandemic is an opportunity, to which both of us are in
strong agreement.
Let’s analyze the different spheres impacted by COVID-19:
1. Personal opportunities for children
2. Personal opportunities for jobless adults
3. Personal opportunities for working adults
4. Personal opportunities for elderly
5. Organizational opportunities
6. Societal opportunities
7. Governmental opportunities
1) Personal opportunity for children: People has started to impart physical and
mental health education to children today. Children have learnt to appreciate the
maintenance of good health by going for home-made food, basic cleanliness and
maintenance of health through exercises. They’ve also learnt the importance of
maintaining family time and their own mental health by engaging in creative
2) Personal opportunities for jobless adults: Many people, who were previously
unemployable, have started to learn and work on their skillset to get better jobs.
People are also much more aware about the world around them as they learn
everything online from personal financing to global politics to mental well-being.
3) Personal opportunities for working adults: Working adults have experienced the
family time that they missed during the office hours. They’ve also learnt how to be
more innovative with problems like technical glitches and become better managers
in their daily lives. These adults are also able to take a glance at the dimensions
they missed during their daily lives like health, finances, politics and a lot more.
4) Personal opportunities for working adults: The elderly seemed to have
discovered a new joy in their experienced lives as they could spend more time with
their descendants and enjoy some of the healthy pleasures the world has to offer
5) Organizational opportunities: The organizations have not only crossed the cross-
cultural barriers in terms of employability, but they’ve also learnt innovative
techniques to manage people and projects. The infrastructure cost-cutting and
reduced carbon impact are just a few of the golden advantages that the
organizations are reaping. For the people who blame lack of productivity in the
pandemic, an article from Harvard Business Review states otherwise.
6) Societal opportunities: The current society has not only witnessed lack of
pollution and more awareness; it has also learnt to collaborate with fellow humans
better as they get aware of the fact that nature can be far more destructive to
humankind for all its flaws.
Last but not the least:
7) Governmental opportunities: Despite the reduced GDP growth rate over the
years, the government is continuously devising and initiating many innovative
projects under digital India and start up India like the shark tank India, which gives
the common people an incentive to work for productive stuff and prosper, even in
the current crisis.
So, we can clearly understand that the pandemic has unfolded many opportunities
before our eyes and enlightened us to the fact that an optimistic lens can do
wonders, even in the face of the direst crisis.

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