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Appendix 2


Education Unit : SMP Negeri 1 Bulango

Ulu Subject : Science
Main Material: Environmental Pollution 
Class/Semester : VII/Even 
Time Allocation : 3 X 40 Minutes

After following the learning activities using the discovery learning learning model , with the methods of literacy,
experimentation, practicum, and presentation by cultivating an attitude of realizing the greatness of God, an attitude of
mutual cooperation, honesty, and the courage to express opinions, students can:
 Students can explain the meaning of Environmental Pollution.
 Students can explain various types of Environmental Pollution
occurrence of environmental pollution and its impact on the ecosystem
4.8 Writing about ideas for solving pollution problems in the environment based on observations

C. 3.8

 . opening with an opening greeting and praying to start learning, checking the attendance of students as a disciplined
the attitude
 Relating the learning material to be carried out with the experience of students with the previous material, reminding
the material by asking questions,
 Providing an overview of the benefits of studying Environmental Pollution Definition material in everyday life day

Informing about learning objectives, materials, core competencies, basic competencies, indicators, and

KKM at the ongoing meeting
 Division of learning groups
CORE ACTIVITIES ( 100 Minutes)
 Studentstudents are given a stimulus or stimulation to focus on the material Definition of Environmental
Pollution through a scientific approach (observing, asking questions, gathering information/experiments,
Literacy associating processing information, communicating)
Students and their groups make observations of the problems in the textbook related to the
  definition Environmental Pollution

 Teachers provide opportunities for students to identify various questions related to the shows presented
Critical and answered through learning activities about the Definition of Environmental Pollution For example
Thinking   What is meant by Environmental Pollution?   When
can a substance be said to be a pollutant?
Students practice practice / do book page assignments
 Students are formed in several groups to discuss, collect information, re-present, and exchange
information about the Definition of Environmental Pollution
Collaboration  Collecting data/information through group discussions or other activities to find solutions to related
(Cooperation) problemsmain material is
  in groups, students carry out Activities 3.1 Knowing about environmental pollution, observing an
environment. Then write down the results of their work (according to the creations of students), and
discuss the results and present them.
 Students are directed to collect and explore data from various sources that will be used to solve problems
in the Student Worksheet (LKPD)
Student Communication presents the results of group work/ individual
Communication (  Presents the results of group discussions classically, expresses opinions on the presentations made on the
Definition of Environmental Pollution and is responded to by the presenting groups, asks questions about
the presentations made, and other students are given the opportunity to answer them

of Learning Conclusions
Creativity Teachers and Students are
 interesting a conclusion about the important points that emerged in the
(Creativity new learning activity about the Definition of Environmental Pollution
 Students ask about things that have not been understood or the teacher asks some questions icu to
students related to what will be studied
CLOSING (10 Minutes)
 Make a summary / conclusion of the lesson about the important points that arise in the learning activity
that has just been carried out.
 checks the work of students who have completed and is initialed and given a sequential number of
rankings, giving awards to groups that have good performance and cooperation in learning activities.
The teacher  Giving assignments to students (PR), and reminding students to study the material that will be discussed
at the next meeting.
Written Test :-
Practice :-

Subject Teacher Substitute Teacher

Masva Huntoyungo S.Pd Hadijah S. Sinto

NIP. 19751124 200604 2


Educational Unit : SMP 1 Bulango Subject : Science

Class : VIII/Even Main Material : Vibration, Waves, and Sounds in Daily Life
Allocation : 3X40 Sub Materials : Vibration, Transverse waves & Longitudinal waves

After following the learning activities using the discovery learning learning model, using literacy, experimentation,
practicum, and presentation methods by fostering an attitude of realizing God's greatness, mutual cooperation, honesty, and
daring to express opinions, students can :
a. Describing vibrations, waves, and sound
b. Explaining the meaning of vibration
c. Investigating the vibrations of a pendulum
d. Calculating the frequency and period of the vibration swing
e. Explaining the meaning of waves
f. Investigating wave events
g. Explaining the characteristics of transverse waves
h. Explaining the characteristics of longitudinal waves
i. Calculating the wavelength and speed of waves
j. Me distinguish transverse and longitudinal waves



Strengthening Character Education
 Opening with greetings and praying to start learning, checking attendance as a disciplined attitude
 Teacher starts learning by connecting human hearing ability or detecting mechanical vibrations (vibration).
 Inform about learning objectives, materials, core competencies, basic competencies, indicators, and KKM at the ongoing
 Division of learning groups

CORE ACTIVITIES ( 100 Minutes)

Model : Stimulation Literacy
Discovery learning (stimulation / Students are given a stimulus or stimulation to focus on the material Vibration,
giving stimulation) Transverse waves & Longitudinal waves through a scientific approach
Approach n: (observing, asking, collecting information/experimenting, associating processing
Scientific information, communicating)
 The teacher provides a stimulus in the form of problems to be observed and
listened to. Learners through reading activities, observing situations or
Project viewing pictures, and others.
.  Students and their groups make observations of the problems in the textbook
related to Vibration, Transverse Waves & Waves. The
Description: teacher connects the concepts of vibration that students usually encounter
Vibration, Transverse in everyday life such as a simple pendulum by experimenting with the
waves & "Come on, We Do it" feature. ” in Activity 10.1 in groups.
Longitudinal waves After conducting the experiment, the teacher guides the class discussion
to discuss the experimental data by asking one of the groups to present a
Tools, Materials, and report in front of the class. In order to understand the concept of
Media: vibration, especially on a simple pendulum, the teacher can ask students
to work on the “Come on, Finish” feature about the frequency and
period of a simple swing.
Problem statement Critical Thinking
(problem  Students work together in groups to identify the problems presented on the ppt
identification) display on the LCD screen, then are asked to make notes about the findings
related to problems in everyday life, and determine the formulation of the
problem solving presented based on the data. data obtained from various
 to identify various questions that are

 provides to the impressions presented and answered through learning activities about vibrations,
 opportunities transverse waves & longitudinal waves For example:
 teacher waves have two types based on the shape of the wavefront, namely
 The Data collection Literacy & Collaboration Activities (Cooperation)
 students (data collection  Students seek and collect data/information that can be used to find solutions to problems
related ) faced (men find or formulate various alternative solutions to problems, especially if one
 for alternative fails).
 Students are formed into several groups to observe, collect, analyze information,
discuss, re-present, and exchange information about Vibration, Transverse waves &
Longitudinal waves.
One of the students is asked to demonstrate the “Let's do it” feature in Activity 10.2
in in front of the class, or ask students in groups to experiment with the feature.
The teacher can ask one of the students to demonstrate the “Let's do it” feature about
transverse waves in Activity 10.3.
Students are asked to compare transverse waves with longitudinal waves by
conducting demonstrations or experiments such as in the “Let's do it” feature on
longitudinal waves in Activity 10.4.
Data processing Collaboration and Critical Thinking
(Data  Presenting the results of group discussions classically, expressing opinions on
processing) presentations made about Vibration, Transverse waves & Longitudinal waves and being
responded to by the presenting group, asking questions about the presentation made , and
other students are given the opportunity to answer.
Students are asked to present the results of comparing transverse waves with
longitudinal waves. Other students can provide suggestions, responses,
or questions to students who are making presentations. Furthermore, the discussion
can be carried out classically.
Critical Thinking
Verification  Students discuss the results of their observations and verify the results of their
(proof observations with data or theories in the source book
)  Students prepare to perfect the presentations that have been made and relate the facts
found to everyday life diligently and careful
Generalizatio Communication (Communicating) & Creativity (Creativity)
(interesting  Teachers and Students draw a conclusion about the important points that appear in
the conclusion) new learning activities carried out about Vibration, Transverse waves & Longitudinal waves
 Students ask about things that have not been understood or the teacher conveys some
trigger questions to students related to what will be finished learning
CLOSING (10 Minutes)
 Make a summary / conclusion of the lesson about important points that arise in the new learning activities carried out.
 Giving assignments to students (PR), and reminding students to study the material that will be discussed at the next meeting.
Written :-
Project :-

Substitute Teacher

Masva Huntoyungo S.Pd

   Hadijah S. Sinto
NIP. 19751124 200604 2

Unit Ulu Subject : Natural Sciences

Educational Bulango
Class : IX/Even Material : Soil and Sustainability of Life
Time : 2 X 40 Minutes Sub Material : Role of Soil and Organisme Tanah bagi
Allocation Keberlangsungan Kehidupan

Setelah mengukuti kegiatan pembelajaran menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning, dengan
metode literasi, eksperimen, praktikum, dan presentasi dengan menumbuhkan sikap menyadari kebesaran
Tuhan, sikap gotong royong, jujur, dan berani mengemukakan pendapat, siswa dapat :
a. Peserta didik dapat menjelaskan peranan tanah
b. Peserta didik dapat mengetahui peranan organisme tanah
c. Peserta didik dapat memahami upaya menjaga kelestarian tanah agar tanah di sekitarmu tetap subur.



Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter
 Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka dan berdoa untuk memulai pembelajaran, memeriksa kehadiran sebagai sikap
 Mengaitkan materi pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan dengan pengalaman peserta didik terhadap materi sebelumnya,
mengingatkan kembali materi dengan bertanya : Menurut kalian tanah yang subur itu seperti apa?
 Materi yang akan dipelajari oleh siswa adalah : Peranan Tanah dan Organisme Tanah bagi Keberlangsungan Kehidupan
 Memberitahukan tentang tujuan pembelajaran, materi, kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, indikator, dan KKM pada pertemuan
yang sedang berlangsung
 Pembagian kelompok belajar
Model : Orientasi Peserta Didik Mengamati (Literasi)
Problem Based Kepada Masalah  Peserta didik diberi stimulus atau rangsangan untuk memusatkan perhatian
Learning pada materi Peranan Tanah dan Organisme Tanah bagi Keberlangsungan
Pendekat an: Kehidupan melalui pendekatan saintifik (mengamati, menanya,
Saintifik mengumpulkan informasi/eksperimen, mengasosiasikan mengolah
Proyek: informasi, mengomunikasikan)
Deskripsi :  Peserta didik bersama kelompoknya melakukan pengamatan dari
Letak dan Luas permasalahan yang ada di buku paket berkaitan dengan Peranan Tanah dan
Benua Amerika Organisme Tanah bagi Keberlangsungan Kehidupan
Peserta didik diarahkan untuk berkelompok beranggotakan 3-5 orang,
kemudian peserta didik melakukan kegiatan pengamatan di halaman
Alat, Bahan, dan sekolah (Aktivitas 9.1 Peran Tanah bagi Kehidupan). Alat yang perlu
Media: dipersiapkan guru adalah cetok atau alat lain yang dapat digunakan
  Buku Video untuk menggali tanah, lup, dan lain sebagainya. Bahan yang dapat
  Referensi Digital dipersiapkan guru di antaranya alkohol 70%, detergen, dan lain
  Alat Tulis sebagainya. Penyediaan alat dan bahan dapat dilakukan oleh guru dan
Sumber dapat pula meminta setiap kelompok peserta didik untuk membantu
Internet menyediakan alat dan bahan. Selama kegiatan pengamatan, guru
Modul diharapkan melakukan penilaian terhadap kinerja peserta didik dan
sikap gotong royong.
 Peserta didik diminta mendiskusikan hasil pengamatannya dan mencatat
fakta-fakta yang ditemukan, serta menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan hasil
pengamatan yang ada pada buku paket
Setelah kamu mengamati apa yang ada di dalam tanah, apakah kamu
menemukan makhluk hidup seperti cacing, semut, serangga kecil,
mungkin lipan, dan lainnya?
Berdasarkan Aktivitas 9.1 kita jadi tahu bahwa tanah merupakan
tempat hidup hewan tanah. Apakah kamu juga menemukan tumbuhan
atau hewan yang hidup di atas tanah? Jika kamu
menemukan tumbuh-tumbuhan di atas tanah, coba perhatikan
tumbuhan tersebut! Pernahkah kamu berpikir mengapa tumbuhan
tersebut dapat tumbuh dengan subur?
Mengorganisa sikan Menanya ( Critical Thinking )
Peserta Didik  Guru memberikan kesempatan pada peserta didik untuk mengidentifikasi
sebanyak mungkin pertanyaan , yang berkaitan dengan materi/gambar
yang terdapat pada buku siswa atau yang disajikan oleh guru dan dijawab
melalui kegiatan pembelajaran,
 Peserta didik mengajukan pertanyaan berdasarkan hasil pengamatan
terhadap masalah yang dikaji misalnya :
Apakah tanah hanya berguna bagi tumbuhan saja? Apakah peranan
tanah bagi makhluk hidup lain?
Membimbing Mengumpulkan Informasi (Kegiatan Literasi & Collaboration)
Penyelidikan  Secara berkelompok peserta didik mengumpulkan berbagai informasi
dengan penuh tanggung
Individu Dan jawab, cermat dan kreatif yang dapat mendukung jawaban dari
Kelompok pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diajukan, baik dari buku paket maupun
sumber lain seperti internet.
 Guru mendorong siswa untuk mengumpulkan informasi yang sesuai,
melaksanakan eksperimen, untuk mendapatkan penjelasan dan
pemecahan masalah mengenai Peranan Tanah dan Organisme Tanah
bagi Keberlangsungan Kehidupan
Guru mengajak peserta didik berpikir mengenai komponen-komponen
yang disediakan tanah, sehingga tanah berperan sebagai tempat tinggal
hewan dan tumbuhan. Guru juga mengarahkan peserta didik untuk
menjawab pertanyaan pada fitur ”Ayo, Kita Pikirkan”.
Peserta didik berdiskusi lebih lanjut untuk menyebutkan peran tanah
selain sebagai habitat makhluk hidup. Agar memudahkan peserta didik
berpikir, guru memberikan pertanyaan- pertanyaan reflektif seperti,
”Bagaimanakah jika tidak ada tanah? Kemungkinan apa yang akan
terjadi?”, ”Bagaimanakah kita sebagai manusia memenuhi ke butuhan
tempat tinggal, air, dan
sumber makanan apabila tidak ada tanah atau lahan?”.
Mengembang kan Menalar/ (Kerjasama & Berpikir Kritik)
Dan  Peserta didik mengasosiasi data yang ditemukan dari percobaan
Menyajikan Hasil dengan berbagai data lain dari berbagai sumber, mengembangkan
Karya hasil dan menyajikan hasil karya selanjutnya, menyajikannya dalam
bentuk presentasi yang ditanggapi langsung oleh kelompok lain.
 Peserta didik juga diminta mendiskusikan di dalam kelompok untuk
mengambil kesimpulan dari jawaban atas pertanyaan yang telah
Menganalisa & Mengomunikasikan Critical Berkomunikasi) & Creativity (Kreativitas)
Mengevaluasi Proses  Setelah peserta didik mendapat jawaban terhadap masalah yang ada,
Pemecahan Masalah selanjutnya dianalisis dan dievaluasi.
 Peserta melakukan evaluasi dalam bentuk curah pendapat juga
refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang telah mereka lakukan.
 Guru dan Peserta didik menarik sebuah kesimpulan tentang point-
point penting yang muncul dalam
kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan tentang Peranan Tanah
dan Organisme Tanah bagi Keberlangsungan Kehidupan
PENUTUP (10 Menit)
 Membuat rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran.tentang point-point penting yang muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru
 Memberikan tugas kepada peserta didik (PR), dan mengingatkan peserta didik untuk mempelajari materi yang akan dibahas
dipertemuan berikutnya
 Menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya

Proyek :-
Tes Tertulis :-

Guru Mata Pelajaran Guru Pengganti

Masva Huntoyungo S.Pd Hadijah S. Sinto

NIP. 19751124 200604 2


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