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FORM-II Photograph
See Rule 7 & 11

1. What is your Name (in Block Capitals): ……………………………………………………………………………………..

2. What is your Parent/Guardian name ..........................................................................

3. Are you citizen of India or a Subject of Nepal ..........................................................................

4. What is your Village Tehsil & District Village:...............................................................

Tehsil or Taluka.................................................
Pin Code...........................................................
5. What is your Post Office? ..........................................................................

6. What is your Railway Station? ..........................................................................

7. What is your Educational Qualification? ..........................................................................

8. What is your Age & Date of Birth ..........................................................................

9. In which College are you now studying Govt. Degree College Sopore

10. Are you willing to be enrolled under the Yes

the National Cadet Corps Act 1948?

11. Are you willing to serve in the National Cadet Yes

Cadet Corps until discharged as provided in the Act?

12. In which unit do you desire to be enrolled? Army Wing of 3 J&K Bn NCC Baramulla

13. Are you willing to undergo service training as Yes

Specified in the Act and the rules made hereunder?

14. Have you ever previously applied for enrolment ..........................................................................

under the act and if so with what result

15. Have you been dismissed from the National No

Cadet Corps

16. Next of kin (with relationship) & Address ......................................................................

Telephone No. (O)/(R) (as Applicable) ......................................................................

Date............................ Signature of the Applicant



1. I ………………………………………………………solemnly declare that the answers I have given to the questions

in this form are true and no part of them is false, and that I am willing to fulfill the engagement made.

2. I .......................................................Promise that I will honestly and faithfully serve my country as

governed by the Rules & Regulations of the National Cadet Corps and that I will to the best of my ability,
attend all parades and camps as may be required by the Commanding Officer from time to time.

3. I ..................................................... further promise that after enrolment, I will have no claim on

authorities for my compensation in the event of injury or death due to accident during training camps, course,
traveling and while on YEP or any other such NCC events like RDC and IDC. I understand I have no service

Sig. of Applicant [Cadet] ……...................................Place: ………………………………… Date: .......................................


1. I ………………………………………………solemnly declare that the answer I have given to the questions in this
form are true and no part of them is false, and that I am willing to fulfill the engagement made.

2. I, ............................................... promise that after the enrolment of my son / ward I will have no claim
on authorities for any compensation in the event of any injury or death due to accident during training camps,
course and traveling and while on YEP or any other such NCC events like RDC and IDC.

3. I understand my son / daughter/ ward has no service liability.

Place.................................... Date.................................... Signature of Parent/Guardian


1. Certified that the applicant understands and agrees to the conditions of enrolment.
2. Certified that that the applicant and his parent / guardian understand and agree to the conditions of

Place..................................................... Signature of Enrolment Officer

Date of Enrolment................................ (Unit Seal)


I have examined (Name)..............................................on....................... (Date) and consider him/her fit / unfit

for enrolment as a cadet in the National Cadet Corps (NCC)

Place............................... Signature............................................
Date ............................. Designation........................................


See Rule 13

(a) I agree to extend my enrolment for one year and am willing to fulfill the engagement made.

Signature of Applicant

Place ....................................


(b) I agree to extend the enrolment of my son / ward for one year and willing to fulfill engagement

Sig of Parent/Guardian



Signature of Head of the Institution

Place: SOPORE Date......................


Signature of Commanding Officer


Appendix B
Annexure to Form 1
Application for Enrolment

The President of India

In consideration of my being nominated either by NCC authorities or at my own request to undergo all types
of training and also participate in any Camp (which includes Republic Day camp & Independence Day camp
)/course/adventure (including Army, Navy & Air wing ) activities as the case may be and while travelling (in
domestic / international surface, air and water transport) and attending Youth Exchange Programmes abroad,
I undertake and agree that neither I nor any executors/administrator/ my legal representative will make any
claim against the Govt of India or against NCC authorities or its officers including JCO`s / NCO`s or their
equivalents from Army Navy or Air Force , civilian MT Driver or against any person in the service of the Govt of
India in respect of any loss or injury to the property or person ( including injury resulting in death) due to any
reasons whatsoever which I may suffer while or in consequence of my participation in any of the above
activities. I further understand that no compensation will be paid by the Govt of India or NCC authorities
including officers JCO`s / NCO`s or their equivalents from Navy and Air Force or civilian MT Drivers in respect
of any such loss or injury and I agree so as to bind myself , my executors and administrators and other legal
representatives to indemnify the Govt of India and NCC authorities including officers JCO`s / NCO`s or their
equivalents from Navy and Air Force or civilian MT Drivers or any person in the service of Govt of India against
any claim which may be made by any third party against them or any of them arising out of any act of default
on my part during or in connection with the said training/camp/course/adventure training/ travelling / journey
by road/rail/sea/river or flight and while on youth exchange programmes or any such NCC activities as may be
organised from time to time within or outside the Union of India .

The government had agreed to bear the stamp duty on this document.

Place.................................... Signature of Applicant...........................


Countersigned by Parent/Guardian

Name: ...................................................................

Home Address: …………………………………………………………

Witness-I Witness-II

Signature....................................... Signature...........................................

Name:………………………………………… Name: ……………………………………………

Address......................................... Address.............................................



Section I

1. I,…………………………...............................................Regt.No: JK…….......SDA/34................Rank: …………………

S/O,D/O Sh. ……………………………………………………Student of Class………………Roll No ……………of Govt. Degree
College Sopore and enrolled with 3 J&K Bn NCC Baramulla apply for membership of NCC Cadet Welfare
Society and hereby remit a sum of Rs. 15/- (Rupees Fifteen only) payable at the time of enrolment as one
time contribution towards National Cadet Corps, Cadet’s Welfare Society membership fee.

2. My father / mother / guardian occupation is ………………………………………………………….and the annual

income of my family from all sources is Rupees……………………………………………………………………………..per annum.

3. I understand that I shall be entitled to financial assistance as determined by the Government Body/
Managing Committee of the above Society on the eve of partial or permanent disability sustained by me while
participating in organized NCC activities. I hereby accept the decision of the Government Body / Managing
Committee with regard to quantum of compensation to be paid to me, in event of permanent or partial
disability will be final and binding on me.

4. I hereby nominate the following persons(s) who will receive financial assistance as determined by the
Government Body/Managing Committee of the above Society which will be final and binding on the following
persons(s) in event of my death while participating in the organized NCC activities.

(To be filled by the cadet in his/her own handwriting)

Relationship with Permanent Address of % age of financial

S. No. Name of the Nominee Age
the Cadet Nominee assistance

5. My membership in the Welfare Society and this nomination form will be valid only till such time I
remain a cadet in this Division or Wing of the NCC to which I belong / Seek enrolment or have been enrolled.

Full Signature of Cadet................................................... Place ........................ Date.....................................

6. I am willing to allow my son / ward ………………………………………………….. to become member of the

NCC cadet welfare society under the terms, conditions and rules in force. I also approve of the nomination
made in section I (4)

Full Signature of Father/ Mother/ Guardian Name: ……………………………………………………..

Address / Place………………………………. Date:……………………………………

Signature of Associate NCC Officer Signature of Head of the Institution

Name MOHAMMAD AYUB SHAH Name…………………………………………….
Address: Govt. Degree College Sopore Address: Govt. Degree College Sopore

Government Degree College Sopore
Application Form for Enrolment in NCC

1. Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. Father Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

3. Mother Name ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

4. Parent Occupation ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

5. Annual Income of Family: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

6. Residence: ………………………………………………………………………………………………

7. e Mail Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………

8. Mobile No [Self]: ………………………………… Mobile No [Parent]……………………………..

9. Class: …………………… Semester:……………………….Roll No: …………………..

10. Stream Opted: ……………………………. Subjects ……………………………………………

11. Date of Birth: ……………………………………………………………………………………………...

12. Blood Group ………………………………………………………………………………………………

13. Bank Account No: ………………………………………………………………………………………………

14. Bank Name with Branch ………………………………………………………………………………………………

15. Bank IFSC Code ………………………………………………………………………………………………

16. Aadhar No: ………………………………………PAN No: ………………………………………..

17. Shirt Size: …………… Pant Size:……………………Boot Size: ……………………………

18. Any Special Talent: ………………………………………………………………………………………………

19. Where You associated with NCC at +2 Level: ………………………………………………………..

20. If Yes, Regiment No: …………………………. From which Institute: ……………………………….

21. Any Camp(S) attended: ……………………… Any Certificate Exam Passed: ……………………….

Place:…………….. …………… Date: ……………………………… Signature of Applicant

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