Research Quarter 1 - Module 1: The Nature of Research: Schools Division Office Marikina City

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Department of Education

National Capital Region

Quarter 1 – Module 1:
The Nature of Research

Writer: Apolonia A. Solon

City of Good Character

This module was designed to introduce the nature and processes of research. The
objective of this module is to provide initial knowledge about research that will be used
in succeeding learning situations. The terms and vocabulary words used are within the
levels of the users.

This specific module will help you explain the meaning, characteristics, and
importance of research (SSP_RS8-NRS-Ia-1).

After going through this module, the learners are specifically expected to:

1. define research;
2. analyze the specific purposes and goals of research;
3. familiarize with the different characteristics of research; and
4. enumerate and give reasons why research is important.

A. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers in a separate sheet
of paper.

1. Scientific investigation is done in an orderly manner so that the researcher has

confidence in the findings. Which characteristic of research demonstrates this?
A. Analytical C. Logical
B. Critical D. Methodical

2. Research may be replicated. Newly discovered facts may be found to expand

knowledge gained from previous research or verified if the same facts are found.
Which demonstrates the statement above?
A. satisfy researcher’s curiosity
B. expand or verify existing knowledge
C. discover previously unrecognized substances or elements
D. order related, valid generalizations into systematized science

3. Previously we had only 92 elements but due to research we now have more than
100. The following does not exemplify this specific purpose of research EXCEPT
to _________________.
A. satisfy researcher’s curiosity
B. discover previously unrecognized substances or elements
C. discover pathways of action of known substances and elements
D. acquire a better and deeper understanding about one phenomenon that
can be known and understood

City of Good Character
4. Many problems are uncovered and requires further study; thus, the research
cycle is repeated. What characteristic of research best demonstrates this?
A. Cyclical C. Methodical
B. Logical D. Replicable

5. Research products cut the time a person performs his daily tasks. Which specific
importance of research to man shows this?
A. improves quality of life
B. reduces the burden of work
C. improves the exportation of food products
D. responds to the country’s effort as economic recovery

6. Alcohol is known as a product of research. This may turn into a kind of fuel
similar to gasoline. To which specific purpose of research determines this?
A. expand or verify existing knowledge
B. discover new facts about known phenomena
C. order related, valid generalizations into systematized science
D. provide basis for decision-making in business, industry, education,
government, and in other undertakings

7. Teachers use innovative teaching techniques, and strategies to deliver goods and
services to students effectively. Which specific importance of research to man
illustrates this?
A. improves teacher’s competence
B. improves exportation of food products
C. responds to the country’s effort as economic recovery
D. trains graduates to respond to the economic development of the society
and to compete globally

8. Research made the global commercialization and trading of local products

possible. What specific importance of research to man is exemplified in this
A. improve teacher’s competence
B. improve exportation of food products
C. respond to the country’s effort as economic recovery
D. train graduates to respond to the economic development of the society
and to compete globally

9. Collection of data is based on practical experience without assistance of scientific

knowledge or theory. Which characteristic of research is being identified?
A. Empirical C. Methodical
B. Logical D. Replicable

10. Which of the words below best describes research?

A. Discovery C. Purposive
B. Knowledge D. Systematic

City of Good Character
Lesson Research – Its Goals,
1 Characteristics, and Importance

The World of Technology

During your elementary and Grade 7 days, you conducted several science
experiments. You also have studied topics in scientific attitudes, science process skills,
steps in the scientific methods and scientific investigation, among many others. Why
arouse your interest about Science? We study science to be aware. Awareness in basic
science concepts lead to the improvement of the quality of life.
Products of science are all around us. From the papers used in printing this
module to the computers that are used in online classes, the impacts of technology in
our daily lives are shown. Science has brought technological advancement in almost
every aspect of our lives.
Yet, everything has its downside.
An example of technology that has adverse
effects in our environment is the burning
of fossil fuels (the modern world supplier
of energy). It has degraded air quality and
caused harmful effects on health and
environment. Though we are familiar that
these activities are the major causes of
global warming and climate change, still
we are dependent on this energy resource.
To reduce the adverse effects of technology
on the environment and make life better,
science continues to search for alternative
sources of energy.
Neill, Pippa. “Air Pollution from Fossil Fuels Costs the
Global Economy $8bn a Day.” Air Quality News,
February 12, 2020.

Activity 1: Can You Name Me?

A. On the next page are pictures of common household items that improve the
quality of human life. Fill in the blanks to name them. Write your answers in a
separate sheet of paper.

City of Good Character
1. __ __ D __ O 2. __ X __ __ N __ __ O N
C __ __ D

3. __ __ I E __ T __ __ __ __ 4. __ __ C T R __ __
C __ __ C __ __ A __ __ R F __ __

5. __ L C __ __ __ L 6. __ __ M O __ E
C __ __ T R __ L

7. __ L __ __ K 8. __ __ M M __ __

City of Good Character
B. The objects shown in Activity 1 Part A (on previous page) are some of my products.
You use them to improve your daily lives and make tasks easier. Also, the first
letters of the 8 correct answers in Activity 1 Part A spells my name (with the
correct order from 1 to 8). Can you name me? Write my name in a separate sheet
of paper.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
(My Hidden Name)

Progress begins with research. Research is essential in any form of progress on

all fields. Whether in government, in education, in trade and commerce, and other types
and kinds of industries, research is vital. The methods of research must be thoroughly
understood in both graduate and undergraduate educational work. People who have
gone through the college, undergraduate and graduate levels of education are the ones
expected to undertake research activities, so studying methods of research becomes

What is Research?

Research may be defined as a purposive, systematic and scientific process of

gathering, analyzing, classifying, organizing, presenting, and interpreting data for the
solution of a problem, for prediction, for invention, for the discovery of truth, or for the
expansion or verification of existing knowledge, all
for the preservation and improvement of the quality
of human life. (Calderon and Gonzales, p. 4)

Purposes and Goals of Research

Research is purposive. Research aims to

preserve and improve of the quality of human life.
Every type of research aims towards this goal.
Because of research, man has greatly achieved
increasing progress and enjoying the products of
research such as fast and comfortable means of
transportation (in land, sea, and air), the wonders of
electrical appliances (like the radio, telephone, air
“E-Learning Educational Technology -
Education Flat Design - Free conditioning, computers, light bulbs, etc.), running
Transparent PNG Clipart Images machinery for industrial works, potent drugs that
Download.” Accessed
September 23, 2020.
solve health problems and prolong life, and many other countless things.

The specific purposes and goals of research according to Calderon and Gonzales
are to:

1. discover new facts about known phenomena

2. find answers to problems which are only partially solved by existing methods
and information

City of Good Character
3. improves existing techniques and develop new instruments or products
4. discover previously unrecognized substances or elements
5. discover pathways of action of known substances and elements
6. order related, valid generalizations into systematized science
7. provide basis for decision-making in business, industry, education,
government, and in other undertakings
8. satisfy researcher’s curiosity
9. find answers to queries by means of scientific methods
10. acquire a better and deeper understanding about one phenomenon that can be
known and understood
11. expand or verify existing knowledge

Characteristics of Research

There are several characteristics of research. It is the researcher’s task to apply

and observe these characteristics to make a good quality of research. Some of these
characteristics research according Paler are:

1. Empirical - based on direct observation or experience of the researcher

2. Logical - based on legal principles and procedures of gathering data
3. Cyclical - starts with a problem and ends with a problem
4. Analytical - utilizes proven analytical procedures in collecting data
5. Methodical - conducted in an orderly manner without bias
6. Critical - exhibits careful and exact judgment
7. Replicable - designs and procedures are replicated or duplicated using
different materials

Importance of Research to Man and Society

With the development of

technology, ancient tools were
modernized. A good example that shows
technological advancement is the
development of lightbulb. With research,
the inefficient ancient candlelight is
replaced by highly efficient modern LED.

People have used products of

research to solve daily problems. These
make their lives easier and more
McBride, Posted by Brandon, and Brandon
comfortable. Likewise, the society uses McBride. “Comparing LED vs CFL vs
research to find answers in most of their Incandescent Light Bulbs,” April 9, 2020.
major problems such as poverty,
deforestation, power shortage, etc. wattage/.

According to Paler, researches are important to man because they:

1. improve quality of life

2. improve instruction and student’s achievements
3. reduce the burden of work
4. satisfy man’s needs
5. improve the exportation of food products
6. improve teacher’s competence

City of Good Character
7. respond to the country’s effort as economic recovery
8. train graduates to respond to the socioeconomic development of the society and
to compete globally
9. make the country great again

Activity 2: Letters to Words to Lists

A. Answer the questions below and choose the letter that correspond to your
answer. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. Cancer is a serious disease which is only partially cured by present methods but
due to intensive and continuous research, the disease may be eradicated later.
To demonstrate this purpose of research, which of the following specifically
pertains to the statement above?

P. expand or verify existing knowledge

K. discover new facts about known phenomena
I. find answers to queries by means of scientific methods
R. find answers to problems which are only partially solved by existing
methods and information

2. A research study may use the same research design (two-group design), the same
procedure, and the same statistical tool but different raw materials. What
characteristic of research best shows this?

D. Critical C. Methodical
M. Empirical O. Replicable

3. Filipinos should be research-oriented. Big establishments start small and uses

experimental research to test characteristics of their products such as
acceptability, salability and profitability. They eventually grow to big names that
we know (ex. Jollibee, Mang Inasal, ShoeMart, etc.). Which specific value of
research to man demonstrates this?
P. makes the country great again.
W. improves teacher’s competence
S. improves instruction and students’ achievement
E. responds to the country’s effort as economic recovery

4. In conducting research with return on investment, the invest-harvest principle

must be applied. Which specific value of research shows this significance to man?
M. reduces the burden of work
L. improves the exportation of food products
I. responds to the country’s effort as economic recovery
G. trains graduates to respond to the socioeconomic development of the
society and to compete globally

City of Good Character
5. Research uses systematic procedures and techniques, an appropriate research
design, and statistical tool to arrive at scientific interpretation. What
characteristic of research determines this?

N. Analytical V. Methodical
Y. Cyclical S. Replicable

6. Due to research we come to know the dangers of abusive use of drugs. Which
importance of research to man is illustrated by this statement?

C. satisfy researcher’s curiosity

I. order related, valid generalizations into systematized science
S. discover pathways of action of known substances and elements
G. find answers to problems which are only partially solved by existing
methods and information

7. Research predicts the invention of new gadgets and machines, food products and
others. These allow man to ___________________.

C. expand or verify existing knowledge

T. discover new facts about known phenomena
E. improve existing techniques and develop new instruments or products
N. find answers to problems which are only partially solved by existing
methods and information

8. In historical research, the data gathered focus on the past; descriptive research
focuses on the present situation; and experimental research focuses on the
future. Research therefore is ___________________.

P. Analytical E. Logical
S. Critical O. Replicable

9. Research encourage students to conduct their own experimental research that

yield return of investments. Yearly, science fairs are participated by high school
and college students to train themselves to be research oriented. Which specific
value of research to man demonstrates this?

M. satisfies man’s needs

K. improves instruction and student’s achievements
G. responds to the country’s effort as economic recovery
U. trains graduates to respond to the socioeconomic development of the
society and to compete globally

B. The letters of the correct answers from Numbers 1-9 in Activity 2 Part A (above)
could be rearranged to form a word that describes research best. What is that
word? Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
(Word that describes Research best)

City of Good Character
C. List down 3 old appliances/things at home which were replaced by modern ones.
Take note of the advantages. Complete and redraw the table below on a separate
sheet of paper. First one is given as an example.

Conventional Modern Advantages of Modern

Example: Example: - keeps food fresh for longer
- big clay jars - refrigerator - stores foodstuffs raw, no salting/
smoking/ pre-cooking needed





Activity 3: Today I Have Learned…

A. Accomplish the given “Language Frame” below based on what you have
understood in the lesson. Rewrite the language frame with your answers in a
separate sheet of paper.

Language Frame

Today I have learned the following:

- Research can be defined as ______________________________________________


- Research is key to ___________. Research is important in most types of

industries and fields such as _____________________________________________

- Research generally aims to ______________________________________________.

- There are seven characteristics of research and they are:

2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________
4. __________________________________
5. __________________________________
6. __________________________________
7. __________________________________

City of Good Character
Rubrics for Scoring

Excellent Adequate Limited

3 2 1
Has included the complete Has included the complete Has included incomplete
Details and
answers and correct answers and some answers and more
concepts corrections on concepts corrections on concepts

Well- prepared with a

Variety of ways/ skill used Limited ways/ skill used
variety of ways/ skill used
Techniques/ to create an adequate and create inadequate
to create a powerful
Creativity context (explanation) context (explanation)
context (explanation)
about the lesson about the lesson
about the lesson
The information contains The information contains The information contains
essentially no errors which errors which somewhat many errors which limit
Following given
interfere with the clarity of interferes with the clarity of the clarity of
communication communication communication

Activity 4: How Well Do I Know Myself?

A. Some research studies are not considered good. They sometimes do not adhere
with the previously discussed characteristics of research. Just like yourself, some
of them also have weaknesses that need improvement. Write down your good
qualities, characteristics, traits, or strengths. How are you going to boost them?
Also, note down the things you are afraid of doing, the traits you do not have, or
your weaknesses. How are you going to conquer them? Redraw the tables below
with your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

My Good Qualities, Characteristics,

Ways to Boost My Strengths
Traits, or Strengths

__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________

Things I am Afraid of Doing, Traits I

Ways to Conquer My Weakness
do not Possess, or My Weaknesses

__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________

Criteria for Scoring

Points Number of Identified Ways to Boost Number of Identified Ways to Conquer
Assigned Strengths Strengths Weaknesses Weaknesses
4 3 2 3 2
3 2 1 2 1
2 2 - 2 -
1 1 - 1 -

City of Good Character
B. Based on your understanding, how will you describe the different characteristics
of research in 1 or 2 words? List them out in a separate sheet of paper as follows:

1. Empirical - __________________________
2. Logical - __________________________
3. Cyclical - __________________________
4. Analytical - __________________________
5. Methodical - __________________________
6. Critical - __________________________
7. Replicable - __________________________

C. List down 3 old school items that were once could be found in your school bag
and were replaced by new ones. Take note of the advantages of the new ones and
the disadvantages of the replaced ones. Complete and redraw the table on a
separate sheet of paper. First one is given as an example.
Disadvantages of Advantages of
Old Items New Items
Old Items New Items
Example: Example: Example: Example:
- Old pen - Permanent ink - Friction Pen - Could be erased

D. Aside from food, give 5 products or items that you consider very valuable in your
daily living during this quarantine period. Give reasons why you find them
valuable. Write your answer (paragraph form) in a separate sheet of paper.

Calderon, Jose F., and Expectacion C. Gonzales. “Introduction.” In Methods of

Research and Thesis Writing, 4–6. Mandaluyong City: National Bookstore, Inc.,

Calmorin, Laurentina Paler. “Characteristics of Research.” In Research and Thesis

Writing With Statistics Computer Application, 1–10. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.,

Pavico, Josefina Ma. Ferriols, and Genevieve Darvin Faraon et. al. “Science in Our
World.” In Exploring Life Through Science, 10. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing
House, Inc., 2013.

City of Good Character
A. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers in a separate sheet
of paper.

1. Research may be replicated. Newly discovered facts may be found to expand

knowledge gained from previous research or verified if the same facts are found.
Which demonstrates the statement above?
A. satisfy researcher’s curiosity
B. expand or verify existing knowledge
C. discover previously unrecognized substances or elements
D. order related, valid generalizations into systematized science

2. Scientific investigation is done in an orderly manner so that the researcher has

confidence in the findings. Which characteristic of research demonstrates this?
A. Analytical C. Logical
B. Critical D. Methodical

3. Previously we had only 92 elements but due to research we now have more than
100. The following does not exemplify this specific purpose of research EXCEPT
to _________________.
A. satisfy researcher’s curiosity
B. discover previously unrecognized substances or elements
C. discover pathways of action of known substances and elements
D. acquire a better and deeper understanding about one phenomenon that
can be known and understood

4. Teachers use innovative teaching techniques, and strategies to deliver goods and
services to students effectively. Which specific importance of research to man
illustrates this?
A. improves teacher’s competence
B. improves exportation of food products
C. responds to the country’s effort as economic recovery
D. trains graduates to respond to the economic development of the society
and to compete globally

5. Which of the words below best describes research?

A. Discovery C. Purposive
B. Knowledge D. Systematic

6. Research products cut the time a person performs his daily tasks. Which specific
importance of research to man shows this?
A. improves quality of life
B. reduces the burden of work
C. improves the exportation of food products
D. responds to the country’s effort as economic recovery

7. Collection of data is based on practical experience without assistance of scientific

knowledge or theory. Which characteristic of research is being identified?
A. Empirical C. Methodical
B. Logical D. Replicable

City of Good Character
8. Alcohol is known as a product of research. This may turn into a kind of fuel
similar to gasoline. To which specific purpose of research determines this?
A. expand or verify existing knowledge
B. discover new facts about known phenomena
C. order related, valid generalizations into systematized science
D. provide basis for decision-making in business, industry, education,
government, and in other undertakings

9. Many problems are uncovered and requires further study; thus, the research
cycle is repeated. What characteristic of research best demonstrates this?
A. Cyclical C. Methodical
B. Logical D. Replicable

10. Research made the global commercialization and trading of local products
possible. What specific importance of research to man is exemplified in this
A. improve teacher’s competence
B. improve exportation of food products
C. respond to the country’s effort as economic recovery
D. train graduates to respond to the economic development of the society
and to compete globally

City of Good Character
City of Good Character
Activity 4: How Well Do I Know Me?
A. Answers may vary (Table)
B. Answers may vary (List)
1. Empirical - Direct Observation
2. Logical - Legal Principles
3. Cyclical - Repeated
4. Analytical - Proven Procedure
5. Methodical - Orderly Manner
6. Critical - Exact Judgement
7. Replicable - Duplicated
C. Answers may vary (Table)
D. Answers may vary (Essay)
Activity 3: Today I Have Learned…
A. Answers may vary (Language Frame)
Today I have learned the following:
- Research can be defined as a purposive, systematic and scientific process of gathering, analyzing,
classifying, organizing, presenting, and interpreting data for the solution of a problem, for
prediction, for invention, for the discovery of truth, or for the expansion or verification of existing
knowledge, all for the preservation and improvement of the quality of human life.
- Research is key to progress. Research is important in most types of industries and fields such as
government, education, trade, and commerce.
- Research aims to preserve and improve of the quality of human life.
- There are several characteristics of research such as:
Empirical Methodical Cyclical Analytical
Logical Critical Replicable
Activity 2: Letters to Words to Lists Activity 1: Can You Name Me?
A. 1. R A. 1. RADIO
7. E 7. CLOCK
8. P 8. HAMMER
9. U
B. Purposive
C. Answers may vary (Table)
Development Team of the Module

Writers: Apolonia Solon

Content Editors: Mary Ann N. Taway
Nancy E. Suegay
Jessica S. Mateo
Language Editor: Nancy E. Suegay

Reviewers: Validators from PNU


Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Jessica S. Mateo

Ivy Coney A. Gamatero


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

Email Address:

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 8-682-2472 / 8-682-3989

City of Good Character

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