Reviewer Purposive Communication

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Aristotle’s Model of Communication

Aristotle’s Communication Model is mainly a speaker – centered approach, with the speaker and the
speech being extremely significant.

It is broadly divided into 5 parts elements

 Speaker - the individual is tasked with persuading or convincing an audience through their
 Speech – the message that the speaker is delivering to the audience.
 Occasion – the situation responsible bringing people together. When a politician speaks to a
group of people, the occasion may be an imminent election.
 Audience – the people who passively listen to the speech as it is passively listen to the speech as
it is delivered.
 Effect – the effect may be positive or negative, depending on how persuasive the speaker may

>> It is the speaker’s role to deliver a speech to the audience. The role of the audience is passive,
influenced by the speech.

Shannon – Weaver Model of Communication “Mother of All Models”

“Mathematical Theory of Communication”

Shannon was an American mathematician whereas Weaver is a scientist.

Concepts in Shannon Weaver Model

 Sender (Information) – is the person who makes the message; chooses channel and send the
 Encoder (transmitter) – is the sender who uses machine which converts message into signals or
binary data.
 Channel – is the medium used to send message.
 Decoder – also known as the “Receiver” is the machine used to convert signals or binary data
into message.
 Receiver (destination) – is the person who gets the message or the place where the message
must reach. The receiver provides feedback according to the message.
 Noise – is the physical disturbances like environment and people which does not let the
message get to the receiver as what we said.


1. Technical Problem
2. Semantic Problem
3. Effectiveness Problem

Osgood – Schramm Model also known as “Circular model”

Eugin White’s Model

 Thinking – is a primary factor in communicating, information processing, judgement, problem

solving and interaction with others.
 Symbolizing – ready to communicate orally through the use of words
 Expressing – expressing her ideas in an audible speech using appropriate gestures.
 Transmitting – the speaker’s ideas and feelings are transmitted into the ears of listener.
 Receiving – the ideas of speakers are now transmitted send to the receiver.
 Decoding – the listener interprets the language symbols she receives and thinks further.
 Feedbacking – the listener may manifest overt behavior like a nod, smile, or yawn or she may
not show any behavior at all.
 Monitoring – while the speaker watches for signs of reception or understanding of his messages
among his listener.

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