Seatwork 1 Macero Lady Shine Geneco

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Name: Lady Shine R. Macero.

Date: August 26, 2022

Course/Section: BA BIOLOGY 2A. Subject: General Ecology Lec

Seatwork 1: Environmental Principles


Based on the seven environmental principles of nature as follows: Nature

knows best, All forms of life are important, Everything is connected to everything else,
Everything changes, Everything must go somewhere, Ours is a finite Earth, and
Nature is beautiful and we are stewards of God’s creation; I can say that all of them
are essential.
Narrowing down into each components, these are my own personal thoughts
on how I find the chosen three principles to be significant.

1. Nature knows best

This I believe is the most basic principle among the others and thus
encompasses all of it too. Just like in our community, there are existing rules that are
to be followed and same goes with nature. Humans have to understand the
mechanisms of nature and all that associates with it including the rules that it sets for
us to abide. Considering that we are highly dependent on the environmental resources
for survival, there are such cases that we do without considering the consequences
that it might bring to nature. As much as we care about ourselves, we should also take
care of our nature. One important aspect of the environment is the nutrient cycle.
Actions such as burning of organic wastes will only contribute to greenhouse gasses
that will later on worsen the existence of Climate change and Global warming. Instead
these waste are decomposed underground to not prohibit the soil from reabsorbing the
nutrients that it can gather from the organic wastes. Another problem is the use of
pesticides which usually is not limited to which organisms will it be focused thus
contributing to environmental contamination. In general, this principle allows us to
understand that nature’s health has to be prioritized for a longer sustainability of

2. All forms of life are important and Everything else is connected to everything
These two principles can be very associated to each other. All forms of life
are important and we should not allow illegal acts such as haunting wild animals and
killing extinct species due to intolerance to its looks or fears. Every each organisms
even the snakes, wild boars and such others are essential specially for the equilibrium
of our biodiversity. Hence, everything is connected to each other. Therefore, one thing
leads to another. If we don’t respond immediately to illegal loggers then the animals
wouldn’t have their natural habitat and worst case scenario is their extinction. Same
goes with overfishing and chemical proactive fishing could cause water
contaminations that will not only lead to the disturbance of the aquatic life but also to
humans as it will be ingested and consumed. Both of these principles teaches us how
to accordingly act based on what the needs and the prohibited acts of nature as it will
affect everyone and everyone is essential.

3. Everything changes
As they say, the only permanent thing is change. Environmental techniques
should be given priority if man would want more positive changes in the environment.
One prominent case are the pesticide-induced mutations which does not match with
the current nature living. Thus causing the inability to accordingly adopt to the
environment and might also cause harm to its other organisms. It is important to know
this because the natural resources itself including both the aquatic and terrestrial
organisms changes its production rate and availability. In fact, recently a news
appeared that the sugar raises its value due to shortage. And these might be affected
with its supply and production in out agriculture sectors which belongs in the change
that this principle highlights.

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