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Skinner Determines abnormal behavior

- behaviorism Dysfunction - clinically significant disturbance in an

individual’s cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior that
- human behavior could be modified if the correct combination reflects a dysfunction in the psychological, biological, or
of reinforcements and punishments were used. developmental processes underlying mental functioning.
Mechanism - Abnormal behavior, therefore, has the capacity to
- which presented the world as a great machine make well-being difficult to obtain and can be
explained through the principles of physics and assessed by looking at an individual’s current
chemistry. performance and comparing it to what is expected in
- In it, human beings serve as smaller machines in the general or how the person has performed in the past.
larger machine of the universe. As such, a good employee who suddenly
demonstrates poor performance may be experiencing
Three consequences as pointed out by Martin Seligman, an environmental demand leading to stress and
“The new era of positive psychology” ineffective coping mechanisms. Once the demand
resolves itself, the person’s performance should
- The first was moral; that psychologists and return to normal according to this principle.
psychiatrists became victimologists, pathologizers;
that our view of human nature was that if you were in Distress - When the person experiences a disabling
trouble, bricks fell on you. And we forgot that people condition “in social, occupational, or other important
made choices and decisions. We forgot responsibility. activities.
That was the first cost.
- The second cost was that we forgot about you - Distress can take the form of psychological or
people. We forgot about improving normal lives. We physical pain, or both concurrently.
forgot about a mission to make relatively untroubled - Alone though, distress is not sufficient enough to
people happier, more fulfilled, more productive. And describe behavior as abnormal. 
“genius,” “high-talent,” became a dirty word. No one Deviance – Closer examination of the
works on that. word abnormal indicates a move away from what is
- And the third problem about the disease model is, in normal, or the mean
our rush to do something about people in trouble,
in our rush to do something about repairing damage, - a person is said to be deviant when he or she fails to
it never occurred to us to develop interventions to follow the stated and unstated rules of society,
make people happier — positive interventions. called social norms. Social norms changes over
time due to shifts in accepted values and
Humanistic psychology expectations.
- Third force - Finally, consider that statistically deviant behavior is
- Abraham Maslow & Carl Rogers not necessarily negative. Genius is an example of
- addressed the full range of human functioning and behavior that is not the norm.
focused on personal fulfillment, valuing feelings over Dangerousness - when behavior represents a threat to
intellect, hedonism, a belief in human perfectibility, the safety of the person or others. It is important to note
emphasis on the present, self-disclosure, self- that having a mental disorder does not imply a person is
actualization, positive regard, client centered therapy, automatically dangerous.
and the hierarchy of needs.
- humanistic psychology generally relied on qualitative Abnormal Psychology
- the scientific study of abnormal behavior, with the
Positive Psychology intent to be able to predict reliably, explain, diagnose,
identify the causes of, and treat maladaptive
- Martin Seligman behavior.
- one that had a more positive conception of human
potential and nature. Psychopathology
- Building on Maslow and Roger’s work, he ushered in
- Abnormal behavior can become pathological and has
the scientific study of such topics as happiness, love,
hope, optimism, life satisfaction, goal setting, leisure, led to the scientific study of psychological disorders.
and subjective well-being. Mental Disorders
- utilizes a quantitative approach and aims to help
people make the most out of life’s setbacks, relate - are characterized by psychological dysfunction, which
well to others, find fulfillment in creativity, and find causes physical and/or psychological distress or
lasting meaning and satisfaction. impaired functioning, and is not an expected behavior
- study of normal behavior according to societal or cultural standards.

Abnormal Behavior

- a combination of personal distress, psychological

dysfunction, deviance from social norms,
dangerousness to self and others, and costliness to

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