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School Grade &


DAILY Section
LESSON Teacher Learning
Teaching Dates January 19, 2021 10:00 - 11:00
Quarter SECOND
& Time
Week No. 8 Module 2 Duration 1 HOUR

Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary
I. OBJECTIVES procedure must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises, remedial activities may be done for
developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing
objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in
learning the
lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guide.

A. Content
1. The learner demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight
Standards management to promote societal fitness
B. Performance 1. The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity
Standards participation of the community and society practices healthy eating habits that
support an active lifestyle
C. Learning 1. assess physical activity, exercise and eating habits; PE10pf-IIah39 and •
Write the LC Code for 2. engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least 60 minutes a day in
and out of school; PE10PF-IIc-h45.
D. Learning Objectives 1. Differentiate the hip-hop dance and Zumba dance,
2. Create a dance workout week plan,
3. Shows the importance of physical activity, exercise and eating habits by
doing dance workout with your family in your home.
Content is what the lesson all about. It pertains to the subject matter the teacher
II. CONTENT/TOPIC aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
Making It Part of Life
List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials
RESOURCES sustain children’s interest in the lesson and learning. Ensure that there is a mix
of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials.
Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Grade 10 Teachers Guide P.E and Health
2. Learner’s Physical Education and Health – Grade 10 Learner’s Material
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages 91-93 pages
4. Additional Materials Health - Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 2 - Module 2: Significance of
from Learning Health-Related Laws in Safeguarding People’s Health First Edition, 2020
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources

These steps should be across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that
IV. PROCEDURES students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students
which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically
by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning,
question their learning processes, and draw conclusion about what they learned in
relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for
each step.
A. Reviewing previous Show me your MOVE!
lesson or presenting Watch and execute the 3 minutes movements from the given video
the new lesson.
ELICIT (The activities in this section presentation. You will take a video or a picture while you doing the task, click
will evoke or draw out prior concepts the link below.
of or experiences from the students) Warm Up by Lessier Herrera Zumba ( Free Download ) ⬇️- YouTube
Guide questions:

1. What is the video all about?

2. Is it important before you perform any of the dance forms?
3. What are the common injuries you will get while you are performing
any of the dance forms without warm up?
4. What is the possible treatment or first aid for those injuries?
B. Establishing a Watch and share!
purpose for the Click the link. You have 5 minutes to watch/observe the dance video
lesson. presentation. Here is the link:
ENGAGE (The activities in this
section will stimulate their thinking
and help them
access and connect prior knowledge as B.
a jumpstart to the present lesson.)

Guide questions:

1. What have you observed from the first video you have watched?

2. What can you say about the second video you have watched?
3. Do you think they have similar dance styles? What are those?
4. How will you identify the different types of dances based on the video
you have watched?

C. Presenting Introduce Me!

examples/instances of Study the two pictures carefully in 2 minutes.
the new lesson.

Guide questions:

1. What is the first picture all about?

2. How about the second picture, it is about?
3. How does it differ from the first picture?
4. Based on your observation, give a brief description of the two pictures?
D. Discussing the new Venn Diagram
concepts and Directions: Compare and contrast hip-hop dance and Zumba dance in a Venn
practicing new skills
#1. Diagram then answer the following questions.
EXPLORE (In this section, students will
be given time to think, plan, investigate,
and organize collected information; or the
performance of the
planned/prepared activities from the
student’s manual with data gathering
Zumba similarities
dance dance


Guide Questions
1. How will you differentiate the Zumba and hip-hop dance?
2. What are the possible benefits of dancing as a form of
3. Do you think Zumba dance and hip-hop dance they have
similar benefits to our health? Explain briefly.
E. Developing Think before you choose!
(Leads to formative assessment)
Choose the letter of the best answer. Read the questions and statement
EXPLAIN (In this section, students will be involved in carefully.
an analysis of their exploration. Their understanding
is clarified and modified because of reflective
activities)/Analysis of the gathered data and results Q1. What impact does my Zumba teacher have on me?
and be able to
answer the Guide Questions leading to the focus
A. My teacher motivates and relieves.
concept or topic of the day. B. My teacher motivates and tickles me.
C. My teacher motivates and amuses me.
D. My teacher motivates and inspires me.

Q2. Which of the following is the best reason why people are doing dance
A. People are doing dance exercise because it is fun.
B. People are doing dance exercise because itis free.
C. People are doing dance exercise because it is costly.
D. People are doing dance exercise because exercise that engages the
entire body as well as the mind.

Q3. You are invited to talk in particular event to discuss on fitness and wellness.
What would be the focus of your talk?

A. Health background of the family.

B. Lifestyle and behavior of the family.
C. Environment where the family lives.
D. Nutrition and physical activity of the family.

Q4. Which of the statements shows that dance is an art of zumba and hip-hop
A. Dance is an art of zumba and hip-hop because it gives you contentment.
B. Dance is an art of zumba and hip-hop because it helps you become physically
C. Dance is an art of zumba and hip-hop because it makes you feel happy.
D. Dance is an art of zumba and hip-hop because it gives you freedom to
express your emotion.

Q5. What is the importance of eating a balanced diet to perform zumba and hip-
hop dance?

A. Eating a balanced diet develops diseases

B. Eating a balanced diet elevates the risk of chronic diseases.
C. Eating a balanced diet promotes sleepless nights and anxiety.
D. Eating a balanced diet helps you maintain a healthy weight and body energy.
F. Making Wheel questions and answers portion!
generalization and abstraction
about the lesson.
ELABORATE (This section will give students There are 5 questions on the wheel. The teacher will spin it and the student will
the opportunity to expand and solidify / answer the questions when the wheel stop.
concretize their understanding
of the concept and / or apply it to real – world
situation) Q1. How does hip-hop dance give impact to your body? Is it different in Zumba
Q2. What are the possible risks of doing Zumba? Is it different in hip hop dance?

Q3. What benefits can you gain as you engage yourself in doing zumba and hip-
hop movements?
Q4. How will you encourage your family to join you to dance a hip-hop dance in
your home?
Q5. In this amidst of pandemic, can you perform easily the Zumba dance and
hip-hop dance in your home? Yes/No Why?
G. Finding practical At-Home Hit Workout
application of Directions: Create a Dance Workout Week Plan for 4 weeks. An example is given in
concepts and skills in
daily living.
Week 1. You will take a video or a picture as a proof that you will do the
performance tasks weekly. Base your performance with the criteria given below.
Day 1 Day Day 3 Da Day 5 Day 6 Da
2 y4 y7
Week 1 Quick Res 20 Minute Res 23 25 Minute Res
Start t Dance t Minute Dance t
Warm Exercise Dance Exercise
up2min. Warm Exercis Warm
Simple Up3min. e up2min.
Dance Dance Warm Dance
Exercise Exercise15 up3min Exercise
10min. min. Cool . Dance 20min.
Cool down3min. Exercis Cool
down2min e down3min.

Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
H. Evaluating Multiple Choice
EVALUATION (This section will provide for
concept check test items and answer key Instructions: Select the best answer to the following statement about Zumba
which are aligned to the learning dance and hip-hop dance. Read the statement carefully and write your answer
objectives - content and
performance standards and address on a sheet of a paper. (10 points)
misconceptions – if any)
1.Zumba has a lot of high-impact moves that can wreak havoc as your hormones
loosen up your joints. What should you do if you have any injuries during Zumba
workout and your joints will be affected?
A. Don’t cross-training exercises to build strength and endurance in all
parts of your body.
B. Always wear proper shoes and attire.
C. Always warm-up before training or performances.
D. Apply an appropriate first aid or treatment and go to the nearest clinic.

2. Zumba dance will give you the following benefits and the others are benefits
of hip-hop dance, which one is an appropriate benefit for Zumba dance?
A. Better balance.
B. Increased coordination.
C. Development of muscle.
D. Great for weight loss
3.What is the best descriptions to differentiate the zumba dance and hip-hop

A. Zumba is about burning calories and toning your whole body as you

dance to the beat while Hip Hop abs also involves dancing, but the
exercises are focused on the core.
B. Zumba dance improves your coordination and hip-hop dance burns a
C. Hip-hop is a cultural movement best known for its impact on music in
the form of the musical genre of the same name while zumba its origins
in Bronx and New York City, during the 1970’s.
D. Hip-hop enables one to execute a range of movements from high and
low intensity intervals to advanced dance steps can improve
cardiovascular fitness and zumba dance incorporates a number of
several iconic elements.

4. What is the importance of eating a balanced diet to lifelong fitness?

A. It elevates the risk of chronic diseases.
B. It helps you maintain a healthy weight and body energy.
C. It promotes sleepless nights and anxiety.
D. It develops diseases.

5. The following are ways to decrease the risk of injuries while dancing, except
one, which one is it?

A. To decrease the risk of injuries you will wearing a doll shoe.

B. To decrease the risk of injuries you will practice of the skills.

C. To decrease the risk of injuries you will find in a spacious area.

D. To decrease the risk of injuries you will follow the proper execution.
I. Additional activities for Directions: Have a dance exercise with an upbeat music following the basic steps

application or and add some improvisations. Encourage your family members and friends to join
EXTEND (These sections give situation that you. You may record your performance in a digital camera, tablet, or smartphone.
explains the topic in a new context, Your performance will be base with the criteria given below.

or integrate it to another discipline /

societal concern)

VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to
be done to help the
students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant
A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who requireadditional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No.
of learner who aught up with the lesson
D. No. of learner who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized material
did I use/discover.

Prepared by:

Teacher I/MAPEH


Head Teacher I/ MAPEH


Secondary School Principal III

Rubric for assessing your LEARNING TASKS!

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

The student The student The student The student does

does not completes a small completes most the work as
complete the amount of the of the expected expected.
work. expected work. work. 10 pts
0 pts 3 pts 7 pts

Workout Calendar
4-week plan

The student uses all The student The student uses The student uses The student uses
4 weeks of the does not use any one week of the 2-3 weeks of the all 4 weeks of the
designated weeks of the designated 4- designated 4- designated 4-
calendar in the designated 4- week long week long week long
workout plan. week long calendar. calendar. calendar
Components of
The student
The student only The student only
The student incorporates 3-4
The student incorporates 1 of incorporates 2-3
does not of the health-
incorporates all of the health- of the health-
designate any Related
the health-Related Related Related
components of Components of
Components of Components of Components of
fitness. Fitness.
Fitness into the Fitness. Fitness.
workout plan.

Diversity The student The student
The student
The student includes 5-6 includes 7 or
includes 3-4
The student includes two or different activities more different
different activities
designs a workout less different in the workout activities in the
in the workout
that incorporates activities in the plan. workout plan.
many different workout plan
activities to prevent

Criteria Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2 Need Improvement

Timing The learner has a The learner has a The learner has a The learner has no
rhythm or tempo in rhythm or tempo in rhythm and no rhythm or music.
his dance sequence his dance sequence music.
that matches the but it doesn’t match
music. the music.
The Body The learner uses a The learner uses The learner uses a The learner does
majority of whole- some whole-body few whole-body not show any
body actions. actions. actions. wholebody actions.
Choreography The learner shows The learner shows The learner shows The learner did not
appropriate steps most of the some of the show any of the
of the dance form. appropriate steps appropriate steps appropriate steps
of the dance forms. of the dance form of the dance form.
Theme The learner used all The learner The learner shows The learner moves
space provided, intersects the space some of the only within narrow
vertically a well as of others around appropriate steps restricted personal
horizontally. him/her on of the dance form space.
horizontal plane.
Rubric for assessing your performance!

Your performance will be rated according to the following criteria: content

knowledge, work quality/effort, and creativity.

Criteria Working on it Fair Good Exceeds

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Work is done with Does not have all of Poster includes All The poster includes
little effort; quality is the relevant relevant information. All information relevant to the topic.
Content not what the learner information of the Message is clear The poster is creative, clear and
Knowledge is capable of. It is poster. There is not Clear explanation of concise. The student added
evident that the work enough information why the healthier information above what
was rushed and little presented. Information option with relevant was taught in class or required
time was spent on the is presented in an and accurate for assignment.
final product. Work is unorganized fashion information
incomplete. and may be hard to

Not very appealing. The work was done The work done The work done exceeds
Limited use of with good effort that exceeds all all expectations and shows
Work creative materials. shows what the expectations and that the learner is proud of
quality/effort Not a lot of learner is capable of. It shows that the his/her work. The effort
color/shapes/design. is evident that time learner is proud of that was put not this
Most of the was put into this his/her work. task is the best it can be by the
drawings/writing is poster and The effort that was learner.
the student's own. presentation. put into this
task is the best
it canes by the

Lacks original artwork. Not very appealing. Contains students Eye catching. Great use of
Not students own Limited use of creative own writing and colors, texture, shapes,
drawing/writing. Not materials. Not a lot of drawing. and spacing on poster. Artwork is
Creativity good use of space on color/shapes/design. Lots of colors, shapes, the students o win & is neat. Writing
poster. Messy. Lacks Most of the and appealing design. is easy to read. Shows the
color, texture. drawings/writing is the Shows the student student can express ideas through
student's own. spent time creating art.
an artistic piece.
Both mimic the feel of a dance club while also burning calories and toning muscles. ... Zumba is about
burning calories and toning your whole body as you dance to the beat. Hip Hop abs also involves dancing, but
the exercises are focused on the core.
How is hip-hop different from other dance styles?

What distinguishes hip-hop from other forms of dance is that it is often "freestyle" (improvisational) in nature
and hip-hop dance crews often engage in freestyle dance competitions—colloquially referred to as "battles".

How does hip-hop dance give impact to your body?

Hip-hop dance is a full body work out. It has both aerobic and anaerobic health benefits. ... Raising
your heart rate protects your cardiovascular health. Hip-hop dance moves can also strengthen the
muscles in your arms, legs, and core which also improves bone and joint health.

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