Physical Education History

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Physical Education History

1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100

Historical Events/People 1800's

Johann Bernard Basedow

Denmark's Bill of 1814

Hartford seminary for girls with American Style Calisthenics is founded

James Naismith invents Basketball

In Athens, Greece the first Modern Olympics is held

Historical Events/People 1900's

Playground Association of America

Internation Federation of Sports Medicine

PEP (Physical Education for Progress Act) bill is approved by congress

Olympic and Amateur Sports Act

Historical Events/People 2000's

Healthy People 2010

Historical Events/People 1800's

Johann Bernard Basedow 1. He was the first to understand physical education's importance which led to
1774 other people involving physical education in their teachings, such as Friedrich
2. He created a uniform so his students could have unrestricted movement.
3. He included gymnastics as part of his daily curriculum which led to more people
educating through active movement.
4. He held a two month summer camp for his students.

Denmark's Bill of 1814 1. This created mandatory physical education for the first time.
2. This led to more legislation about physical education such as in 1866 when
California was the first state to pass laws on physical education. 3.This led to the
Normal Institute of Physical Education being founded in Boston in 1861 because
it showed that physical education needed to be taken seriously and was an
important area of study. 4.This showed the first time people were starting to
realize that physical education was important and needed to be included in

Hartford seminary for girls with American Style Calisthenics is founded 1. This was the first place created specifically for physical education.
2. This introduced the idea of a school with physical education to other places
such as the Round Hill School which opened in 1823.
3. The opening of the schools led to physical education teachers being employed,
and Charles Beck became the first educator of physical education in 1825.
4. This is also introducing a place where only girls can participate in physical
activity instead of most places which were for boys.

James Naismith invents Basketball 1. This showed that physical education was being looked at in a creative way.
2. This allowed for more recreational sports to be introduced.
3. This showed people that physical education could be fun.
4. This introduced teamwork and communication into physical education, instead
of doing individual exercise.

In Athens, Greece the first Modern Olympics is held 1. This led to more competition in individual and team sports because most
1896 athletes want to win gold at the olympics.
2. This created a more worldwide connection through physical education.
3. This led to more people getting involved in sports, even if they are unable to
play them.
4. This provided entertainment through physical activities.

Historical Events/People 1900's

Playground Association of America 1. The playground association was started to provide activities outdoors to kids in
1906 urban areas.
2. The number of playgrounds in America increased by 590%. 3.This promoted
active play and recreation within communities.
3. This later combined with other organizations to become the National Recreation
and Park Association.

Internation Federation of Sports Medicine 1. This was started to assist athletes in training and medical care.
2. This promoted the ideas of the importance of sports medicine and athletic
medical care.
3. This organization provides research into the latest medical advancements for
4. This spread sports medicine practice to other countries.

PEP (Physical Education for Progress Act) bill is approved by congress 1. This was set up to improve physical education classes.
2. This provided funds and equipment for students participating in physical
education classes.
3. This enhanced physical education standards in order to meet the nations goals.
4. The program authorized federal government to share the costs of initiating
physical education.

Olympic and Amateur Sports Act 1. This act followed the Amateur Sports Act of 1978.
2. The act established the United States Olympic Committee.
3. The act gave power to the USOC to help protect athlete's rights.
4. This act established requirements for National Governing Bodies to join the

Historical Events/People 2000's

Healthy People 2010 1. This helps individuals make informed decisions about their health.
2. This encouraged communities to collaborate about informing Americans about
healthy choices.
3. This was set up to measure how prevention activities impacted Americans.
4. This increased the public's awareness about disease, health, and disability.
5. This helped to provide research into what a healthy life is.

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