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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Lesson Plan in English 10

Quarter 4 (COT2)
Date observed: ________

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of the
different technical terms used in research.
B. Performance Standards The learners properly explain the meaning of the
technical terms used in research.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Distinguish technical terms used in research

At the end of the discussion, learners are expected

 Distinguish technical terms used in research.
 Use technical terms for future research works.
 Appreciate the importance of being familiar
with technical terms used in research.
II.Content Technical Terms used in Research
III.Learning Resources
A. References Curriculum Guide p. 159
Retrieved from
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages Page 419
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR)
B. Teaching tools/Materials Hand outs, Power Point Slides, Structure of a library,
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activity Learner’s activity
A. Preliminary Activities  Prayer
 Preliminary activities

"The greatest weapon that we can always bring

wherever we go is not a gun or a bomb but it is
our brain."

Good day grade 10 learners,today we will

sharpen our weapon which is our brain so we can
fight against ignorance particularly in the field of
B. Motivation Let us kick start this day with a game called 4 pics
1 word. Each items display 4 pictures linked by 1
word .Your goal is to work out what the word is
by the set of jumbled letters below each picture.











These are only few among the words that you will
encounter in doing your research.
D. Discussing new concepts Ask this question to the learners:
and practicing new skills
What will u do if u have a problem? Of course if there is a problem ,
you will look for a solution to
solve the problem.
Very good. Problem is the first thing why we
conduct research.

What is a research then? The learners will give various


Research is an important part of our lives, it

enables us to go an adventure, discover and to
invent , think about it, without research there will
be no knowledge to make our lives more
meaningful, no technology to make our existence.
In fact we do research consciously and
unconsciously everyday

Have you done a research paper?

If yes, then you can truly relate with our topic
today, if not yet then with assurance you can
learn the basic of research in today’s lesson.
E. Discussion (Use the structure of a library to discuss the first
batch of technical terms used in research which
will also determine the basic elements or parts of
a research paper.)

 The word research is made up of 2 words,

again and to find. In other words, Research is
a repeated process of finding the truth and
of validating the existing truth.

Another definition of research is


1. Title of the study - summarizes the main idea or

ideas of your study.
2. Abstract- summarizes all sections and helps
readers decide whether or not to read the entire
In research journals it is usually located at the
beginning of an article.
3.  Introduction- presents background
information, scope, and focus of the research
4. Methodology - techniques or procedures that
are used to identify and analyze information
regarding a specific research topic.
5. Results/Data - factual information [as
measurements or statistics] used as a basis for
6. Conclusion - provides the summary of the
7. Discussion - evaluates the results of the study
or research
8. References

9. Literature review -provides a review of what

others have written or researched on concerning
the topic.
discussion, or calculation.

In continuation, use a box which looks like a

dictionary which contains more technical terms
used in research, this time have each student to
pick a term from the box, and let them use the
pocket dictionary given by the teacher to define
each term and explain it in front. )

10. Theory - a general explanation about a

specific behavior or set of events that is based on
known principles and serves to organize related
events in a meaningful way.
11. Literature review -provides a review of what
others have written or researched on concerning
the topic
12.  Conceptual Framework
- offers a logical structure of connected
concepts that help provide a picture or visual
display of how ideas
in a study relate to one another within the
theoretical framework (Grant & Osanloo, 2014).
13. Research Design- the game plan or method
for finding out what
you want to know. 10.Methodology -systematic
approaches to the conduct of an operation or
process. It includes steps of procedure,
application of techniques, systems of reasoning or
analysis, and the modes of
inquiry employed by a discipline.
14. Plagiarism- Plagiarism is the appropriation of
another person’s
ideas, processes, results, or words without giving
appropriate credit.
16.Variable -refers to a person, place ,thing or
phenomenon that you are trying to measure in
some way.

2 types of variables
Independent variable - the one that affects the
dependent variable.
Dependent variable - accepts the change cause by
the independent variable.
(This part is also an integration of mathematics)

For example:
You want to conduct a research about how 8 hrs.
Of sleep optimizes the alertness of the mind.

So the optimization of the alertness of the mind

depends on the 8 hrs. Of sleep, and it cannot
possibly change the 8 hrs. Of sleep.

F. Activity 1: Write true if the statement tells a factual

information otherwise false if it is not.
1.Research is a systematic body of investigation TRUE
to contribute a body of knowledge
2.Abstract is a clear, concise summary that TRUE
communicates the essential information about
the study
3. Introduction presents background TRUE
information ,scope and focus of the research
paper. FALSE
4. Discussion provides the summary of results of
the research TRUE
5. Theory is a general explanation about a specific
behavior or set of events that is based on known
principles and serves to organize related events in
a meaningful way.

G. Activity 2: So, here is a simple research for you to work on.

Arrange the contents following
the format or the research. Write this in your
answer sheet.
The Importance of Research for ICT Teachers
February 8, 2011
How important is research for teachers in
general, and ICT teachers in
particular? One might be tempted to say that
people learn in the same way now as
they did thousands of years ago, so research,
apart from keeping abreast of the latest
developments in technology, is pretty redundant.
I think there are problems with
that attitude.
First, we don’t know what we don’t know.
Research can shed light on issues
we didn’t even know existed, and can raise
questions we hadn’t realized even needed
asking. Second, I’m not convinced that people do
learn in the same way as they did
thousands of years ago. Technology has meant
that we can make mistakes that
would have been fatal in the past, through the
use of simulations and modelling.
Social media has meant that we can canvass, or
be exposed to, views from a much
wider range of people than would have been
possible hitherto. This happens almost
by accident. For example, I recently wrote an
article about how school districts in the
USA are spending their money on computer
hardware. This led to comments by John
McLear, Michael Pickett and someone called
Hamish. All their views are interesting,
especially as two of them (John and Michael)
seem to feel the same way as I do about
tablets vs netbooks (article on that subject is
already in the works).
Moreover, Michael has provided a couple of links
to articles on his website
which I am looking forward to reading, and
provided a further reference on Twitter
this morning. Perhaps in a sense the actual
mechanisms by which stuff enters our
brains, stays there and then becomes useful in a
practical way really hasn’t changed
for millennia – which may or may not be true, but
in a sense that is irrelevant.
I’d also say that, if you discovered that your
doctor hasn’t read a medical
journal article since he or she qualified, you might
consider changing your doctor!
Hopefully, research is not a life or death issue in
education, but I do believe that
what makes a professional a professional is
keeping up-to-date with the issues and
thinking that are pertinent to that subject. That’s
why it’s quite right that the powers
that-be believe teachers should continue to do
research, although I agree with
Christina Preston (see below) that such research
doesn’t have to be at Masters level.
What is research? On the one hand you have the
highly academic stuff that
universities and other institutions engage in. On
the other hand, you have Freda
Bloggs keeping a note of what happens in her
classroom when she introduces a new
application into her teaching. And somewhere in
the middle are people like myself,
who carry out research via online surveys or on
Twitter. The methodology may not
be scientific in the true sense of the term, but I
like to think that at the very least it
can act as a catalyst for discussion and flag up
issues for further exploration.

H. Generalization: What is the importance of knowing the technical

terms used in research?
V. Evaluation Read each statement carefully and choose the
best answer that fits the given
description. If you are able to answer all the pre-
assessment items correctly, then
you may skip studying the content of this learning
1. The basic purpose of a research paper is to .
A. explain
D. narrate
B. describe
E. illustrate
C. inform
F. persuade
2. The first step in writing a research paper is to .
A. narrow your subject to refine your topic
D. find sources
B. choose a subject
E. take notes
C. develop a research question F. write a thesis
3. A good research topic is one that is .
A. general or vague
D. limited or focused
B. easy, uncomplicated
E. only c and d
C. of interest to the researcher
F. only a and b
4. The most common way to conclude a research
paper is to .
A. restate the main idea
B. restate the principal arguments supporting the
main idea
C. supply necessary background information
D. all of the above
E. only a and b
F. only b and c
5. A Works Cited list includes .
A. all the sources you read for the paper
B. all the sources you know of about your topic
C. all the sources you used for the paper
D. both print and non-print sources
E. both c and d
F. all of the above
6. What purposes are accomplished by the
introduction to a research paper?
A. It provides background information and key
B. It grabs the reader's attention.
C. It presents the main idea, or thesis statement.
D. all of the above
7. This research term provides a tentative
explanation or answer for a phenomenon
under investigation.
A. reliability
B. hypothesis
C. sampling
D. validity
8. It is the systematic process of collecting and
analyzing information in order to
increase our understanding of the information of
the phenomenon which are of
concern or interest.
A. research
B. variables
C. theory
D. concept
9. It is a term used in research that abstractly
describes and names an object, a
phenomenon, or an idea.
A. research
B. variables
C. Theory
D. concept
10. It is an organized body of concepts and
principles intended to explain a
particular phenomenon.
A. research
B. variables
C. Theory
D. concept
11. It is a term in research called as any quality of
person, group subject event,
condition or emotion that varies or takes on
different values.
A. variable
B. sampling
C. hypothesis
D. theory
12. This is a part of research that consists of
assumptions, hypothesis, definitions,
or a synthesis of a set of theories serving as the
theoretical backbone of the
A. Statement of the Problem
C. Scope and Limitation of the
B. Theoretical Framework
D. Background of the Study
13. This part of the research paper tells the
purpose and importance of the
A. Gap of the Problem
C. Significance of the Study
B. Introduction
D. Abstract
14. This section of the research focuses only on
results that are related to the
research or problem.
A. Abstract
B. Introduction
C. Methodology
D. Title
15. It uses a style or format to cue authors where
it supports the background of the
study of your research.
A. Literature Cited B. Methodology
C. Abstract
D. Introduction
16. All the tools used in the research should be
seen in this part.
A. References
B. Introduction
C. Title
D. Methodology
17. This kind of research is used to describe
variables and examine relationships
among variables.
A. Qualitative Method
C. Quantitative Method
B. Experimental Design
D. Grounded theory
18. This design of a qualitative method focuses on
the experiment/s that are a part
of the variables.
A. Phenomenology B. Experimental
C. Correlation
D. Descriptive
19. This method of research refers to the
meaning, concepts, definitions,
characteristics, metaphors, symbols and
descriptions of things.
A. Qualitative Method
C. Concepts
B. Theory
D. Quantitative Method
20. It is a problem that needs to be solved
through research.
A. Scope and Limitation of the Study C. Gap of the
B. Background of the Study
D. Problem of the Study

1. Based on the gathered data, I therefore say

that using cellphone is one of the factors affecting
the students academic performance.
This statement is a/an
a. Abstract
b. Conclusion
c. Reference
d. Theory
2. Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature,
Learner’s Material Pages 345-378.
This is a ________
a. Methodology
b. Plagiarism
c. Conceptual framework
d. Reference
3. Alex thought that inhaling the steam coming
from the boiled ginger can help kill flu virus.
Alex is making a ______
a. Conclusion
b. Data
c. Hypothesis
d. Methodology
4. The researchers will now give the judgement or
decision based on the findings of their study.
They are going to make a ______
a. Abstract
b. Conclusion
c. Research Design
d. Theory
5. Why do we conduct research?
a. because it is part of being a student.
b. Because it is a requirement for graduation.
c. Because there is a problem that needs a
d. Because there must be somebody who can
prove that something is right.
VI. Assignment Prepare the following for your future research.
1. Identify a problem in school or community that
needs to be addressed.
2. Formulate a hypothesis.
No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
No. of learners who required
additional activities for
Did the remedial lesson
No. of learners who continue
to require remediation.
Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why
did this work?
What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me

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