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This chapter presents and discusses the method used,

research instrument which the researchers utilized and its

research locale, validation, gathering data procedure,

research sampling design and the treatment of data which were

considered vital matters that provided a scholarly, systematic

and informative research.

Research Method

This study made use of the descriptive survey method.

This method is considered appropriate because it is a fact-

finding with adequate interpretation. This is a method that is

something more and beyond data-gathering were this data are

subject to the thinking process in terms of reasoning.

Sevilla (1992:94) expounded that descriptive research

involves the collection of data in order to answer questions

concerning the current status of the subject of the study. The

research method determines the qualities, the attitudes and

opinion of a group of persons that provide information needed

for the research.

Research Instrument

The instrument used in the gathering of data from the

respondents was the standardized questionnaire-checklist which

is a self-made instrument.

Prior to the formulation of the questionnaire-checklist,

the researchers have to read several books, and published

thesis and journal references that help in providing concrete

and tangible ideas of the study and in the permutation of the

items based from variables.

The questionnaire-checklist deals about the impact of

tardiness of Grade-9 students in Boniao National High School

which were answered by the students themselves.

Gathering Data Procedure

In gathering data, the researchers secured permission to

the school head of Boniao National High School for approval to

allow them to administer the questionnaire-checklist to the

Grade-9 students who are considered the respondents of the

study. As soon as the approval who secured, the researchers

asked the assistants of the teachers and the students of the

school to facilitate the distribution and retrieval in

accomplishing the research work.

Retrieval of the questionnaire-checklist immediately

followed in order to minimized wasting of time. After getting

accomplished questionnaire-checklist, the researches properly

looked into the responses of every item to see to it that they

were properly answered. Finally, the data gathered were being

tallied as basis from sophisticated statistical treatment.

Sampling Design

The study made used of the purposive sampling by

involving all the Grade-9 students as the subject-respondents

who cross-checked by their all subject teachers the responses

of the students. Purposive sampling is a strategy of non-

random sampling where all the participants of the

investigation are not deprived their chances to answer the


According to Sevilla (1992:190) purposive sampling is a

strategy of non-random sampling were all the participants or

respondents of the investigation must have equal chances to

answer the questions.

As posted in the website random sample, a simple

random sample is a subset of individual (a sample) chosen from

a larger set (a population). Each individual is chosen

randomly and entirely by chance, such that each individual has

the same probability being chosen at any stage during the

sampling process, and each subset of individuals has the same

probability of being chosen for the sample as any other subset

of individuals. Simple random sampling merely allows one to

draw externally valid conclusions about the entire population

based on the sample. Its simplicity also makes relatively easy

to interpret data collected in this manner. For this reasons,

simple random sampling, best suits situations were not much

information is available about the population and data

collection can be efficiently conducted on randomly

distributed items, or were the cost of sampling is small

enough to make efficiency less important than simplicity.

Statistical Treatment

The statistical measurements used in this investigation

were the weighted mean along with the ranking, t-test, and z-

test by the product moment method to provide accurate result

for the computation on the responses of Grade-9 students of

Boniao National High School along the respective variables.

1. Weighted mean. This was obtained by getting the

summation of the product of the frequency and the

assigned weight divided by the total number of

respondents. The formula according to Ruiz (1998:17)


∑ FW


X = Weighted Mean
F= Frequency

W= Assigned weight

N= Number of respondents

∑= Summation of sign

To determine the adjectival equivalent on the responses

of Grade10 students of Boniao National High School, the six-

point scale was used as basis for the interpretation.

Numerical Scale Adjectival Equivalent

6-(5.17-6.00) - Always Manifested (AM)
5-(4.34-5.16) - Almost Always Manifested (AAM)
4-(3.51-4.33) - Often Manifested (OM)
3-(2.68-3.50) - Sometimes Manifested (SM)
2-(1.84-2.67) - Seldom Manifested (RM)
1-(1.00-1.83) - Never Manifested (NM)

Ranking of the different responses of the

respondents was also indicated to determine the position of

the responses for every item.

2. To test the significant differences between the

responses of the students along with the five variables

on tardiness among Grade-9 students in Boniao National

High School, t-test used based for the formula of Frued

X 1−X 2

√ √
( N ¿¿ 2−1)SD 1 1
( N 1−1 ) (SD 1) + N + N −2 2
+ ¿
N1 N2
1 2


T=computed value

X1= average mean of students

X2= average mean of teachers

SD1= standard deviation for students

SD2= standard deviation for teachers

N= number of cases

Research Locale

The study was conducted in Boniao National High School,

Boniao, Mahayag, Zamboanga del sur. The rationale behind

choosing the school is due to the history of the rampant

behavioural problems encountered by the Grade-9 students of

the said institution.

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