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No Department Gap / Audit Points

1 IE Room There is no demarkation

Any workaids in the floor out of demarkation

Give name for each place workaids

2 Lab Untidy Wash Test Carton

Unorganize file
Unregister sharp tool

A lot of fabric after testing

3 Inspection Area Untidy bin (fabric after cut for lamination plan)

dirty floor and dust

4 RVC Room Full capacity of room

5 RM (Fabric area) No dust in Fabric cover

(Carton Area) Carton storing based according

to material

(Office Area) No unnecessary

files/workpapers/private objects on the table

(Office Area) No unnecessary

files/workpapers/personal items in the drawer

(Office Area) Stationery is placed in a

predetermined place

(Office Area) No unnecessary

files/paperwork/personal items in the closet
(General) Sharp tool register updated

(General) No unregistered sharp tool

(Safety) Fire register available and updated

(Safety) Safety audit sheet is available and
(Safety) Work safety equipment (helmets and
masks) are used by all teams
6 FG

No dust on the carton and floor

The road is not closed

No sticker paper on the floor

No dust on computer, CPU and UPS

Unnecessary file,workpaper/private objects on

the table


The trash, pieces of cup, and the rest of

barcode sticker are not on the floor
There are no unnecessary item behind the
molding machine

Machine and equipment are clean in sewing


Polybag/cardboard/paper are in suitable area

Dust/Glue mark etc are not on surface of

Nothing is placed on demarcation line along
the module

Trash cans must be in accordance with

standard and in appropriate places

Work safety equipment are used by all team

7 Technical Room No dust on the shelf

No dust on the cupborard
No unnecesarry files/paperwork

The display board/white board is in clean

Fire register available and updated
8 CCP Office Computer cables are not arranged neatly 

Bag placement not centralized​

Unregister Sharp Tools
Fire Register Not Update

Things that are not needed are on the table ​

9 CCP Printing Racks are inside the demacrated lines

Cartons are put in the racks, not floor area

All daily machine is filled​

All operator wear ID

10 CCP Finishing Inut panel and material must be tidy

carton packing not put on area
trimmer has to be tied
tools register not updated
10 CCP Finishing

fire register not updated

safety audit sheet not updated
11 Workshop No spilled liquid and oil
File and document are updated and placed
in the spesifited location

No trash on the floor

sharp tool register updated

No Unnecesary files/paperwork/personal
item in the closet
12 Lamination
(Machinary) Machine is clean
(Foam Dotcoated Shelf) Dotcoated excess
roll are aranged with a standard height
(max 3,5m)
(Foam Dotcoated Shelf) There is no
glue/tape attached to the shelf
(Office Area) No unnecessary
document/wokspaper/personal item on the
(Office Area) No unnecessary
document/wokspaper/personal item on the
All team member know what, content, and
purpose of STW
Team member following the given STW
No unimportant doc/workpapers/personal
item are stored

13 PMD
14 Cutting
15 Cookie Cutting
16 Finance
17 Operation Office
18 Board Room
19 Obeya
20 HR Office
21 Supermarket Area
22 Engineering Store
23 CAD Room
Action Plan PIC
Already give demarked
Already put in demarkation

Still under process, can be done by this week

1. Make demarcation for temporary location

2. Need place to keep sample washtest after 1

Make box file sticker
make sticker for new sharp tool and update in form

Coordinate with Carefast ( routine schedule for

picking up the trash after testing)

Communicate with RM team for routine schedule to

move the fabric

Coordinate with Carefast ( routine schedule for

picking up the trash after testing), communicate with
PMD team to installing air duster gun
Coordinate with Feeder for routine schedule to pick
RVC box and destroy daily. Need involve from
Quality team to separate good box and destroy box

- Recover import fabric with new polybag

- Once received packing material, need to be store

on time

- Give awarness to team member to not put

unnecessary/personal item in work office area
- Once done GRN/ Issuing need to ontime filling"
- Give awarness to team member and TL to ontime
update tool regrister
- Check by departement head on weekly

Clean the carton especially carton with old aging,

clean the area daily
Maintain pathway is clear from carton and store
neatly on the bin

Remove sticker on the floor and ensure the sticker

not paste on the floor
Clean the computer every morning in the start shift
and evening end shift

Put files on the boxfile and ensure the table is clean

before go home

1. Aware team member to clear their area every

cleaning times
2. TL & GL must monitoring 6S on their area
1 Communicate with other departement to make
sure this issue didn’t happen again

1. Aware team member to Don’t paste tape and

other on sewing area

1. Feeder must hand over to member according to

2. Member must placed to suitable area

1. If member find this issue, Member inform to TL/GL

2. TL/GL communicate with other dept to fix this
1 Brief member to place on demarcation ine

1. Member must know and follow STW

1. Talk to member that safety equipment are

important to their own.

ask carefast team for clean the dust Team leader

ask carefast team for clean the dust Team leader
already tidy up Team leader

will throw the unused board Team leader

already updated Team leader
For people that have desktop in their table Champion and desktop users​
should tied the cable like picture next. This week
will maintain all desktop cables are tied.

Will use cupboard to centralized all bag​ .

Will update sharp tools register if any new

sharp tools. This is need attention from all
people in CCP Office to inform if they have
new sharp tool​
Responsible Champion to Update Fire Register​

Daily remain to all people in the CCP Office to keep

their table clean from the things that no needed​
1. Aware feeder to always maintain the rack place​
2. Arrange 1 PIC to check supermarket area daily
1. Aware feeder to put the cartons on the racks
2. Arrange 1 PIC to check supermarket area daily

1. Aware TM to fill the machine daily before the

machine running​
2. Random audit by GL

1. Aware TM to aware TM to wear ID card

2. Do checking by TL every morning on the briefing

already tidy up material input and panel

will put in cartoon packing in area
will buy the ring to tied up trimmer
will updated tools register
will updated fire register
will updated safety audit sheet
put the separate place for oil
updated document and put the sticker for
spesification location
Awarrnes to mechanic after work should be
clean work area
updated the sharp tools

Put the separate paperwork and personal item

Cecklist the activity list when cleaning machine Team Leader

Aware the curing member to following the
Curing member
Release the tape and glue from shelf
Lamination team
Aware the team member and discard the
unnescessary document
Team leader
Aware the team member and discard the
unnescessary document
Team leader
Training the team member
Aware the team member Team leader
Aware the team member and discard the
unimportant document
Team leader
Time Photo
On process



On process - 9
On process - 9
once a week
once a week
once a week

once a week
once a week

on progres

on progres








Photo After - Per March 09, 2022
Founding - Per March 11, 2022


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