Daily Routine CAP

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Daily Routine

Exercise 1: Use the QR code or the link to discover the new vocabulary.

Worksheet Answers

Pour pratiquer le
present simple travailler avec le
Padlet « Grammar SEPR » Sujet «
Present Simple ». Regardez le
tutoriel en français ou en anglais,
faites les exercices - choisissez-en
autant que vous voulez, jusqu'à ce
que vous vous sentiez à l'aise.
Exercise 2: Watch the video and take the quiz.

Video Quiz

My daily routine. ENGLISH FOR BEGINNERS A1-A2.

How I spend my day

1. What time does her alarm clock go off ( = ring) in the morning?

2. What kind of exercise does she do in the morning?

3. Does she take a long shower

4. What does she usually have for breakfast?

5. What time does she take her bus to the centre?

6. What time does she start working?

7. What time does she finish working?

8. Where does she usually go for her lunch?

9. What does she usually order for lunch?

10. How does she usually go to university?

11. What is she studying at the university?

12. What time do her classes start and finish?

13. Where does she usually go after school?

14. What does she like doing before going to bed?

15. What time does she fall asleep?

Short Animation -ALARM-

Video quiz questions (printable)

1) What's the time of day?
a. It's in the evening.
b. It's in the morning.
c. It's at night.
2) What time is it?
Fill the gap: It's ________________________ o'clock.
3) What's the time on the clock?
a. 7 o'clock
b. 5 o'clock
c. quarter past 7
4) What time is it now? (Put in order)
Put the words in order: seven. past It's five
5) What does he do first in the morning?
a. He get up.
b. He gets up.
c. She gets up.
d. She get up.
6) What does he do in the morning?
Answer the question using your own words
7) What time is it now?
Fill the gap: It's ten ________________________ seven.
8) What is it?
a. It's a bottle of milk.
b. It's a bottle of orange juice.
c. It's 8 o'clock.
d. It's a bottle of tomato.
9) What does he do next in the morning?
Answer the question using your own words
10) Which room is this?
a. It's the bathroom.
b. It's the bedroom.
c. It's the kitchen.
d. It's the living room.
11) What does he have for breakfast?
Put the words in order: toast has breakfast. milk and for He
12) How does he feel?
a. He's angry.
b. He's tired.
c. He's hungry.
d. He's excited.
13) Order the sentence.
Put the words in order: watches TV everyday. He
14) What does he do next?
Fill the gap: He ________________________ dressed.
15) Does he have a shower in the morning?
a. Yes, he does.
b. No, he doesn't.
c. Yes, she does.
d. No, she doesn't.
16) Which floor is it?
a. ninth
b. tenth
c. eighth
d. sixth
17) Did you like the film?
Answer the question using your own words

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