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Secretaria de Docencia
Dirección de Aprendizaje de Lenguas
Red Institucional de Centros de Auto Acceso
Centro de Auto Acceso de Área Medicina – Química

Full Name: ________ALEJANDRA ITZEL VASQUEZ AGUIRRE___________________________________

Student ID Number: __2120473______ Level: ___6_____ Group: ____2_________Date: __28/08/2022__

Cross the ability, you chose to work on:

Writing Reading Listening Grammar

Web page used:

(From the ones given in the list)
Activity: __________A talk about motivation__________________________________________
(Write the name of the activity you chose, for example: Celebrations, Amazing facts, News, Important people, etc.)
Write your answers in the space below and 3 words you do not know to increase your vocabulary with their definition and a
sentence using the word.

 having many related parts; difficult to understand or solve- COMPLEX
 to make someone want to do something- TO MOTIVATE
 the act of giving someone a job which is higher status than their current job- A PROMOTION
 something that encourages a person to do something- AN INCENTIVE
 someone who studies how people behave in social situations- A SOCIAL PSYSICHOLOGIST
 done by a machine or computer- AUTOMATED
We try to motivate workers in the same way that we try to motivate our children- TRUE
In the Glucksberg experiment, the people who were offered a reward finished faster than people who were not offered one-
The people who were offered smaller rewards in Ariely’s experiment performed better than those offered bigger rewards-
In Ariely’s experiment, people were more creative when they were concentrating on achieving a goal- FALSE
In the future, jobs will require workers to be more creative- TRUE
People always work better when they start the day later and work into the night- FALSE
Glucksberg’s experiment shows that people solve a problem faster when- B. THEY ARE NOT GIVEN AN INCENTIVE
Ariely’s experiment shows that people are less creative when- F. THEY ARE OFFERED A BIGGER REWARD
The same results as Glucksberg’s experiment have been found when- A. THE EXPERIMENT IS REPEATED
An incentive works for people when- D. THEY ARE DOING A SIMPLE TASK
Incentives will no longer work for motivating people at work when- E. THEY ARE DOING THE JOBS OF THE FUTURE
The example of the big tech companies shows that people work better when- C. THEY CAN MAKE CHOICES ABOUT THEIR

1. AUTOMATED: consists of using technology to perform tasks with very little human intervention
 Nowadays automated machinery is used
2. CURRENT: It is an adjective that allows to name what happens or exists in the time of which it is spoken.
 Environmental awareness is a current issue
3. EMPLOYEES: Person who works for another or for an institution in exchange for a salary
 My brother is a restaurant employee
Degree in: ___PHYSIOTHERAPY_________________________________________________________
Professor’s name: ________ FERNANDEZ RICO ANGÉLICA_________________________________

Elaborado por: M. en Ed. Jeanette A. Ávila Martínez

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