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By: Marcos Cervantes Janssen


-PROLOGUE………….…..…..……………. 2

-First part………………..……..………….. 3

-Second part………………..…………….. 11

-Third part………………….………..…….22



First edition: April 3, 2022

Updated on July 8, 2022
Copyright ©️ 2022 Marcos Cervantes Janssen
Edited by Editorial LTR©️RED

All rights reserved. Under the sanctions established

in the legal system
without written authorization from the holders of
Copyright © ️ Reproduction
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and computer processing.


This is the initial work for the project called

red letter. In a real illumination, a personal
revival in your spirit.

Without a doubt, as has happened with

thousands of humans, it will change your
life, in all its areas, in a way that you never
imagined, this by the way, permanently.

First of all, let's remember the meaning of

the color red; which, being the typical color
of blood, represents the life of the blood
that it forms. this work you will find the why,
what for, and whose, is this red letter, which
contains, the only information, that when
listening to it and entering inside you,

makes a move in your soul, an awakening
of your conscience.

This color represents royalty, majesty, and

love, this being a warm color, where we find
refuge, security, and peace. It is also the
red color of fire and symbol of active
movement, which is constructive, precious
and powerful.

Everything that JESUS ​pronounces is

direct and is the voice of GOD on earth, his
words as much as his presence is in
everything and for everyone, accept to be
permanently guided by these his profound
words, make your love a REAL stay, being
your himself the incredible temple and
worthy priest for HIS dwelling in you, so
JESUS ​the teacher, friend and brother,

takes your hand and integrating tea, by his
spirit to himself and the total and conscious
existence through love, which is the only
enough transfiguration for this your new life
in all its aspects, healthy in the material,
free in the mental or soul and ONE with
GOD in the spiritual, the latter being the
necessary true LOVE.


Red has always been the symbol of war, to

establish peace. It has been the symbol of
the fight against injustice, and of the Union
in the same goal, towards the search for
love. Being the same red, love in all its
expression, passionate and ardent.

Blood on the other hand, is the bearer of
life, and the torrent of all nutrients. In each
of the living beings with a soul, blood has
been a symbol of family ties, of total
dedication, of sacrifice for a common good,
and of the truth in this life that seeks

On the other hand, the letter is the means

by which the message is printed on the
face of the paper, thus giving testimony of
what the author lived at the time, and being
this letter written not only with ink, and not
only as a witness, but as the living being
imprinted in his own Spirit.

We will touch in this project the subject in

different dimensions, taking into account
philosophy, theology, science, politics and

history. Well, it is a work that does not
pretend to be religious, it is solely and
exclusively to exalt what Jesus himself said
and make an analysis in a practical,
realistic way. Result of a purposeful
investigation, without distorting the true
message that Christ himself left his

This clear and direct information for the

formation of those who will carry His
powerful message, of a new reality on this
planet, by which all history has been

It is therefore the calendar for all nations,

cultures, religions and societies, this
denotes a strong degree of faith, as well as
knowledge and above all a heart that

strives for the truth, a heart that ceases to
be hard, and is ready to be transformed.

Getting to stop being deceitful and

perverse, thus being the new creature with
a heart different from the old one, which
was a rudimentary man who does not want
renewal, transformation and also evolution.

These writings give us the great possibility

of drinking that blood, through a letter,
which instead of being dead and black, is
now red, alive, and burning, with a
message Direct to the heart of the disciple,
which will be converted. into a true
messenger, carrying The power of the
Master for the benefit of humanity.

JESUS ​CHRIST the only and true
MASTER of teachers, being the most
venerable, is HE sublime God of LOVE and
Justice, alive and ready for the
transformation of everything, in HIM, by
HIM, and for HIM.

Analyzing what he leaves directly said is

the least we can do to achieve everything
that our spirit will receive by inheritance

Dear reader, I am going to warn you, that I

will speak in a very different way than the
traditional one, I do not want to hurt your
thoughts, or way of believing, but on the
contrary, I hope you have the maturity to
discern, and not judge in a perverse way
this written information, take calm, when

reading this writing, because it is only the
provocation, so that you read that red letter,
in which you will find the truth.

It is therefore the same truth that Jesus

Christ told his disciples, which carries all
the secrets of the kingdom. In this work we
exalt the mission of God himself,
incarnated on our planet, bringing a forceful
message, certainly hard for men of little
faith. , a renovating and revolutionary
message, which does not destroy the old
forms of faith, but speeds up the
transformation of the heart, to form a true
different society in the spirit of God, which
is LOVE.

Pure love, which leads to a constant
evolution towards the GOOD.

Now in the powerful and unique name of

Jesus, which is the author of this red letter,
I declare that any thought that deviates
from God's purpose has no effect on the
readers of this work dedicated to Jesus

Now, knowing scientifically speaking, that

the voice is sound, and that sounds by their
vibration produce images on the surface of
a membrane, this leads us to the
conclusion that in each sound there is an
image, in the same way each image or
graphite also carries a sound.

In a vibration thus manifested, we confirm
with this such a truth, which indicates that
the verb is created and destroyed
according to the intention of the word.

We remember then that the written word

has two edges, therefore, what is written
spoken by Jesus Christ, is a sword today
so powerful, that it can heal, transform,
build, but also consume, according to the
will of the origin of this word, in reality what
Jesus Christ says with his own mouth,
completely transforms the disciple who
accepts him with true love, and also his life,
interpreting with bad intention is in itself


When a disciple is transformed, his life

takes a new direction, as well as the
community, which make up these disciples,
who now as envoys live differently,
generate a society with the character of
true brotherhood, which gives as result a
society aligned to GOD.

Being the mind of Christ, through these

writings, with the color of his blood, the new
government established in their lives, by
the Spirit of a Living God, in the society
present on our beloved planet.

Within the same scriptures, we find the

phrase that says, “man does not live by
bread alone, but from the word of the Lord,

when Jesus speaks, his spirit manifests the
verb. The verb is the bread of life, the flesh
that is Christ, that we consume, being so
that his blood is the one that enters us
through the reading, what he said.

It is the message that is food and drink in

our being. This black and red letter, which
is in the scriptures, is the sacred bread and
wine, to nourish our spiritual life, as well as
the so-called sacred chalice, where we
drink the blood, which is the wine that came
down from heaven.

It is the Spirit that we receive through the

word, and this word, being the bread that
feeds our whole being, is accompanied by
this precious blood. well then we have the

set of bread and wine, as the black letter
and the red letter.

God has conformed us, in such a way that

he knows us, and knows what we need, the
message of the Gospel, the good news is
Christ himself, it is his very word, it is the
incredible news, that we have him to eat,
and drink him in Spirit , every day, in this
red letter and in the writing in its entirety.

When we consume a food, our body

processes it, digests it and this, in turn,
becomes part of our own body, in this way
we are what we eat.

In the same way with the word of God, and

with what Jesus himself said, with his blood
we can then decrease as imperfect beings,

and grow in the perfection of Christ, being
then Christ himself, the one who lives in us.

This is how our mind is made up of its

thoughts, and being the fruits of our life,
fruits of the Holy Spirit, commanded by that
of blood in this precious red letter.

This is a series of instructions, which come

from above, for one thing, to speak of a
being, what is God himself, and what does
it tell us directly, frontally, what we should
do on this planet, to really be happy, with
the awake consciousness, and responsible
for our walk.

The sacred scriptures tell us that everything

the Lord did in human life would not fit in all
the books on earth, since the scriptures we

have in hand are sufficient as grace for our
conversion, salvation, healing, Liberation.
By then, get into a move and action really
from above.

When this letter is read, it is not only our

reasoning and interpretation, which
provokes a spiritual movement in us, if not
letting it act on our lives. It is in our
thoughts the beginning of change in our
actions, they are transformed by the power
of the lips of Jesus Christ.

Even if this information has been

translated, it cannot be deformed, because
the spirit of Christ, if it is infallible, is not

The factor of faith, in the action of the word
on our lives, determines the action of this
word on the daily and everyday results of
our movement.

If we close the heart, it is like closing the

stomach, understanding, and then this food
will not cause such a formidable change in
us, and that generation of fruits, which a
fertile land produces when it is ready.

This work is the introduction to the project,

in which the purpose is that you awaken
the curiosity to read this red letter; with that
you know the author, and owner of this
voice, which is the same.

This voice, It is Himself, and we will

understand human nature in its three

realities, physical, mental, and spiritual,
being this red letter, a writing for the mind,
which is the door between the physical and
spiritual part of the human being.

It is through understanding, where the

conscience is the human tool to be able to
feed on the spirit of God.

Also, discover the new physical genetics

that the human being now has, after the
shedding of the blood of Christ.

This is something wonderful, that not only

have we awakened in the spirit, that we
have not only been transformed in our
mind, but also the material part of the
human being has been modified in its

genetics, when the blood of this Christ was
shed, What is Emmanuel, our savior Jesus.


he is PEACE, LIGHT, my WAY, my only
REALITY. THE only self created,

In this project, the red letter, What are the

verses, in which what Jesus said, we will
analyze one by one, in an exhaustive way.

It is intended to carry out a work per verse

as far as possible, since each verse has as
its context, the scripture in its entirety.

Being the Old Testament, the prophecies of
who pronounces these words, these words
are many times, the mention of JESUS
​CHRIST in the Old Testament, with a
different name, so the link of all the writing
has a central point, which is Jesus Christ.

When he pronounces these phrases, the

fulfillment of all the pacts takes place, and
likewise the revelation of all truth, does not
simply have to glorify Christ Jesus,
because the spirit of God gives him Glory.

Personally, I, the author, was converted

exclusively by what Jesus contextually
stated in the scriptures, revelations and
indications, as well as rebukes to his

When I read them, they came to me in a
shocking way, Jesus being a true man,
sensitive, strong, and direct, to make me
understand, what was the purpose of
having incarnated, as a human being, all
the divinity of existence stepping on this
planet, teaching me only one path, The
Love of God, which is HIMSELF.

I truly hope dear reader, that when you

read these red letters, coming from the
mouth of God, your heart, being your inner
sun, aligns with the sun of suns, the light of
lights, The king of kings, Lord of lords,
GOD of gods, the only omnipotent,
omniscient, eternal, and infinite, in all HIS
multiformity, in HIM we live, move and exist,
contained within his Power and with a

unique purpose, individual but inclusive in
his PLAN.

So let's start with the opening verse of this

first Gospel, the most practical, the synoptic
of Mark, A faithful, practical, and very well


Verse ONE:

saying: The time is fulfilled, and the

kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and
believe the gospel. Mark 1:15 [RV60]

Being us human beings, part of the

continuity of time, we live in this timeline,

and we recognize history, as a witness to
the truth, the history of this planet is
marked by biblical times, being
documented facts, as real, and studyable
as any other science, thus being By faith
that we also recognize and understand, the
fact that we live in the last times.

When the presence of the Lord manifests

itself with such an approach, like revival, it
is when we verify the approach of the
kingdom of the light of Jesus, on our lives,
congregations, and the whole world.

The history of this planet is about to change

drastically, for this reason the repentance
that Jesus Christ asks of us, is to stop
doing bad things, and added to this, to put
all and absolutely all our trust in him, in his

Incarnation and resurrection, in his
forgiveness and ministration of gifts to all

Being, Himself, the gospel, let us receive

him, eating and drinking his word, and be
fed and transformed, by his Spirit, for a new
reality that is undoubtedly coming to this



The sacred scriptures are considered the
Sword, with which the brave walk in truth,
being the edge of this sword, the LTR©️RED
of the Bible, only the Blood of Christ What
is a spirit spills and cuts off the head of all
evil. A blunt sword only serves as a cane,
and not as a weapon, which it should be.

In our lives, the spiritual struggles, which

Jesus teaches us to overcome, are put first,
with the mental and spiritual being part of
the addition, which therefore will work
correctly, as long as we take care of our
spiritual life with great appreciation.

This way, feeding and drinking of this

Sacred blood, written in the pages of the
Bible, is totally certain, that the spirit of God
will reveal all truth to us.

But let us take into account that what Jesus
said with his own lips was not only
inspiration of the Holy Spirit through him,
but that he himself was God incarnate on
earth, our Messiah, Emmanuel.

For this reason, the LTR©️RED the

exaltation of his direct word from his mouth,
the prophets, evangelists, are not less
important, nor is inspiration outside of God.

Who eats the bread of life, What is the

scripture, and drinks the blood of Jesus that
are his own words LTR©️RED, will have
eternal life from the moment he accepts
him as his Lord, through the faith that is
produced by hearing his word.

When God incarnates and becomes man,
the kingdom draws near, the love that is
God himself walks among us, and his Spirit
Helps us not to practice sin again,reveals to
us a true life in freedom, through these
teachings, which Jesus himself

These truths that can be active in us, if we

recognize it, and by reading this LTR©️RED,
we activate in us that fire to live with
intensity, the good news, What is love
between us, a love that comes from above,
a love What is wanting and doing.

A dynamic and different life from the one

we formerly exercised, a walk where our
concupiscence is no longer our flag.

The times have come and we already live
in the Kingdom, as long as we practice
what is good, and not what is bad, this with
discernment, given this, by his SPIRIT, and
thus accepting the message of Christ: What
it is to live in brotherly love.

When reference is made to the fulfilled

times in all scripture, it denotes the
precision of the last times, in which all
prophecy is described.

With this we know, what the approach of

the Kingdom of God to our reality, this does
not mean in time and distance, but in the
manifestation of his glory, being in the
same way the most aggressive enemy.

Thus, his defeat approaches, and knowing
that time is running out for him to attempt to
destroy souls, for which the exercise of
darkness intensifies.

Thus, the children of darkness work with

more strength and cunning, which is why it
is important that the children of light acquire
knowledge and forge cunningly, so as not
to be a victim of ignorance in these last

We must take advantage of the approach of

the kingdom, thus taking from it all the
possible grace given by the spirit of God,
being the correct way to open the heart for
the movement of the spirit of God,
described by the very mouth of Jesus

We have the privilege in the gospels, of
having the instructions of God made man,
being aware of the human move, since we
will not imitate the Father, nor the Spirit of
God, but the Son of God, who is God
incarnate in the planet.

The change of life, and of our actions,

because of Genuine repentance, is caused
by hearing and believing the message of
Jesus Christ.

Being the words of Jesus Christ, the Spirit

of God himself, transmitted to our person.

These are the secrets of the kingdom

revealed by his own lips to our lives, thus
having the precise guide to be able to

change the course of our actions and thus
be saved, healthy and free.

Truly believing in the gospel is paying

attention to what Jesus Christ told us. it
gives as a direct indication, being the
disciples, the living proof of a
transformation in the human, so powerful
that the apostles, being observed by an
empire, like the Roman.

They were captivated and so the Roman

Empire cunningly had this approach with
the first Christians, that is why the gospel
which is the message of Jesus Christ about
common men turns them into a
transformed and powerful human race, in
the exercise of light against the dark.


In this way we have synthesis, and as a

conclusion, a verse divided into four parts.

The first is the fulfillment of the prophesied

times, throughout history, of this planet.

Second, the approach of a new reality to

our planet, Thirdly, the precise indication of
changing our way of living because the law
does not show that our walk is not enough.
We can only make this change with the
fourth part.

This fourth is to accept the gospel, which

means accepting Jesus Christ himself in
our hearts, accepting Jesus Christ, is to
take his word, as food for our mind, soul

and transform everything in us, in order to
change the course of our lives. .

This being true repentance, stop doing

everything that led us to death, in different
ways, physical, mental and diminishing the

That is why this verse Informs us of the

fulfillment of the times, the approach of the
kingdom and gives us the indication that
accepting the gospel in our life will cause a
change through repentance to then live a
life in Christ Jesus,



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