Module 2 Lesson 2

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Cervantes, Celine Marie BSABE 3B

EGE- General Elective- 1

Let’s do it! Reflective Writing: Watch the video using this link: and answer the following: *I
have seen the video entitled: Toxic Products

1. What are toxic materials and how can you identify them within your home?

- Toxic materials are substances that may cause harm to an individual if it

enters the body. Toxic materials may enter the body in different ways. These
ways are called the route of exposure. The most common route of exposure
is through inhalation (breathing it into the lungs). Look for the words Danger,
Warning, or Caution on the product label. “Danger” warnings are found on
extremely hazardous products. . A hazardous product can be toxic,
flammable, corrosive, or reactive or any combination of these.

2. Are toxic chemicals that occur in nature harmful? Why?

- Both natural and human-made chemicals have the potential

to harm humans. Toxic chemicals can occur naturally. For example,
rattlesnake poison and botulin are both naturally occurring
chemicals that harm humans. Botulin is the toxin which causes food
poisoning and is produced by bacteria.

3. Discuss why toxic materials are hazardous to your health and to the

- Toxic waste can harm people, animals, and plants, whether it ends up in the
ground, in streams, or even in the air. Some toxins, such as mercury and
lead, persist in the environment for many years and accumulate over time.
Humans or wildlife often absorb these toxic substances when they eat fish or
other prey. These hazards impact emergency responders and effected
communities. In some cases, hazardous substances may irritate the skin or
eyes, make it difficult to breathe, cause headaches and nausea, or result in
other types of illness.

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