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Unit 10: Ecotourism – Speaking - English 10

Date of preparing: ……………………………

Date of teaching: ……………………………..

Period: ………………


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- identify the specific information when talking about a new place.
- recognize the useful expressions in the cued conversation about a new place where they visit.
2. Competence
- apply useful expressions to talk about the things they will do, see and enjoy when they travel
to other places.
- develop communication and collaborative skills though role- playing as a tourist guide to give
other people some information about some tourist attractions around their hometown.
3. Attribute
- express the love for nature and people and recognize the importance of preserving the
1. Key terms/Vocabulary
- words/phrases related to places, things and actions: terraced field (n), waterfall (n), traditional
life (n), handicraft (n), cave of Pre-historic man (n), go hiking (v), kayak (v)
2. Useful expressions
 Where are you going to …….? – I’m going to……

 Where is it?/ Where is it located? – It is in………

 What are you going to do or see there?

 Where are you going to visit?

 What else will you do?/ Where else are you going to visit?

 What kinds of special food can I/You enjoy there? – You/I can + V …..

 How can I/ we go there? – You/ We can go there by…..

Unit 10: Ecotourism – Speaking - English 10
 In which seasons can I go there? – You can + V

 What should I bring? – You should + V…..

- Textbook grade 10
- Computer
- Projector
- Hand-outs
Performance tasks Performance products Assessment tools

1. Answer the teacher’s eliciting Students’ answer Observation

questions to identify the specific (e.g. where to go/ what to do and Question
information when talking about a see/ people/ weather/
new place. specialities, etc)

2. Answer the teacher’s eliciting Students’ answer Observation

questions to recognize the useful (e.g. Where are you going to Question
expressions used in the cued …….? – I’m going to……
conversation Where is it?/ Where is it
located? – It is in………

3. Make a similar conversation to Students’ conversation Observation

talk about one of the place they’re Peer correction
going to visit Scale assessment

4. Role-play as a tourist guide to give Students’ role-playing Observation

other people some information about Peer correction
some tourist attractions around their Scale assessment

5. Express their love about their Students’ answer Observation

Unit 10: Ecotourism – Speaking - English 10
hometown when they visit some Q&A
tourist attractions and their actions to
make it a better place to live in


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
I. Warm- up (5ms)
Aim: Ss recognize/define the topic of the lesson. - Give the names of the places and
- Divides ss into 2 groups their provinces
- Shows the pictures and asks ss to give the names of
the places and their provinces in order
- Gets ss to peer- check - Check the answers
→ Leads in the lesson: Unit 10: Ecotourism
Skill: Speaking: Travel and Enjoy
II. Pre- speaking (10ms)
Activity 1: Answer the questions
- Elicits words or phrases used to talk about a place by - Answer the questions
some eliciting questions.
(takes SaPa as an example)
Aim: identify the specific information when talking
about a new place.
Content: Use
e.g. What kind of information about Sa Pa can you - Answer the questions
ask me when I’m going to Sa Pa for this summer
Product: Ss know how to ask and answer.
- Role play (pairwork)
Activity 2: Useful expressions
- Elicits the useful expressions in the cued
conversation about a new place where they visit - Make the conversations (pairwork)
- Shows the sample conversation and role-play with
one of the student
III. While- Speaking (20ms)
Unit 10: Ecotourism – Speaking - English 10
Activity 3: Practice
Asks ss to work in pairs to make a similar
conversation using the given information of some
famous places in Viet Nam (Handout 1) - Role play (group-work)
- Calls on two pairs to make their own conversations
(corrects pronunciation if necessary)
IV. Post - speaking (10ms)
Activity 4: Role- Play
- Asks the students to role-play as a tourist guide to
give other people some information about some tourist
- Express their own feelings
attractions around Hoa Binh (Hoa Binh Reservoire,
(individual work)
Kim Boi Hot Spring, ect)
(Hand-out 2)
Activity 5: Interview
- Asks the students about their own feeling about their
hometown and what they should do to protect the
environment in their hometown
(Wraps-up if time)

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