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Unit 10.

NATURE IN DANGER Lesson plan - Grade 11

Date of preparing: ……………………………

Date of teaching: ……………………………..

Period: ………………


Lesson 1: Reading


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Identify the specific information when reading about the nature in danger

- Recognize key terms/ vocabularies/ useful expressions used in the reading passage
- Memorize some key terms/ vocabularies/ useful expressions related to the topic
- List their own ideas about the reason why some animals have become extinct

2. Competence

- Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas, skimming for general
information, and guessing meaning in context.
- Develop collaborative, problem-solving and communicative competences

3. Attribute
- To provide Ss some information about nature in danger
- To encourage sts to show their love for nature
- To recognize the importance to protect the environment in our country.
- Express the care for nature and recognize the responsibility of preserving the nature in danger


1. Key terms/Vocabulary
- words/phrases related to endangered nature: consequence (n), interference (n), co-exist (v),
prohibit (v), destroy (v)

2. Useful expressions
- have a great influence on (phrase)
- be in danger of (phrase)

4 19-5 High School

Unit 10. NATURE IN DANGER Lesson plan - Grade 11

- Textbook grade 11
- Computer
- Projector
- Hand-outs


Performance tasks Performance products Assessment tools

1. Answer the teacher’s eliciting Students’ answer

questions to identify the specific 1. What animals can you Observation
information when reading about the see in these pictures? Question
nature in danger 2. Where do these animal
often live?
3. What would happen if their
habitats were destroyed?

2. Answer the teacher’s eliciting

questions to recognize the useful Students’ correct pronunciation Observation
expressions used in the reading Meaning and use of new words Question

3. Identify the specific information

by skimming/scanning skill Students’ discussion Observation
Peer correction

4. Make a discussion to express their

own ideas about the reason why Students’ discussion Observation
some animals have become extinct Group correction
Scale assessment

5. Express their care about

endangered nature and take Students’ answer Observation
responsibility for preserving the Q&A
5 19-5 High School
Unit 10. NATURE IN DANGER Lesson plan - Grade 11

- Express their love for nature and - student’s discussion
give some solutions to protect our


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
I. Warm-up: (5 minutes)
- Open the book
Aim: Ss recognize/define the topic of the lesson.
- Listen to the teacher
- Ask students to look at the pictures and answer - Give the answers
the questions : 1. a tiger, an elephant, a bear, a lion
1. What animals can you see in these 2. They often live in the forests, zoos or
pictures? National parks
2. Where do these animal often live? 3. If their habitats were destroyed, animals
3. What would happen if their habitats were would die, the environment would be polluted.
destroyed? Nature would be in danger
- Let students understand more about nature in - Listen to the teacher and open the book – Unit
danger, today we learn Unit 10 - A: Reading 10 - A: reading

II. Pre- reading (10 ms)

Aim: Focus Ss’ attention on the reading topic and
The whole class
introduce some vocabularies about nature in danger
- Ask students to look through the passage and read
in silence
1. Pre-teaching vocabulary
Aim: Introduce vocabulary/ useful expressions
- Find out new words
- Asks the students to find out the new words/
phrases in unit 10, explains the meaning and the way - Write them down in the note books
of using them
2. Activity 1 (Task 1):
Aim: Check vocabulary
Instruction: The words in the box all appear in the
passage. Fill in each blank with a suitable word. - Do the task
- T instructs Ss to read through the sentences
- Work individually
- T asks Ss to work individually and exchange their
6 19-5 High School
Unit 10. NATURE IN DANGER Lesson plan - Grade 11

answers with other Ss. - give their answers

- T asks Ss for their answers and gives the correct
1. pollutant 2. environment 3. extinct
4. endanger 5. decrease

- Listen and copy

III. While you read : (20 minutes)

1. Task 2:
Aim: Focus on passage comprehension,
Develop skimming/ scanning skill
Instruction: Read the text again and then circle A,
B, C or D that best sums up each paragraph - Do the task
- T asks Ss how to do this task. If they do not - Choose the best answer
remember 1. Paragraph 1
C. Human beings interfere with nature
- T may instruct them to use some strategies to do
2. Paragraph 2
the task: B. Human beings are responsible for the changes
in the environment.
- T asks Ss to work in pairs to do the task, then
3. Paragraph 3
discuss their answers with the whole class. A. Human beings have made efforts to protect
endangered nature.
- T gives feedback and suggested answers
4. Paragraph 4
C. Conditions for a peaceful co-existence
- listen and take notes.
2. Task 3:
Aim: Read for specific information
- T asks Ss to read the part carefully to find the
- Read the text to get information
- Work individually then in pairs
- T asks Ss to work individually then discuss their
answers with their peers. - Check with the key
1. four ways that people are changing the world
- T calls on some Ss to write their answers on the
are :
board and ask them to explain their choices. -they are changing the environment by building
cities and villages.
- T gives the correct answers
-they are affecting the water supply by using water
for industry and agriculture.
-they are changing weather conditions by cutting
down trees in the forest
-They are destroying the air by adding pollutants
like smoke from factories and fumes from out
mobile motors

2. The serious consequences of people’s

interference with the environment are:
-May kind of rare animal are killed
- The environment where these animals are living
is badly destroyed
7 19-5 High School
Unit 10. NATURE IN DANGER Lesson plan - Grade 11

-The numbers of rare animals are decreasing so

rapidly that they are in danger of becoming

- Take notes

IV. Post - reading (7 ms)

Aim: To give Ss a chance to apply what they have
read in the text to express their own ideas about the
reason why some animals have become extinct
Instruction: Find out why some animals have
become extinct
- T asks Ss to work in groups
- Work in groups and give their ideas
- T calls on some Ss to report their ideas to the class.
- T gives feedback. - Another listen and comment
Cut down trees /need more land for farming /kill
them because of beautiful fur, skin/hunt for
- Ask Sts to give some solutions to protect the - Give some solutions to protect the environment
- Raise funds by encouraging the rich, organizations
to contribute
- Ban people to destroy forests
- Train them with cultivation/ give them jobs
- Another listen and comment
- Government applies laws/ (arrest/ punish people
who damage the wildlife)
- Stop buying and selling products made from wild
- Set up more wildlife habitat reserves…

V. Consolidation (3 ms)
Aim: Consolidate some main points
- T interviews Ss some questions basing on the The whole class

passage to check their comprehension.

- T summarizes the main ideas in the lesson .


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