Module 1 Lesson 1

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Cervantes, Celine Marie BSABE 3B

EGE 313

Module 1: Lesson 1
Let’s Get Started
How much “ology” do you know? Define the following terms by surfing through
the internet. If you’re up for it, you can even define them yourself! You’d be
surprised to learn just how vast the grasp of science truly is!
Paleontology  the study of the history of life on Earth as
based on fossils. Fossils are the remains
of plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, and
single-celled living things that have been
replaced by rock material or impressions
of organisms preserved in rock.
Agrostology the branch of botany concerned with the
study of grasses, especially their
classification. In 1708 the German
botanist Johann Scheuchzer wrote
Agrostographiae Helveticae Prodromus, a
taxonomic paper on grasses that some
authors consider to mark the birth
of agrostology.
Pomology a branch of botany that studies fruit and
its cultivation. The term fruticulture—
introduced from Romance languages (all
of whose incarnations of the term
descend from Latin fructus and cultura)—
is also used.
Dendrology is the science and study of wooded plants
(trees, shrubs, and lianas), specifically,
their taxonomic classifications.
Entomology  is the study of insects and their
relationship to humans, the environment,
and other
organisms. Entomologists make great
contributions to such diverse fields as
agriculture, chemistry, biology,
human/animal health, molecular science,
criminology, and forensics.
Herpetology 1. the branch of zoology concerned with
reptiles and amphibians.

Ichthyology  is the branch of zoology devoted to

the study of fish, including: bony fish,
Osteichthyes; cartilaginous fish,
Chondrichthyes; and jawless fish,
Agnatha. The discipline can include the
Cervantes, Celine Marie BSABE 3B
EGE 313

biology, taxonomy and conservation of

fish, as well as husbandry and
commercial fisheries.
Scatology an interest in or preoccupation with
excrement and excretion.
Nephology 1. the study or contemplation of clouds.

Otology is a branch of medicine which studies

normal and pathological anatomy and
physiology of the ear (hearing and
vestibular sensory systems and related
structures and functions) as well as their
diseases, diagnosis and treatment.

Let’s Think About It!

Warm-up your brains with these questions:
a. From the list above, which was the most intriguing for you and why?
- Nephology, this is interesting and unique study
b. Why do you think scientists go out of their way to study the things mentioned
-  This study are important channels of knowledge. It has a specific role, as well as a
variety of functions for the benefit of our society: creating new knowledge, improving
education, and increasing the quality of our lives. It must respond to societal needs and
global challenges.
c. What do you think are the limits of the term “Environment”?
- Environmental limits can be defined as the point beyond which
the environment exceeds its ability to provide essential resources. These needs lead to
the depletion of natural resources, the destruction of ecosystems and an increase in
pollution making it harder to achieve environmental sustainability
Cervantes, Celine Marie BSABE 3B
EGE 313

Let’s Do It!
The Alternate Reality: Imagine how different our world/environment would be if we did
not incorporate and utilize some of the most vital scientific discoveries. Describe the
possible realities we’ll face in the following cases
What If Alternate Reality

Chemistry wasn’t developed.  Without chemistry people would die

much younger from diseases such
as bubonic plague, since we
wouldn't have antibiotics. We
wouldn't have vaccines, so people
would still contract terrible illnesses
such as smallpox and polio.
Physics wasn’t explored.  Without the understanding
of physics today, many applications
in physics such as electronics and
mechanics would not exist today.
We would be living without modern
technology or instruments. A
hammer, for example, would be well
within our grasp, but things like the
internet would be beyond us.
Nobody discovered the earth was a  Miscalculations of any data

Biology was non-existent.  The breeding also non-existent

Michael Faraday was too lazy to pursue  We definitely stuck on the diesel
his work. engine

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