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Hi Students !!
Let us take this opportunity to congratulate you on finishing one of the most grueling journeys
that you will undertake in your life, The IIT JEE preparation !! And irrespective of how you fared
in the exam, we appreciate that you set a goal for yourself, to aspire for IIT JEE, and you did all
that was in your capacity to achieve your goal. This in itself amounts to success.

We have tried our best to make this journey enriching and show you the path that can take you
closer to your goal. Today, we are less interested in knowing how your exam went but more
interested in pausing here and reflecting on the efforts that you have put in. We believe that you
all deserve a pat on the back!

Having said that, here are a few essential things. Please continue reading.

1. You have become Eklavya Alumnus now

You are now Eklavya Alumni, and we would appreciate it if you join the following
communities/spaces. It will help in staying connected with other Eklavyans, and this
community will serve as your family that will adopt all your new ventures and will stand
by you when you become budding entrepreneurs
(a) Facebook Community : (click on the name to join OR SCAN QR code)

(Please note that you will be asked some questions when you try to join the
Facebook community. Based on your responses, the community moderators will
admit you )

(b) Quora space : (click on the name to join OR Scan QR code)

(c) Telegram group of Vedantu Ambassador Program : (click on the name to join OR
Scan QR code)

We need student volunteers to help us promote Eklavya/Vedantu at various

times. Those of you who are willing to help us should join this group.

2. Share your experience with other students !!

There are thousands of students looking for guidance and first-hand experience from you all.
Remember when you were puzzled and searched for that one story/anecdote that related to
your situation? Now is the time to become that guiding light for your juniors. There are many
ways in which you can help. For example, you can share your experience on your social media
handles (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, quora, etc.). To start, we are sharing a few
questions you can choose to answer.

(i) Question 1 :

(ii) Question 2:

(iii) Question 3 :
(Most preferred question to answer presently)

3. Gurudakshina
Students !! Our team leaves no stone unturned when it comes to doing an extra bit for the
students. And we believe we need the fuel to carry on for the entire year. Your
testimonials/stories that you share with us help us stay energetic and come up with more and
better ways to help students. So we request you to please help us with following
(a) Video testimonials OR
(b) Handwritten testimonials
Video Testimonials are preferred.

To suggest what you can include in your testimonial, here are some ideas. It would be best if
you mentioned your name, city, year of the start of preparation, your entire preparation journey,
and your challenges (like financial constraints, geographical constraints, expectations from
family, etc.).Feel free to make long videos and Long letters also. Please do not let the length
limit the story you want to share. We will go through each and every story.

4. Few movies/series to watch :)

To kickstart your movie-watching spree, here are a few suggestions
(i) Inspirational
(a) October Sky
(b) Pursuit of Happiness
(c) Cinderella Man
(ii) Love stories
(a) If only
(b) Little Manhattan
(c) Serendipity
(iii) Documentaries
(a) The Social Dilemma
(b) Black Mirror
(iv) Anime
(a) Finding Nemo
(b) Ratatouille

Enjoy students !!

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