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Prepared by

Coby Harmon Revised for 2601513

University of California, Santa Barbara
Westmont College
Non-Current CHAPTER 14
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
1. Describe the nature of bonds and 3. Explain the accounting for the
indicate the accounting for bond extinguishment of non-current
issuances. liabilities.
2. Explain the accounting for long- 4. Indicate how to present and
term notes payable. analyze non-current liabilities.


Intermediate Accounting
IFRS 3rd Edition
Kieso ● Weygandt ● Warfield
หุ้นกู้ => สนใจฝั่งคนออกตั๋ว LEARNING OBJECTIVE 1
Bonds Payable Describe the nature of bonds
and indicate the accounting for
bond issuances.

Non-current liabilities (long-term debt) consist of an expected

outflow of resources arising from present obligations that are
not payable within a year or the operating cycle of the
company, whichever is longer.

► Bonds payable ► Pension liabilities
► Long-term notes payable ► Lease liabilities
► Mortgages payable
Long-term debt has various
covenants or restrictions.

14-4 LO 1
Types of Bonds
Common types found in practice:

Secured and Unsecured (debenture) bonds.

Term, Serial, and Callable bonds.

Convertible Bond - ให้สิทธิ์ในการแปรงสภาพเป็นหุ้นสามัญได้ --> เดิมเป็นหนี้สิน แต่ถ้าใช้สิทธิ์แปลงสภาพจะกลายเป็น
สินทรัพย์ โดยแสดงเป็น หุ้นสามัญในส่วนของผู้ถือหุ้น
Convertible, Commodity-Backed, Deep-Discount bonds.

Registered and Bearer (Coupon) bonds.

Income and Revenue bonds.

14-5 LO 1
Issuing Bonds
Bond contract known as a bond indenture.
Represents a promise to pay:
(1) sum of money at designated maturity date, plus
(2) periodic interest at a specified rate on the maturity
amount (face value).
เอกสารที่กกำหนดว่าต้องจ่ายคืนเงินต้น = FV (โดยปกติ =1,000)
Paper certificate, typically a €1,000 face value.เงินต้น
Coupon Rate or Stated rate และ อายุครบกำหนด (Maturity Date) ถูกกำหนดบนหน้าใบหุ้น
Interest payments usually made semiannually.
Used when the amount of capital needed is too large for
one lender to supply.

14-6 LO 1
What Do the Numbers Mean?

Corporate bond listing. EIR (อัตรดอกเบี้ยที่แท้จริง) or

Market Rate

Company Price as a % of par

Interest rate based on price
Interest rate paid as Creditworthiness
a % of par value

14-7 LO 1
Valuation and Accounting for Bonds

Issuance and marketing of bonds to the public:

Usually takes weeks or months.

Issuing company must

► Arrange for underwriters.

► Obtain regulatory approval of the bond issue, undergo

audits, and issue a prospectus.

► Have bond certificates printed.

14-8 LO 1
Valuation and Accounting for Bonds

Selling price of a bond issue is set by the

supply and demand of buyers and sellers,

relative risk,

market conditions, and

state of the economy.

Investment community values a bond at the present value of its

expected future cash flows, which consist of

(1) interest and

(2) principal.
14-9 LO 1
Valuation and Accounting for Bonds

Interest Rate
Stated, coupon, or nominal rate = Rate written in the
terms of the bond indenture.

► Bond issuer sets this rate.

► Stated as a percentage of bond face value (par).

Market rate or effective yield = Rate that provides an

acceptable return commensurate with the issuer’s risk.

► Rate of interest actually earned by the bondholders.

14-10 LO 1
Valuation and Accounting for Bonds

How do you calculate the amount of interest that is actually

paid to the bondholder each period?

(Stated rate x Face Value of the bond)

How do you calculate the amount of interest that is actually

recorded as interest expense by the issuer of the bonds?

(Market rate x Carrying Value of the bond)

14-11 LO 1
Valuation and Accounting for Bonds
Assume Stated Rate of 8% ราคา PAR = Face Value
(EIR) Market Interest Bonds Sold At

6% Premium

8% Par Value

10% Discount

14-12 LO 1
ตัวอย่างการคำนวณ Price ของหุ้นกู้
Bonds Issued at Par

Illustration: Santos SA issues R$100,000 in bonds dated January

อายุหุ้นกู้ Coupon Rate ต่อปี
1, 2019, due in five years with 9 percent interest payable annually
on January 1. At the time of issue, the market rate for such bonds
MKT Rate
is 9 percent.
ราคาขายของหุ้นกู้ = PV ของกระแสเงินสด ประกอบ 1) ดอกเบี้ย 2) เงินต้น

Time Diagram for Bonds Issued at Par

14-13 LO 1
อาจารย์ไม่ให้คำนวนแต่จะบอก PV มาเลย
Bonds Issued at Par ILLUSTRATION 14.1
Time Diagram for Bonds
Issued at Par

Present Value n = 5 i (EIR) = 9%
Computation of
Bond Selling at Par

ราคา Bond เงินต้น เพราะ Coupon rate = Market Rate LO 1
Bonds Issued at Par

Journal entry on date of issue, Jan. 1, 2019.

Cash 100,000
Bonds payable 100,000

Journal entry to record accrued interest at Dec. 31, 2019. บันทึกการตั้ง Accrued Interest
based on EIR
Interest expense 9,000
Interest payable = 9% x 100,000 9,000
Based on Coupon rate

Journal entry to record first payment on Jan. 1, 2020.

Interest payable 9,000

Cash 9,000
14-15 LO 1
Bonds Issued at a Discount

Illustration: Assuming now that Santos issues R$100,000 in

bonds, due in five years with 9 percent interest payable
annually at year-end. At the time of issue, the market rate for
such bonds is 11 percent.

Time Diagram for Bonds Issued at a Discount

14-16 LO 1
Bonds Issued at a Discount ILLUSTRATION 14.3
Time Diagram for Bonds
Issued at a Discount

Present Value
Computation of
Bond Selling at

14-17 LO 1
Bonds Issued at a Discount

Journal entry on date of issue, Jan. 1, 2019.

Cash 92,608
Bonds payable 92,608

Journal entry to record accrued interest at Dec. 31, 2019.

Interest expense ($92,608 x 11%) 10,187
Cash Interest payable 9,000
9. Bonds payable 1,187

14-18 LO 1
Bonds Issued at a Discount

When bonds sell at less than face value:

► Investors demand a rate of interest higher than stated rate.

► Usually occurs because investors can earn a higher rate

on alternative investments of equal risk.

► Cannot change stated rate so investors refuse to pay face

value for the bonds.

► Investors receive interest at the stated rate computed on

the face value, but they actually earn at an effective rate
because they paid less than face value for the bonds.

14-19 LO 1
Effective-Interest Method

Bond issued at a discount - amount paid at maturity is more

than the issue amount.

Bonds issued at a premium - company pays less at maturity

relative to the issue price.

Adjustment to the cost is recorded as bond interest expense over

the life of the bonds through a process called amortization.

Required procedure for amortization is the effective-interest

method (also called present value amortization).

14-20 LO 1
Effective-Interest Method

Effective-interest method produces a periodic interest expense

equal to a constant percentage of the carrying value of the

Bond Discount and Premium Amortization Computation

14-21 LO 1
Bond at Discount (ขายราคา Discount)
Effective-Interest Method

Bonds Issued at a Discount n = 10, i = 5%

Illustration: Evermaster AG issued €100,000 of 8% term bonds
on January 1, 2019, due on January 1, 2024, with interest payable
จ่าย Coupon = Semi annual
each July 1 and January 1. Investors require an effective-interest
rate of 10%. Calculate the bond proceeds. Coupon = 4%

ILLUSTRATION 14.6 ราคาที่แสดงหน้าตั๋วจะบอกเป็น % 0f PAR

Computation of Discount on Bonds Payable
=> ราคาขายหุ้นกู้ @ 92.278% ของเงินต้น
14-22 LO 1
Effective-Interest Method

$100,000 x .61391 = $61,391

Face Value Factor Present Value
14-23 LO 1
Effective-Interest Method

$4,000 x 7.72173 = $30,887

Semiannual Factor Present Value
14-24 LO 1
การตัดจำหน่าย Discount Bond Discount Bond ต้องตัดจำหน่าย bond ด้วยวิธีอัตราดอกเบี้ยที่แท้จริง (EIR)

= Book Value
Bond Discount
Amortization Schedule
Coupon Rate x Face Value EIR x BV
เป็น Cash
paid ต่อ1 หุ้น
4% x 1000,000 5% x 92,278

เรื่อย ๆ

มูลค่าหุ้นกู้ปีสุดท้าย ต้อง
เท่ากับ FV (เงินต้น)
Bond Discount
Amortization Schedule

Journal entry on date of issue, Jan. 1, 2019.

Cash 92,278
Bonds Payable 92,278
1 July 2019
Dr. Interest Expense 4,000
Cr. Cash 4,000
การตัดจำหน่ายส่วนลด Discount Bond (เพิ่มมูลค่า bond โดยเพิ่ม Interest Expense)
Dr. Interest Expense 614
14-26 Cr. Bonds Pay 614 LO 1
Bond Discount
Amortization Schedule

Journal entry to record first payment and amortization of the

discount on July 1, 2019. Based on EIR
Interest expense 4,614
Bonds payable 614
Cash 4,000
Based on Coupon Rate

14-27 LO 1
Bond Discount
Amortization Schedule

Journal entry to record accrued interest and amortization of the

discount on Dec. 31, 2019. (แค่วันเดียวไม่ต้องหา Proportion)

Interest expense 4,645

Interest payable 4,000
Bonds payable 645

14-28 LO 1
การตัดจำหน่าย Premium Bond
Effective-Interest Method

Bonds Issued at a Premium

FV=>เปิดตาราง i = 3%, n =10
Illustration: Evermaster Corporation issued €100,000 of 8% term
bonds on January 1, 2019, due on January 1, 2024, with interest
payable each July 1 and January 1. Investors require an effective-
interest rate of 6%. Calculate the bond proceeds.
Market Rate < Coupon --> ขาย Premium

Computation of Premium on Bonds Payable

14-29 LO 1
Effective-Interest Method


$100,000 x .74409 = $74,409

Face Value Factor Present Value
14-30 LO 1
Effective-Interest Method


$4,000 x 8.53020 = $34,121

Semiannual Factor Present Value
14-31 LO 1
Bond Premium
Amortization Schedule
Coupon Rate x Face Value EIR x BV
เป็น Cash
paid ต่อ1 หุ้น
3% x 108,530

เรื่อย ๆ

Bond Premium
Amortization Schedule

Journal entry on date of issue, Jan. 1, 2019.

Cash 108,530
Bonds Payable 108,530
1 July 2019
Dr. Interest Expense 4,000
Cr. Cash 4,000
การตัดจำหน่าย Premium on Bond (ลดมูลค่า bond โดยลด Interest Expense)
Dr. Bonds Pay 744
14-33 Cr. Interest Expense 744 LO 1
Bond Premium
Amortization Schedule

Journal entry to record first payment and amortization of the
discount on July 1, 2019.

Interest expense 3,256

Bonds payable 744
Cash 4,000
การบันทึกการไถ่ถอนหุ้นกู้ (Redeem)
Jan 1, 2014
Dr. Bonds Pay 100,000
14-34 Cash 100,000 LO 1
ตัดจำหน่ายหุ้นกู้เป็นเดือน ๆ (ไม่พอดีรอบจ่าย Interest)
Effective-Interest Method

Accrued Interest
สมมติว่าต้อง Present งบ @ สิ้นเดือน Feb ต้อง ตัดจำหน่ายหุ้นกู้แค่ 2 เดือน
What happens if Evermaster prepares financial statements at the
end of February 2019? In this case, the company prorates the
premium by the appropriate number of months to arrive at the
proper interest expense, as follows.

= ดอกเบี้ยที่จ่ายเงินสด - Premium amortized

Computation of Interest Expense

14-35 LO 1
Effective-Interest Method

Accrued Interest ILLUSTRATION 14.10

Computation of Interest Expense

Evermaster records this accrual as follows.

Interest expense 1,085.33

Bonds payable 248.00
Interest payable 1,333.33

14-36 LO 1
ขายหุ้นกุู้ไม่ตรงกับวันจ่ายดอกเบี้ย เช่น ขายไม่ตรงวันจ่าย (จ่ายดอกเบี้ย 1 July and 1 Jan)
Effective-Interest Method ไม่ออกสอบ

Bonds Issued Between Interest Dates

Bond investors will pay the issuer the interest accrued from
the last interest payment date to the date of issue.

On the next semiannual interest payment date, bond

investors will receive the full six months’ interest payment.

14-37 LO 1
หลักการเหมือน Bonds
Long-Term Notes Payable Explain the accounting for
long-term notes payable.

Accounting is Similar to Bonds

A note is valued at the present value of its future interest

and principal cash flows.

Company amortizes any discount or premium over the

life of the note.

14-38 LO 2
ตย. การออก Notes ราคา PAR
Notes Issued at Face Value

Illustration: Scandinavian Imports issues a €10,000, three-year

note, at face value to Bigelow ASA. The stated rate and the
effective rate were both 10 percent. Scandinavian would record the
issuance of the note as follows.

Cash 10,000
Notes Payable 10,000

Scandinavian Imports would recognize the interest incurred each

year as follows.

Interest Expense 1,000

Cash 1,000
(€10,000 x .10 = €1,000)
14-39 LO 3
Notes Not Issued at Face Value
Coupn Rate = 0% แต่มีดอกเบี้ยจ่ายแฝงอยู่ ดังนั้นจะขาย @Discount เสมอ
Zero-Interest-Bearing Notes
Issuing company records the difference between the face
amount and the present value (cash received) as
a discount and
amortizes that amount to interest expense over the life
of the note.

14-40 LO 2
Zero-Interest-Bearing Notes

Illustration: Turtle Cove Company issued the three-year, $10,000,

zero-interest-bearing note to Jeremiah Company. The implicit rate
that equated the total cash to be paid ($10,000 at maturity) to the
present value of the future cash flows ($7,721.80 cash proceeds
at date of issuance) was 9 percent.

Time Diagram for Zero-Interest Note

14-41 LO 2
Zero-Interest-Bearing Notes

Illustration: Turtle Cove Company issued the three-year, $10,000,

zero-interest-bearing note to Jeremiah Company. The implicit rate
that equated the total cash to be paid ($10,000 at maturity) to the
present value of the future cash flows ($7,721.80 cash proceeds
at date of issuance) was 9 percent.

Turtle Cove records issuance of the note as follows.

Cash 7,721.80
Notes Payable 7,721.80

14-42 LO 2
การตัดจำหน่าย Discount ถือเป็นการเพิ่มดอกเบี้ยจ่าย และ เพิ่มมูลค่า Notes ILLUSTRATION 14.15
Turtle Cove records interest expense at Schedule of Note
Discount Amortization

the end of the first year as follows.

Interest Expense 694.96

Notes Payable 694.96
14-43 LO 3
การออก Notes @ Discount
Interest-Bearing Notes
n =3, i = 12%
Illustration: Marie Co. issued for cash a €10,000, three-year note
bearing interest at 10 percent to Morgan Corp. The market rate of
interest for a note of similar risk is 12 percent. In this case,
because the effective rate of interest (12%) is greater than the
stated rate (10%), the present value of the note is less than the
face value. That is, the note is exchanged at a discount.

Computation of เงินต้น
Present Value—
Effective Rate
Different from ดอกเบี้ย
Stated Rate

14-44 LO 2
Interest-Bearing Notes

Illustration: Marie Co. issued for cash a €10,000, three-year note

bearing interest at 10 percent to Morgan Group. The market rate
of interest for a note of similar risk is 12 percent. In this case,
because the effective rate of interest (12%) is greater than the
stated rate (10%), the present value of the note is less than the
face value. That is, the note is exchanged at a discount.

Marie Co. records the issuance of the note as follows.

Cash 9,520
Notes Payable 9,520

14-45 LO 2
ตารางตัดจำหน่าย Discount (Discount Notes)

Schedule of Note
Discount Amortization

Market Rate เป็น proxy นึงของ EIR (อัตราดอกเบี้ยที่แท้จริง)

Marie Co. records the following entry at the end of year 1.
Based on EIR
Interest Expense 1,142
Notes Payable 142
Cash 1,000
Based on Coupon Rate LO 2
Notes PAyable ที่มีหลักทรัพย์ค้ำประกัน (อาจารย์ไม่ได้พูด)
Mortgage Notes Payable

A promissory note secured by a document called a mortgage

that pledges title to property as security for the loan.
Common form of long-term notes payable.

Payable in full at maturity or in installments.

Fixed-rate mortgage.

Variable-rate mortgage.

14-47 LO 2
Extinguishment of LEARNING OBJECTIVE 3
Explain the accounting for
Non-Current Liabilities extinguishment of non-
current liabilities.
Situation ที่ NCL หายไป นอกเหนือจากการไถ่ถอน
Three common situations besides payment at maturity:
จ่ายลดหนี้ ก่อนวันครบกำหนด --> อาจมีกำไรขาดทุนจากการไถ่ถอน จึงต้องหา BV
อาจารย์ Focus
1. Extinguishment with cash before maturity,
2. Extinguishment by transferring assets or securities, and
เปลี่ยนแปลง term การชำระเงิน
3. Extinguishment with modification of terms.

Jan 1, 2014 (วันครบกำหนด)

Dr. Bonds Payable 100,00
Cr. Cash 100,000
** ถ้าไถ่ถินก่อนวันครบกำหนดอาจมีกำไรขาดทุนเกิดขึ้น ขึ้น
อยู่กบั Book Value และ เงินที่ใช้ไถ่ถอน (หน้าถัดไป)

14-48 LO 3
Extinguishment of Non-Current Liabilities

Extinguishment with Cash before Maturity

Book Value (120) > ราคาไถ่ถอน (100)
Net carrying amount > Reacquisition price = Gain
ราคาไถ่ถอน (100) > Book Value (90)
Reacquisition price > Net carrying amount = Loss

At time of reacquisition, unamortized premium or

discount must be amortized up to the reacquisition

เมื่อเกิดการไถ่ถอน ก่อนวันครบกำหนด ต้องตัดจำหนา่ายจนถึงวันที่ไถ่ถอนเลย
(คือต้องอัพเดท book value นั้นเอง)

14-49 LO 3
ตย. การไถ่ถอน Bond ก่อนวันครบกำหนด
Extinguishment with Cash before Maturity

Illustration: Evermaster bonds issued at a discount on January 1,

2019. These bonds are due in five years. The bonds have a par value
of €100,000, a coupon rate of 8 percent paid semiannually, and were
ขาย @Discount n=10
sold to yield 10 percent. ILLUSTRATION 14.21
Bond Premium Amortization Schedule, Bond Extinguishment

Extinguishment with Cash before Maturity

Two years after the issue date on January 1, 2021, Evermaster calls
the entire issue at 101 and cancels it.
= ราคา Reaquisition Price = 101%x100,000 ILLUSTRATION 14.22
Computation of Loss on Redemption of Bonds

จำหน่าย slide

Callable Bond = Bond ที่สามารถไถ่ถอนได้ก่อนครบกำหนด

Evermaster records the reacquisition and cancellation of the bonds as
Bonds Payable 94,925
เป็นคชจ อื่น ๆ แสดงในงบการเงินส่วนที่ I (realize แล้ว)
Loss on Extinguishment of Debt 6,075
Cash 101,000
14-51 LO 3
Extinguishment of Non-Current Liabilities

Extinguishment with Modification of Terms

Creditor may offer one or a combination of the following
1. Reduction of the stated interest rate.
2. Extension of the maturity date of the face amount of the
3. Reduction of the face amount of the debt.
4. Reduction or deferral of any accrued interest.

14-52 LO 3
Presentation and Analysis

Presentation of Non-Current Liabilities

Note disclosures generally indicate the nature of the liabilities,
maturity dates, interest rates, call provisions, conversion
privileges, restrictions imposed by the creditors, and assets
designated or pledged as security.

Fair value of the debt should be disclosed.

Must disclose future payments for sinking fund requirements

and maturity amounts of long-term debt during each of the
next five years.

14-53 LO 4
Presentation and Analysis

Analysis of Non-Current Liabilities

One ratio that provides information about debt-paying ability
and long-run solvency is:

สูง ๆ ไม่ดี Total Liabilities

Debt to Assets =
Total Assets

The higher the percentage of total liabilities to total assets, the

greater the risk that the company may be unable to meet its
maturing obligations.

14-54 LO 4
Presentation and Analysis

Analysis of Non-Current Liabilities

A second ratio that provides information about debt-paying
ability and long-run solvency is:

Income before Income Taxes and

สูงยิ่งดี Times Interest Expense (EBIT)
Interest =
Earned Interest Expense

Indicates the company’s ability to meet interest payments

as they come due.

14-55 LO 4
Presentation and Analysis

Illustration: Novartis has total liabilities of $54,434 million, total

assets of $131,556 million, interest expense of $655 million,
income taxes of $1,106 million, and net income of $17,794 million.
We compute Novartis’s debt to assets and times interest earned
ratios as shown.

Ok เพราะไม่ถึง 100%

ดี เพราะ กำไร cover ด/บ

Computation of Long-Term Debt Ratios for Novartis

14-56 Debt to Equity Ratio => ควรน้อยกว่า 1 LO 4

มี 2 ทางเลือกในการหาเงินมาใช้ในกิจการ
ทางเลือก 1: ออกหุ้นสามัญ ในราคา PAR 100 บาท
ทางเลือก 2: ออกหุ้นกู้ อัตราดอกเบี้ย 10% ต่อปี

ตย. มีหุ้นสามัญ 100,00 หุ้น PAR 100 บาท มีกำไรก่อนดอกเบี้ยและภาษี เฉลี่ยปีละ

5,000,000 บาท ต้องการเงินในการซื้อเครื่องจักรจำนวน 7,000,000 บาท ซึ่งคาดว่าการ
ลงทุนดังกล่าวจำทำให้ บริษัทมีกำไรก่อรดอกเบี้ยและภาษีเพิ่มขึ้นปีละ 3,000,000 บาท
ทางเลือก 1 ทางเลือก 2
(หุ้นทุน) (หุ้นกู้)
กำไรก่อนดอกเบี้ยและภาษี 8,000,0000 8,000,000

ดอกเบี้ยจ่าย (สมมติ Coupon rate = MKT rate) 0 700,000

กำไรก่อนภาษี 8,000,000 7,300,000

ภาษี (30%) 2,400,000 2,190,000

กำไรสุทธิ 5,600,000 5,110,000

จำนวนหุ้น 100,000 + 70,000 หุ้น 100,000 หุ้น

Earning per Share 32.94 บาท 51.10 บาท

ปกตินักลงทุนจะเปรียบเทียบผลกำไรการดำเนินงานของ 2 บริษัท จาก EPS (กำไรต่อหุ้น) เป็นหลักและดู กำไรสุทธิประกอบ
ถ้าเลือกทางเลือกที่ 1 (หุ้นทุน) ข้อดี 1) กำไรสุทธิสูงกว่า
2) ไม่ต้องจ่ายดอกเบี้ยตามสัญญา เหมือนหุ้นกู้ แต่หุ้นสามัญจะจ่ายเงินปันผลแทน ซึ่งจะแปรผันตามผลการดำเนินงาน ไม่ได้
ถ้าเลือกทางเลือกที่ 2
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