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1. Can I help you?

2. Yes of course, but you should wear an apron.

3. First we must mix
4. Now we must roll the dough with the rolling pin
5. Can I do it, please?
6. Can I slice the onion?
7. No, you shouldn’t?
8. Because you eyes may start to burn and tears may run down your face
9. But you can cut the bacon
10. You must be careful with the knife
11. And you shouldn’t cut is so fast
12. Now we must put it in the oven.
13. How long should we bake our pizza?
14. We shouldn´t bake it for more than 15 minutes, it could get burned.
15. The pizza must be ready now.
16. You must wash your hands before you eat.
17. Let’s eat pizza now. You must be very hungry?
18. Grandma, could you pass me the ketchup, please?
19. Would you like some more?
20. No thanks, I would like an ice cream now.
21. Let’s go to the park and have some ice cream shall we?
22. That sounds awesome. Shall I take my bike too.
23. And shall I take my roller skates?
24. Sure you can take your bike and roller skates, too.
25. I wish, I could do it, too!
26. It must be terrific!
27. Don’t worry, I will teach you soon.
28. But you can ride your bike without training wheels now! That’s great too!
29. You should be content with that for now
30. Can I pick them, grandma?
31. No, you mustn’t pick the flowers
32. Can I drink water from this fountain?
33. No, you shouldn’t drink water that fountain
34. Its not healthy. You might get sick.
35. This is special fountain, if you throw a coin in to the water, you can mak a wish!
36. It might just come true.
37. Grandma will you buy me a chocolate ice cream please?
38. I would like a vainilla ice cream?
39. May I help you?
40. I would like three single cones of ice cream, please.
41. May I have a double cone grandma?
42. You shouldn’t eat so much because you can get a sore throat
43. What flavor would you like?
44. I would like vainilla, chocolate and strawberry flavor, please.
45. You mustn’t throw rubbish on the ground, Alice.
46. You must throw it into the garbage can.
47. You mustn’t climb up the slide.
48. You may hurt yourself and you may hurt other kids, too.
49. Alice you must wait your turn?
50. Excuse me, may I sit here?
51. Yes, you may.
52. Shall we go home now, girls?
53. Could we stay a little bit longer, please?
54. Oh that might be your mom.
55. Yes, she is. She must be curious to know what we’re doing.

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