Hortatory Exposition Module (Ms. Mei Rosseliny) - Class

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English for Academic Context

Hortatory Exposition Text

1. Description
Welcome to this unit which discusses Hortatory Exposition text type. This unit
provides materials to enhance your knowledge about what Hortatory Exposition text
is, its social functions, generic structure, and language features as well as how to
create a good and effective Hortatory Exposition text.

Hortatory Exposition text focuses on stating your position toward an issue (agree or
disagree) which should be consistent to have one position only until the end. Your
position has to be supported by some arguments to convince the readers/ listeners
that something should or should not happen or be done. Then, at the end of the
text, you have to give recommendations or suggestions based on the arguments
given. This recommendation part is the one that makes it different from the
Analytical Exposition text.

In this unit, you will be exposed to some examples of the Hortatory Exposition texts
to get clear understanding about the characteristics of Hortatory Exposition text,
and you will be guided step by step on how to develop Hortatory Exposition text.

2. Relevance
One of the most popular 21st Century skills is critical thinking, which is related to
the skill of finding solutions to the problems. Writing Hortatory Exposition text is one
of many ways to train you to have critical thinking because it requires
recommendations/ suggestions/ advice which can be considered as the solutions to
the problems discussed in the text. As senior high school students, you need to
master the correct and clear understanding about this text to be able to utter your
opinion about something including giving recommendations to solve problems.
Therefore, whoever learns about Hortatory Exposition text is expected to become
more critical in seeing a case or issue since you have to state your position with
convincing arguments and suggest recommendation.

3. Learning Guide
In this unit, you will have three specific activities to do to achieve the learning
outcomes, namely pre-activity, main-activity, and post-activity.
a. Pre-activity
The purpose of this activity is to activate your background knowledge about the
text type being discussed to help you comprehend it. The activities are about
some introductions about the Hortatory Exposition text.
b. Main activity
In this activity, you are exposed to some Hortatory Exposition texts to identify
their functions, analyse their structure and features, and create your own text.

c. Post-activity
In this activity you are going to have a summary, reflection, and formative test.

1. Learning Outcomes
a. Attitude
Having studied the learning materials and experienced learning activities of this
type of text, you are expected to be able:
to uphold and apply religious values, moral values, ethical values, personal and
social values, in this case:
 being respectful to others (treating people with courtesy, politeness, and
 showing appreciation to others’ opinions and suggestions, and
 listening to what others say/ write wisely before expressing your own

b. Knowledge
Having studied the learning materials and experienced learning activities of this
type of text, you are expected to be able:
 to understand, analyse, and apply the social functions, generic structures,
and language features of Hortatory Exposition texts regarding the contexts
of situations.

c. Skill
Having studied the learning materials and experienced learning activities of this
type of text, you are expected to be able to:
 state your position/ stance about an issue
 elaborate your opinion with convincing arguments
 give relevant and contextual recommendation
 write a complete Hortatory Exposition text

2. Learning Materials and Learning Activities

a. Definition
When someone asks your opinion about something, how do you answer that?
For example, if you are asked, “What do you think about arranged marriage?”
or “Do you agree about arranged marriage?” will you only answer by saying I
agree, or I disagree about it? Or will you also tell your reasons why you
agree or disagree about it?
Mostly, if you are asked those kinds of questions, you will give your opinion and
some reasons about it, won’t you?

Now, you are given a video to watch, and you are going to find what question
is given and how one of the contestants of Miss Universe 2019 answers that

Link for the video*:



1. What is asked by the MC?

Answer: …

2. Find the details in the answer of the contestant.

a. Is there any certain point she says as her answer to that question?

Answer: …

What is that?

Answer: …

b. What is her reason(s) in saying so?

Answer: …

c. Is there any recommendation/ suggestion given by the contestant?

Answer: …

What is that?

Answer: …

Read the following text and answer the questions below the text.

Insurance as a Paid off Well Investment

People often say “Life is full of surprises” as in the real-life, it is full of

obstacles and risks which are sometimes unpredictable. Either individuals,
families, businesses, or assets are exposed to different levels of risks. Those
risks may result in our financial losses. Due to the fact that the cost of
education increases every year, everyone has a risk of getting sick and will
die one day, then one of the things we can prepare to minimize the financial
impact is by having insurance. Since it costs heaps of money, is insurance a
waste of money? Here are three reasons why I strongly agree that insurance
isn’t a waste of money.

First of all, insurance ensures one’s financial security. Neither much money
you have earned nor saved; your financial position can be dented by
unexpected things. Insurance would be one of the best solutions if you
wanted to become financially secured. If there is an unexpected thing
happens to be an unforeseen event, you will be able to receive a pay-out
from the insurance you have had for your financial support. With insurance
in place, any financial stress will be taken care of, and you can focus on your
problem’s recovery.

Second, insurance facilitates people to actualize their future dreams. Having

many plans ahead (for example: owning a house, getting married, having
children, having a vacation together, or opening a business), you must have
a preparation of the funds to achieve them. Insurance also gives you the
flexibility to carry out thorough life plans. You can estimate the cost and
calculate to get an exact nominal and start preparing early on. So, in time,
you can get what you want as it has been calculated in advance. You can
also choose insurance with premium options that can be adjusted according
to your ability, so you can freely determine your life choices and actualize it.

The last reason is that the money that we have used to have insurance is not
forfeited even though it isn’t used. There are some of insurance products
which provide a premium return benefit at the end of the period as big as
50% of the total premium that has been paid. If the claim has never
occurred, the refund of premium at the end of the period is 75% of the total
initial premium. For a reminder, each insurer provides a percentage
difference. So that besides getting a guarantee and a sense of security, we
can withdraw a fraction of our initial premium.

Of all the written reasons, it is concluded that having insurance is such an

important part of our life that can save you from financial hardship in case of
any unforeseen circumstances happen. Therefore, you should start to
consider and choose the right insurance for your life today and in the future.

*This text is taken from the work of a student of SMA Santa Ursula Jakarta
namely Rachel Widia, grade XI MIPA 4, present list No. 17, academic year
2020-2021, with some revisions.

1. What is the topic being discussed in the text?
Answer: …

2. What is the opinion of the writer about having insurance?

Answer: …

3. What are the writer’s reasons in saying so?

Answer: …

4. What is the writer’s advice/ recommendation about the topic discussed?

Answer: …

After doing task 1 and 2, can you get some similarities from both written
(Insurance as a Paid off Well Investment) and spoken text (contestant from
South Africa) given? Both texts, spoken and written texts above are the
examples of Hortatory Exposition text.

Now, how can you define of Hortatory Exposition Texts?

Answer: …

b. Generic Structure

Now, please compare the following examples of Hortatory Exposition Texts.

Becoming a Better Person with More Open-minded by Travelling
Our Failures

Society pushes us to always be Most people have travelled to

perfect and we are not allowed to another place at some point in their
make any mistakes or failures. For lives, whether it is to another town,
example, schools expect their province, or even another country.
students to always have great scores Traveling is something that most
and must have various non-academic people think of as fun, but
skills such as art, baking, sports, and unbeknownst to a lot of people, it is
when the students fail, the students also scientifically proven to change
get all the blame. It is believed that our brain and our outlook on life.
making mistakes is a bad thing and People who travel welcome new
we shouldn’t be making any ideas or views more easily than
mistakes. However, I completely people who don’t travel. In other
believe that failures make people’s words, it generally makes you more
life better because they teach us how open-minded, but why does traveling
to be stronger, make us stay away make you more open-minded?
from arrogance, and widen our
knowledge. Firstly, you can learn about different
cultures or customs from all around
To begin with, failures make us a the world. The cultures in the world
stronger person. Most people who fail are so diverse that it’s impossible to
will try again and become more understand all of them. Nevertheless,
determined to succeed. We might get understanding just a few other
discouraged and sad at the first time, cultures outside of your own is
but then we gain strength to enough to make you view the world
continue the journey. For instance, differently. One of the examples is
the writer of Harry Potter, JK Rowling that you are usually not allowed to
experienced so many failures before wear shoes inside in Japan, whereas
Harry Potter was a success. She had you’re often welcomed to walk inside
a tough life. It was so tough that she a house in America with your shoes
had to battle with depression. She on. It is also known that punctuality
was a divorced mother, raising a is something that most Japanese
young child alone, going to school, people prioritize. It’s normal to see
and trying to write a novel in her people bustling about in a hurried
spare time. At first, the Harry Potter way with a briefcase in their hand
novel was a failure. Having been while holding a phone up to their ear.
considered to be too long and old- This is because even a few seconds
fashioned, Harry Potter nearly didn’t late could be seen as something
get published. However, in the end, it disrespectful in Japan. Differences
became a huge success and JK like these make you wonder what
Rowling came back stronger and your priorities in life are and help you
greater. to rearrange them.

In addition, failures make us stay Secondly, when you travel around

away from arrogance. Success can the world often, you get to face all
make people arrogant and feel sorts of unique situations that
overconfident. When we make challenge you to think from a new
mistakes, we are being reminded perspective. Let’s say you and your
that we are not the best in the world, friends are visiting a temple in
and we are still learning and growing Thailand and someone is scolding
from our mistakes. Failures teach us you with the Thai language. Not
to be humble. For instance, some knowing what he’s saying, you just
high school students tend to be stood there confused. An English-
overconfident about themselves speaking local finally stepped in and
when they have been getting some explained what’s going on. It turns
very good grades and they decide out you and your friends were
not to study again for the next test. wearing shoes and sunglasses inside
Overconfident is not good. the temple which is forbidden. You
never thought that temples would
Furthermore, failures can widen our have rules like these. Now, every
own knowledge. Being failed is close time you’re visiting a sacred place,
to make some mistakes. Failures can you ask for the rules that apply
lead us to analyse our mistakes, there. You also become more
explore our true ability, learn more, considerate of the different customs
improve it, and come back with more that people do around the world.
knowledge. We become more
prepared for our next attempt Thirdly, traveling forces you to try
because of the knowledge that we new things you haven’t done before.
gain from our failures. For instance, a If you’ve ever been to Bali, you know
high school student failed her math how beautiful it is. It has vast ocean
test. She analyzed her mistakes and and beautiful seafloor, various sea
knew where she went wrong. Then, life, and amazing culture. You could
she learned from her failure, set up a do a lot of water sports, view
new strategy so she can do better on waterfalls, sail on a local fishing boat,
her next test. and even try some traditional
Balinese food. This way, you get
In conclusion, failures make people’s some new things to try and broaden
life better by teaching people to be your horizon more.
stronger, to stay away from
arrogance, and to widen people’s Traveling is a luxury. It is something
knowledge. Don’t give up once we that people do when all of their basic
fail, but keep trying. Michael Jordan needs are met. However, when
once said, “My failure gave me someone is financially stable enough
strength, my pain was my to travel around the world, they
motivation.” It means that failure can should. This doesn’t mean that they
strengthen you and give you just get to sit in a hotel all day while
motivation to grow. Therefore, if you playing with their phone. If you want
face some failures, you should learn a life-changing experience that
from it in order to be better. broadens your horizon, step out of
your comfort zone; try talking to the
*This text is taken from the work of locals, learn about their cultures, and
a student of SMA Santa Ursula try their traditional food. Remember,
Jakarta namely Aloysia Flower Lula traveling is not only for fun, but also
Utami, grade XI MIPA 3, present list
for education.
No. 1, academic year 2020-2021,
with some revisions.
*This text is taken from the work of
a student of SMA Santa Ursula
Jakarta namely Graciella Nava
Anindya, grade XI MIPA 3, present
list No. 17, academic year 2020-
2021, with some revisions.

Fill in the following table based on the two examples of the Hortatory Exposition
Texts (For No.1-2) and State Yes or No for No. 3-7.

NO Questions Text 1 Text 2

1 What is the topic being discussed? … …
2 What is the writer’s opinion/ … …
position about the topic?
3 Does the writer state her opinion/ … …
position in the first paragraph?
4 Does the writer tell her reasons/ … …
arguments to support her opinion/
position directly in the first
5 Does the writer have her reasons/ … …
arguments in the rest paragraphs?
6 Do the reasons/ arguments have … …
supporting details/ evidence/
7 Does the writer give an advice/ … …
recommendation/ suggestion in the
last paragraph?

After reading the two texts and filling the table in, now you can see how the
texts are developed. What are the structures of the texts?

Hortatory Exposition text is developed using the structure as the following:

1. Writer’s position or opinion about the topic discussed which is called as

THESIS STATEMENT. Thesis statement can directly state writer’s position
as well as all arguments she has or only state her position. The example of
direct thesis statement is like the one in Text 1, and the example of the
indirect thesis statement is like the one in Text 2. Therefore, in the above
table, question No. 4 will have different answer from Text 1 and Text 2.

2. All reasons to support writer’s opinion/ position which is called

ARGUMENTS. Every argument has to be the main idea of each paragraph
if it is in written text in order that the paragraph has good coherence. If
there are more than one argument, it has to be placed in the next
paragraph. Every argument has to be supported by some supporting
sentences as well, just like how to develop good paragraph (1 main idea
and some supporting details). The arguments have to be convincing to be
able to persuade the readers/ listeners as its function.

3. Advice or suggestions given in the last paragraph which is called

RECOMMENDATION. Recommendation is given to help readers/ listeners
know what to do from all arguments given because the purpose of the
Hortatory Exposition text is to persuade the readers that something should
be or should not be done.


To understand more about the generic structure of Hortatory Exposition text.

Please classify the texts from previous TASK into some parts provided below.
Text 1 has been done for you.

TEXT 1 : Becoming a Better Person with Our Failures

Generic Structure Sentences

Thesis Statement I believe that failures make people’s life better

because they teach you how to be stronger,
remove our overconfidence, and widen our

Arguments 1. Failures make you a stronger person.

2. Failures make us stay away from arrogance.
3. Failures can widen our own knowledge.

Recommendation If you face some failures, you should learn from it

in order to be better.

TEXT 2 : More Open-minded by Travelling

Generic Structure Sentences

Thesis Statement

Arguments 1. …
2. …
3. …
Recommendation …

c. Social Function
Hortatory Exposition text has a social function to persuade readers or listeners
that something should be or should not be done. Social function can also be
said as writer’s intention, the purpose of the text, the purpose of the writer,
etc. if it is seen specifically to certain texts.

If it is seen from the 4 texts given previously (written and spoken), can you
identify the social function or writer’s intention in writing the text or speaker’s
intention in delivering the speech?



Text 1: The spoken
text from Miss To persuade the listeners that Leadership should be
Universe 2019 (Video) taught to young girls.

Text 2: Insurance as
a Paid off Well …..

Text 3: Becoming a
Better Person with …..
Our Failures

Text 4: More Open- …..

minded by Travelling

d. Language Features

Here are some language features of Hortatory Exposition Texts whose

examples are mostly taken from the previous texts.

Language Features Examples

Use of Simple Present  We are the most powerful … (Text 1)
Tense  … it costs heaps of money… (Text 2)
 Society pushes us to always … (Text 3)
 Traveling is something that … (Text 4)
Use of passive  It is concluded … (Text 2)
sentences  … assets are exposed to (Text 2)
 … though it isn’t used (Text 2)

Use of modals  … might get discouraged … (text 3)

 you should learn from it (Text 3)
 you can learn about … (Text 4)
 must have various non-academic skills… (Text 3)
Use of adverb  I strongly agree … (Text 2)
 …it is also scientifically proven… (Text 4)
Use of subject  I think … (Text 1)
pronoun  I strongly agree … (Text 2)
 I believe that failures… (Text 3)
 You can learn … (Text 4)

Use of temporal  Firstly, Secondly, etc.

connectives  Moreover, Furthermore, etc.
Use of causal  … failures make people’s life better because they
conditional teach you how to be stronger … (Text 3)
connectives  If there is an unexpected thing happens to be an
unforeseen event, you will be able to receive …
(Text 2)
 ….. Therefore, you should start… (Text 2)
Use of evaluative  Valuable
language  Trustworthy

After understanding the definition, generic function, social function, and language
features of Hortatory Exposition text, now you are going to create your own
Hortatory Exposition text through the following activities.


You are given a question to ask your opinion, state your position toward the issue
whether you agree or disagree.

TOPIC/ Question Stance/ Position/ Thesis Statement

Do you think renewable energy sources …
should receive government subsidies?


After stating your position toward an issue, now please list your arguments to
support your opinion/ position/ thesis statement.

TOPIC/ Question Do you think renewable energy sources should

receive government subsidies?
Stance/ Position/ Thesis …
Arguments 1.


After stating your position toward an issue, listing your arguments to support your
opinion/ position/ thesis statement, now please give relevant and contextual
recommendation toward the same issue.

TOPIC/ Question Do you think renewable energy sources should receive

government subsidies?
Stance/ Position/ …
Thesis Statement
Arguments 1. …

2. …

3. …

Recommendation …


After stating your position toward an issue, listing your arguments to support your
opinion/ position/ thesis statement, and giving relevant and contextual
recommendation toward the same issue, all the generic structure of the Hortatory
Exposition Text is already complete. Now you please develop your writing/ text in
a complete text consisting of some paragraphs. Remember that one paragraph has
one main idea only. Since the generic structure above consists of 5 parts, it means
you have to have at least 5 paragraphs. You need to develop the parts of the generic
structure by paying attention to the coherence of the text. Use some connective
words when necessary.

Here is how you develop your text:

Paragraph 1 Opening paragraph along with thesis statement (it is possible to

have more than 1 opening paragraph)
Paragraph 2 Argument 1 and its supporting details
Paragraph 3 Argument 2 and its supporting details
Paragraph 4 Argument 3 and its supporting details
Paragraph 5 Conclusion along with recommendation

TASK 10:

Conclude the steps of the activities in this unit in teaching you the material of
Hortatory Exposition Text.

Discussion Forum

So far, you have studied the materials and experienced the activities presented in this
unit. You also have made your own Hortatory Text as well as the insights to teach
this text in the class. However, you may need to confirm your understanding and
share ideas with other students and/or teacher. Besides, your participation is rated.
Therefore, get involved in the Discussion Forum at the period pre-set by the teacher
in the Google Classroom.

A few things you need to consider when having an effective discussion here are:

1. Share ideas as original as possible, which means it is better to share it with your
own words instead of copying and pasting information from this module or any
2. If you want to share any other information from other sources, remember to
credit the author.
3. Be always punctual in joining the discussion forum.
4. Quantity and quality of participation is priority. Don’t just ask questions or share
your own problems, but check others comment and give your response to some
comment to help them with some solutions you may think.

1. Summary
Hortatory Exposition is a type of English text that belongs to the class of
Argumentation. Hortatory Exposition is an exposition that persuades readers that
something should be or should not be done. If in Analytical Exposition you only
persuade readers/ listeners that the case/ issue being discussed is important or
something should be the case so at the end you only have to restate your point of
view/ position, here in Hortatory Exposition, after telling all your arguments, you
have to give a recommendation or advice of what to do relating to that issue.

A Hortatory Exposition text consists of three components:

1. Thesis Statement is writer’s point opinion/ point of view/ position about

discussed issue/ topic.
2. Arguments are reasons why the writer has that point of view/ opinion which
will lead to recommendation.
3. Recommendation is advice or suggestion of what should or should not happen
or be done based on the given arguments.

2. Reflection

To review your understanding about what you have learned about Hortatory
Exposition text, answer the following questions:

Questions Answers
What do you know about Hortatory ……
Exposition text?
What are the social functions of ……
Hortatory Exposition text?
How is Hortatory Exposition text ……
constructed/ developed?
What are the language features ……
commonly found in Hortatory Exposition
Can you construct/ develop/ create a ……
Hortatory Exposition text?
Are your arguments convincing to ……
persuade the readers/ listeners?
Is your Hortatory Exposition text ……
3. Formative Test
To help you see your mastery of the material presented in this unit, please do this
formative test well.

1. Which from the following is suitable to be the title of Hortatory Exposition text?
A. Orchid
B. How are germs killed in our body?
C. How to decorate your kids’ room
D. The importance of protecting our extracurricular activities in school.
E. The advantages and disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

2. Which is not in the Hortatory Exposition text?

A. Arguments
B. Thesis Statement
C. Reorientation
D. Recommendation
E. Elaboration of arguments

3. Which from the following represents the writer’s thesis statement?

A. Here are some reasons why cross-cultural marriage is hard to maintain.
B. It is believed that people have mixed views on fast fashion.
C. Free trade policy has both benefits and drawbacks.
D. Cosmetic surgery has some advantages and disadvantages.
E. Here is my experience during last summer vacation.

4. Which from the following is not suitable to support your thesis statement saying,
“Traveling in groups led by a tour guide is better than traveling by yourself.”
A. You will make many friends.
B. You will not get lost.
C. You see lots over a short period.
D. You often have little time at each stop.
E. You will not miss popular landmark.

5. Which from the following is the most suitable recommendation for readers to do if
the thesis statement says, “Here are some reasons why water-bottled industry is
harmful to the environment.”
A. People should recycle the bottles more often.
B. Water-bottled industry should close their operation.
C. People should reduce the consumption of water bottled.
D. Government should ban water-bottled industry.
E. Water-bottled industry should change the plastic material to glass.

6. Read the text below and answer the question based on the text.

Learning English through music and songs can be very enjoyable. You can mix
pleasure with learning when you listen to a song and exploit the song as a
means to your English progress. Some underlying reasons can be drawn to
support the idea why we use songs in language learning.

Firstly, “the song stuck in my head” Phenomenon (the echo in our minds of the
last song we heard after leaving a restaurant, shopping malls, etc.) can be both
enjoyable and sometimes unnerving. This phenomenon also seems to reinforce
the idea that songs work on our short-and-long term memory. Some words,
sentences, or some certain expression can be recorded in our mind, which is
helpful for us to learn the language.

Secondly, songs in general also use simple conversational language, with a lot
of repetition, which is just what many learners look for sample text. The fact
that they are effective makes them many times more motivating than other
text. Although usually simple, some songs can be quite complex syntactically,
lexically and poetically, and can be analyzed in the same way as any other
literary sample.
Furthermore, songs can be appropriated by listener for their own purpose. Most
pop songs and probably many other types don’t have precise people, place or
time reference. Many songs are even so related to what people experience and
when the listeners feel this, they will remember the songs and will get curious
and search more info from the songs.

In addition, songs are relaxing. They can promote relaxation of tense muscles,
enabling you to easily release some of the tension you carry from a stressful
day (or week). When you relax your muscles and loosen your body, your mind
also relaxes.

Last but not least, there are many learning activities we can do with songs such
as studying grammar, practicing selective listening comprehension, translating
songs, learning vocabulary, spelling and culture. Now, it is easy to find lyrics,
translations, and any other things related to a song on the internet as long as
we want to start learning from them.

From the elaboration above, it can be concluded that learning through music
and songs can be enjoyable and fun.

This text is taken from https://analyticalteks.blogspot.com/2012/12/teks-


What can be best recommended by the writer related to the opinions she has in
the text?

A. To learn English from songs, you have to buy more music platforms where
you can find more songs and also listening to some podcasts so you can
improve your English faster.
B. To learn English from songs effectively, you can take notes of the lyrics every
time you listen to English songs and translate them to your own language.
C. To enrich your vocabulary through songs, you have to always listen to the
lyrics, find the meaning of each word in the lyrics, then memorize them.
D. Learning English from songs should be done every time you listen to them
wherever you are, so the words, meanings, and some expressions, can get
stuck in your head.
E. You can learn English more effectively through a song by varying things you
learn, so it is not only enriching your vocabulary, but also widening your
horizons of the culture as well.

7. Read the text below and answer the question based on the text.

Learning English through music and songs can be very enjoyable. You can mix
pleasure with learning when you listen to a song and exploit the song as a
means to your English progress. Some underlying reasons can be drawn to
support the idea why we use songs in language learning.

Firstly, “the song stuck in my head” Phenomenon (the echo in our minds of the
last song we heard after leaving a restaurant, shopping malls, etc.) can be both
enjoyable and sometimes unnerving. This phenomenon also seems to reinforce
the idea that songs work on our short-and-long term memory. Some words,
sentences, or some certain expression can be recorded in our mind, which is
helpful for us to learn the language.

Secondly, songs in general also use simple conversational language, with a lot
of repetition, which is just what many learners look for sample text. The fact
that they are effective makes them many times more motivating than other
text. Although usually simple, some songs can be quite complex syntactically,
lexically and poetically, and can be analyzed in the same way as any other
literary sample.
Furthermore, songs can be appropriated by listener for their own purpose. Most
pop songs and probably many other types don’t have precise people, place or
time reference. Many songs are even so related to what people experience and
when the listeners feel this, they will remember the songs and will get curious
and search more info from the songs.

In addition, songs are relaxing. They can promote relaxation of tense muscles,
enabling you to easily release some of the tension you carry from a stressful
day (or week). When you relax your muscles and loosen your body, your mind
also relaxes.
Last but not least, there are many learning activities we can do with songs such
as studying grammar, practicing selective listening comprehension, translating
songs, learning vocabulary, spelling and culture. Now, it is easy to find lyrics,
translations, and any other things related to a song on the internet as long as
we want to start learning from them.

From the elaboration above, it can be concluded that learning through music
and songs can be enjoyable and fun.

This text is taken from https://analyticalteks.blogspot.com/2012/12/teks-


Which from the following is not true based on the text?

A. Songs have various expressions from the simple ones to the more complex
B. Songs can’t be related to everyone’s experience.
C. We can’t learn other than words used in the lyrics of songs.
D. Songs can help understand the culture as well.
E. Everything related to songs also provided on the internet.

8. Read the text below and answer the question based on the text.

The Ethical Obligation of Businesses

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a type of self-made regulations made

by a company in order to be socially accountable. These responsibilities may
include paying a living wage, reducing carbon footprint, donating to the
communities, and practicing ethical trades. This not only benefits the business
but also the people involved in it in the long run. It is important that CSR is
done by businesses, especially bigger companies to give maintain a good image
and benefit the surrounding environment, such as workers, consumers, and
nature itself.

Firstly, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is needed to maintain a good

image in the public eye. In the present time, a socially conscious image is
increasingly being demanded by consumers and investors. By giving back to
the community where it operates, a business will gain trust and approval from
the people there. This will help the business operate more successfully in terms
of getting permits and resources. Furthermore, the workers for these
businesses are more likely to be happier and be responsible for their jobs. As a
matter of fact, having made changes to their company policies and practices,
most businesses see significant growth and support from consumers and
society in general.

Secondly, corporations always take something from communities and nature in

some ways. So, it is obligated for them to be held accountable for their actions
and contribute to the betterment of the people and environments they source
from. Contributions can be done in several ways, for instance, volunteering at
an animal sanctuary or donating trees for reforestation efforts. Donating and
Volunteering to charities is such an important initiative that should be done
consistently to return the efforts and resources taken by these companies. If
these efforts are given in every part of the business chain, much of social
welfare and environmental issues will decrease by a significant amount.

From these arguments, it is clear that every business has an ethical obligation
to give back to the community and environment where they operate or to
charities. Supervision by the local and international government, as well as the
public, is believed to be the most effective way for companies to stay ethical.
By reaching out and helping the communities that have contributed to them,
businesses are more likely to flourish and develop. With this purpose in mind,
these efforts should be done in a conscious way and be reflected in every part
of the business practice.

*This text is taken from the work of a student of SMA Santa Ursula Jakarta namely
Monica Hartono, grade XI MIPA 4, present list No. 20, academic year 2020-2021, with
some revisions.

Which is true from the following choices based on the text above?

A. The thesis statement directly states the arguments.

B. The are three arguments given in the text.
C. There is no recommendation given in the text.
D. The position of the writer is not clearly written.
E. The arguments are pros and cons.

9. Read the text below and answer the question based on the text.

The Ethical Obligation of Businesses

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a type of self-made regulations made

by a company in order to be socially accountable. These responsibilities may
include paying a living wage, reducing carbon footprint, donating to the
communities, and practicing ethical trades. This not only benefits the business
but also the people involved in it in the long run. It is important that CSR is
done by businesses, especially bigger companies to give maintain a good image
and benefit the surrounding environment, such as workers, consumers, and
nature itself.

Firstly, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is needed to maintain a good

image in the public eye. In the present time, a socially conscious image is
increasingly being demanded by consumers and investors. By giving back to
the community where it operates, a business will gain trust and approval from
the people there. This will help the business operate more successfully in terms
of getting permits and resources. Furthermore, the workers for these
businesses are more likely to be happier and be responsible for their jobs. As a
matter of fact, having made changes to their company policies and practices,
most businesses see significant growth and support from consumers and
society in general.

Secondly, corporations always take something from communities and nature in

some ways. So, it is obligated for them to be held accountable for their actions
and contribute to the betterment of the people and environments they source
from. Contributions can be done in several ways, for instance, volunteering at
an animal sanctuary or donating trees for reforestation efforts. Donating and
Volunteering to charities is such an important initiative that should be done
consistently to return the efforts and resources taken by these companies. If
these efforts are given in every part of the business chain, much of social
welfare and environmental issues will decrease by a significant amount.

From these arguments, it is clear that every business has an ethical obligation
to give back to the community and environment where they operate or to
charities. Supervision by the local and international government, as well as the
public, is believed to be the most effective way for companies to stay ethical.
By reaching out and helping the communities that have contributed to them,
businesses are more likely to flourish and develop. With this purpose in mind,
these efforts should be done in a conscious way and be reflected in every part
of the business practice.

*This text is taken from the work of a student of SMA Santa Ursula Jakarta namely
Monica Hartono, grade XI MIPA 4, present list No. 20, academic year 2020-2021, with
some revisions.

In what ways can the companies contribute to help reduce environmental


A. donating to the communities and giving some courses for children

surrounding the companies
B. volunteering at an animal sanctuary and donating trees for reforestation
C. reducing carbon footprint by using eco-friendly tools and donating to an
D. donating trees for reforestation and donating for some homeless near the
E. giving some lands for green area and giving scholarships to children
surrounding the companies

10. Read the text below and answer the question based on the text.

The Ethical Obligation of Businesses

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a type of self-made regulations made

by a company in order to be socially accountable. These responsibilities may
include paying a living wage, reducing carbon footprint, donating to the
communities, and practicing ethical trades. This not only benefits the business
but also the people involved in it in the long run. It is important that CSR is
done by businesses, especially bigger companies to give maintain a good
image and benefit the surrounding environment, such as workers, consumers,
and nature itself.

Firstly, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is needed to maintain a good

image in the public eye. In the present time, a socially conscious image is
increasingly being demanded by consumers and investors. By giving back to
the community where it operates, a business will gain trust and approval from
the people there. This will help the business operate more successfully in
terms of getting permits and resources. Furthermore, the workers for these
businesses are more likely to be happier and be responsible for their jobs. As a
matter of fact, having made changes to their company policies and practices,
most businesses see significant growth and support from consumers and
society in general.

Secondly, corporations always take something from communities and nature in

some ways. So, it is obligated for them to be held accountable for their actions
and contribute to the betterment of the people and environments they source
from. Contributions can be done in several ways, for instance, volunteering at
an animal sanctuary or donating trees for reforestation efforts. Donating and
Volunteering to charities is such an important initiative that should be done
consistently to return the efforts and resources taken by these companies. If
these efforts are given in every part of the business chain, much of social
welfare and environmental issues will decrease by a significant amount.
From these arguments, it is clear that every business has an ethical obligation
to give back to the community and environment where they operate or to
charities. Supervision by the local and international government, as well as the
public, is believed to be the most effective way for companies to stay ethical.
By reaching out and helping the communities that have contributed to them,
businesses are more likely to flourish and develop. With this purpose in mind,
these efforts should be done in a conscious way and be reflected in every part
of the business practice.

*This text is taken from the work of a student of SMA Santa Ursula Jakarta namely
Monica Hartono, grade XI MIPA 4, present list No. 20, academic year 2020-2021, with
some revisions.

What is another argument which can be added to support the writer’s position
based on the text above?

A. Not every business is capable of doing CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)

due to the economic condition nowadays.
B. Doing business itself is already a form of doing CSR (Corporate Social
C. It is the right of the business itself to be socially responsible or not.
D. Business already contributes socially by hiring people to work once it
E. CSR can attract more investors as your company is healthy and looking
towards the future.

Amarain, S et.al. 2009. Text Forms and Features. Indonesia. Umbrella Corporation.

Knapp, Peter & Watkins Megan. 2005. Genre, Text, Grammar: Technologies for Teaching
and Assessing Writing. Sydney. University of New South Wales Press Ltd.

Nation, I.S.P. 2009. Teaching ESL/EFL Reading and Writing. New York. Routledge.


Video sources:

Miss Universe 2019 Top 3 Question and Answer Round | Miss Universe 2019
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvErNgwwciY, retrieved on April 21, 2021 at 08.23 p.m.

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