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September 30, 2015

The Importance Of Good


Maintaining a good posture is vital to your

overall health. Unknown to many, a good
posture is just as essential as a healthy diet,
sleeping comfortably and exercising. It
ensures that your body is well poised to
undertake daily tasks with more vigour and
energy, all the while keeping away fatigue. It’s
a core pillar to your overall physical health.

So then, what is posture, and how can one

maintain it? Posture is basically the position
we hold our bodies in while standing, seating
and even when lying down. A good posture
ensures that our entire body is symmetrically
aligned and the muscle tension is just about
right. And maintaining a good posture ought
to be fairly easy.

Why Maintain A Good

Sustaining a good posture is a big part of your
health. It ensures that your bones are well
aligned with the rest of the body, while the
tension in your muscles and ligaments is
properly distributed. More so, it keeps the
body parts in their rightful positions with
minimal stress. A rightful posture thence;

Enables muscles to coordinate in a more-

efficient manner, ensuring the body
utilises less energy, thus eliminating
muscle fatigue. This allows one to
undertake tasks for longer periods with
minimal exhaustion.
Holds the spinal joints in place, which is
essential in maintaining a good posture.
With less stress on the ligaments,
coupled with aligned spinal joints, the
possibility of injury is greatly minimised.
Aids in preventing back and muscular
pain, all which are signs of a poorly
relaxed body. Thus eliminating a myriad
of other ailments that may accompany
such issues.
Decreases the abnormal wearing of joints
by keeping them and the bones properly
aligned. By ensuring our muscles are
used correctly and that no wear or tear
occurs, chronic risks like arthritis are duly

What Constitutes A Good

Sustaining a good posture should not be
taken to be a massive mental task or a
constant bother. In fact, the body is designed
to maintain normal posture unconsciously via
certain muscles. Although one ought to be
aware of their posture to a given degree,
outlined below are some tips to help you out.

Sitting Properly: ensure that your feet

are on the floor, or on a footrest rather
than hanging mid-air, keep your knees at
or below your hip level, maintain relaxed
shoulders with your forearms at a parallel
position to the ground, and have your
backrest support your entire back.
Standing Properly: ensure that your
weight is borne by the soles of your feet,
with your feet placed 4-5 inches apart,
tuck your stomach in, and have your
hands hanging naturally from the body
sides. All the while maintaining a straight
and tall structure.
Preferable Lying Position: A major
secret to sleeping right is having a good
and comfortable mattress. If you prefer a
hard one, that’s fairly okay, and if you feel
comfy on a softer one, then that’s fine.
Always support your head with a pillow
such that is at an elevated position to the
rest of your body to aid in blood
circulation. And avoid lying on your

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Cheryl Smith
5 years ago · 0 Likes

I have a cousin who is in a wheelchair.

He takes his sitting posture very
seriously. He also tries to make sure that
his feet are always on the foot rests. I
definitely think good posture helps fend
off other problems.

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