Grade 6 DLP - TLE - Agriculture - Week 7

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WEEK 7 Day 1 Date: ____________

A. Content Standard
Demonstrate an understanding of scientific practices in planting
trees and fruit trees.
B. Performance Standard
Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees.
C. Learning Competency
Applies scientific knowledge and skills in identifying fruits and
seedlings ready for sale. (TLE6AG-0f-7)
Propagating trees and fruit trees

A. References
Home Economics and Livelihood Education by Josephine
C.Bernardino, pages 85-87
B. Other Learning Resources
LCD, laptop, pictures of fruits and seedlings or real fruits and seedlings
A. Reviewing previous lesson
Differentiating healthy measures from safety measures in formulating
fertilizers and organic pesticides.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Ask: Can you cite some instances wherein the crops are already for
What are the factors that a fruit growers must considered when

C. Presenting examples/instances of new lesson

Presentation of the new lesson about fruits and the best months for
harvesting and marketing.(powerpoint presentation)

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills#1

In this part there should be a full discussion of the topic to enhance
pupil’s understanding of the lesson
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2.
Group Activity
Teacher conducts group activity about the lesson.
Group 1
Prepare a slogan about the factors that must be considered in
marketing and selling fruits/ seedlings.
Group 2
Make an acrostic for the word SEEDLINGS..
Group 3
List other fruits that are harvested during the months of January to
March, February to July and June to October.
Group 4
Compose a short poem about Best Months for Harvesting and
Marketing Local Fruits.(Teacher asks questions about the group

F. Developing Mastery
Directions: Write on the space provided,the kind of fruits that are
harvested within the following months. Select the name of fruits inside
the box.

Best Months for Harvesting and Local Fruits

January to March
February to July
March to April
March to July
April to June
April to July

Caimito jackfruit melon

Pineapple calamansi

duhat avocado

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills
MangBerto planted avocado seed. When do you think is the best
month of harvesting and marketing it?
Why is it important to considered the factors in marketing and selling
of fruits or seedlings?

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

By means of webbing show the example of some local fruits and the
months that they are ready for sale.
I. Evaluating learning
Directions:On the space provided, write the duration of months the
fruits are harvested and marketed.
1. caimito _____
2. jackfruit _ ____
3. duhat _____
4. pineapple _____
5. papaya ______

J. Assignment/Agreement
Visit a fruit farm or fruit stand and inquire how their crops are
marketed. Report your findings to the class.
WEEK 7 Day 2 Date: _____________
A. Content Standard
Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting
trees and fruit trees.
B. Performance Standard
Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees.
C. Learning Competency
1. Keeps updated record of trees / seedlings for sale.(TLE6AG-0f-
Propagating Trees and Fruit Trees


A. References
Home Economics and Livelihood Education by Josephine C.
Bernardino, pages 87-89
B. Other Learning Resources
LCD, Laptop

A.Reviewing previous lesson
The teacher will prepare a ball. As the music goes, the ball will pass to
everyone, once it stops the one holding the ball will get a sheet of paper with
questions from the box.
Directions: Identify the factors to be considered in marketing and selling of
fruits and seedlings.
1.The price of the product depends on the current price in the market.(market
2.Selling price of fruit increases with an addition of the cost of transportation.
(selling price).

B.Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Why do you think record keeping is very important in any business?

C.Presenting Examples /Instances of New Lesson

Show a powerpoint presentation of the lesson.
Records of Fruits or Seedlings for Sale
Record keeping is very important in any business. Records of the farm
activities provide substantial reference in making a marketing plan, creating a
budget, and in making decisions. Likewise records are sources of data in
obtaining credit and insurance and in preparing for tax returns and reports
required by the government.

The following are important farm records:

1.Cash Record- It is a record of cash value received both from cash sales and
cash payments for a certain period. Cash record reflects the cash accounts in
the farm. Cash received from sales and cash received from payments of
customers are recorded in the cash sales journal.Those that are recorded in
the cash payments journals include payments in cash to pay other farm
transactions such as fertilizer, transportation, among others.

Date Amount O.R # Remarks

8/13/2015 Php 24 001226 Sale of 600 kg.
000.00 jackfruit
9/18/2015 Php 10 91880 Sale of 500
000.00 kg.papaya
9/24/2015 Php 16 012244 Sale of 800 kg.
000.00 mango

Sample of cash record of VillaGracia Farm

2.Farm Sales Record- It is a record of all sales of farm produce. Thmost
commonly used type of farm record is the general farm record that has only
one account column representing the total value or amount of the same. The
record also shows the following information about the sale such as date of
sale, description of item sold, unit and unit value.
Date Description Quantity Unit Unit Total amount
7/3/15 Bayabas 10 Kg Php Php 550.00
7/13/15 Kalamansi 50 Kg Php Php 1 150
TOTAL 60 Kg Php 1700.00

3.Production Record- It is a record that shows the list of the different crops
grown in the farm during the period or year. The record also shows the
following information: the cost of production of each group, the total sales per
crop, the remaining stock, and the net income.This record determines the
annual profitability of the farm as it summarizes the performance of the farm
on how much was spent and earned for each crop.

Cropping Product Cost of Total Sales Remai Net Income Net

Season Production ning Loss

Jan-Mar Caimito Php 6 500 Php 11 000 2 kg Php 4 500

Mar-Apr Jackfruit 9 000 17 800 5 kg 8 800
April- Jul Melon 7 700 15 450 4 kg 7 750
Jun- Oct Kalamansi 3 440 7 600 3.5 kg 4 160
Sept-Dec Sampaloc 4 600 9 090 4 490
Oct- Nov Dalanghit 4 350 7 500 3 150
TOTAL Php 35 590 Php 68 440 Php 32 850

Sample of production record of Villa Gracia Farm

As shown in the record, the annual income of Villa Gracia Farm for the year
2014 is Php 32 850.00 and this amount will still increase in addition of the
amount or cost of the remaining stocks. The grower should know the current
market price of these items to give an accurate and updated amount.
Assuming that the current market price of the remaining stocks are as follows:

Remaining Product Market Price Total Market

Stocks Price
2 kg seeds Caimito 450/kg Php 900.00
5 kg seeds Melon 550/kg 2 750.00
4 kg seeds Kalamansi 300/kg 1 200.00
3.5 kg seeds Dalanghita 400/kg 1 400.00

Total cost of Php 6 250.00

To get the overall income from the income gained on the remaining stocks,
follow the formula below:

Total Income= Total cost of Remaining stocks +Total Net Income from Sales
Php 6 250.00 Total cost of Remaining Stocks
+ Php32 850.00 Total Net Income from Sales
___ Php39 100.00 Total Farm Income
D.Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills
Group activity is provided in this part
E.Developing Mastery
By means of a web, enumerate the kinds of farm records.

F.Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills.

Make a sample of each kind of farm records.

G.Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson.

Why is it important to keep updated records of trees/ seedlings for
H..Evaluating Learning
Directions:Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is a record of cash value received both from cash sales and cash
payments for a certain period. record sales record
C.production record
D.Business record

2.It is a record of all sales of farm produce.

A. production record
B. cash record
C. farm sales record
D. a & b

3. Which of the following is not included in the production record?

A. cropping season
B. product
C. cost of production
D.unit value

4.What is the formula in getting the totalfarm income?

A. total cost of remaining stocks + total net income from sales
B. total cost of remaining stocks –total net income from sales
C. total cost of remaining stocks *total net income from sales
D. total cost of remaining stocks/ total net income from sales

5. It is a record that shows the list of the different crops grown in the farm
during the period or year.
A. business record
B. cash record
C. farm sales record
D.production record
WEEK 7 Day 3 Date: _____________
A. Content Standards
Demonstrate an understanding in marketing strategies to be
used in selling fruits and seedlings.
B. Performance Standards
Applies knowledge and skills in planning marketing strategies in
C. Learning Competencies
Plans marketing strategies to be used in selling (TLE6AG-0f-7)

Markets Fruits and Seedlings.


A. References
1. Textbook Pages
HELE 6 by: Josephine C. Bernardino,
Home Economics and Livelihood Education by: Erlinda M. pages 62-65
B. Other Learning Resource
Laptop, LCD, fruits and seedlings, pictures

A. Reviewing previous lesson
Game: Going Banana
Teacher will provide banana toy covered with strips of paper
with questions. Pupils will pass on the banana while music
plays. When the music stops one will peel the strip and answers
the question.
1. These are sources of data in obtaining credit and insurance
in preparing for tax return and reports required by the
Answer: Record
2. It is a record of sales of farm produce.
Answer: Farm Sales Record
3. To get the overall/total income from income gained, what
formula must be follow?

Answer: Total Cost of Remaining Stock

+ Total Net Income from Sales
Total Income
4. It is a record of cash value received both from cash sales
and cash payments for a certain period.
Answer: Cash Record
5. It is a record that shows the list of the different crops grown
in the farm during the period or year.
Answer: Production Record

B. Establishing purpose for the Lesson

Show pictures of a fruit market and seedling store near your

Have you ever sell fruits? How did you do it?

What are some marketing strategies that you already know?
How does it help you and your family?
For today, we are going to plan marketing strategies to be used
in selling fruits and seedlings.

C. Presenting examples/instances of new lesson

Teacher will show pictures of different marketing strategies of
selling fruits and seedlings. The learner will be group into five.
Each group will dramatize one marketing strategy of selling
fruits and seedlings.

Group 1 - Retailing

Group 2 - Use of Middleman

Group 3 – Selling in the Farm

Group 4 – Selling through Contract

Group 5 – Selling through Cooperative

D. Discussing new concept and practicing new skills #1

Each group will present and discuss their output. Let the
learners have freedom during the discussion.
Guide Questions:
1. What marketing strategy did you plan to sell fruits and
2. How did you plan it?

E. Discussing new concept and practicing new skills #2

Teacher will add some marketing strategies that were not
clearly plan by the learners.
Guide Questions:
1. Give the difference of marketing strategies.
2. Which marketing strategy do you find best for selling?

F. Developing mastery
Show and Tell Activity:
Direction: The teacher will post statement about planning different
marketing strategies. Learners will tell if the statement is right or wrong.

1. Selling product by piece is called retailing.

2. One who buys products and sells them to retailers is called middleman.
3. Farmers are allowed to sell any of the products to other buyers even if a
contract has been signed.
4. Seedlings in nurseries are usually sold in earthenware or plastic bags.
5. Prices in the farm are more expensive than in the market.

G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills

Can you now plan marketing strategy to sell fruits and seedlings? Will it
help you in your daily living? How?
H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson
How will you plan marketing strategy to sell fruits and seedlings?

I. Evaluating Learning
A. Direction: Which marketing strategy will you plan in the following
situation? Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. You don’t want to transport your product and want to sell it directly in
the farm.
A. Retailing C. Selling in the Farm
B. Use of Middleman D. Selling through Contracts

2. You want to earn more profit so you sold your products by piece or by
A. Retailing C. Use of Middleman
B. Selling in the Farm D. Selling through Contracts

3. Earning income and profit by patronizing products sold by the

A. Use of Middleman C. Selling in the Farm
B. Selling through Contracts D. Selling through Cooperatives

4. As a trader you earn by transporting the products from the farm to the
market where they are sold to retailers.
A. Retailing C. Use of Middleman
B. Selling in the Farm D. Selling through Contracts

5. Orders are usually sent to nursery for delivery.

A. Selling in the Farm C. Selling through Contract
B. Selling seedlings D. Selling through Cooperatives

B. Direction: Write √ in the blank before each number if the following shows a
good plan to sell fruits and seedlings and X if not.

__ 6.Grow enough and quality fruits and seedling that demands the
needs in your area.
___7. Advertise your product.
___8. Sell your product in high cost to get high profit.
___9. Find the right place to sell your product.
___10. Know your market and customer.
WEEK 7 Day 4 Date: _____________
A. Content Standards
Demonstrate an understanding of online marketing of orchard
B. Performance Standards
Applies knowledge and skills in online marketing of orchard
C. Learning Competencies
Uses online marketing of orchard trees/seedlings (TLE6AG-0f-7)

Markets Fruits and Seedlings.


A. References
Home Economics and Livelihood Education 6 by: Josephine
C. Bernardino page 90

B. Other Learning Resource

Laptop, speaker, LCD, picture of orchard trees and

A. Reviewing previous lesson

Fill in the chart with proper marketing strategies.

Marketing Strategies

B. Establishing purpose for the Lesson

Begin by asking students to share jingles, campaigns, slogans
ads they remember.
Ask: What are the sources of these ads?
Which of these advertisements do you think would be remember
years from now? ( Teacher may share some jingles or ads from
childhood as example of how ads can be ingrained into
What elements make this ad so powerful?

C. Presenting examples/instances of new lesson

Show video presentation “Online Marketingvs Traditional
Post questions before watching the video. Ask them to
remember these points for later reference.

Divide pupils into four.

Group 1: Using a Venn diagram, write the similarities and
differences of online marketing and traditional marketing.
Group 2: Give the importance of online marketing trough
rap song.
Group 3: Make a jingle about using online marketing in
selling orchard trees or seedlings.
Group 4: Dramatize how to use online marketing.

D. Discussing new concept and practicing new skills #1

Each group will present and discuss their output. Let the
learners have freedom during the discussion.
Guide Questions:
3. What kind of marketing had been discussed?
4. Which among the marketing shows trends and
5. How can we use online marketing to market orchard trees
and seedlings?

E. Discussing new concept and practicing new skills #2

Let the pupils watch “Digital Marketing Benefits; Uses of
Online Marketing”
Guide Questions;
1. What are the benefits of online marketing?
2. What are some present websites that we can use to
market orchard trees and seedlings?
3. How can we use online marketing to sell products?
4. What are the steps to follow in starting online marketing?
5. In what ways does online marketing contribute to the
economy of the family? community?

F. Developing mastery
How can we sell orchard tress and seedlings using online
G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills

Let the pupils do the activity.

A. Draw a on the line if you agree with the

statement. And a if you disagree.

____1. Online marketing is a marketing strategy that uses

internet, web and e-mail.
____2. Products in online are directly introduce to customer or
deliver promotional message to customer.
____3.We can use Facebook as networking site to sell orchard
trees and seedlings.
____4. Traditional marketing can gain more profit than online
_____5. Online marketing is a process of selling product in a

B. Direction: Write OM if it shows proper way of using online

marketing and M if not.

__6. Post photos of your product without level and price on the
___7. In marketing online, you may choose from web marketing,
email marketing and social media marketing.
___8. Products in online are directly introduce to customer or
deliver promotional message to customer.
___9. You can sell products online without internet connection.
___10.E-mail marketing involves both advertising and marketing
efforts through e-mail messages to current customers and
prospective customers as well

H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson

How can we sell orchard tress and seedlings using online

I. Evaluating Learning

Direction: Use your online marketing knowledge to answer the

following. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which marketing strategy will promote and sell orchard trees and
seedlings through internet?
A. Selling in the Farm C. Direct Selling
B. Contract Selling D. Online Marketing
2. What is the best way to make money "while you sleep"?
A. Sleeping in the market.
B. By dreaming up good marketing ideas
C. Selling your product on eBay, Facebook and YouTube.
D. Having a spouse who works the night shift

3. How will you promote your product online?

A. Create a unique but hard to enter website.
B. Collect as many contacts as possible
C. Offer a lot of free information
D. Invite potential clients to visit your website.

4. Which device will you need to enter online marketing?

A. Store place
B. E-mail address
C. Internet Connection
D. Minecraft discount card

5. What should you remember when using online marketing to market

trees and seedlings?
A. Post edited photos about your product.
B. Tell information that is not true to convinced your client.
C. Use Online Marketing responsibly to enjoy selling without difficulty.
D. Use websites that are not usually visited by clients.

J. Assignment/Agreement
Using Facebook, make a simple online page to market trees
and seedling found in your community?
WEEK 7 Day 5 Date: _____________
A. Content Standards
Demonstrate understanding in making flyers and brochures.
B. Performance Standards
Make flyers or brochures .
C. Learning Competencies
Prepares flyers or brochures (TLE6AG-0f-7)

Markets Fruits and Seedlings.

A. References
HELE 6 by: Josephine C. Bernardino p. 91,
B. Other Learning Resource
Laptop, LCD, video presentation, pictures, sample flyers and
brochures, bond paper, colored paper, art materials

A. Reviewing previous lesson
Fruit-Seed-Fruit Game “Tic-Tac-Toe Game”
Divide learners into two groups and each group is assigned
either X – fruit or O- seedlings. Draw the tic-tac-toe board on
paper or the board. Students earn the ability to place their fruit
or seedling on the game board if they answer a teacher-read
question correctly.
1. What marketing strategy is used when the buyers go directly
in the farm and the farmers sells their product at lower
Answer: Selling in the farm

B. Establishing purpose for the Lesson

Do you order products? What advertisement is used to sell
products? (Answer may varied)

C. Presenting examples/instances of new lesson

Do a gallery walk. Show an example of flyers and brochures.
When do we use the flyer or brochure? Does it help to market or
sell your products? Can you make flyers too?

Show a video presentation on how to make brochure.

(How to Design a Brochure - Tips from

Post questions while learners are watching a video about how to

make brochures.

D. Discussing new concept and practicing new skills #1

Discussion on how to make brochures or flyers.
Guide Questions:
1. What are brochures?
2. When do we use it?
3. What program in the computer can we use to make flyers or
4. What are the steps in making brochure?

E. Discussing new concept and practicing new skills #2

3. Group Activity
1.1 Each group will make a flyers or brochure to sale the
fruits assigned to them.
1.2 Compare your work with other group. Offer helpful

F. Developing mastery
Arrange the ways on how to make brochures. Write numbers 1-
4 on the line before each sentence.

___Make your brochure attractive by adding color and pictures

of your product.

___Fold your paper on the desired template you want.

___Write the information needed to sell your product.

___Introduce the topics covered in the rest of the brochure.

G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills
Can you now make flyers and brochures to sell fruits and
seedlings? How will it help you?

H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson

How will you make flyers or brochures to sell fruits and

I. Evaluating Learning

Make a flyer or brochure to sell fruits and seedlings. Show the

steps and information needed to in making flyers or brochures.

INDICATOR (4) Excellent (3) Good (2) Almost (1) Not Yet
Attractiveness & The brochure The brochure The brochure The brochure's
Organization has has attractive has well- formatting and
exceptionally formatting organized organization of
(Organization) attractive and well- information. material are
formatting and organized confusing to
well- information. the reader.
Content - The brochure The brochure The brochure The brochure
Accuracy has all of the has all of the has most of has little of the
required required the required required
(Ideas) information information information information
(see checklist) (see (see (see checklist).
and some checklist). checklist).
Writing - All of the Most of the Some of the Most of the
Mechanics writing is done writing is writing is writing is not
in complete done in done in done in
(Conventions) sentences. complete complete complete
Capitalization sentences. sentences. sentences.
and Most of the Some of the Most of the
punctuation capitalization capitalization capitalization
are correct and and and
throughout punctuation punctuation punctuation
the brochure. are correct are correct are not correct
throughout throughout throughout the
the brochure. the brochure. brochure.
Graphics/Pictures The graphics The graphics The graphics The graphics
go well with go well with go well with do not go with
the text and the text, but the text, but the
there is a there are so there are too accompanying
good mix of many that few. text or appear
text and they distract to be randomly
graphics. from the text. chosen.

J. Assignment
1. Search for an example of advertisement of products near
your community using flyer, brochure, poster or banner.

2. Choose one, describe it and write on your notebook what it

advertise, information and appearance.

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