CSED Final Exam

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What is Artificial Intelligence? Give an example of where AI is used

on a daily basis.

“Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the

creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans.” “The capability of a
machine to imitate the intelligent human behavior.”
What are the different types of AI?

• Reactive Machines AI: Based on present actions, it cannot use previous

experiences to form current decisions and simultaneously update their memory.
Example: Deep Blue
• Limited Memory AI: Used in self-driving cars. They detect the movement of vehicles
around them constantly and add it to their memory.
• Theory of Mind AI: Advanced AI that has the ability to understand emotions, people
and other things in the real world.
• Self Aware AI: AIs that posses human-like consciousness and reactions. Such
machines have the ability to form self-driven actions.
• Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI): General purpose AI, used in building virtual
assistants like Siri.
• Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): Also known as strong AI. An example is the
Pillo robot that answers questions related to health.
• Artificial Superhuman Intelligence (ASI): AI that possesses the ability to do
everything that a human can do and more. An example is the Alpha 2 which is the
first humanoid ASI robot.

How is Machine Learning related to Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is a technique that enables machines to mimic human behavior.

Whereas, Machine Learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence. It is the science of
getting computers to act by feeding them data and letting them learn a few tricks on
their own, without being explicitly programmed to do so.

What is Q-Learning?

The Q-learning is a Reinforcement Learning algorithm in which an agent tries to

learn the optimal policy from its past experiences with the environment. The past
experiences of an agent are a sequence of state-action-rewards:
1. The probability density function and probability mass function

2. which Fuzzy logic is an extension to the Crisp set, which handles the Partial Truth.

3. A 3-input neuron is trained to output a zero when the input is 110 and a one when the input
is 111. After generalization, the output will be zero when and only when the input is?
000 or 010 or 110 or 100

4. What is an auto-associative network?

a neural network that contains feedback

5. A 3-input neuron has weights 1, 2, 3. The transfer function is linear with the constant of
proportionality being equal to 3. The inputs are 4, 20, 5 respectively. What will be the output?

6. In Feedforward ANN, define the information flow


7. What is the abbreviation of JPEG?

Joint Photographic Experts Group

8. What are the Applications of Neural Networks?

pattern classification

9. The network that involves backward links from output to the input and hidden layers –
study about ann and cnn
Recurrent neural network

10. What is Image enhancement? What are its process

Image enhancement is the procedure of improving the quality and information content of
original data before processing.

What is Deep Learning?

Deep learning imitates the way our brain works i.e. it learns from experiences. It
uses the concepts of neural networks to solve complex problems.

• Which characteristics are taken together in chromaticity? What is chromaticity

Hue and Saturation
• Which of the following is the next step in image processing after compression?
Morphological processing

• What is Structuring element


• Dilation process is used for what process in images


• At what points, a continuous image is digitized?


• Which of the following correctly describes the slightest visible change in the level
of intensity?
Intensity Resolution

• What is the name of the tool that helps in zooming, shrinking, rotating, etc.?

Explain the commonly used Artificial Neural Networks.

Feedforward Neural Network

• The simplest form of ANN, where the data or the input travels in one direction.

• The data passes through the input nodes and exit on the output nodes. This neural
network may or may not have the hidden layers.

Convolutional Neural Network

• Here, input features are taken in batch wise like a filter. This will help the network to
remember the images in parts and can compute the operations.

• Mainly used for signal and image processing

Recurrent Neural Network(RNN) – Long Short Term Memory

• Works on the principle of saving the output of a layer and feeding this back to the
input to help in predicting the outcome of the layer.
• Here, you let the neural network to work on the front propagation and remember
what information it needs for later use

• This way each neuron will remember some information it had in the previous time-


• These are unsupervised learning models with an input layer, an output layer and one
or more hidden layers connecting them.

• The output layer has the same number of units as the input layer. Its purpose is to
reconstruct its own inputs.
• Typically for the purpose of dimensionality reduction and for learning generative
models of data.

• Define The dynamic range of the imaging system is a quantitative relation where
the upper limit can be determined by

• What is Image Multiplication?

Image multiplication is used to increase the average gray level of the
image by multiplying with a constant

• What is the relationship between wavelength and frequency?

Frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional to each other.

c = wavelength * frequency
• How to carry out an array function together with one or more images?
Any array operation is carried out on a pixel by pixel basis

• What is meant by Region of Interest (ROI) operations?


• Blurring an image with the help of a smoothing filter may lead to noise reduction.

• Which of the following is the correct application of image blurring?

Gross representation

• Which of the following is used to resolve the dark features in the image?
Power-law Transformation

• What is gradient image ? what is the smallest possible value of the gradient image?

What is the name of the process that moves a filter mask over the image, followed by
calculating the sum of products?

Which of the following fact is true for an image?

An image is the multiplication of the illumination and reflectance

Which of the following grey level intensities help in increasing the grey levels dynamic range
in the image?
Contrast Stretching

open-source machine learning library for Python and is completely based on Torch

Which of the following are the advantages of PyTorch?

A. It is easy to debug and understand the code

B. It includes many layers as Torch
C. It includes lot of loss functions
D. All of the above
Answer: All of the above

an imperative n-dimensional array which runs on GPU.


a package which is used to wrap a tensor.


a technique or way to find the linear relation between the dependent variable and the
independent variable by minimizing the distance.
Linear Regression

MSE stands for? Mean Squared Error

The activation functions are basically divided into ___ types. 2

The Conv1d and Conv2D is used to apply 1D and 2D convolution. TRUE

The torch.cuda is a package which adds support for CUDA tensor type. TRUE

NEXT TEN MCQs are given on the below Link

mcq link

Which of the following is a subset of machine learning?

How many layers Deep learning algorithms are constructed?

The first layer is called the?

RNNs stands for?

Which of the following is/are Common uses of RNNs?

Which of the following is well suited for perceptual tasks?

CNN is mostly used when there is an?

Which neural network has only one hidden layer between the input and output?

Which of the following is/are Limitations of deep learning?

Deep learning algorithms are more accurate than machine learning algorithm in image
classification. justify

Back propagation is a learning technique that adjusts weights in the neural network by
propagating weight changes.

Which of the following neural networks uses supervised learning?
Multilayer perceptron

What are the tasks that cannot be realised or recognised by simple networks?
a) handwritten characters
b) speech sequences
c) image sequences
d) all of the mentioned

Activation value is associated with?
cell membrane potential

What are 3 basic types of neural nets that form basic functional units among
i)feedforward ii) loop iii) recurrent iv) feedback v) combination of feed forward &
i, iv, v

Feedback networks are used for auto association & pattern storage?

Who invented perceptron neural networks?

What was the 2nd stage in perceptron model called?
association unit
Consider the following statements regarding Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

1. There are sparse connections between inputs and outputs between two consecutive
layers in a CNN

2. Parameters are shared between output neurons in a CNN layer.

3. There are sparse connections between inputs and outputs between two consecutive
layers of an ANN

4. For any two layers with the same number of neurons an ANN will have fewer
parameters than a CNN

5. Which of the following is true for most CNN architectures?

1, 3 and 4

6. Pooling layers are used to accomplish which of the following?

Dimension Reduction

In the context of deep learning, transfer learning depends on which of the following

Choose the correct statement with regard to different approaches used for hyper-parameter

The ML engineer in the company decides that using the full, unprocessed video is too
expensive for an RNN. So, she decides to encode the image by using a CNN architecture
similar to Alexnet. The final, fully connected layer in her architecture has size 50. She uses
this embedding (final layer) as the input to the RNN for each frame. She also uses a single
hidden layer with 100 neurons. Answer the following questions.

1.What is the size of the bias matrix for the recurrent unit?

2. K-means is

3. Which of the following can act as possible termination conditions in K-Means?

Which of the following statements are true with regard to K-Nearest Neighbours?

What are the objectives of exploratory data analysis?

What is Exploratory Data Analysis?
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is the crucial process of using summary
statistics and graphical representations to perform preliminary
investigations on data in order to uncover patterns, detect anomalies,
test hypotheses, and verify assumptions.

What is used to graph can be used for simple summarization of data?

What is the role of exploratory graphs in data analysis?
They are typically made very quickly

What is used activation function is generally categorized into:
• Binary Step Function. ...
• Linear Function. ...
• Sigmoid. ...
• Tanh. ...
• ReLU. ...
• Leaky ReLU. ...
• Parameterised ReLU. ...
• Exponential Linear Unit.

The network that involves backward links from output to the input and hidden layers is

RNN (Recurrent neural network) topology

What is used to calculate Loss function in PyTorch?
Hinge Embedding Loss Function

The numbers of pooling layers in PyTorch are:

What does the import cv2 statement do?
Imports the SciPy library for numerical processing.

Suppose our image has a width of 700 pixels, a height of 550 pixels, and 3 channels,
one for each Red, Green, and Blue component. How would we express this image as a
NumPy array shape?
(550, 700, 3)

What is RGB tuple codes for blue. ? how does opencv iterprets

Suppose, We have an image whose resolution is 760x 512. How many total pixels are in
the image?

The process of converting an image from other colour space, varying the pixel intensity in
between the black and white region is known as:

What is used to used to draw line in OpenCV?

What is used to OpenCV is used to detect edges of the image?

What is used to OpenCV is used to show an output image?
imshow() method.

The average positive difference between computed and desired outcome values is known
Mean absolute error

Which of the following statements is true for the Perceptron Learning Algorithm?
It is a two class binary classification machine learning algorithm

What is Sigmoid function
The Sigmoid function takes a value as input and outputs
another value between 0 and 1.

we use a learning rate that is too large in neural network? What will be the outcome
can cause the model to converge too quickly to a suboptimal

Consider the scenario. The problem you are trying to solve has a small amount of
data. Fortunately, you have a pre-trained neural network that was trained on a similar
problem. Which of the following methods would you choose to make use of this pre-
trained network?
Freeze all the layers except the last, re-train the last layer

Suppose that you are training a neural network for classification, but you have notice that
the training loss is much lower than the validation loss. How do u resolve it
decrease your network size, or to increase dropout

What is used to representation of learning algorithm?
Neural network

What is single layer Perceptron?
A single layer perceptron (SLP) is a feed-forward network. based on a threshold transfer

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