Engineering Field Investigation

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Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá

Facultad de Ingeniería en Sistemas Computacionales

Licenciatura en Ciberseguridad


Ingles Técnico I


1S3 701


The Engineering Field - Investigation


Fernando Mojica 8-969-1999


May 6th, 2022

The Engineering Field – Investigation

A. Conceptual Network
B. Timeline
C. Questions

1. What is Engineering?

A//. Engineering is systematic application of knowledge and experience to solve

problems, save lives and improve our lifestyle. He takes an idea or an open mind and

paints it. Engineering has helped to create almost every man-made object that we can

communicate with every day. From cell phones, coffee cups and sneakers to

skyscrapers, national weather forecasting and the Internet, everything is largely due to

the work of engineers.

2. Mention the oldest branch in engineering? And which is the most important branch in

engineering and why?

A//. The oldest branch in engineering is civil engineering and I would say that every

engineering is important in their own way because every one of them make the world

we live in. But if I must mention one of the most important engineering, I have to say

mechanical engineering because with it, many mechanisms that study movement and

balance were implemented to facilitate the daily tasks of humans since before human

strength was used for everything. In a few words, it makes life easier for man.

3. Mention 3 most outstanding or relevant innovations in your career in Panamá.

A//. • Operation Ryoshi against scams: The Policía Nacional and the Ministerio Público

carried out this operation to dismantle the first criminal network dedicated to the crime of

Aggravated Fraud in the "Phishing" modality.

• Attack on Mides: Some tech equipment was compromised, through a sophisticated

computer attack using Ransomware (Information Hijacking).

• Hacking GeekyDrop: The idea in this case was to look for vulnerabilities in real-world

case studies, in applications that are running right now, and report them to the

appropriate person before they can be abused.

4. Who was the father of engineering and mention his innovations?

A//. Charles Babbage was considered “father” of the Computing discipline. Some of his

innovations were analytical engine. In its theoretical design, the Analytical Engine

already contained all the essential parts of the modern computer: input device, memory,

central processing unit, and printer that accommodated subsequent generations.

5. Write two latest engineering news in technology, in which they are applying

innovations in engineering.

A//. • Using AI to analyze large amounts of biological data. An AI called graph neural

network can help scientists with speeding up the time it takes to sift through large

amounts of data generated by studying protein dynamics.

• Researchers find way to make traffic models more efficient. Researchers from North

Carolina State University have now demonstrated a method that reduces the

computational complexity of these models, making them operate more efficiently.

6. Mention 5 greatest engineers and their discoveries of greater importance in any field

of engineering profession of all the times through the history

A//. 1. Archimedes. He invented a system for expressing large numbers. In mechanics,

Archimedes discovered fundamental theorems concerning the center of gravity of plane

figures and solids. His most famous theorem gives the weight of a body immersed in a

liquid, called Archimedes' principle.

2. Leonardo Da Vinci. some of his greatest contributions are the gears, the Vitruvian

man, the self-propelled vehicle, among others

3. George Stephenson. The 'Father of Railways', George Stephenson, built the first

commercial locomotive and railways, setting a standard adopted worldwide.

4. Fazlur Rahman. A prominent structural engineer who invented tubular structural

system in the '60s that enabled construction of super tall buildings efficiently and


5. Nikola Tesla. He made dozens of breakthroughs in the production, transmission and

application of electric power. He invented the first alternating current (AC) motor and

developed AC generation and transmission technology.

7. Mention 10 relevant topics or facts related to your career.

A//. 1. Lack of cybersecurity skills.

2. IT security intelligence is underutilized.

3. Employee negligence can compromise network security.

4. Delays can harm businesses.

5. Attacks lead to loss of customer trust.

6. Most companies avoid encryption.

7. The Internet of Things will present new security challenges.

8. Cell phones can cause security breaches.

9. Poor email security poses major threats.

10. Most cyber threats are preventable.

8. What are the roles and responsibilities of an engineer in their field of engineering?

A//. The roles and responsibilities of an engineer ensure the safety and efficiency of a

process, system, or product. Engineers work as a team and must be able to work with

other partners to ensure the success of the project. Effective communication between

engineers, customers and companies plays an important role.

D. Glossary

1. Algorithm. Simply specific procedures used to solve computational problems.

2. Boolean. Refers to a text or arithmetic expression that has a value of true or


3. Bug. Error in the programming of software or an application.

4. Cloud storage. Refers to a remote storage facility that's available anywhere on

the internet.

5. Code. Term for the programming languages used to edit, create, and manage

computer applications and programs. (Java, Python, C++)

6. Compiling. Process of taking code that’s written in a high-level language (like

C++ or Python) by human developers and translating it into machine-readable


7. Client. A program that requests information from other programs or processes.

8. Control panel. Allows for the changing of the settings, appearance, and behavior

of a program.

9. Debugging. Process used to find and remove bugs from the source code of a


10. DOS. "Disc operating system." It's an operating system that allows users to enter

commands line by line to get the computer to do specific operations.

11. LAN. "Local area network." The term refers to a computer network that spans a

small physical area.

12. Pixel. Combines two words, "picture" and "element”. Refers to a single point

within a digital image.

13. Port. Physical component that allows two devices to share data over a wired


14. Scripts. It’s a line by line set of instructions for a computer program to follow.

15. TCP/IP. "Transmission control protocol/internet protocol." This term refers to the

suite of protocols that connect computers on the internet.
























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