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Balsamiq Mockups Keyboard Shortcuts Version 2.

Working with Controls Working with Icons Quick Add

Edit the selected control's text ENTER or F2 Navigating the Suggestion List ➡ ➡

Sending focus to Quick Add / (forward slash) or

Add to selection SHIFT+CLICK Using the selected icon ENTER + (plus sign)

Toggle selection CTRL+CLICK Closing the Icons Library ESC Navigating Suggestion List ➡ ➡

Select All CTRL+A Closing the Suggestion List ESC Closing the Suggestion List ESC
Deselect All CTRL+SHIFT+A Sending focus back to the ESC
Working with Text
Resize maintaining aspect ratio Hold SHIFT Canvas

Disable snapping Hold CTRL Start Editing text of the ENTER or F2

selected control Working with Mockups Files
Increase font or icon size CTRL+]
Committing the current text ENTER (single-line controls), New Blank Mockup CTRL+N
Decrease font or icon size CTRL+[ CTRL+ENTER (multi-line New Clone of Current Mockup CTRL+SHIFT+N
controls) or click anywhere
Nudge selection 20px SHIFT+ ➡ ➡ Open a mockup file CTRL+O
Ignoring the current edit ESC
Nudge-Resize selection 2px CTRL+ALT+ ➡ ➡ Save the current mockup file CTRL+S
Grow/Increase Text Size CTRL+]
Nudge-Resize selection 20px CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+ ➡ ➡ Save as... CTRL+SHIFT+S
Shrink/Decrease Text Size CTRL+[
Pan the canvas (Hand tool) SPACE BAR+Click and Drag Close current mockup CTRL+W

Bring to front CTRL+SHIFT+ Text Formatting Close all mockups CTRL+SHIFT+W

Export this mockup's XML CTRL+E

Send to back CTRL+SHIFT+➡ italic _text in underscores_
Import mockup CTRL+SHIFT+E
Bring forward CTRL+ link [text in brackets]
Export Snapshot to Clipboard CTRL+SHIFT+C
bold *text in asterisks*

Send backward CTRL+➡

Export Snapshot to PNG CTRL+R
disabled -text in hyphens-
Undo last command CTRL+Z Export All Snapshots to PNG CTRL+SHIFT+R
strikethrough ~text in tildes~
Redo last command CTRL+Y
Print mockup CTRL+P
font point size {size:12}text{size}
Cut the selected controls CTRL+X
color (hexadecimal value) {color:#ff0000}text{color}
Copy the selected controls CTRL+C
Loop through open files CTRL+TAB and
To type a literal *, , − -, or [] in a control, escape it by prefixing it
with a \ (backslash): \*, \, −\-, \, [\]
Paste In Place CTRL+SHIFT+V
Delete the selected controls DELETE or BACKSPACE Special Text Macros Views
Duplicate the selected controls CTRL+D or ALT+drag Lorem-Ipsum generator type lorem in a Paragraph or Hide/Show the UI Library CTRL+L
Lock the selected controls CTRL+2 Text Area (use l0rem for
Enter Full Screen View CTRL+F
variation with char count)

Unlock all locked controls CTRL+3 Show Link Hints and big cursor in CTRL+L
Group the selected controls CTRL+G Show the full path of the current type {mockup-path} in a Label Full Screen View
mockup or Paragraph control Exit Full Screen View ESC

Ungroup the selected groups CTRL+SHIFT+G

Show the current mockup name type {mockup-name} in a Label Show/Hide Markup CTRL+K
Align selected controls left CTRL+ALT+1
or Paragraph control
Align selected controls center CTRL+ALT+2 Zoom In CTRL++ (plus sign)

Align selected controls right CTRL+ALT+3 Zoom Out CTRL+- (minus sign)
Mac users, substitute:
Align selected controls top CTRL+ALT+4
Mac OS • CMD key for CTRL Zoom to Actual Size CTRL+1
• OPTION key for ALT
Align selected controls middle CTRL+ALT+5 Zoom to Fit CTRL+0

Align selected controls bottom CTRL+ALT+6

While all shortcuts work in the Desktop version, some might not work when you edit mockups in a web browser. | Modified: 12 Sep 2013 |

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