Activity 1 - Question Types

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Google Forms Assignment 1 – Question Types

1- Open Google Drive

2- Create a new folder and call it Surveys
3- Create a new survey in this folder and call it:
YourFirstName’s Survey
Example: Rami’s Survey
4- Double check that the survey title matches the form name.
5- Add the questions below.
6- When done, click send, via link, and copy the shortened link for submission.

First Name (Short Answer) (Required) (Response Validation: Text)

Last Name (Short Answer) (Required) (Response Validation: Text)

Areas of proficiency (Paragraph) (Required)

Email (Short Answer) (Required) (Response Validation: Text, Contains, Email Address)

Work Schedule (Part Time, Full Time) (Multiple Choice) (Required)

Language of Instruction (Checkboxes) (Required) (Arabic, English, French)

Geographical Governate (Dropdown) (Required) (Akkar, Baalbek-Hermel, Beirut, Beqaa, Mount

Lebanon, Nabatieh, North, South)

Passport Photo (File Upload) (Not Required) (Specific file types: Image)

Rate today’s presentation (Linear Scale) (Required) (1 Not useful, 5 Very useful)

Rate today’s presenter (Multiple Choice Grid) (Required)

Basic Proficient Outstanding

Preparation of Content
Organizational Skills
Presentation Skills
User Engagement

Indicate Your Language Skills (Checkbox Grid) (Required)

Read Write Speak


Today’s Date (Date) (Required)

Time of Submission (Time) (Required)

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