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Topic: Aristotle and his Work

Name: Mayank kumar

Roll number: Ninety four

Course: BALLB(Hons)

Semester: First semester



Aristotle was One of the great philosophers in Western history was an ancient
Greek philosopher and scientist. He created a philosophical and scientific
system that served as the foundation and vehicle for both medieval Islamic
philosophy and Christian Scholasticism. Aristotelian principles lingered in
Modernity even after the intellectual revolutions of the Renaissance,
Reformation, and Enlightenment. Aristotle was disciple of Plato. He was
founder of famous peripatetic school of philosophy. The concept of

peripatetic school of philosophy was basically based on informal research

and inquiries that related to philosophy and science.

Aristotle established the Peripatetic school's beliefs, which were and thereafter
endorsed by his disciples. Aristotle preferred to start from the facts provided
be experience instead of Plato's attempt to explain things with his theory of
forms. For him, philosophy was science, and its goal was to understand the
"why" of all. Since logic either deals with appearances, in which case it is
called dialectics, or with truth, in which case it is called analytics, he
attempted to arrive at the underlying determinants of things through induction.
The teachings of the Aims to spread school were those established by Aristotle
and consequently upheld by his followers.

Below there’s image presentation of Peripatetic school's beliefs.

Early life

Aristotle was born in the city of Stagira in Greece. However there's no any
factual evidence related to it. Just like common assumption. At the age of
eighteen he joined Plato's academy in Athens. After the death of Plato
Aristotle left the Greece and later on the request of Philip II he tutored
Alexander the great. 

Theory of state

In the initial time Plato was teacher of Aristotle. As we all informed that the
Plato was also great philosopher and his theories are also well researched
based on reasoning and critical analysis.
However, Aristotle has different views toward the state and its relation with
man. Aristotle considered that state is a necessary condition of a good life
According to him society and state co-existing terms. Aristotle definition of
state is that any human being cannot live in isolation and must be involved
with other persons in various capacities. Men and women established a family
later that groups of family forms village as a state. Aristotle emphasized that [2]
“a man is a political animal” and differ from Plato consideration man as
social animal. 

Theory of justice

From the very early time the entire Greek political theories revolve around the
crucial concept of justice. justice is very broad concept like it covers social
justice, economic justice, and political science. in Different Span of time
philosopher, sociologist defined it in their different views. Aristotle defined
justice in two ways universal justice and particular justice. universal justice
basically means that one should obedience to laws made by state of state of
faithfulness of a citizen toward the authority. According to Aristotle theory of
justice, particular justice divided in two branch Distributive justice and
Remedial justice. Distributive justice is the principal given by Aristotle and
this suggested by him that state should ensure this justice to prevent any type
of revolution against state in this the allocation of administration posts, honors
and service should be allotted according to merits of that individual.

2- .
Theory of revolution

The doctrine of revolution was thoroughly explained by Aristotle. He was able

to comprehend the effects of revolutions on a political system because to his
study of roughly 158 constitutions. He went into great detail regarding
revolutions in his book Politics. Aristotle treated the topic of revolutions with
expertise and a scientific analysis based on his research. The word
"revolution," which to him meant two things, was defined by him in a very
broad sense.

First off, it indicates any significant or minor change to the constitution,

including a shift in the monarchy or oligarchy, among other things. Second, it
suggests a shift in the political system even though neither the government nor
the constitution were altered. He added that a revolution might have an
impression on a certain institution directly or indirectly.

Aristotle views on slaves

Aristotle, a renowned Greek philosopher, was one of the first. He believed that
humans could be divided into two groups: slaves and non-slaves, and that
slavery was a natural phenomenon.He claimed that some people should
always be treated as slaves because they were born naturally oppressed.

For that some should rule and others be ruled is a thing not only necessary,

but expedient; from the hour of their birth, some are marked out for
subjection, others for rule".



In order to prevent instability and maintain a stable government system in the

Greek city-state, Aristotle proposed the idea of a mixed constitution. He used
his "Golden Mean" theory to establish stability. He describes the Golden Mean
as a midway road, which implies that goodness rests in between two extremes,
in his work "Ethics." Every vice is on an extreme, and every virtue is in the
middle of the two extremes. For instance, daring is a quality that falls
somewhere in the center of timidity and recklessness.

He proposes merging rule by a small group of people with ruling by many in

order to establish a stable system of governance. Because it would be
corrupted by absolute authority, he rejected monarchy.

Because few would set the rules, an aristocracy would work effectively. This
would include the educated and wealthy chosen minority. If there were no
restraints on the aristocracy, it would disintegrate. Aristotle advises that in
order to avoid this, the judgments made by the aristocracy should be approved
by the vast majority of common people. The people, he claims, are "as
excellent as those who have specific knowledge, albeit individually they may
be worse judges."His belief in the Golden Mean formula is expressed in
Aristotle's proposal of a balanced mixing of aristocracy and what is sometimes
referred to as Polity or, at other times, Democracy. Therefore, the wealthy,
intelligent, and capable would dominate, but the common people would
restrict the aristocracy from abusing their authority by endorsing their
decisions. One could argue that Aristotle's method is now known as
Constitutional Democracy.

● "Politics by Aristotle
● An Introduction to Political Theory by O.P Gauba.
● Political Theory: An Introduction by Rajeev Bhargava and Ashok

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