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Julio 20 de 2022
1. Lea cuidadosamente el anterior articulo y tome cada oración la cual está hecha con verbo
to be en presente o pasado y escríbalas de nuevo en este espacio
 The verdict is still out on whether social media is damaging to the mental health of
 The other reason it’s difficult to get a good read on the issue is that social media is
constantly changing and evolving.
 Plus, no long-term studies have been completed.
 Results from a separate study from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
showed that the more time young adults spent on social media, the more likely they
were to have problems sleeping and report symptoms of depression
 Further, teens are influenced to like photos, regardless of content, based on high
numbers of likes.
 There are some positive aspects to social media
 . It’s important to remember that teens are hardwired for socialization, and social
media makes socializing easy and immediate.
 Teens girls in particular are at risk of cyberbullying through use of social media
 but teen boys are not immune.
 it’s very difficult to avoid making comparisons.
 Everything from physical appearance to life circumstances to perceived successes and
failures are under a microscope on social media.

2. Responda las siguientes preguntas

 Have you seen the increase of adoption of new technologies on the graphic? How did you
evidence it?
R/ Comparing the percentage of popularity over the years, it can be seen how the use of
technology has increased over the years. For example the use of internet in the 2000's was
30% and in 2015 it was 90%.
 What is the most important device?
R/ A smartphone
 What could you evidence with social media?
R/Social media usage grew strikingly by 78 percentage points.
 Have you analysed these data in Colombia? How could you think it could be here in our
R/ 81% of the total population of Colombia is an active user of social networks, that is,
41.8 million people. In 2020, this percentage was 69%, so we can observe a growth in
users of 12 percentage points.

3. Usted tiene que hacer un gráfico que demuestre el uso del internet y las redes sociales en
Medina, R. (2022). Estadísticas de la situación digital de Colombia en el 2021-2022. Branch.
Recuperado de

4. Resuelva las siguientes preguntas

 Have you used a social media? Which one?
R/ Yes, WhatsApp, Facebook e Instagram
 Have you used mass media? Which one?
R/ Yes, The internet, The TV, The radio
 Why did you decide to use it?
R/ is the way to be informed of what is happening in the world.

5. Lea el articulo y realice una lista de 10 conclusiones basadas en la lectura. Intente usar
presente perfecto y pasado simple.
 A University of Pittsburgh study has found a direct link between social media and negative
comments about body image.
 Another study has shown that the more time spent on social networks, the more difficult
it is to fall asleep.
 When they get likes on their posts they have increased activity in the brain's reward
 Social networks have been proven to help socialize
 Socially marginalized groups have found support through social networks
 Cyber bullying has increased
 Anxiety and depression have increased
 teenagers have agreed to take on dangerous challenges to be accepted
 The face-to-face interaction with friends has been lost.
 Fake friends have increased

6. ¿Cómo podría mostrar su información personal?

 Familia
 Amigos
 Edad
 Aficiones
 Momentos inolvidables
 Planes

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