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1)Honestly, I didn't set any goals, because if I set the goals, then I wouldn't be

leaving any space for the uncertainty which actually make our lives. However, I did
set out objectives for myself, which are primarily achieving a senior managerial
position in a large multinational corporation that markets and catering commodities
One of my highest aspirations is to be one of those who take the corporation to the
edge of advancement.
I believe that on my way to achieve my career objectives I will express my talents
and interests and contribute to society’s prosperity.
Following my MBA, I hope to work for a major management firm such as McKinsey, BCG,
or bank to get experience from a diversified portfolio of client engagements. I
plan to get to the level of partner and, in the long run, to specialize in
introducing digital concepts to the financial services .In my profession, I will
not only deal with customers, but I will also mentor future generations of

2)Please describe the most significant challenge you have faced so far.
How did you resolve it? What did you learn? (200 words)*

I believe that every person should have one great story they can tell any audience.
I was very chubby in my school days.
I always kept saying to myself you are dumb, fat, and stupid as I had problems
studying maths, and the Teachers also never treated me nicely.
It wasn't until the second year of college that I found the confidence to tackle
maths and scored a perfect 15/15 on my test.
In the first year of Engineering, I had applied for an Integrated MBA and got a
chance to be interviewed at IIM Indore.
The interview didn't go well as I wasn't able to answer simple questions I felt
ashamed of myself. Right on that day, I promised myself I won't make me feel like
this ever.
I started practicing the hardest subject for me which was Maths in a disciplined
For the first time in my life, I asked doubts to the maths teacher whom I had
always feared.
I started understanding the subject, explored tricks for solving questions, and
also taught my friends.
And the best trick to overcome the challenges was, to keep doing what you fear and
it shall disappear.

As an engineer, I am familiar with the technical parts of the work. To be
successful as a consultant, I need the comprehensive understanding of business that
the Department of Management Studies (DoMS) IIT Madras inculcates. Furthermore,
IIT-M small class sizes provide for an intimate setting in which I can discuss
ideas and form important relationships with my peers. As an introvert, I am looking
forward to the Leadership Workshop, which will help me improve my communication
skills and encourage me to put my thoughts into words.

I'd want to express my earnest belief that IIT-M would meet my first short-term
goal to the best of my ability. IIT-M possesses the characteristics that best match
my expectations, objectives, and history. The more I learn and read about IIT-M,
the more I feel like I belong there; it is widely regarded as the top institution
in the world for developing general management abilities and obtaining management
tools in marketing and consuming. Graduates are provided with outstanding placement
assistance and are placed in positions of leadership.
I am extremely certain that completing an IIT-M MBA would help me increase my
financial skills, allowing me to secure a career at A global corporation.I am
currently on my way to the next stage of my career, which will include getting an
MBA from IIT-M.
I feel I am on the correct track to achieving my objectives. I am now looking
forward to the next stage of my development. I am certain that my abilities will
continue to help me achieve my long-term goal.I appreciated the alumni network and
student clubs available at IIT-M. IIT-M boasts one of the strongest and largest
alumni networks in the country, with 70,000 alumni working at the greatest
companies, of which I would be pleased to be a part.

Finally, I feel that studying at IIT-M would be a fantastic experience.

Furthermore, it will give the best opportunity to achieve my initial short-term
goal, as well as a crucial step toward attaining my long-term career objective.

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