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YFS10801: Assignment Scientific information sources

Assignments 1-3 have been done during the lecture

If you have questions don’t hesitate to ask the tutors

Question 4

Look up the journal article from the International Journal of Food Microbiology 108(1) 15-21 and
write down the reference as if you would put it in a reference list. Use the format as given in the

Carneiro, L. A. M., Lins, M. C., Garcia, F. R. A., Silva, A. P. S., Mauller, P. M., Alves, G. B., Rosa, A. C. P., Andrade, J. R.
C., Freitas-Almeida, A. C., & Queiroz, M. L. P., 2006. Phenotypic and genotypic characterisation of Escherichia coli
strains serogrouped as enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) isolated from pasteurised milk. International Journal of
Food Microbiology. 108(1), 15-21.

Question 5

Find the following information about the International Journal of Food Microbiology:

a. Publisher = Elsevier
b. Since when does this journal exist? 1984
c. What is the most recent impact factor (IF) of this journal? 5.911
d. Is this a high number if you compare it with the IF of other Food Sciences journals?
e. How did you find the answer on question d?
Q1 (Food Science & Technology (31/143))

Question 6

Go to the library website ( and use WUR Library Search to find a book on
“infant formula”. Filter results on format Print Book and sort the results on Best Match. Write down
the reference to the first book in the format as given in the example.
Räihä Niels C. R, & Rubaltelli, F. F., 2002. Infant formula: closer to the reference. Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, Philadelphia.

Question 7

Open the database Scopus ( or via library website) and enter the following query in
the search box: “milk formula” AND (safe* OR adulter* OR melamine)

a. How many results do you get? 204

b. Which document types can be found? Article, review, book chapter and conference
c. Sort the results on Cited by. Give the title and the publication year of the article that
is cited most.
Title=Exposure to soy-based formula in infancy and endocrinological and
reproductive outcomes in young adulthood
Year= 2001
d. Click on the Get it! button to answer whether this paper is available
o in online format,
o as hardcopy, or
o both.
e. Find extra terms for milk formula and add them to the query to find more results.
Write down the adapted query and the number of results:
"milk formula" AND ( safe* OR adulter* OR melamine OR risk ) 559

Question 8

Open the following sources about raw milk:


Indicate for each source in the table below:

a. what type of document it is (choose: book, scientific article, website or encyclopaedia).

b. the year of publication
c. whether the author is a scientist/ journalist/ partisan/ unknown
d. if the author mentions his/her sources (choose YES/NO)

Source Document type Publication Author (scientist/ Are there references?

(book/scientific year journalist/partisan or
article/website or unknown)
A Scientific article 2012 scientist yes
B website 1999 partisan no
C Scientific article 2016 scientist yes
D Website 2006 Journalist Yes
E Website 2006 Unknown Yes
F Book 2011 Scientist Yes
Which ones do you trust more than others? Explain why.

Question 9

Look at the given figure (from the reference given above in A) and read the following statements.
Indicate for each statement if it is true or false (valid or nonsense).

Fig. 1. Contribution of vitaminsa to the recommended daily intake (%RDI)b based on

the consumption of one large glass of raw or heat-treated milk (250 ml). aSouci et al.
(2008), Andersson and Öste (1995, chap. 13), Schaafsma (1989), Belitz and Grosch
(1987, chap. 10), and Walstra and Jeness (1984). bBSHC (2009). No data for vitamins
B2, B5, A, D, E, K, niacin and biotin in pasteurized and boiled milk, and for vitamin K in
UHT- and sterilized milk.
(Figure from Claeys et al., 2013, Food Control 31:251-262)

Statements True/False

In raw milk specific vitamins are present in higher quantities than in heat treated milk True
Raw milk will be much healthier due to better supply of vitamins False
Vit B2 is fully degraded in pasteurised milk False
Vit B12 is fully degraded in sterilized milk True

Question 10
Look for the journals

f. Journal of American Science

g. American Journal of Science

Indicate which of the journal you trust most

American Journal of Science

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