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Business Intelligence and Database Applications

Profesor Félix Lizama

Ayudantes: Osvaldo Cabrera, Rocío Casanova, Macarena Cortés, Camila Leiva, Paloma Ulloa,
Diego Troncoso y Elisa Wu.
Primavera 2022

Database Design Consultancy

Assignment Overview
In this assignment, you are required to design a conceptual and logical model for
the attached case. Note that this is an individual assignment.
The purpose of the assignment is to simulate a proper system design consulting
project where you, as the designer, need to work with the client to identify and
design requirements.

The submitted document should be formatted as a business report with a title
page, table of contents, headings with numbering, page numbering, appropriate
headers and footers. One of the marking criteria is the professional presentation
of your report.

The business report must include:

1. An introduction that outlines the purpose of the design, your understanding
of the design problem and anything that you think the client should know about
your solution, including any assumptions you have made.
2. A conceptual model of your design solution as an Entity-Relationship
3. A logical Entity-Relationship diagram, including attributes and identification
of primary and foreign keys on the diagram. Many to many relationships, if any,
should be shown. it must be consistent with third normal form, resolving
supertypes/subtypes, if any, to normal entities.
4. A conclusion explaining why this model is the most adequate to solve the

A rubric will be posted in DocenciaWeb with the distribution of the points for the
grade and what is expected in each point.
Business Intelligence and Database Applications
Profesor Félix Lizama
Ayudantes: Osvaldo Cabrera, Rocío Casanova, Macarena Cortés, Camila Leiva, Paloma Ulloa,
Diego Troncoso y Elisa Wu.
Primavera 2022
The case: The New Island Casino
The casino chain “The New Island” just opened their new branch office in the city
of Antofagasta, hoping to bring entertainment and wonderful experiences to their
customers through the different services that it offers and their infrastructure.
Because of this, the company needs a new database model to connect all of the
operations of the new place, in order to have better management.

“The New Island”, being a casino chain, has a categorization of customers,

assigning them the following ranks: “regular”, “silver”, “gold”, “platinum” and
“diamond”. These ranks depend on the frequency of attendance, and the winnings
earned over time. If a customer climbs to a better rank, they will obtain benefits,
such as exclusive parking lots, courtesy drinks and access to VIP zones in the

Since it’s a new casino in the city, it offers three types of games, each having their
own room. The first room has poker tables, a game that is played combining five
cards and betting on having a better combination than the opponents. Each round
consists of 2 to 6 players, and there must be a staff member in each table, in
charge of moderating the match.

In the second room there are roulettes, a game where a ball is thrown to a
spinning wheel with coloured and numbered slots. There can be a maximum of 8
players per table and, just like poker, there must be a staff member in charge of
each table.

The third room consists of slot machines, where players insert coins, hoping to get
a winning result. In these machines, the players play individually. There also must
be staff members in every room, in order to answer the questions of the clients
and to keep the security of the casino.

In order to play in any of these rooms, players must charge their game cards with
the amount of money that they want to gamble. If a player attends the casino for
the first time, they need to request their game card at the reception desk. By
doing this, they are immediately registered as a client of the casino. To enter a
room, clients must swipe their cards through a scanner, allowing them to enter the
room through a turnstile.

In the previously mentioned game rooms, the players bet for money prizes.
However, “The New Island” also does raffles to give prizes, such as cars, trips and
huge jackpots weekly. The tickets that are necessary to enter these raffles are
given every Friday to the clients that charge their game cards with an amount
greater than $20.000. The “platinum” and “diamond” clients don’t need to do
Business Intelligence and Database Applications
Profesor Félix Lizama
Ayudantes: Osvaldo Cabrera, Rocío Casanova, Macarena Cortés, Camila Leiva, Paloma Ulloa,
Diego Troncoso y Elisa Wu.
Primavera 2022
this, because they enter the raffle automatically. But, if they charge their game
cards with more than $20.000, they have double the odds of winning.

Besides the game rooms, the casino has a restaurant, where the clients have
access to a menu with many different dishes and drinks to choose from. The
restaurant has bartenders and chefs in charge of these services.

Since the games are made for adults, the casino provides a daycare service to their
customers. They can leave their children there, where they can play games made
for them, so they can also have fun. There are specialized educators that have the
necessary knowledge to meet the needs of the children.

The casino also has an event room that can be used for concerts, exhibitions, etc.
It is necessary to keep track of the event organizers, what the event is about (who
or what is being presented) and the date and time of the event. There also needs
to be a record of the attendees, because there is a limited amount of seats.

“The New Island” also has a big parking lot at their customers’ disposal. The
clients that have previously visited the casino have to scan their game cards at the
entrance of the parking lot in order to get through the barrier. In the case of
attendees that are visiting the casino for the first time, they will be given a ticket
that they have to link to their game card once they receive it after entering the
casino. In both cases, the casino registers the time of entry, date, license plate,

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