Technical Notes For DocuWare Version 7 - EN

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Technical Notes

Changes with DocuWare version 7

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Due to continued product development this information may change without notice. The
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DocuWare GmbH
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D-82110 Germering
1 General Information........................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Major Changes ........................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Known Issues and Limitations ................................................................................. 5
1.3 Changed System Requirements .............................................................................. 6
2 Using DocuWare: Changes in software behavior............................................................ 7
2.1 Document Trays ...................................................................................................... 7
2.1.1 Different behavior on document undo-checkout ............................................... 7
2.1.2 Copy document to file cabinet with CTRL key .................................................. 7
2.1.3 Different naming convention for unclipped documents ..................................... 7
2.2 Result Lists ............................................................................................................. 7
2.2.1 Settings in exported result lists as CSV depends on the region ........................ 7
2.2.2 No more read-only view mode available ........................................................... 7
2.2.3 “Version overview” instead "Show old versions" button .................................... 7
2.3 Viewer ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.3.1 Locking behavior changed after setting a stamp............................................... 8
2.3.2 Copy text to clipboard....................................................................................... 8
2.4 Desktop Apps .......................................................................................................... 8
2.4.1 Connection switches in Document Processing ................................................. 8
2.5 Workflow Manager .................................................................................................. 8
2.5.1 Automatic Stamp on Database Entry Leads to Error ........................................ 8
2.6 DocuWare Mobile .................................................................................................... 8
2.6.1 No mobile app for Windows Phones ................................................................. 8
3 Configuring and administrating DocuWare ..................................................................... 9
3.1 Configurations ......................................................................................................... 9
3.1.1 Modules moved to DocuWare Configuration .................................................... 9
3.1.2 Autoindex ......................................................................................................... 9
3.1.3 Autoindex and Transfer: reactivate schedules .................................................. 9
3.1.4 New functional right - field masks ..................................................................... 9
3.1.5 Document Processing .....................................................................................10
3.1.6 Workflow Manager ..........................................................................................11
3.1.7 User variables are reworked............................................................................12
3.1.8 Web Service calls require HTTPS ...................................................................12
3.1.9 User Management: New in DocuWare Configurations.....................................12

3.2 File Cabinets ..........................................................................................................12
3.2.1 Version management behavior changed .........................................................12
3.2.2 Store documents without index data................................................................12
3.2.3 New fields are only added to default dialogs ...................................................13
3.2.4 File cabinet properties for header files removed ..............................................13
3.2.5 File cabinet disk features removed ..................................................................13
3.2.6 Maximum character length for file cabinet names ............................................13
3.3 Administrative Functions ........................................................................................13
3.3.1 Changes for usage of system fields.................................................................13
3.3.2 New storage layout for documents ..................................................................15
3.3.3 Storage Upgrade .............................................................................................15
3.3.4 Synchronization: avoid duplicated documents during upgrade ........................15
3.3.5 New lightweight tool for migration ....................................................................16
3.3.6 Deploy and undeploy file cabinet in Fulltext Server .........................................16
3.3.7 Validation Service can be used in Connect to Outlook ....................................16
3.4 Removed Components...........................................................................................16
3.4.1 Removed Server components .........................................................................16
3.4.2 Removed workflow components ......................................................................17
3.4.3 Removed Database components ....................................................................17
3.5 Diagnostics and Logging ........................................................................................18
3.5.1 All Servers: diagnostic log file format harmonized ...........................................18
3.5.2 Logging Agents removed ................................................................................18
3.6 Licensing Changes .................................................................................................18
3.6.1 Automatic assignment of Named Client Licenses ............................................18
3.6.2 Single 'DocuWare Server' license....................................................................18
3.7 Server Setup ..........................................................................................................19
3.7.1 Features and Improvementsof new Server Setup............................................19
3.7.2 Unsupported characters for input ....................................................................20
3.7.3 All servers require access to the storage locations ..........................................20
3.7.4 Configuration of the System Storage Path.......................................................20
3.7.5 DocuWare Services in 64-bit mode .................................................................20
3.8 Integration and SDK Changes ................................................................................20
3.8.1 Database changes might break database-based integrations .........................20
3.8.2 Application properties not supported on database records anymore ...............20
3.8.3 Some System Date fields have a changed data type.......................................21
3.8.4 Validation version 1 feature set removed.........................................................21
3.8.5 Workflow API changes ....................................................................................21

General Information

1 General Information
DocuWare version 7 is a major release and has several breaking changes. Please read this
document carefully to understand whether you are affected by any of these changes.

1.1 Major Changes

A new database layout, file cabinet and tray engine
The most notable changes are a new database layout and a file cabinet and tray backend
implementation which are technologically up-to-date and and future proof. As part of that
change, the Content Server was removed from the product and replaced with the new
There are significant changes in the way documents and document metadata are stored in
the databases and storage locations - mostly for performance reasons. This change has an
impact on the system behavior.
If you have deep integrations (on the databases or based on SDK), in some cases you might
have to adjust these integrations.
A new Workflow Engine Server
To optimize stability and performance, the engine server driving workflows for Workflow
Manager was replaced. The workflow data for all file cabinets are now stored at a new
location. The structures are broken down into the respective file cabinets and stored in file
cabinet specific database tables. This applies to the workflow history and to all current
workflow instances.
New Server Setup
Only for DocuWare On-Premises
This release contains a completely rewritten Setup technology which simplifies the
installation. Please find further details in chapter 3.7 Server Setup .

1.2 Known Issues and Limitations

Only for DocuWare On-Premises
Some known features of former DocuWare on-premises versions are not finished for
DocuWare version 7. Do not upgrade if you use these functions. They will be delivered most
probably with the next DocuWare version:
• Support for DocuWare 4 disks and DocuWare 4 documents
• Support for Centera and Netapp storage locations.
• Support for COLD files
• Verify signatures applied with Windows Client (DocuWare version 6.7 or earlier)
• Archived files left at the original location "reference only"
• Writing on compressed storage locations. Files are stored uncompressed regardless
of any settings
Only for DocuWare Cloud
The Connect to Ricoh module (version 2) is no longer available in DocuWare Cloud. Instead,
the connection of Ricoh multifunction devices can be implemented using DocuWare Import.

General Information

1.3 Changed System Requirements

Desktop Apps
To install the DocuWare Desktop Apps you need the .NET Framework version 4.5 or higher.
Connect to Outlook
Outlook 2010 is no longer a supported environment for Connect to Outlook. Connect to
Outlook now supports only Outlook 2013 (32-bit and 64-bit versions) and Outlook 2016
(32-bit and 64-bit versions).
DocuWare Request
.NET 4.5 or higher is needed to execute a DocuWare Request created with DocuWare
version 7.
Supported updates
Only for DocuWare On-Premises
The update to DocuWare version 7 is supported from DocuWare Version 6.7 or later.
Oracle Databases
Only for DocuWare On-Premises
DocuWare version 7 requires at least version of the
Oracle.ManagerDataAccess.dll file.
If you have this file in your Windows Global Assembly Cache (GAC), please check the
version, since DocuWare Setup cannot replace the file there.
If the file is from an older version, delete it before you run DocuWare Setup. Then the file
supplied by DocuWare will be installed.

Using DocuWare: Changes in software behavior

2 Using DocuWare: Changes in software behavior

2.1 Document Trays

2.1.1 Different behavior on document undo-checkout
Up to now after undo-checkout the document in the document tray remains connected to the
document in the file cabinet. From version 7 on, this connection is removed after undo-
checkout and the document in the document tray stays like a normal document which can be
edited, stored, deleted, etc.

2.1.2 Copy document to file cabinet with CTRL key

When dropping a document from the document tray to a store dialog in the opened store
dialog list and using the CRTL key the preview is showing a plus sign. The store dialog
opens with the option "Delete from document tray" unchecked, so the document is copied to
the file cabinet.

2.1.3 Different naming convention for unclipped documents

Up to now after unclipping a clipped document, the single files received their old document
names, so the names they had before clipping. From version 7 on, after unclipping the single
documents will be named like the clipped document followed by a number. I.E. if the name of
a 3-file clipped document is “Project PetersEngineering”, then after unclipping the 3 files are
called “Project PetersEngineering”, “Project PetersEngineering 1” and “Project
PetersEngineering 2”.

2.2 Result Lists

2.2.1 Settings in exported result lists as CSV depends on the region
For CSV export of result lists the list separator is used according to the language of the user
of the Windows operating system settings.
Some default list separator settings:
• for "German (Germany)" is ";"
• for "Spanish (Spain)" is ";"
• for "English (United Kingdom)" is ","

2.2.2 No more read-only view mode available

The read-only viewer mode is no longer available. From now on there are two modes: edit
mode (lock the document when opened in the viewer) and ad-hoc mode (lock the document
when do some action (stamping, annotation and etc.)).
The upgrader will change result lists configured with the read-only mode to ad-hoc edit

2.2.3 “Version overview” instead "Show old versions" button

If a file cabinet has active version management, the old versions are not part of the result list
anymore. Therefore, the button and functionality to show old versions is removed from the
result list. To view the old versions, you have to use the context menu entry "Version
overview" now.

Using DocuWare: Changes in software behavior

2.3 Viewer
2.3.1 Locking behavior changed after setting a stamp
When saving a stamp, the document is automatically unlocked. In previous versions, the
document was unlocked only, when the document was closed. Workflows in particular run
smoother due to the new behavior.

2.3.2 Copy text to clipboard

To use the function "Copy text to clipboard" it is no longer necessary to have the desktop app
"Edit & Send" installed.

2.4 Desktop Apps

2.4.1 Connection switches in Document Processing
If you have multiple connections established while working in the new Document Processing
module, under certain conditions the active connection switches to the currently used
system. For example, a user has two connections in Desktop Apps: one for system x and
another one for system y. The connection for system x is the active one. If he logs on to
system y and opens the Document Processing, the connection is automatically switched to
the system y connection whenever he:
• opens an existing configuration containing a sample document,
• creates a new configuration containing a sample document.

2.5 Workflow Manager

2.5.1 Automatic Stamp on Database Entry Leads to Error
If an automatic stamp is to be set in a task, this leads to an error if a database entry is
processed in the workflow instead of a document. The error appears when you confirm the

2.6 DocuWare Mobile

2.6.1 No mobile app for Windows Phones
Breaking Change
There is no mobile app for Windows phones anymore available which works with DocuWare
version 7. The existing Windows phone mobile app works up to DocuWare version 6.12.

Configuring and administrating DocuWare

3 Configuring and administrating DocuWare

3.1 Configurations
3.1.1 Modules moved to DocuWare Configuration
• Autoindex: The Autoindex monitoring plugin is also integrated into Autoindex. See
also chapter 3.1.2 and 3.1.3
• Transfer: formerly Export Workflow. See also chapter 3.1.3
• Administration of file cabinets. Only the disk management (on-premises) remains in
DocuWare Administration
• Indexing Assistance - select lists are not available in the DocuWare Administration
• Document Processing – processing configurations for source types Printer, Folder
(former Import) and Scanner. See also chapter 3.1.5
• Audit Reports for logging. See also chapter 3.5
• User Management available both in DocuWare Configuration and DocuWare
Administration. See also chapter 3.1.9

3.1.2 Autoindex
Use file cabinet trigger instead of short repeating interval
If you want to update your index fields as soon as possible use the new “file cabinet event”
trigger condition. This will make sure that Autoindex starts automatically on new or changed
documents. Short job intervals are therefore no longer necessary with Autoindex. The
minimum value for Autoindex interval timing is now 10 minutes.
Behavior on empty data source
Autoindex will stop processing if the data source does not return any records back or when
the filter for external data doesn't return anything back.

3.1.3 Autoindex and Transfer: reactivate schedules

Breaking Change
Creating scheduled intervals for Autoindex and Transfer (formerly Export workflow) is
simplified. Therefore, the existing schedules of Autoindex and Export/Transfer are upgraded
to the nearest available schedules. If no matching schedule can’t be found, the interval is set
to "Never". In this case, you have to reschedule the jobs and restart the schedule. Please
check your jobs after the upgrade.

3.1.4 New functional right - field masks

If a user has the functional right "Field Masks", he can select the tab "Field masks" in the
module Indexing Assistance, edit existing field masks or create new masks. Also, the user
can create a new field mask from a file cabinet dialog configuration for text and keyword
Without the new right, it is just possible to apply field masks without creating a new one. The
tab "Field masks" in Indexing Assistance is inactive.

Configuring and administrating DocuWare

3.1.5 Document Processing

Adding a sample document only from file system
In a processing configuration, you can add a sample document only from the file system and
not from a document tray. To select a sample document from a document tray, proceed as
follows: In DocuWare, open your document tray > select a document that was printed with
DocuWare Printer or scanned with DocuWare Scan > select "Sample document for
Document Processing".
Replacing a sample document causes deletion of not fitting areas
When you replace a sample document, all readout areas and anchors are relocated. Then all
readout areas that completely fit on the new sample document are read out again. However,
a readout area is deleted and therefore not read out again if it does not completely fit on the
new document or if its anchor was placed too close to the page margin during its relocation.
Configuration names have to be unique within an organization
Within an organization, the configuration names have to be uniqe and you cannot create two
configurations with the same name. This applies to all processing configurations for all
processing source types. For example, you cannot create a configuration of source type
Scanner with the same name as an already existing configuration of source type Printer or
Folder (in earlier versions named Import).
When upgrading from an earlier DocuWare version to version 7, the names of existing
configurations are not changed. If there were configurations with the same name in the old
system, the first configuration that is changed must be saved with a new name.
Duplication of import configurations as processing configurations on update
In earlier DocuWare versions, you could use Import configurations in the Scan app. With
DocuWare version 7, there is a new processing configuration of source type Scanner. To
stay compatible with previous versions when updating to DocuWare version 7, for each
Import configuration a processing configuration of type Scanner with the same settings is
created. These configurations have a "Created by Upgrader" note in their descriptions.
Adding letterhead only from file system
You can add a letterhead from the file system but not from a document tray.
Letterhead not displayed in processing configuration anymore
When you create a processing configuration and you add a letterhead, the letterhead will not
be displayed in processing configuration anymore.
As a matter of course, the letterhead is still part of the document and is displayed in the
DocuWare Viewer on the stored document stored.
Creating ZUGFeRD invoices is not supported anymore
The feature set to create ZUGFeRD invoices while printing PDF documents is removed.
Using DocuWare version 7, you cannot create configurations (former Printer configurations,
now processing configurations) to print ZUGFeRD invoices with DocuWare anymore.
Importing and indexing ZUGFeRD invoices will work unchanged in DocuWare version 7.

Configuring and administrating DocuWare

3.1.6 Workflow Manager

Breaking Changes
Changed locking mechanism for workflow tasks
The locking mechanism for workflow tasks was changed to be document based. We use the
same mechanism as for documents in the Web Client. A workflow task might not only be
locked when another user is working on the same task, but also when another user is having
the same document open or is editing the document in the file cabinet.
Changes for usage of system fields
Due to the backend changes regarding the new database layout, there are changes to
system fields that can be used in a workflow. Furthermore, the number of system fields has
been reduced.
See also 3.3.1 Changes for usage of system fields.
Data assignment from file cabinet source can now deliver multiple values
If the target of a data assignment is capable to store multiple results (keyword variable, field,
or user list variable), all SQL query results are delivered. In earlier DocuWare versions, only
one value was written into the target even when there were multiple results. The default is 1
when the source is the file cabinet and 100 (max. value for multiple results) for external data
(or LDC). In case the target entity is not capable of storing more than one result, the setting
is disabled and cannot be changed.
Dividing two integer may return decimal
A division of two integer values may return a decimal value, depending on the target of the
data assignment. In earlier versions, when dividing two integer values, an integer value was
returned, even when the target was able to store a decimal value.
Invalid user prefill in form does not lead to controller assignment
Writing an incorrect user in the form field will bring an error to the user. Only if you leave the
field empty, the task will be assigned to the controller. In earlier versions, entering invalid
user credentials and sending the task always resulted in the task being assigned to the
Notification email on invalid workflow system user credentials
The system user given for a workflow is used to log into the Background Process Service. If
the credentials of this user get invalid for some reason, e.g. because someone changed the
password in the user management (but not in the workflow), a workflow will not be able to
continue. Whenever this happens, DocuWare sends a notification email to the workflow
designer role to tell about the issue. In parallel, the current activity is rescheduled to be
retried after one hour.
Workflow Upgrade Process
In case of very big data, only the active instances are upgraded and the system is ready to
use. The history data is upgraded in a second run in the background. Thus the system is
promptly available but the histories of the finished instances might not be displayed for some
hours. The upgrade time mostly depends on the number of history rows.
Prior to the upgrade, you can run the Integrity Check Tool for reporting and if necessary for
fixing any inconsistencies. The tool is integrated in the upgrader.

Configuring and administrating DocuWare

Workflow Expression Parser

To better handle VBA expressions in your workflows, you can download a new
documentation compiling DocuWare’s VBA subset.

3.1.7 User variables are reworked

When you have the controller role and you are working on a task, your username is written
into the "Last decision user" variable and the "Logged in user" variable. Additionally, the
"Logged in user" variable is also updated in parallel tasks now.

3.1.8 Web Service calls require HTTPS

Breaking Change
Only for DocuWare Cloud
When configuring a web service activity, HTTPS must be used for secure communication.
Existing workflows will still work, but a new version of a workflow cannot be published until
any web service activity is changed to use HTTPS.

3.1.9 User Management: New in DocuWare Configurations

The User Management is implemented as new component in the DocuWare Configuration.
In this web-based user management you handle the DocuWare users and provide them the
needed rights through groups, roles, function profiles and file cabinet profiles. The new
component is available to all users with "User management" rights.
Limitation: In version 7 only users can be created and edited in the new user management
configuration. Managing groups, roles and profiles will be added soon. Therfor user
administration is still possible also in DocuWare Administration.

3.2 File Cabinets

3.2.1 Version management behavior changed
Breaking Change
Result lists always show the latest versions only. Previous versions of a document can still
be listed and viewed in the version overview of a document, see also chapter 2.2.3 Version
Internal select lists only contain data from the latest versions of documents. Document
relations are not available for old versions.
Already since DocuWare version 6.12 Autoindex will only update index data of the current
version from a document.
Further details:
- The document ID (DocID) remains constant across all versions.
- Older versions receive negative DocIDs.
- After the update integration links to old versions of a document might not be working

3.2.2 Store documents without index data

The limitation that at least one field needs to be filled out is removed.
If you want to ensure that a stored document has at least one index term, you can define
mandatory fields in the file cabinet settings.

Configuring and administrating DocuWare

3.2.3 New fields are only added to default dialogs

If a new field is created in a file cabinet, it is only added to the dialogs which are defined as

3.2.4 File cabinet properties for header files removed

Index entries of the documents, annotations and stamps are stored automatically (see also
chapter 3.3.2 New storage layout for documents ). That’s why two options in the file cabinet
settings are no longer used:
1) DocuWare Administration > Organisation > File Cabinet Disks > Disk xx > General >
Update headers of changed documents
2) DocuWare Configuration > File Cabinets > File Cabinet x > General > Encrypt documents
> Only document and Documents and header. If encryption is activated the whole document
will be encrypted.

3.2.5 File cabinet disk features removed

Breaking Change
Some features are not supported anymore. It is no longer possible
• to add a new file cabinet disk automatically
• to switch to a new file cabinet disk automatically
• to specify and define a default capacity limit for the file cabinet
• to specify the cluster size, overhead and file overhead for a file cabinet disk
For the last created disk of the type "ReadWrite" the option "limit disk capacity" is unchecked
during the upgrade, even in case it was checked before.

3.2.6 Maximum character length for file cabinet names

If an MSSQL database is used, the name of a file cabinet can be up to 128 characters long,
with MySQL up to 64 and with Oracle up to 23 characters.

3.3 Administrative Functions

3.3.1 Changes for usage of system fields
Breaking Change
The system fields of the file cabinets are changed to represent the new layout of the
document database (see also chapter 3.3.1 Changes for usage of system fields).
Some of the legacy system fields were renamed and others removed.
Renamed fields
Some of these fields can be used for the query of a list or folder, for document relations and
notifications or both. During the upgrade these fields will be changed internally to their new
system names. Filters, queries, lists etc will work as before.

Configuring and administrating DocuWare

Removed fields
• DWINTELLIXHINTS (available in document trays only)
These system fields were offered in index filters, document relations and notifications. If
there are queries or filters containing conditions on removed fields, they will stop working.
Using them will generate errors. Remove the invalid field conditions before or after upgrade.
Partially removed
These system fields are not available anymore for searching or building queries, but they can
be used for result lists and index dialogs.
No changes
These system fields are offered as before:
o DWExtension is now also offered in queries for lists and folders, index filters,
document relations
Configurations affected by the database layout change
If the following configurations use an external database connection to access the file cabinet
database tables, the configurations are not updated automatically. During upgrade a
message will ask the user how to proceed.
• File cabinet index filter profiles with SQL
• Select lists based on external database (Table, SQL Command)
• Autoindex with external databases (Table, View, SQL Command)
• Deletion with external databases (Table, View, SQL Command)
• Workflow configurations with external databases
• Connect to Outlook indexing with external databases (SQL Command)
Affected external structures and tools
All other database-based integrations in DWDATA might be affected as well as additional
database customizations (triggers etc). So please make sure all customizations on the
database (additional fields, triggers, etc) are removed before you start the upgrade.

Configuring and administrating DocuWare

More details
DWSYS is no longer used as file cabinet description table in DWDATA. Instead there is a
new table DWCABINETS. In DWCABINETS all file cabinets and document trays are listed.
Changes concerning file cabinets and document trays:
• The main file cabinet tables contain the name of the file cabinet again, but the
structure is different. Each file cabinet consists of 10 tables.
• The document tray tables contain the name of the document tray now. Each
document tray consists of seven tables. In case of an upgrade the tables contain the
name of the document tray loaction.

3.3.2 New storage layout for documents

Breaking Change
Only for DocuWare On-Premises
There are some changes for documents stored with DocuWare version 7 or later:
• All additional metadata is stored in the file cabinet database, there are no XML header
files for documents anymore.
• Copies fo this data can be created optionally in a zip-based format (extension .DWX) in
the storage. They are updated asynchronously, not as part of the document modification
operation. After the upgrade to version 7 this redundant store-option is set to ON for on-
premises. This is the same for a new file cabinet.
• The Restore Services workflow is also removed. However, there is now a command line
tool to restore database entries from the storage location for file cabinets.
• Document files are no longer called f0, f1, f2 etc. but have unique names (GUIDs)
• When a document file is updated, the file in the storage is not overwritten. Instead, a new
unique name (GUID) is generated. After the new file has been created the old one is
The storage structure of documents stored with version 6.x or previous is not changed and
their header files are still used. When such document is modified in DocuWare version 7
(e.g. annotation was placed), the document metadata is copied to the database and the
header file will be deleted. When a document file is updated, it will use the new file naming
convention (GUID).

3.3.3 Storage Upgrade

In general, the update to DocuWare version 7 does not change anything on the storage
When upgrading directly from DocuWare version 6.10 or earlier to version 7, there are
storage changes applied by the implicitly included in the upgrade to DocuWare version 6.11.

3.3.4 Synchronization: avoid duplicated documents during upgrade

Breaking Change
Only for DocuWare On-Premises
DocuWare version 7 does not support synchronisation version 1 workflows. The
synchronisation version 1 workflows will be deleted as it is not possible to upgrade them. You
have to recreate them after the update.
There is a workaround for customers who want to upgrade from DocuWare version 6.11 or
earlier to version 7 and who are using Synchronisation version 1 workflows created in 6.11 or
earlier. This workaround is recommended to avoid that already synchronized documents will
be duplicated in the target file cabinet. Please follow this upgrade path:

Configuring and administrating DocuWare

1.) Upgrade to DocuWare version 6.12

2.) Run all Synchronisation version 1 workflows which will be upgraded to version 6.12. In
this way a new DWDOCGUID column is created and populated with guid's used for matching
the documents in Synchronisation version 2
3.) Upgrade to DocuWare version 7

3.3.5 New lightweight tool for migration

Breaking Change
Only for DocuWare On-Premises
The Migration workflow in DocuWare Administration is now extracted to a more lightweight
console application. This new application for shifting documents concerns only on-premises
customers who had stored their current documents on a quickly accessible drive like a SSD,
but want to move documents to a cheaper storage like WORM or HDD.
Migration jobs are defined in a configuration file. In such a file, you can specify the file
cabinet along with filter criterias for moving specified documents and the target disk. A file
template for configuration is part of the new migration application. With the Windows Task
Scheduler an automatic execution can be triggerd even for complex scenarios.
Existing configurations of migration workflows are not supported. They will not be converted
to the new lightweight migration.
The new migration tool will be delivered shortly with a hotfix.

3.3.6 Deploy and undeploy file cabinet in Fulltext Server

It can be necessary to undeploy a file cabinet if problems occur with the fulltext search. The
fulltext search is not available until the file cabinet is deployed again. You can find this
functionality in the file cabinet settings on the the General tab.

3.3.7 Validation Service can be used in Connect to Outlook

A validation service can be used now also for emails from Outlook. Just choose a store
dialog that is used configured for a validation service. Emails will be only stored to the file
cabinet, if the index entries correspond to the validation.

3.4 Removed Components

3.4.1 Removed Server components
Content Server
Content Server is removed: Everything done by the Content Server is now part of the
Content Library, which is integrated in most services.
Job Server
Job Server is removed. The Desktop Apps component stores documents directly via the
DocuWare Platform now.
SAP HTTP Server version 1
Only for DocuWare On-Premises
Breaking Change
SAP HTTP Server version 1 is removed from the product. To connect to SAP with DocuWare
Version 7, use Connect to SAP Version 2, which is available since DocuWare Version 6.12.
For a sidegrade, please contact DocuWare Professional Services.

Configuring and administrating DocuWare

Thumbnail Server
Thumbnail Server and the database connection's property 'used for thumbnails’ are
removed. Thumbnails in on-premises systems are no longer preserved in the database and
are re-generated when needed.
Workflow Engine Server
The Workflow Engine Server is removed and replaced by a new technology.
As these servers are removed, they are not available in the service control anymore.

3.4.2 Removed workflow components

Breaking Changes
Synchronisation version 1
Synchronisation version 1 workflow is removed from DocuWare Administration. Existing
configuration cannot be upgraded.
Please see also chapter 3.3.4 Synchronization: avoid duplicated documents during upgrade.
Barcode Transfer
Only for DocuWare On-Premises
Barcode Transfer, part of Connect to SAP Version 1 is removed. On update, all
configurations of this type are deleted.
Migration workflow
Only for DocuWare On-Premises
Migration workflow is removed from DocuWare Administration. During upgrade all existing
configurations will be deleted. A new command line tool offers similar possibilities – see also
3.3.5 New lightweight tool for migration.
The default logging destination for migration workflow is also removed as a setting but not as
a data. If the log was important, you have two options:
1) Before upgrading you can export all the data to CSV using DocuWare Administration.
2) After the update you find the log in the DWLOGGING database and view it as a table.
Restore Services
Only for DocuWare On-Premises
During update all existing configurations will be deleted. The workflow in DocuWare
Administration is replaced by a command line tool. This makes it possible to restore the
database using the index data backup files. The new tool will be delivered shortly with a
The default logging destination for Restore Services workflow is also removed. However the
data can be retrieved. You have two options:
1) Before upgrading you can export all the data to CSV using DocuWare Administration
2) After the update you find the log in the DWLOGGING database and view it as a table

3.4.3 Removed Database components

DWLOGGING is not created anymore during the setup and no longer written. As it is not
used anymore, administrators can delete this database manually.
DWTHUMBNAILS is not created during the installation of new systems. As it is not used
anymore, administrators can delete this database manually.

Configuring and administrating DocuWare

3.5 Diagnostics and Logging

3.5.1 All Servers: diagnostic log file format harmonized
All server applications use now a uniform format for diagnostic logging.
Log files are written here: %ProgramData%\DocuWare\Logs\
Default log level: Error
Log configuration: %ProgramData%\DocuWare\LoggingConfig\
The log level can be changed with the provided Log File Administration Tool when instructed
by customer support. The Log File Administration can be started in the DocuWare Service
Control. With the tool the LogLevels of one or all files can be changed.

3.5.2 Logging Agents removed

Breaking Change
All logging settings are removed from the DocuWare Administration. Please use the new
area Audit Reports in DocuWare Configuration. The configured logging settings are not
working anymore. But the logging destinations are still available for inspection in DocuWare
DocuWare Cloud: You should export all required data yourself while DocuWare Cloud is on
system DocuWare version 7.

3.6 Licensing Changes

3.6.1 Automatic assignment of Named Client Licenses
When a new user is created or set to active, a Named Client License is automatically
assigned - if available. It does not matter how the user was created: manually, by Platform
API, by user synchronization etc. When a user is deleted or set to inactive, the assigned
Named Client License is retracted again, so it can be assigned to other users.
If you use both Named Client Licenses converted from Concurrent Licenses and directly
purchased Named Client Licenses, the Named Client Licenses converted from Concurrent
Licenses are used first.

3.6.2 Single 'DocuWare Server' license

Only for DocuWare On-Premises
There is one single license for all servers which is called “DocuWare Server”.
• In the organization level of DocuWare Administration > General > Licenses, you only see
the total number of server licenses that you have purchased:
o 1x Business: 1 server
o 1x Professional: 1 server
o 2x Professional: 2 servers
o 1x Enterprise: 2 servers.
o 2x Enterprise: 4 servers

Configuring and administrating DocuWare

• For each server license, you are allowed to install each DocuWare Server role once
(frontend services, backend services, fulltext service).
o 1x Business: 1x frontend services, 1x backend services, 1x fulltext services
o 1x Professional: 1x frontend services, 1x backend services, 1x fulltext services
o 2x Professional: 2x frontend services, 2x backend services, 2x fulltext services
o 1x Enterprise: 2x frontend services, 2x backend services, 2x fulltext services
o 2x Enterprise: 4x frontend services, 4x backend services, 4x fulltext services

3.7 Server Setup

This section is only relevant for DocuWare On-Premises systems.

3.7.1 Features and Improvementsof new Server Setup

In the new Server Setup, the module selection is replaced with a role selction: Frontend
Role, Backend Role, Fulltext Role
The setup logs directory ("%ProgramData%\DocuWare\SetupLogs") also contains a
dedicated file which lists all errors - ErrorSummary.csv. And there is a text file with detailed
information about the machine: systeminfo.txt
The check for system requirements in enhanced in the setup to avoid errors during the setup.
These checks are among other things for: pending reboot, client operating system, domain
controller, 64 bit operating system, not supported Windows versions, Windows Versions not
tested with DocuWare, current machine name, memory, free disk space, system information.
The Internet Information Services (IIS) need not to be preinstalled anymore. The setup will
install it including the IIS features required by DocuWare.
The Setup can be canceled on any dialog which is not executing progress and can be
restarted and redo the actions. All progress dialogs have the option to "Retry" in case of an
error appeared during the execution. This can reduce the need to restart the setup or
execute steps manually after fixing the cause for the shown error.
The DocuWare Organization can be renamed during the update of the DocuWare system. To
do this, the new license must just be provided within the setup.
The Windows user used by the DocuWare services must exist at the moment when he is
entered in the setup user interface. The user is not created by DocuWare setup anymore. An
according link to the local user management is available on the setup screen.
The setup mode is not automatically recognized anymore. One of the following modes must
be selected manually.
• New Install: create a complete new DocuWare system with new database
• Extend: extend an existing DocuWare system with additional DocuWare Servers /
Role Servers (e.g. additional Backend Services machine)
• Upgrade: update or reinstall of the DocuWare components located on the current
machine. Also additional components can be installed.
• Uninstall: used to uninstall from the current machine all DocuWare Services and
Applications based on the lowest DocuWare version for which an update is
supported. The uninstall of a specific role is done with the setup mode "Upgrade"
which can also be used for a reinstall.

Configuring and administrating DocuWare

3.7.2 Unsupported characters for input

Breaking Change
Values entered during setup, such as user names, passwords or organization names, must
not contain equal signs [=] or quotation marks ["].

3.7.3 All servers require access to the storage locations

Access to storage locations needs to be possible for all DocuWare services of the Frontend
and Backend role. Previously, only Content Server was accessing the storage.

3.7.4 Configuration of the System Storage Path

Due to some file system path length limitations, the storage path has a maximum of 100
characters. If there is an existing path which is longer than 100 characters, it is not
automatically changed. Please validate yourself the length of System Storage Path for
existing installations.

3.7.5 DocuWare Services in 64-bit mode

The DocuWare services Platform Service, Platform RO Service and Settings Service are
converted to 64-bit mode during the upgrade.

3.8 Integration and SDK Changes

3.8.1 Database changes might break database-based
Breaking Change
Only for DocuWare On-Premises
Although we do not recommend anyone the integration with DocuWare's databases and
databases tables, we are aware that this is done by some customers. Wwith the upgrade to
DocuWare version 7 DocuWare database structures will change. Custom database-backed
integrations might stop working or might make the upgrade process fail.
Please see also chapter 3.3.1 Changes for usage of system fields.

3.8.2 Application properties not supported on database

records anymore
Breaking Change
Only for DocuWare On-Premises
External applications can add their own, non-DocuWare specific metadata as application
properties in DocuWare. With DocuWare Version 7, this is no longer possible for database
entries without a document. During the upgrade, all metadata from external applications is
deleted for a database record. To prevent this, you can add a document file (section) to the
database entry before the upgrade and specify the application properties there.

Configuring and administrating DocuWare

3.8.3 Some System Date fields have a changed data type

Breaking Change
In previous DocuWare versions the document fields DWSTOREDATETIME,
With DocuWare version 7 these three fields will be set to DateTime field.
This change will break Platform .Net Clients which are released before DocuWare version
6.8. They will also break when there is a user field of the type “DateTime”. Such clients
should upgrade their Platform .Net Client.

3.8.4 Validation version 1 feature set removed

Breaking Change
Only for DocuWare On-Premises
Server-side validations were removed. Use the client-side validations instead which are
configured in DocuWare Configuration > File Cabinets > Store Dialogs

3.8.5 Workflow API changes

Breaking Change
The workflow part of the Platform API has never been part of the official SDK. If you are
using that API for integrations, you have to adjust your applications before the upgrade as it
has changed in DocuWare version 7.


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