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Testing Hypothesis Worksheet/HW Sheet Name: Naithan Rabadi

1. Bottles of a popular cola are supposed to contain 300 mL of cola. There is some variation from bottle

to bottle. An inspector, who suspects that the bottler is under-filling, measures the contents of six
randomly selected bottles. Is there sufficient evidence that the bottler is under-filling the bottles?

Assume that the content of cola is normally distributed.

299.4 297.7 298.9 300.2 297 301

2. The Degree of Reading Power (DRP) is a test of the reading ability of children. Here are DRP scores for
a random sample of 44 third-grade students in a suburban district:

40 26 39 14 42 18 25 43 46 27 19 47 19 26 35 34 15 44 40 38 3146

52 25 35 35 33 29 34 41 49 28 52 47 35 48 22 33 41 51 27 14 54 45

At the a= .1, is there sufficient evidence to suggest that this district's third graders reading ability is

different than the national mean of 34?

3. The Wall Street Journal (January 27, 1994) reported that based on sales in a chain of Midwestern
grocery stores, President's Choice Chocolate Chip Cookies were selling at a mean rate of $1323 per
week. Suppose a random sample of 30 weeks in 1995 in the same stores showed that the cookies were
selling at the average rate of $1208 with standard deviation of $275. Does this indicate that the sales of
the cookies is lower than the earlier figure?

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