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Blink contradicting what she said. This is just one of the

many small ways how people show their contempt.
The Power of Thinking Finding these small yet seemingly insignificant details is
without Thinking at the heart of the matter.

The Power of Short Quick Evaluations

By Malcolm Gladwell
- Thin slicing is effective because it basically bypasses
the human mind’s tendency to stereotype things. For
Overview instance, Gladwell presents the image of a muscular
football player. You can’t accurately judge the man’s
This book delves into the idea of thin slicing, explained IQ right then and there because of the usual bias that
by Malcolm Gladwell. It is about recognizing specific we have because of the preconceived stereotype we
patterns in a determined situation and making a snap have already made for athletes of the same stripe.
decision based on what was observed. Chapter 2 – The Locked Door
This technique can be applied in many areas; from Why is the Door Locked
determining if a person will be successful in the future
to estimating whether or not a married couple will get - Everyone can make snap judgements; that is a fact.
a divorce. You’ve been thin slicing even before you became
aware that you were doing it. It is a natural function of
It is a powerful theory, but like all things, it has its your unconscious. Just like everyone else, when asked
flaws. Since the idea is to make a decision based on as how you know what you know, comes the hard-
little information as possible, it is prone to lead to crushing reality that your best explanation just sounds
errors once in a while. However, by reading this book like mist dissolving into thin air.
and practicing, you might be able to do it with a high
percentage of success. - Gladwell explains that when people make snap
judgements it is often performed behind a closed door
Key Ideas Chapter-by-Chapter of sorts. He uses the term “the locked door”. The door
Chapter 1 – The Theory of Thin Slices is locked and not even you can open it. That is why
when people are asked to explain how they know what
- Malcolm Gladwell begins the first chapter of his they know instinctively, their explanations rarely come
book by relating the story of John Gottman, a out as something convincing.
psychologist by profession, who had a visit from a
young couple. The entire visit, a 15 minutes long Chapter 3 – The Warren Harding Error
conversation on dogs between a married couple, was
The Road Towards the Worst Presidency
videotaped. The participants were hooked up to
machines that measured their heart rate and - It was the year 1899 when Warren Harding, then
perspiration level. By this recording, Gottman could vying for the presidency of the United States, and
predict with a 90% accuracy whether the couple would Harry Daugherty, a lawyer and political fixer, had a
divorce in the coming years or not. meeting that would later change the course of history
in the next few years. If you would care to check the
How Gottman Does It paper trail, Harding didn’t seem to be something
- Gottman argues that there are subliminal ways on special – he didn’t even look like presidential material.
how couples argue. It isn’t always a direct On the one hand, he wasn’t really that smart. He never
confrontation, and what is usually hidden away is the really distinguished himself either as an editor for the
stuff that is most telling. For instance, Bill would seem paper that he was already working on or as a
to reply in the affirmative, seeming to agree with politician. On top of that, he had a heckler of a record
Susan. However, after agreeing with her, he would jab when it came to having affairs with women.
in a “but” in his statements, thus effectively

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- Did he run for president? Of course he did. Did he and music reviewers. But there was one problem – the
win though? Yes, he did. And he would go down in public didn’t like him.
American history as one of the worst presidents the
country has ever had. Why did the people vote for
him? It was just as Daugherty said – he looked like a So Why Did Kenna Fail?
charismatic leader and that was all there was to him.
- Gladwell concludes that he didn’t sell simply
Chapter 4 – Paul Van Riper’s Big Victory because the marketers focused too much on the music
and not so much on selling Kenna.
Millennium Challenge
Chapter 6 – Seven Seconds in the Bronx
- In the year 2000, the US military conducted what
was dubbed as the Millennium Challenge. It was an - Malcolm Gladwell concludes his book with a tragic
expensive war game. The theme of the said military example on how snap judgements can be made
exercise was that the army would go against a military erroneously. He tells the story of Amadou Diallo and
commander in the Middle East. The military men who the four police officers who killed him. It was a night
participated in said war game stayed in Suffolk, in February, in the year 1999, and Diallo, an immigrant
Virginia, for more than 2 weeks. Paul Van Riper was from Guinea who knew very little English, was standing
designated as the leader of the Red Team (i.e. the outside his South Bronx apartment. While there, four
enemy), while on the other hand, the other US police officers drove by and thought they were looking
generals took part as leaders of the Blue Team (i.e. at a burglar who was trying to break into an
Team USA). That’s basically how war games are setup apartment. On top of that, the man fit the description
in the Pentagon. of a serial rapist who had been reported to be roaming
the neighbourhood.
- Van Riper had unpredictability on his side - the Red
Team. He viewed the battlefield and used his battle - The police officers who were in civilian clothing
instincts as he gave orders to his men on the field. Blue pursued him, but were walking into a tight hallway.
Team was able to destroy the majority of their Immediately, the situation became tense. They yelled
communication system, but Van Riper devised a for the black man to stop running, but he kept on
complex communication code that was rather running. All of a sudden, one of the officers thought he
impromptu and improvised. Blue Team’s system saw Diallo carrying a gun. It was in fact his wallet, and
wasn’t able to decode the system that Red Team was he might have been trying to give it up to the four guys
using. he thought were trying to rob him.
- In short, Red Team was able to override Blue - One of the officers opened fire upon seeing what he
Team’s predictions. Red Team was even able to thought was a firearm. The others followed suit after
destroy the huge majority of Blue Team’s aircraft and hearing the gunshot. Diallo died right then and there.
ships. They literally crushed the enemy in spite of their Gladwell argues that the officers might have reacted
lack of numbers. out of confusion rather than out of prejudice against a
black man. They made four mistakes during this
Chapter 5 – Kenna’s Dilemma
- Kenna was discovered by a talent scout who then
1. It was a case of mistaken identity, because
referred him to Atlantic Records president Craig
they thought Diallo was a suspected rapist. Some, of
Kallman. His music is rather complex; it doesn’t fit
course, argued that this was a case of racial prejudice.
squarely in any single musical genre. You can almost
say that it is a genre on its very own. The musicians 2. They chased Diallo into a narrow hallway,
who heard his music, the producers, and top which was actually headed towards Diallo’s apartment.
executives, loved his music. They all approved that
3. One officer shot the man because he thought
Kenna was going to be a huge musical star one day.
he was reaching for his pistol or concealed firearm.
Kenna even got really good reviews from music critics

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4. The other officers thought the gunshot injured

their comrade, and thus, they opened fire, resulting in
the Diallo’s death.

- One argument about this incident is that it is

another case of conscious racism. Of course, that is
arguably the case, but it couldn’t be proven.
Nevertheless, it can be a possible cause of the poor
snap decision made on the part of the police officers,
even if they were not openly or admittedly racist.

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