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Read the text, fill in the blanks and answer the questions:

a y o i u l
ye o t o t u i h e

r m n i i

n o e c u h a e
c u a e

o a l v
x e i i
i l ing
o v u e a i

Answer the questions

1. Why did Hammurabi have his laws engraved in stone and placed in a public place?
For people to see the laws and obey them

2. Was Hammurabi’s Code fair? Defend your answer using facts from the article.
It was fair, because it was based on "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth", which means that if someone lost
something because of someone else, it was that person's turn to lose the same thing.

3. Why do we know more about Hammurabi’s Code than other early forms of law?
Because, in 1901, a French expedition to Mesopotamia uncovered a copy of the Babylonian king's laws. The
stone pillar were Hammurabi had his laws engraved is on display at the Louvre, a museum in Paris, France.

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