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When I was in primary school, my parents can’t get rid of me asking different

questions that I have no idea about as a child. Some of them are not really that serious
and I just asked it for the sake of satisfying my curiosity. But among these, there’s one
question that I can’t seem to get rid of my mind up until today is “what is the purpose of
our life?” I also ask sometimes why is it that if the God whom Christians always mention
makes human suffer? If he really loves the humanity, why would he make children with
disabilities and make them suffer? Why would he let innocent children die because of
earthquake, flash floods and other calamities? Is he not an omnipotent God? Or is it
because he/she is selfish?

I think, the question about the purpose of life depends on each person. It doesn’t require
for everyone to have the exact same purpose, but it varies depending on the experiences
and goal a person has. Furthermore, it does not stay constant and there are some cases
that their purpose change respectively upon accomplishing their first or meeting an
external factor that may affect their purpose to be replaced and changed completely. But
personally speaking, purpose is not something we already have when we were born. It’s
acclaimable. It doesn’t just appear out of nowhere.

Allegory of the cave is just how it is for us to be exposed with certain information that
only limited part of the populace should know. There’s a popular saying that I can relate
to it which is “Never wake up a sleepwalker.” Where we can clearly understand that
innocent people were compared similarly to sleepwalkers; they live up the events that
they only understand through their dreams. Dreams that manifest scenarios that is
indifferent to the truth that “woke people” are experiencing. Through this concept, some
people inside the community live up their lives believing blindly as if they’re sleeping
and if you wake them u with the truth, they would not be able co comprehend it as it’s
different on what they see and experience while they are dreaming.

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