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Physics……Main ….

2017 contest 1 -- 40

Contest 1
^ 2 ^j. What is the position of the particle relative to
1. The position vector in meters of a particle is 3 i+
the point with position vector 3 ^j+2 k^ in meters?
^ ^j−2 k^ in meters
Ans: 3 i−
^ ^j −( 3 ^j+2 k^ ) =3 i−
r AB =r A −r B =3 i+2 ^ ^j−2 k^ in meters

^ 2 ^j in meters. Find the displacement of the particle from the

2. The position vector of a particle is 3 i+
^ ^jin meters?
point with position vector 2 i+3
^ ^
Ans: i− j in meters
r AB =r A −r B =3 i^ +2 ^j −( 2 i+3
^ ^j ) =i^ − ^j in meters

^ 3 k^ ) m of a particle whose position vector is ( 3 ^j+2 k^ ) m .

3. Find the position relative to ( 2 i+
^ ^j− k^ ) m
Ans: (−2 i+3
r AB =r A −r B =( 3 ^j+2 k^ ) m−( 2 i+3
^ k^ ) m=(−2 i+3
^ ^j− k^ ) m

4. Two concurrent forces each of magnitude 50 N make an angle of90 ° . Find the magnitude of a third
concurrent force that is in equilibrium with them.
Ans: 50 √ 2 N
F=√ ( 50 N ) + ( 50 N ) =50 √ 2 N =71 N
2 2

5. A 40 N force and a concurrent 40 N force make an angle of 120 °. Find the magnitude of a force
that makes an angle of 120 ° with them such that the three forces are in equilibrium.
Ans: 40 N
F=2 ×40 N ×cos 60° =40 N
6. Find the magnitude of the resultant of a 40 N force and an 80 N force that make an angle of 120 °.
Ans: 40 √ 3 N
F=√ ( 40 N ) + ( 80 N ) + 2 ( 40 N )( 80 N ) cos 120 °=40 √ 3 N=70 N
2 2

Contest 2
1. A simple harmonic oscillator has an angular frequency of 50 rad s−1 and an amplitude of 0.2 m.
What is the maximum speed of the oscillator?
Ans: 10 m s−1
v 0= Aω=0.2 m× 50 rad s−1=10 m s−1

2. Find the maximum acceleration of a simple harmonic oscillator of angular frequency 20 rad s−1
and displacement amplitude 0.5 m .
Ans: 200 m s−2
a 0= A ω2 =0.5 m× ( 20 rad s−1) =200 m s−2

3. A particle executes simple harmonic motion of angular frequency 40 rad s−1 and displacement
amplitude 0.1 m. Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the particle when its displacement is
Ans: 160 m s−2
−1 2
a 0= A ω =0.1 m× ( 40 rad s ) =160 m s
2 −2

4. A convex spherical mirror has a radius of curvature of magnitude40 cm. Find the magnification of
the image of an object 60 cm from the pole of the mirror.


Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

f −R / 2 −20 cm −1
M= = = =
u−f u−(−R / 2 ) 60 cm−(−20 cm ) 4
5. A concave spherical mirror has a radius of curvature of magnitude40 cm. Find the magnification
of the image of an object 60 cm from the pole of the mirror.
f R /2 20 cm 1
M= = = =
u−f u−( R / 2 ) 60 cm−( 20 cm ) 2

6. A convex spherical mirror has a radius of curvature of magnitude40 cm. Find the magnification of
the image of an object 20 cm from the pole of the mirror.
f −R / 2 −20 cm −1
M= = = =
u−f u−(−R / 2 ) 20 cm−(−20 cm ) 2

Contest 3
Two identical particles are launched with the same speed, one at 20 ° and the other at 40 ° to the

1. Which of the particles returns to the launch level farthest from the launch point?
Ans: The particle launched at 40 °

2. Which of the particles attains the greatest height?

Ans: The particle launched at 40 °

3. Which of the particles returns to the launch level first?

Ans: The particle launched at 20 °

4. Find the energy stored in a capacitor bank made up of five20 μF capacitors in parallel when the
potential difference across the bank is 40 V .
Ans: 80 mJ =0.08 J
1 2 2
U = C V =0.5 × ( 5 ×20 μF ) × ( 40 V ) =80000 μJ =0.08 J

5. A capacitor bank is made up of ten 50 μF capacitors in parallel. What is the charge stored by the
bank when the potential difference across it is 10 V ?
Ans: 5000 μC=5 mC
Q=CV =( 10× 50 μF ) ×10 V =5000 μC

6. A capacitor bank contains eight 20 μF capacitors in parallel. How many additional 20 μF

capacitors must be added in parallel so that the bank stores 160 mJ at 40 V ?
Ans: 2
n=C / ( 20 μF )
¿ ( 2 U / V 2 −( 8× 20 μF ) ) / ( 20 μF )
¿ ( 2 ×160 mJ / ( 40 V )2−160 μF ) / ( 20 μF )=2

Contest 4
1. An electrical appliance draws 2 A on a 200 V circuit while producing an output of 300 W . What is
the efficiency of the appliance.
Ans: 75 %

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

η=( 300W ) / ( 2 A × 200 V )= =75 %
2. Find the mechanical power that can be delivered by a V DC electric motor when it draws 1 A
and operates with an efficiency of 80 % .
Ans: 19 W
Pm=η P e=0.8× 24 ×1 A=19W
3. Find the efficiency of an electrical appliance which draws 5 A on a 200 V circuit while producing
an output of 900 W .
Ans: 90 %
η=Pout / P¿ =900 W / (5 A ×200 V ) =90 %

4. The initial velocity of a particle moving along the x-axis with constant acceleration is 20 m s−1.
Find the acceleration of the particle if its velocity at t=5 s is 40 m s−1.
Ans: 4 m s−2
a=( v −u ) / t=( 40 m s −20 m s ) / ( 5 s )=4 m s
−1 −1 −2

5. The acceleration of a particle moving with constant acceleration along the x-axis is 2 m s−2. Find
the velocity of the particle at t=5 s if its initial velocity is 10 m s−1.
Ans: 20 m s−1
−1 −2 −1
v=u+at=10 m s +2 ms ×5 s=20 m s

6. Find the initial velocity of a particle which moves with a constant acceleration of 8 m s−2 along the
x-axis and whose velocity is 50 m s−1 at t=10 s .
Ans: −30 m s−1
−1 −2 −1
u=v−at =50 m s −8 m s ×10 s=−30 m s

Contest 5
A 5 nC point charge and a 10 nC point charge are 5 cm apart.
1. Find the magnitude of the electrostatic force on each charge due to the other.
Ans: 0.18 mN =1.8 ×1 0−4 N
q1 q 2 2
=9× 10 N m C ×10 nC × 5 nC / ( 5× 10 m ) =1.8 ×10 N
9 2 2 −2 −4
F= 2
4 π ϵ0 r

2. Find the magnitude of the electric field midway between the charges.
Ans: 72 kV m−1

E= ∑
| 4 π ϵ 0|r−r i||
q i ( r −r i )
=9 ×109 N m2 C 2 ×
10 nC

5 nC
( 2.5 ×10 m) ( 2.5 ×10 m )
−2 −2 2
=72 kV m−1

3. Find the scalar potential midway between the charges.

Ans: 1.8 kV =1800V
q ( r −r )
0 i
∑ 4 π iϵ |r −ri |=9 ×10 9 N m2 C 2 × 2.510 nC

5 nC
×10 m 2.5 ×10 m )
=1800 V

4. The heat capacity of an object is 500 J K −1. When the object absorbs 30 kJ of heat, its temperature
changes to 400 K . Find the initial temperature of the object.
Ans: 340 K
Q 30000 J
T i=T f − =400 K − =340 K
C 500 J K

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

5. Find the temperature of an object of heat capacity 200 J K −1 when it absorbs 20 kJ at an initial
temperature of 300 K .
Ans: 400 K
Q 20000 J
T f =T i + =300 K+ =400 K
C 200 J K−1
6. Find the temperature of an object of heat capacity 400 J K −1 when it absorbs 20 kJ at an initial
temperature of 300 K .
Ans: 350 K
Q 20000 J
T f =T i + =300 K+ =350 K
C 400 J K −1

Contest 6
1. A fixed quantity of ideal gas expands from a volume of5 m3 to a volume of 15 m 3 against a
constant pressure of 100 kPa . Find the work done by the gas.
Ans: 1 MJ
W =p ΔV =100 ×10 Pa× ( 15 m −5 m )=1 ×10 J =1 MJ
3 3 3 6

2. A fixed quantity of ideal gas undergoes an isobaric expansion from 2 m 3 to 7 m3 in which it does
50 kJ of work. Find the pressure of the gas.
Ans: 10 kPa
p=W / Δ V =50 kJ / ( 7 m −2 m )=10 kPa
3 3

3. An ideal gas of volume 0.2 m3 expands at a constant pressure of 50 kPa and does 20 kJ of work.
Find the final volume of the gas.
Ans: 0.6 m3
3 3
V f =V i +W / p=0.2 m + 20 kJ / ( 50 kPa )=0.6 m

4. Determine the magnification produced by a convex mirror of focal length −30 cm when it forms
an image 20 cm from its pole.
Ans: −1 / 3
v −20 cm
M = −1= −1=−1 / 3=−0.3
f −30 cm

5. Determine the distance of an object from the pole of a convex mirror of focal length −20 cm when
the magnification of its image is −0.25 .
Ans: 60 cm
u=f ( 1+1 / M )=−20 cm × ( 1−1 / 0.25 )=60 cm
6. Determine the magnitude of the image distance for a convex mirror of focal length −50 cm when
it produces a magnification of −0.4 .
Ans: 30 cm
|v|=|f ( 1+ M )|=|−50 cm × ( 1−0.4 )|=|−30 cm|=30 cm

Contest 7
1. Determine the average kinetic energy of a molecule in an ideal gas of temperature 27 ℃ .
Ans: 6.2 ×1 0−21 J
3 3 -23 −1 −21
K= k B T = × 1.38× 10 J K ×300 K =6.2× 10 J
2 2

2. Determine the temperature at which the average kinetic energy of a molecule in an ideal gas is
4.20 × 10−21 J .
Ans: 203 K

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

T =2 K / ( 3 k B ) =2× 4.2 ×10−21 J / ( 3 ×1.38 ×10−23 J K−1 ) =203 K

3. Determine the average kinetic energy of a molecule in an ideal gas of temperature 227 ℃ .
Ans: 1.03 ×1 0−20 J
3 3 -23 −1 −20
K= k B T = × 1.38× 10 J K ×500 K =1.03× 10 J
2 2
The position in meters of a particle moving along the x -axis is given by x=2 t 3 −5 t 2 +4
where t is time in seconds.

4. Find the displacement of the particle between 0 s and 2 s .

Ans: −4 m
Δ x=x final −x initial=x ( 2 )−x ( 0 )=( 2 ×23−5 × 22+ 4 ) m− ( 0−0+ 4 ) m=−4 m

5. Find the velocity of the particle at 2 s .

Ans: 4 m s−1
v=dx / dt |t =2 =( 6 t −10t )|t =2=( 6 × 2 −10 ×2 ) m s =4 m s
2 2 −1 −1

6. Find the average velocity of the particle between 0 s and 2 s .

Ans: −2 m s−1
x ( 2 )−x ( 0 ) ( 2× 2 −5 ×2 +4 ) m−( 0−0+ 4 ) m
3 2
v avg=Δ x / Δt= = =−2 ms−1
( 2 s−0 s ) 2s

Contest 8
Consider the following units: Fahrenheit, kilogram force, bar, pound per square inch,
millimeter of mercury.
1. Which of the units is an SI unit?
Ans: None of them

2. Which of the units are used for the same physical quantity?
Ans: Bar, pound per square inch, mmHg

3. Give the SI equivalent of each unit.

Ans: Fahrenheit: kelvin; kilogram force: newton; bar, psi, mmHg: pascal

4. The common-emitter current gain of a bipolar junction transistor is 10. Find the base current
needed for a collector current of 100 mA when the transistor is biased in the active mode.
Ans: 10 mA
I B=I C / β=100mA / 10=10 mA

5. When a bipolar junction transistor is biased in the forward-active mode, the collector current is
500 mA when the base current is 5 mA . What is the common-emitter current gain of the transistor?
Ans: 100
β=I C / I B=500mA / ( 5 mA )=100

6. The common-emitter current gain of a bipolar junction transistor is 50. Find the base current
needed for an emmiter current of 102 mA when the transistor is biased in the active mode.
Ans: 2 mA
I B=I C / β=I E / ( 1+ β )=102 mA /51=2 mA

Contest 9

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

1. The resistivity of a lead alloy is 2.0 ×10−7 Ωm. What is the resistance of an alloy strip of length
0.30 m and cross sectional area 0.20 cm2?
Ans: 3.0 mΩ
R=ρL / A=2.0 ×10 Ωm ×0.30 m / ( 0.20× 10 m )=3.0 ×10 Ω=3.0 mΩ
−7 −4 2 −3

2. The resistivity of aluminium is 2.6 ×10−8 Ωm. What is the resistance of an aluminum conductor of
length 2.9 m and cross-sectional area 8.0 ×10−6 m2?
Ans: 9.4 mΩ
R=ρL / A=2.6 × 10 Ωm ×2.9 m / ( 8.0× 10 m ) =9.4 × 10 Ω=9.4 mΩ
−8 −6 2 −3

3. The resistivity of iron is 9.7 × 10−8 Ωm. What is the resistance of an iron strip of length 0.30 m and
cross-sectional area 0.10 cm2?
Ans: 2.9 mΩ
R=ρL / A=9.7× 10 Ωm × 0.30 m / ( 0.10 ×10 m ) =2.91× 10 Ω=2.9 mΩ
−8 −4 2 −3

4. An object rotates at 2 rad s−1 about an axis about which its moment of inertia is 20 kg m2. What is
the magnitude of the constant torque that stops the object in 5 s ?
Ans: 8 N m
|τ|=| Δ L / Δ t |=|I Δ ω / Δ t|=|20 kg m2 × ( 0 rad s−1−2rad s−1 ) / (5 s )|=|−8 N m|=8 N m

5. An object rotates at 5 rad s−1 about an axis for which its moment of inertia is 10 kg m 2. What is the
magnitude of the angular momentum of the object about the axis?
Ans: 50 kg m 2 s−1=50 J s
2 −1
L=Iω=10 kg m ×5 rad s =50 J s

6. An object rotates at 5 rad s−1 about an axis about which its moment of inertia is 20 kg m 2. How
long will it take a constant50 N m torque to stop the object?
Ans: 2 s
Δ t= Δ L / τ =20 kg m2 × ( 0 rad s−1−5 rad s−1 ) / (−50 N m )=2 s

Contest 10
The magnetic flux density in a region is uniform and has a magnitude of 0.2 T . A flat rectangular
coil of side 20 cm by 10 cm containing a single turn lies in the field.

1. What is the magnetic flux through the coil when its plane is perpendicular to the field?
Ans: 4 ×1 0−3 Wb
ϕ =BA cos θ=0.2 T × 0.2m ×0.1 m× cos 0=4 × 10−3 Wb

2. What is the magnetic flux through the coil when its axis makes an angle of 60 ° with the field?
Ans: 2 ×1 0−3 Wb
ϕ =BA cos θ=0.2 T × 0.2m ×0.1 m× cos 60 °=2 ×10−3 Wb

3. What is the magnetic flux through the coil when its axis makes an angle of 45 ° with the field?
Ans: 2.8 ×1 0−3 Wb
ϕ =BA cos θ=0.2 T × 0.2m ×0.1 m× cos 45 °=4 × 10−3 Wb ×1 / √ 2=2.8 × 10−3 Wb

4. How much current flows through alamp which dissipates 90 W at a potential difference of 12 V ?
Ans: 7.5 A
I =P / V =90 W /12 V =7.5 A

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

5. How much power is dissipated by a mini automotive bulb which operates at 12 V and has a
resistance of 80 Ω in operation?
Ans: 1.8 W
2 2
P=V / R=( 12 V ) / ( 80 Ω )=1.8 W

6. What is the resistance of a mini automotive bulb which draws 0.28 A on a 14 V circuit?
Ans: 50 Ω
R=V / I=14 V / ( 0.28 A )=50 Ω
Contest 11
1. A 20 Ω resistor of negligible heat capacity is immersed in a water bath. How much heat is
dissipated by the resistor into the water when a potential difference of 60 V is maintained across it
for 50 s ?
Ans: 9 kJ
Q=tP=t V 2 / R=50 s × (60 V )2 / (20 Ω )=9000 J =9 kJ

2. A 20 Ω resistor in air carries a current of 2 A . How much heat does it dissipate in 100 s ?
Ans: 8 kJ
2 2
Q=Pt =I Rt =( 2 A ) ×20 Ω×100 s=8000 J =8 kJ

3. What is the current in a 10 Ω resistor which dissipates 4.9 kJ of heat in 10 s ?

Ans: 7 A
I =√ ( P / R )= √ Q / tR=√ ( 4900 J ) / ( 10 s × 10 Ω )=7 A

Preamble: For the given incidence and refraction angles, find the relative refractive index indicated.
4. Angle of incidence equals 45 ° ; angle of refraction equals 60 ° ; find the refractive index of the
incidence medium relative tothe transmission medium.
Ans: √ 3 / 2
=sin θ r / sin θi =sin 60° / sin 45 °=√ 6/ 2=√3 / 2

5. Angle of incidence equals 60 ° ; angle of refraction equals 30 ° ; find the refractive index of the
transmission medium relative to the medium of incidence.
Ans: √ 3
=sin θ i / sin θr =sin 60° / sin 30°=√3

6. Angle of incidence equals 45 ° ; angle of refraction equals 30 ° ; find the refractive index of the
incidence medium relative to the transmission medium.
Ans: √ 2 / 2
=sin θ r / sin θi =sin 30° / sin 45 °=√ 2/2=1 / √ 2

Contest 12
1. The coefficient of linear expansion of an alloy is 2 ×10−5 K −1 . Find the change in area of a square
alloy plate of side 10 cm when its temperature changes from 5 ℃ to 15 ℃.
Ans: 4 ×1 0−2 c m2
−5 −1 2 −2 2
Δ A=2 αA Δ T =2 ×2 ×10 K × ( 10 cm ) × 10 K =4 ×10 cm

2. The area of a square plate of side 10 cm increases by 6.4 × 10−2 cm2 when its temperature changes
from 8 ℃ to 28 ℃ . Find the coefficient of linear expansion of the material of the plate.
Ans: 1.6 ×1 0−5 K −1

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

α =Δ A / 2 A ΔT =6.4 × 10−2 cm2 / ( 2×10 cm×10 cm ×20 K )=1.6 × 10−5 K −1

3. The coefficient of linear expansion of an alloy is 2 ×10−5 K −1 . Find the initial area of a square
alloy plate whose area increases by 1.6 ×10−1 cm2 when its temperature changes from 15 ℃ to
25 ℃ .
Ans: 4 ×1 02 c m 2=400 c m2
A=Δ A / 2 α Δ T =1.6 ×10 cm / ( 2 ×2 ×10 K ×10 K ) =4 × 10 cm
−1 2 −5 −1 2 2

4. An object of mass 20 kg is stationary on a plane inclined at 30 ° to the horizontal. Find the normal
force on the object.
Ans: 100 √ 3 N =173 N
N=mgcos 30 ° =20 kg ×10 m s−2 × √3 / 2=100 √ 3 N =173 N

5. An object of mass 40 kg is stationary on a plane inclined at 30 ° to the horizontal. Find the friction
force on the object.
Ans: 200 N
F r=mg sin 30 °=40 kg ×10 m s ×1 / 2=200 N

6. An object of mass 20 kg is stationary on a flat plank inclined at 60 ° to the horizontal. Find the
normal force on the plank.
Ans: 100 N
N=mgcos 60°=20 kg ×10 m s−2 × 1 / 2=100 N=100 N

Contest 13
1. The position vector of a particle is ( 2 i^ + 3 ^j ) m. What is the position of the particle relative to the
point with position vector ( 2 ^j+3 k^ ) m ?
^ ^j−3 k^ ) m
Ans: ( 2 i+
^ ^j ) m−( 2 ^j+ 3 k^ ) m=( 2 i+
r AB =r A −r B =( 2 i+3 ^ ^j−3 k^ ) m

2. The position vector of a particle is ( 6 i^ +4 ^j ) m. Find the displacement of the particle from the point
with position vector ( 2 i^ + 3 ^j ) m?
Ans: ( 4 i^ + ^j ) m
r AB =r A −r B =( 6 i^ +4 ^j ) m−( 2 i+3
^ ^j ) m=( 4 i^ + ^j ) m

^ k^ ) m of a particle whose position vector is ( 3 ^j+2 k^ ) m .

3. Find the position relative to ( 3 i+2
Ans: (−3 i^ +3 ^j ) m
r AB =r A −r B =( 3 ^j+2 k^ ) m−( 3 i+2
^ k^ ) m=(−3 i+3
^ ^j ) m

4. The resistivity of a lead alloy is 2.0 ×10−7 Ωm. What is the length of an alloy strip of cross
sectional area 2.0 ×10−5 m2 and resistance 50 mΩ ?
Ans: 5 m
L=RA / ρ=50 × 10 Ω× 2.0× 10 m / ( 2.0 ×10 Ωm )=5 m
−3 −5 2 −7

5. The resistivity of a conducting alloy is 3 ×10−8 Ωm. What is the resistance of an alloy conductor of
length 4 m and cross sectional area 2 ×10−6 m2?
Ans: 60 mΩ
R=ρL / A=3 ×10 Ωm × 4 m / ( 2 ×10 m )=6 × 10 Ω=60 mΩ
−8 −6 2 −2

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

6. The resistivity of iron is 9.6 × 10−8 Ωm. What is the resistance of an iron strip of length 0.50 m and
cross sectional area 0.10 cm2?
Ans: 4.8 mΩ
R=ρL / A=9.6× 10 Ωm × 0.50 m / ( 0.10 ×10 m ) =4.8 ×10 Ω=4.8 mΩ
−8 −4 2 −3

Contest 14
The position vector of a particle is given as a function of timet by r =a t 2 i+ ^ bt ^j where a=2 m s−2 and
b=30 m s .
1. Determine the velocity of the particle at t=5 s .
Ans: ( 20 i^ +30 ^j ) m s−1
v= =2 at i^ +b ^j =( 2 ×2 m s × 5 s ) i^ + ( 30 m s ) ^j =( 20 i^ +30 ^j ) m s
−2 −1 −1

2. Determine the average velocity of the particle between t=0 and t=5 s .
Ans: ( 10 i^ + 30 ^j ) m s−1

v avg=Δ r / Δ t=
[ −1 2
^ ( 30 m s−1 × 5 s ) ^j ]−[ 2 m s−1 × ( 0 s )2 i+
2 ms × ( 5 s ) i+ ^ ( 30 m s−1 × 0 s ) ^j ]
=( 10 i^ +30 ^j ) m s
5 s−0 s

3. Determine the displacement of the particle between t=0 and t=5 s .

Ans: ( 50 i^ + 150 ^j ) m
Δ r=[ 2 m s × (5 s ) i+ ^ ( 30 m s−1 ×5 s ) ^j ] −[ 2 ms−1 × ( 0 s )2 i+
^ ( 30 m s−1 × 0 s ) ^j ] =( 50 i+150
^ ^j ) m
−1 2

4. The focal length of a diverging lens is −40 cm. Find the magnification of the image of an object
60 cm from the lens.
Ans: −0.4
f −40 cm
M= = =−0.4
u−f 60 cm−(−40 cm )

5. A converging lens has a focal length of 40 cm. Find the magnification of the image of an object
60 cm from the lens.
Ans: 2
f 40 cm
M= = =2
u−f 60 cm−( 40 cm)

6. A diverginglens has a focal of −20 cm . Find the magnification of the image of an object 20 cm
from the lens.
f −20 cm −1
M= = =
u−f 20 cm−(−20 cm ) 2

Contest 15
1. A projectile is launched at 75 ° to the horizontal with a speed of 20 m s−1. Determine the horizontal
distance it travels when it returns to its launch level.
Ans: 20 m
v 2 sin ( 2 θ ) −1 2
=( 20 m s ) × sin150 ° / ( 10 m s )=20 m

2. Find the launch speed of a projectile projected at 15 ° above the horizontal whose horizontal range
is 80 m.

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

Ans: 40 m s−1
v=√ Rg / sin 30 °=√ 80 m×10 m s / 0.5=40 m s
−2 −1

3. Find the horizontal range of a projectile launched at 15 ° above the horizontal with a speed of
30 m s .
Ans: 45 m
v sin ( 2 θ ) 2
R= =( 30 m s−1 ) × sin30 ° / ( 10m s−2 ) =45 m
The terminal voltage of a battery is 10 V when a 1 Ω resistor is connected across its terminals and
8 V when a 0.4 Ω resistor is connected across its terminals.

4. What is the internal resistance of the battery?

Ans: 0.2 Ω
V 1−V 2 10 V −8 V
r= = =0.2 Ω
V 2 / R 2−V 1 / R1 ( 8V ) / ( 0.4 Ω ) −( 10V ) / ( 1 Ω )

5. What is the emf of the battery?

Ans: 12 V
1 Ω−0.4 Ω
E=( R1−R2 ) / ( R1 / V 1−R 2 / V 2 )= =12V
( 1 Ω ) / ( 10V )−( 0.4 Ω) / ( 8 V )

6. What is the terminal voltage when a 2.8 Ω resistor is connected across the terminals of the battery?
Ans: 11.2 V
E 12 V
V= = =11.2 V
( 1+r / R ) 1+ ( 0.2 Ω ) / ( 2.8 Ω )

Contest 16
For the given capacitor network, find the reactance of the network at an angular frequency of
100 rad s−1.
1. A 20 μF capacitor in series with a 5 μF capacitor.
Ans: 2.5 kΩ
ωC 100 rad s −1
+ (
20 μF 5 μF
=2.5 kΩ )
2. A 20 μF capacitor in parallel with a 5 μF capacitor.
Ans: 400 Ω
ωC 100 rad s −1
× (1
20 μF +5 μF
=0.4 kΩ=400 Ω )
3. A 5 μF capacitor in parallel with a 15 μF capacitor.
Ans: 500 Ω
ωC 100 rad s
× (1
5 μF +15 μF
=0.5 kΩ=500 Ω )
Water exits a very small hole in the bottom of a very large water tank. Find the speed with which
water exits the hole when the depth of water in the tank is as given.

4. Depth equals 5 m.
Ans: 10 m s−1
v=√ 2 gh=√2 ×10 m s × 5 m=10 m s
−2 −1

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

5. Depth equals 3.2 m.

Ans: 8 m s−1
v=√ 2 gh=√ 2 ×10 m s × 3.2 m=8 m s
−2 −1

6. Depth equals 1.8 m.

Ans: 6 m s−1
v=√ 2 gh=√2 ×10 m s−2 × 1.8 m=6 m s−1
Contest 17
1. A string of length 1 m and mass per unit length 20 g m−1 is fixed at both ends and is under a tension
of 32 N . Find the fundamental frequency of transvers oscillations of the string.
Ans: 20 Hz
1 T

2 L μ 2 ×1 m
√ 32 N
20 × 10−3 kg m−1
=20 Hz

2. A string of mass per unit length 20 g m−1 is fixed at both ends and is under a tension of 800 N .
Find the length of the string if its fundamental frequency is50 Hz.
Ans: 2 m
1 T
√ =
2 f μ 2 ×50 Hz
√ 800 N
20 ×10−3 kg m−1
=2 m

3. A string of length 1 m and mass per unit length 20 g m−1 is fixed at both ends. Find the tension
needed for a fundamental frequency of 100 Hz .
Ans: 800 N
2 2 2 −3 −1
T =4 f L μ=4 ( 100 Hz ×1 m ) × 20× 10 kg m =800 N
4. A coin at the bottom of a beaker containing a transparent organic liquid appears to be 5 cm below
the surface of the liquid when the depth of liquid is 7 cm . What is the refractive index of the
Ans: 1.4
n=d real / d apparent =( 7 cm ) / ¿

5. Glycerin has a refractive index of 1.47 . What is the apparent depth of an object immersed in
glycerin to a real depth of 9.8 cm .
Ans: 6.7 cm
d apparent =d real / n=9.8 cm / 1.47=6.7 cm

6. Kerosene has a refractive index of 1.45. At what depth in kerosene will a coin appear to be 20 cm
below the surface?
Ans: 29 cm
d real =n d apparent =1.45× 20 cm=29 cm

Contest 18
1. What is the energy in eV of the longest-wavelength photon in the Lyman series of hydrogen
spectral lines?
Ans: 10.2 eV
( ) 3
E γ=E 0 2 −1 =13.6 eV × =10.2 eV
2 4
2. What is the energy in eV of the shortest-wavelength photon in the Lyman series of hydrogen
spectral lines?
Ans: 13.6 eV
E γ=−E0=13.6 eV

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

3. What is the energy in eV of the longest-wavelength photon in the Balmer series of hydrogen
spectral lines?
Ans: 1.89 eV

( )
1 1
E γ=E 0 2 − 2 =13.6 eV × =1.89 eV
3 2
4. Find the energy loss when a2 kg object moving at 5 m s−1 collides head-on with and sticks to a
stationary 3 kg object.
Ans: 15 J
2 2 2
( 2 kg × 5 ms−1 )
2 ( m1 +m2 )

m 1
2 ( 2kg
+3 kg)−
=−15 J

5. Find the energy loss when a3 kg object moving at 5 m s−1 collides head-on with and sticks to a
stationary 2 kg object.
Ans: 15 J
p2f p2i ( 3 kg × 5 m s−1 )
Δ KE= −
2 ( m1 +m2 ) 2 m1
2 ( 1

2 kg+3 kg 3 kg
=−15 J

6. Find the energy loss when 5 kg object moving at 2 m s−1 collides head-on with and sticks to a
stationary 2 kg object.
Ans: 3.75 J
2 2 2
( 5 kg × 2 ms−1 )

2 ( m1 +m2 ) 2 m1
2 ( 1
− )
5 kg+3 kg 5 kg
=−3.75 J

Contest 19
1. When a magnifying glass is placed 10 cm from a real object, a virtual image is formed 15 cm from
the magnifying glass. What is the focal length of the magnifying glass?
Ans: 30 cm
f =( 1 / u+1 / v ) = (1

1 −1
10 cm 15 cm )
=30 cm

2. What is the optical power of a magnifying glass which gives a virtual image at a distance of 20 cm
for an object distance of 8 cm ?
Ans: 7.5 m−1=7.5 diopter
1 1
P=1 / f =1 / u+1 / v= − =7.5 diopter
0.08 m 0.2 m

3. When a magnifying glass is placed 25 cm from a real object, a virtual image is formed 40 cm from
the magnifying glass. What is the optical power of the magnifying glass?
Ans: 1.5 m−1=1.5 diopter
1 1
P=1 / f =1 / u+1 / v= − =1.5 diopter
0.25 m 0.40 m

4. Determine the temperature at which the average kinetic energy of a molecule in an ideal gas is
8.40 ×10−21 J .
Ans: 406 K
T =2 K / ( 3 k B ) =2× 8.4 ×10−21 J / ( 3 × 1.38× 10−23 J K −1) =406 K

5. Determine the average kinetic energy of a molecule in an ideal gas of temperature 100 K .
Ans: 2.07 ×1 0−21 J

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

−23 −1 −21
K=3 k B T / 2=3 ×1.38 × 10 J K ×100 K / 2=2.07 ×10 J

6. Determine the temperature at which the average kinetic energy of a molecule in an ideal gas is
2.07 ×10 J .
Ans: 1000 K
T =2 K / ( 3 k B ) =2× 2.07 ×10−20 J / ( 3 ×1.38 ×10−23 J K −1 ) =1000 K

Contest 20
1. What is the minority carrier type in the base region of a bipolar junction transistor with n-type
majority carriers in its emitter?
Ans: N-type

2. The base of a bipolar junction transistor is p-type. What is the majority carrier type in its
Ans: N-type

3. If the minority carriers in the collector of a bipolar junction transistor are p-type, what type of
bipolar transistor is the device?
Ans: NPN

4. Find the magnitude of the electrostatic force on a5 nC point charge due to a 20 nC point charge
0.5 cm away.
Ans: 3.6 ×1 0−2 N
q q 2
F= 1 2 2 =9× 109 N m2 C2 ×5 nC × 20 nC / ( 0.5 ×10−2 m ) =3.6 ×10−2 N
4 π ϵ0r

5. Find the distance between a 16 nC point charge and a 20 nC point charge at which the force on
each of them is 80 mN .
Ans: 6 mm


4 π ϵ0 F
= √ 9 × 109 N m2 C 2 × 16 nC × 20 nC / ( 80× 10−3 m )=6 × 10−3 m

6. Find the magnitude of the electrostatic force on a 16 nC point charge due to a 2.0 nC point charge
5.0 cm away.
Ans: 1.1 ×1 0−4 N
q1 q 2 2
=9× 10 N m C ×16 nC × 2.0 nC / ( 5.0 ×10 m ) =1.1 ×10 N
9 2 2 −2 −4
F= 2
4 π ϵ0 r

Contest 21
^ bt ^j where a=1 m s−2 and
The position vector of a2 kgobject varies with time t as r =a t 2 i+
b=5 m s .

1. Find the linear momentum of the object at t=5 s .

Ans: ( 20 i^ +10 ^j ) N s
^ ^j ) =2 kg × ( 2 ×1 m s−2 × 5 s i^ +5 m s−1 ^j ) =( 20 i+
p=md r / dt =m ( 2 at i+b ^ 10 ^j ) N s

2. Find the net force acting on the object at t=5 s .

Ans: ( 4 i^ ) N
F=m d 2 r / d t 2=m ( 2 a i^ ) =2 kg × ( 2 ×1 m s−2 i^ )= ( 4 i^ ) N

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

3. Find the impulse of the net force acting on the object between t=0 s and t=5 s .
Ans: ( 20 i^ ) N s
I =F Δ t=2ma Δ t i^ =2× 2 kg ×1 m s × ( 5 s−0 s ) i^ =( 20 i^ ) N s

4. Two points that are 5 cm apart have electrostatic potentials of 20 V and 10 V . Find the work
involved in moving a 2 μC charge between the points.
Ans: 20 μJ
W =q Δ V =2 μC × ( 20 V −10 V )=20 μJ
5. The work done in moving a 5 mC charge between two points that are 8 cm apart is 25 J . What is
the electrostatic potential difference between the points?
Ans: 5 kV
Δ V =W / q=25 J / ( 5 mC )=5000 V

6. Find the work done in moving a 4 μC charge from a point with an electric potential of 10 V to a
point with electric potential of 60 V .
Ans: 200 μJ
W =q Δ V =4 μC × ( 60 V −10 V )=200 μJ

Contest 22
1. Find the magnitude of the torque required to stop a spinning disk of angular momentum 200 J s in
2 s.
Ans: 100 N m
N= Δ L / Δ t= (200 J s ) / ( 2 s )=100 N m

2. What is the time in which a steady 50 N m torque can stop a rotating object of angular momentum
500 J s?
Ans: 10 s
Δ t= Δ L / N=500 J s / ( 50 N m )=10 s

3. Find the magnitude of the torque which increases the angular momentum of an object from 2 J s to
12 J s in 5 s .
Ans: 2 N m
N= Δ L / Δt= (12 J s−2 J s ) / ( 5 s )=2 N m

A 6.0 ×1014 Hz photon ejects an electron of kinetic energy 3.2 ×10−20 J from the surface of a
4. What is the kinetic energy of an electron ejected from the surface of the photocathode by a
7.5 ×1014 Hz photon?
Ans: 1.3 ×1 0−19 J
K= Eγ −W =Eγ −( E 'γ −K ' )=h ( f −f ' ) + K '
¿ 6.63 ×10−34 J s × ( 7.5 ×1014 Hz−6.0× 1014 Hz ) +3.2× 10−20 J =1.3 ×10−19 J

5. What is the frequency of the photon which ejects an electron of kinetic energy 6.4 × 10−20 J from
the surface of the photocathode?
Ans: 6.5 ×1 014 Hz
f =E γ / h=( K +W ) / h=( K + E'γ−K ' ) / h
¿ ( 6.4 × 10−20 J −3.2 ×10−20 J ) / ( 6.63 ×10−34 J s ) +6.0 × 1014 Hz=6.5 ×1014 Hz

6. What is the kinetic energy of an electron ejected from the surface of the photocathode by a
6.5 ×1014 Hz photon?

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

Ans: 6.5 ×1 0−20 J

K= Eγ −W =Eγ −( E γ −K )=h ( f −f ) + K
' ' ' '

J s × ( 6.5 ×10 Hz−6.0× 10 Hz ) +3.2 ×10

−34 14 14 −20 −20
¿ 6.63 ×10 J =6.5 ×10 J

Contest 23
1. A charged metal sphere of radius 20 cm is at a potential of 450 V . Find the net charge on the
Ans: 10 nC
−12 −1 −8
Q=4 π ϵ 0 RV =4 π × 8.85 ×10 F m × 0.2 m× 450V =1.0 ×10 C

2. Find the electric potential of a charged metal sphere of radius 0.5 mand charge 50 μC .
Ans: 0.9 MV
V =Q / 4 π ϵ 0 R=50 ×10−6 C ×9.0 ×10 9 m F−1 / ( 0.5 m) =9.0 ×105 V =0.9 MV

3. Find the electric potential of a charged metal sphere of radius 0.2 mand charge 20 nC .
Ans: 900 V
−9 9 −1
V =Q / 4 π ϵ 0 R=20 ×10 C ×9.0 ×10 m F / ( 0.2m )=900 V

4. A 2 kg object moving at 5 m s−1 collides with and sticks to a stationary object and the two move
together at 2 m s−1. Find the mass of the stationary object.
Ans: 3 kg
m2=m1 v 1 / v −m1=m 1 ( v 1 / v −1 )=2 kg × [ ( 5 m s ) / ( 2 m s ) −1 ]=3 kg
−1 −1

5. A 5 kg object moving at 20 m s−1 collides with and sticks to a stationary object and the two move
together at 5 m s−1. Find the mass of the stationary object.
Ans: 15 kg
m2=m1 v 1 / v −m1=m 1 ( v 1 / v −1 )=5 kg × [ ( 20 m s−1 ) / ( 5 m s−1 )−1 ]=15 kg

6. A 4 kg object moving at 12 m s−1 collides with and sticks to a stationary 2 kg object. Find the
common speed of the objects immediately after the collision.
Ans: 8 m s−1
−1 −1
v=m 1 v 1 / ( m1+ m2 ) =4 kg ×12 m s / ( 4 kg+2 kg ) =8 m s

Contest 24
1. A 5 Ω resistor has a potential difference of 20 V across its terminals. How much heat does it
dissipate in 10 s ?
Ans: 800 J
2 2
Q=Pt =V t / R=( 20 V ) × 10 s / ( 5 Ω )=800 J

2. A 25 Ω resistor has a potential difference of 50 V across its terminals. Determine the quantity of
heat it dissipates in 100 s ?
Ans: 10 kJ
Q=Pt =V 2 t / R=( 50 V )2 × 100 s / ( 25 Ω )=10000 J =10 kJ

3. Determine the quantity of heat dissipated by a 10 Ω resistor when a potential difference of 5 V is

maintained across it for 200 s .
Ans: 500 J
2 2
Q=Pt =V t / R=( 5 V ) × 200 s / ( 10 Ω )=500 J

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

4. The coefficient of linear expansion of an alloy is 4 ×10−5 K −1 . Find the change in area of a square
alloy plate of side 5 cm when its temperature changes from −5 ℃ to 5 ℃.
Ans: 2 ×1 0−2 c m2
−5 −1 2 −2 2
Δ A=2 αA ΔT =2 ×4 ×10 K × ( 5 cm ) × 10 K =2 ×10 cm

5. The coefficient of linear expansion of an alloy is 4 ×10−5 K −1 . Find the initial area of a square
alloy plate whose area increases by 1.6 ×10−1 cm2 when its temperature changes from 15 ℃ to
25 ℃ .
Ans: 2 ×1 02 c m2=200 c m2
A=Δ A / 2 α Δ T =1.6 ×10−1 cm2 / ( 2 × 4 ×10−5 K −1 ×10 K ) =2× 102 cm 2

6. The area of a square plate of side 20 cm increases by 6.4 × 10−2 cm2 when its temperature changes
from −8 ℃ to 12 ℃. Find the coefficient of linear expansion of the material of the plate.
Ans: 4 ×1 0−6 K−1
α =Δ A / 2 A Δ T =6.4 × 10−2 cm2 / ( 2× 20 cm×20 cm ×20 K )=4 ×10−6 K−1

Contest 25
The specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J kg−1 K −1, the specific latent heat of fusion of ice is
0.334 MJ kg−1 and the specific latent heat of vaporization of water is 2.25 MJ kg−1.

1. Determine the quantity of heat required to change 5.00 kg of ice at 0 ℃ into water at 50.0 ℃.
Ans: 2.72 MJ
Q=m Lf + mc Δ T =5.00 kg × ( 0.334 ×106 J kg−1+ 4200 J kg−1 K−1 × 50.0 K )=2.72 ×106 J

2. Determine the quantity of heat required to change 8.00 kg of ice at 0 ℃ into water at 20.0 ℃.
Ans: 3.34 MJ
Q=m Lf + mc Δ T =8.00 kg × ( 0.334 ×10 J kg + 4200 J kg K ×20.0 K )=3.34 ×10 J
6 −1 −1 −1 6

3. Determine the quantity of heat required to change 5.00 kg of water at 50.0 ℃ into steam at 100 ℃.
Ans:12.3 MJ
Q=m Lv +mc Δ T =5.00 kg × ( 2.25 ×106 J kg−1+ 4200 J kg−1 K−1 × 50 K )=1.23 ×10 7 J

4. A tuned circuit has a 5 μH inductor and a 20 pF capacitor. Determine the resonant frequency of
the circuit.
Ans: 1.6 ×1 07 Hz
1 1 1 1 8 7
f= = × = ×10 Hz=1.6 ×10 Hz
2 π √ LC 2 π √ 5 ×10 H ×20 ×10 F 2 π
−6 −12

5. The resonant frequency of a tuned circuit of inductance 10 μH is 15 MHz . Find the capacitance in
the circuit.
Ans: 11 pF
1 1 −11
C= 2 2 = 2
=1.1 ×10 F=11 pF
4 π f L 4 π × ( 15× 10 Hz ) × 10 ×10 H
2 6 −6

6. Determine the resonance frequency of a tuned circuit containing a 10 μH inductor and a 10 pF

Ans: 1.6 ×1 07 Hz
1 1 1 1 8 7
f= = × = ×10 Hz=1.6× 10 Hz
2 π √ LC 2 π √10 ×10 H ×10 ×10 F 2 π
−6 −12

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

Contest 26
1. The mass of a 2 mstring fixed at both endsis 16 g. Determine the fundamental frequency of
transverse vibrations of the string when it is under a tension of 20 N .
Ans: 4.0 Hz
1 1
√ TL/m= × √ ( 20 N × 2m ) / ( 16× 10 kg )=4.0 Hz
2 πL 2 π ×2 m

2. The mass of a 1 mlong string fixed at both endsis 9 g. Determine the fundamental frequency of
transverse vibrations of the string when it is under a tension of 40 N .
Ans: 11 Hz
1 1
√ TL/m= × √ ( 40 N ×1 m ) / ( 9 ×10 kg )=11 Hz
2 πL 2 π ×1 m
3. The mass of a string that is1 m long and fixed at both endsis 32 g . Determine the fundamental
frequency of transverse vibrations of the string when it is under a tension of 20 N .
Ans: 4.0 Hz
1 1
√ TL/m= × √ ( 20 N × 1m ) / ( 32 ×10 kg )=4.0 Hz
2 πL 2 π ×1 m

4. Find the impedance of an RC circuit with R=10 Ω and C=10 μF at an angular frequency of
21800 rad s−1.
Ans: 11 Ω
2 2 2

Z=√ R + 1 / ω C = ( 10 Ω) + ( 21800 rad s ×10 ×10 F ) =11 Ω
2 −1 −6 −2

5. An RC circuit with time constant 10 s has R=100 Ω. Find the impedance of the circuit at an
angular frequency of 0.218 rad s−1.
Ans: 110 Ω
1 R ( 100 Ω )
Z= √ ( RC )2 +1 / ω 2= √ τ 2 +1 / ω 2=
C τ ( 10 s )
√ 2
× 100 s 2+1 / ( 0.218 rad s−1 ) =110 Ω

6. An RC circuit with time constant 10 s has C=50 μF . Find the impedance of the circuit at an
angular frequency of 0.218 rad s−1.
Ans: 220 kΩ
1 1 1
Z= √ ( RC )2 +1 / ω 2= √ τ 2+1 / ω2=
C C ( 50 ×10 F )
√ 2
× 100 s2 +1 / ( 0.218rad s−1 ) =2.2× 105 Ω

Contest 27
1. Determine the electric potential 50 cm from a 20 μC point charge.
Ans: 360 kV
V =q / ( 4 π ϵ 0 r )=9× 109 m F−1 × 20× 10−6 C / ( 0.5 m ) =3.6 ×105 V

2. Determine the electric potential 20 cm from a 50 μC point charge.

Ans: 2.25 MV
V =q / ( 4 π ϵ 0 r )=9× 109 m F−1 × 50× 10−6 C / ( 0.2m )=2.25× 106 V

3. Determine the electric potential 20 cm from a −10 μC point charge.

Ans: −450 kV
V =q / ( 4 π ϵ 0 r )=9× 10 m F × (−10 ×10 C ) / ( 0.2 m )=−4.5× 10 V
9 −1 −6 5

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

Treat atoms as point particles in the following.

4. The mass of an oxygen atom is 2.66 ×10−26 kg and the bond length in a diatomic molecule of
oxygen is 121 pm .Determine the moment of inertia of the oxygen molecule about an axis passing
through the center of and perpendicular to the molecular axis.
Ans: 1.95 ×1 0− 46 kg m2
I =m L2 / 2=2.66 ×10−26 kg × ( 121× 10−12 m) / 2=1.95 ×10−46 kg m2
5. Find the moment of inertia of the hydrogen molecule about an axis through the center of mass of
the molecule and perpendicular to the molecular axis. The mass of a hydrogen atom is
1.66 ×10−27 kg and the bond length is 74 pm.
Ans: 4.54 ×1 0−48 kg m2
I =m L2 / 2=1.66 ×10−27 kg × ( 74 ×10−12 m ) / 2=4.54 ×10−48 kg m 2

6. The mass of a nitrogen atom is 2.32 ×10−26 kg and the bond length in the nitrogen molecule is
110 pm . Determine the moment of inertia of the nitrogen molecule about an axis through the
center of mass of the molecule and perpendicular to the molecular axis.
Ans: 1.40 ×1 0− 46 kg m2
I =m L2 / 2=2.32 ×10−26 kg × ( 110× 10−12 m ) /2=1.40 ×10−46 kg m2

Contest 28
1. The magnetic flux linkage for a certain circuit is 0.01006 V s . State the flux in the circuit in
scientific notation using SI base units only.
Ans: 1.006 ×1 0−2 kg m2 A−1 s−2

2. A sonometer with a uniform 0.20 kg m−1 wire stretched by a 1.52 kg mass in a 0.10 kg pan has two
bridges that are 0.50 m apart. What is the fundamental frequency of the sound produced when the
wire between the bridges is plucked?
Ans: 2.9 Hz


2 πL μ 2 π ×0.50 m √(1.52 kg +0.10 kg ) ×10 m s−2
0.20 kg m
=2.9 Hz

3. The electric field is ( 5 V m−1 ) i^ and the magnetic flux density is ( 0.5 T ) ^j in a region. Find the
electromagnetic force on a 20 μC charged particle moving in the region with velocity( 20 m s−1 ) i^ .
^ 200 k^ ) μN
Ans: ( 100 i+
F=q ( E+ v × B )=20 μC × [ ( 5V m−1 ) i+ ^ ( 0.5 T ) ^j ] =( 100 i+200
^ ( 20 m s−1 ) i× ^ k^ ) μN

4. The electric field is ( 5 V m−1 ) i^ and the magnetic flux density is ( 0.5 T ) i^ in a region. Find the
electromagnetic force on a 40 μC charged particle moving in the region with velocity ( 20 m s−1 ) i^ .
Ans: ( 200 i^ ) μN
F=q ( E+ v × B )=40 μC × [ ( 5 V m−1 ) i+ ^ ( 20 m s−1 ) i^ × ( 0.5 T ) i^ ] =( 200 i^ ) μN problem

5. The value of a physical quantity is 205.10 J s . State the value of the quantity in scientific notation
using SI base units only.
Ans: 2.0510 ×1 02 kg m2 s−1

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

6. A sonometer with a uniform 0.8 kg m−1 wire stretched by a 1.9 kg mass in a 0.1 kg pan has two
bridges that are 0.5 m apart. What is the fundamental frequency of the sound produced when the
wire between the bridges is plucked?
Ans: 1.6 Hz

1 T

2 πL μ 2 π ×0.50 m √
(1.9 kg+0.1 kg ) ×10 m s−2
0.8 kg m
=1.6 Hz

7. A sonometer with a uniform 0.4 kg m−1 wire stretched by a 0.9 kg mass in a 0.1 kg pan has two
bridges that are 20 cm apart. What is the fundamental frequency of the sound produced when the
wire between the bridges is plucked?
Ans: 4 Hz

1 T
√ 1
2 πL μ 2 π ×0.2 m √
( 0.9 kg+0.1 kg ) ×10 m s−2
0.4 kg m
=4 Hz

8. The electric field is ( 5 V m−1 ) i^ and the magnetic flux density is ( 0.5 T ) i^ in a region. Find the
electromagnetic force on a 40 μC charged particle moving in the region with velocity ( 20 m s−1 ) k^ .
Ans: ( 200 i^ +400 ^j ) μN
F=q ( E+ v × B )=40 μC × [ ( 5 V m ) i+ ( 20 m s−1 ) k^ × ( 0.5 T ) i^ ]=( 200 i^ +400 ^j ) μN
−1 ^

9. The magnitude of the linear momentum of a moving object is 0.00810 N s . State the linear
momentum of the object in scientific notation using SI base units only.
Ans: 8.10 ×1 0−3 kg ms−1

Contest 29
1. An 80 g uniform meter stick is balanced horizontally on a knife edge with a 20 g mass suspended
from one end. What is the distance between the knife edge and the end from which the mass is
Ans: 40 cm
l=mrule ×50 cm / ( m+mrule )=80 g ×50 cm / ( 80 g+20 g ) =40 cm

2. The position of a particle relative to the point with position vector ( 10 i+5 ^ k^ ) m is ( 20 ^j+30 k^ ) m.
What is the average velocity of the particle when it moves to the origin in 5 s ?
Ans: (−2 i−4 ^j−7 k^ ) m s−1
v avg=Δ r / Δt =[ 0−( 10 i^ +5 k^ ) m−( 20 ^j+ 30 k^ ) m ] / ( 5 s )=(−2 i−4
^ ^j −7 k^ ) m s−1

3. Determine the internal energy of a low-density gas at 500 K containing1.0 ×1023 molecules.
Ans: 1.0 kJ
U =3 N k B T / 2=3 ×1.0 ×10 23 ×1.38 ×10−23 J K−1 ×500 K / 2=1035 J

4. Determine the internal energy of an ideal gas at 4.0 × 102 K containing 8.0 ×10 23 molecules.
Ans: 6.6 kJ
U =3 NkT / 2=3 × 8.0× 1023 × 1.38× 10−23 J K −1 × 4.0 ×102 K / 2=6624 J =6.6 ×10 3 J

5. Find the mass suspended at one end of a 90 g uniform meter stick which is balanced horizontally
on a knife edge placed under the 30 cm mark.
Ans: 60 g
m=mrule (50 cm−l)/ l=90 g × ( 50 cm−30 cm ) / ( 30 cm ) =60 g

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

6. The position of a particle relative to the point with position vector ( 3 i+5 ^ k^ ) m is ( 2 ^j+3 k^ ) m . What
is the displacement of the particle from the point with position vector ( 5 ^j+2 k^ ) m .
Ans: ( 3 i−3 ^j+6 k^ ) m
Δ r=( 2 ^j +3 k^ ) m− [ ( 5 ^j+2 k^ ) m−( 3 i+5
^ k^ ) m ]=( 3 i−3
^ ^j+6 k^ ) m

7. The position of a particle relative to the point with position vector ( 3 i+5 ^ k^ ) m is ( 2 ^j+3 k^ ) m . What
is the average velocity of the particle when it moves to the point with position vector ( 5 ^j+2 k^ ) m in
3 s.
Ans: (−i+^ ^j−2 k^ ) m s−1
v =Δ r / Δt= {[ ( 5 ^j+2 k^ ) m− ( 3 i+5
^ k^ ) m] −( 2 ^j+3 k^ ) m } / ( 3 s )=(−i+
^ ^j−2 k^ ) m s−1

8. Determine the internal energy of an ideal gas at 800 K containing 5 ×1023 molecules.
Ans: 8 kJ
23 −23 −1
U =3 NkT / 2=3 ×5.0 × 10 ×1.38 × 10 J K ×800 K / 2=8280 J

9. A uniform 80 g meter stick is balanced horizontally on a knife edge with a 20 g mass suspended
from the 50 cm mark and a 25 g mass suspended from one end of the stick. What is the distance
between the knife edge and the end from which the 25 g mass is suspended?
Ans: 40 cm
l=mrule ×50 cm / ( m+mrule )=( 80 g+20 g ) ×50 cm / ( 80 g+20 g+25 g )=40 cm

Contest 30
1. The position of a particle executing simple harmonic motion along the y axis is given as a
function of time t in seconds by y= (5 m ) sin ( 20t +3 π ). Find the initial position of the particle and
the amplitude of its oscillations.
Ans: Initial position is the origin; amplitude is 5 m

2. Electromagnetic radiation in vacuum is incident at an angle of 45 ° into a medium of refractive

index 2 / ( √3−1 ). Find the angle of refraction.
Ans: 15 °
θr =sin −1 i sin θi =sin −1
nr ) 1
2 / ( √ 3−1 ) )
sin 45 ° =sin−1 √
2 √2
=15 °

3. A body emits 0.200 mW of radiant energy at400 K . What radiant power does it emit at500 K ?
Ans: 0.488 mW

( )
500 K 4
P500 =P400 =0.200 mW × ( 5 / 4 ) =0.488 mW
400 K

4. Electromagnetic radiation in a medium of refractive index √ 3 is incident at an angle of 45 ° into a

medium of refractive index √ 2. Find the angle of refraction.
Ans: 60 °
θr =sin
−1 ni
nr (
sin θi =sin )
−1 √ 3

√2 (
sin 45 ° =sin
−1 √ 3
=60 °

5. A body emits 0.20 W of radiant energy at1.0 ×102 K . What radiant power does it emit at
2.0 ×102 K ?
Ans: 3.2 mW

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

( )
2.0 × 102 K 4
P200 =P100 2
=0.20 W × (2.0 ) =3.2 W
1.0 ×10 K

6. The position of a particle executing simple harmonic motion along the y axis is given as a
function of time t in seconds by y= (5 m ) sin ( 20t +3 π ). Determine the initial acceleration of the
particle and its maximum acceleration.
Ans: Initial acceleration is 0 and the maximum acceleration is 2000 m s−2
a=d y / d t =( −2000 m s ) sin ( 20 t+3 π )
2 2 −1

7. A body emits 0.500 W of radiant energy at3.00 ×102 K . What radiant power does it emit at
9.00 ×10 K ?
Ans: 40.5 W

( )
2 4
9.00× 10 K 4
P900 =P300 2
=0.500W × ( 3 ) =40.5 W
3.00× 10 K

8. The position of a particle executing simple harmonic motion along the y axis is given as a
function of time t in seconds by y= (5 m ) sin ( 20t + π / 3 ) . Determine the initial velocity of the
particle and its maximum speed.
Ans: Initial velocity is 50 m s−1 and the maximum speed is 100 m s−1
v=dy / dt= ( 100 m s ) cos ( 20 t+ π / 3 )

9. Electromagnetic radiation in a medium of refractive index 2 / √3 is incident at an angle of 60 ° into

a medium of refractive index √ 2. Find the angle of refraction.
Ans: 45 °
θr =sin −1 i sin θi =sin−1
nr )
2 / √3
√2 ( 1
sin 60 ° =sin−1 =45 °
√2 )
Contest 31
1. Find the focal length in air of a thin plano-convex lenswith a spherical surface of radius 54 cm
which is made of glass of refractive index 1.45.
Ans: 120 cm=1.2 m

[ ( )] [ )]
−1 −1

f = ( n−1 )
1 1

R1 R 2
= (1.45−1 )
( −
54 cm ∞
=120 cm

2. The magnitude of the magnetic flux density 2.0 m from an infinitely long, straight current carrying
wire is 24 μT . What is the magnitude of the magnetic flux density 1.5 m from the wire?
Ans: 32 μT
B=B0 r 0 / r =24 μT × 2.0 m / (1.5 m )=32 μT

3. The escape velocity from the surface of a celestial body A is 8 km s−1. What is the escape velocity
from the surface of another celestial body whose mass is twice the mass of A and whose radius is
0.5 times that of A ?
Ans: 16 km s−1
v=v 0 √ M R0 / M 0 R=8 km s × √2 / 0.5=16 km s
−1 −1

4. The escape velocity from the surface of a celestial body is 8 km s−1 and the gravitational
acceleration near its surface is 5 m s−2. Determine the radius of the celestial body.

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

Ans: 6.4 × 10 6 m
−1 2
r =v / 2 g=( 8× 10 m s ) / ( 2× 5 ms ) =6.4 ×10 m
2 3 −2 6

5. Find the focal length in air of a thin plano-convex lens with a spherical surface of radius 22 cm
which is made of glass of refractive index 1.55.
Ans: 40 cm=0.4 m

[ ( )] [ )]
−1 −1

f = ( n−1 )
1 1

R1 R 2 (
= (1.55−1 )

22 cm ∞
=40 cm

6. The magnitude of the magnetic flux density 2.0 m from an infinitely long, straight current carrying
wire is 15 μT . What is the magnitude of the magnetic flux density 2.5 m from the wire?
Ans: 12 μT
B=B0 r 0 / r =15 μT ×2.0 m / ( 2.5 m )=12 μT

7. The magnitude of the magnetic flux density 2.0 m from an infinitely long, straight current carrying
wire is 15 μT . How far from the wire is the magnitude of the magnetic flux density 25 μT ?
Ans: 1.2 m
r =B 0 r 0 / B=15 μT ×2.0 m / ( 25 μT ) =1.2m

8. The escape velocity from the surface of a celestial body is 12 km s−1. What is the gravitational
acceleration near the surface of the celestial body if its radius is 5.0 ×106 m?
Ans: 14 m s−2
−1 2
g=v / 2 R=( 12 ×10 m s ) / ( 2 ×5.0 ×10 m )=14.4 m s
2 3 6 −2

9. Find the focal length in air of a thin plano-convex lens with a spherical surface of radius 7 cm
which is made of glass of refractive index 1.35.
Ans: 20 cm=0.2 m

[ ( )] [ )]
−1 −1

f = ( n−1 )

R1 R 2 (
= (1.35−1 )

7 cm ∞
=20 cm

Contest 32
1. In an experiment to confirm the relationship between two observables, A and B, a graph with ln A
on the vertical axis and ln Bon the horizontal axis is drawn. If the anticipated relationship is
A=k B n, how can the graph be used to determine k and n ?
Ans: k is given by the vertical intercept and n by the slope of the graph

2. The gravitational potential at a point outside a uniform sphere of mass 8.0 ×10 4 kg and radius
2.0 m is −1.2 ×10−6 J kg−1. Determine the distance of the point from the center of the sphere.
Ans: 4.4 m
r =−GM / U =−6.67 ×10−11 N m 2 kg−2 × 8.0 ×10 4 kg / ( −1.2×10−6 J kg−1 ) =4.4 m

3. In an energy transfer process, a Bohr atom is excited from the ground state to the state with
principal quantum number 4 . What is the energy in eV absorbed by the atom?
Ans: 12.75 eV

| ( )|
| Δ Eatom|= −13.6 eV 12 − 12 =12.75 eV
4 1

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

4. The electron in a Bohr atom makes a transition from the state with quantum number 2 to the state
with quantum number 3. Determine the change in angular momentum of the atom.
Ans: 1.05 ×1 0−34 J s
Δ L=ℏ Δ n=( 6.63 ×10−34 J s × ( 3−2 )) / ( 2 π )=1.05 ×10−34 J s
5. The relationship between two observables, V and r , is V =k +a / r . How must experimental data be
plotted to obtain a straight-line graph whose slope gives a and whose intercept gives k ?
Ans: Plot V on the vertical axis and 1 / r on the horizontal axis

6. Determine the gravitational potential on the surface of a uniform spherical mass distribution of
radius 2.0 m and total mass 8.0 ×10 4 kg.
Ans: −2.7 ×1 0−6 J k g−1
−11 2 −2 4 −6 −1
U =−GM / R=−6.67 ×10 N m kg × 8.0 ×10 kg / ( 2.0 m )=−2.7 × 10 J kg

7. Determine the gravitational potential on the surface of a uniform spherical mass distribution of
radius 1.0 m and total mass 5.0 ×103 kg .
Ans: −3.3 ×1 0−7 J k g−1
−11 2 −2 3 −7 −1
U =−GM / R=−6.67 ×10 N m kg × 5.0 ×10 kg / ( 1.0 m)=−3.3× 10 J kg

8. The electron in a Bohr atom makes a radiative transition from the state with quantum number 4 to
the state with quantum number 3. Determine the energy in eV of the photon emitted by the atom.
Ans: 0.661 eV

| 1 1
( )|
E γ=| Δ E atom|= −13.6 eV 2 − 2 =0.661 eV
3 4

9. The relationship between observables U and r is postulated to be U =A ebr . What graph type is
obtained by plotting ln U on the vertical axis and r on the horizontal axis and how can it be used
to determine A amd b ?
Ans: The graph is linear; the slope equals b and the vertical intercept equals ln A

Contest 33
1. Express 0.080100 Pa s in scientific notation using SI base units only.
Ans: 8.0100 ×1 0−2 kg m −1 s−1

2. The rest mass of a particle is 9.00 ×10−31 kg . Find the total energy of the particle when its kinetic
energy is 4.00 × 10−14 J .
Ans: 1.21 ×1 0−13 J
E=mc 2 + K =9.00 ×10−31 kg × ( 3.00 × 108 ms−1 ) +4.00 × 10−14 J =1.21 ×10−13 J

3. The density of a lead alloy is 11000 kg m−3 . What mass of water is displaced by a 0.55 kg bar of
the lead alloy when dropped into a tank of water?
Ans: 0.050 kg
mw =V Pb ρ w =mPb ρw / ρPb=0.550 kg ×1000 kg m / ( 11000 kg m )=0.050 kg
−3 −3

4. The density of a copper alloy is 8000 kg m−3 . What mass of water is displaced by a 0.80 kg bar of
the alloy when immersed in a tank of water?
Ans: 0.10 kg
mw =V Cu ρw =mCu ρw / ρCu =0.80 kg × 1000 kg m / ( 8000 kg m )=0.10 kg
−3 −3

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

5. Express 0.0002050 J s in scientific notation using SI base units only.

Ans: 2.050 ×1 0−4 kg m2 s−1

6. The rest mass of a particle is 1.80 ×10−30 kg . Find the total energy of the particle when its kinetic
energy is 1.20 ×10−13 J .
Ans: 2.82 ×1 0−13 J
−1 2
E=mc + K =1.80× 10 kg × ( 3.00 ×10 m s ) +1.20 ×10 J =2.82 ×10 J
2 −30 8 −13 −13

7. The rest mass of a particle is 3.20 ×10−27 kg . Find the total energy of the particle when its kinetic
energy is 2.20 ×10−11 J .
Ans: 3.10 ×1 0−10 J
−1 2
E=mc + K =3.20× 10 kg × ( 3.00 × 10 ms ) +2.20 ×10 J =3.10 ×10 J
2 −27 8 −11 −10

8. Pewter, an alloy of tin, has density 7280 kg m−3 . What mass of water is displaced by a 0.364 kg
pewter casting when immersed in water?
Ans: 0.050 kg
mw =V P ρw =m P ρw / ρP =0.364 kg ×1000 kg m−3 / ( 7280 kg m−3 )=0.050 kg

9. Express 10.030800 N s in scientific notation using SI base units only.

Ans: 1.0030800 ×1 01 kg m s−1

Contest 34
1. Find the focal length in air of a thin biconcave lens with spherical surfaces each of radius 14 cm
which is made of glass of refractive index 1.35.
Ans: −20 cm

[ ( )] [ )]
−1 −1

f = ( n−1 )

R1 R 2
= (1.35−1 ) ( 1

−14 cm 14 cm
=−20 cm

2. Determine the work done when the point of application of the force ( 3 i+4 ^ k^ ) N moves from the
point with position vector ( 2 i^ − ^j ) m to the point with position vector ( i−2 k^ ) m .
Ans: −11 J
W =F ⋅ Δr =( 3 i+^ 4 k^ ) N ⋅ [ ( i−2
^ ^ ^j ) m ]=(−3−8 ) J=−11 J
k^ ) m−( 2 i−

3. Find the electric field magnitude inside a uniformly charged sphere of radius 0.200 m and total
charge −0.200 μC at a point 0.100 m from the center of the sphere.
Ans: 22.5 kV m−1
Q (r / R )
E= =|9.0 ×109 m F−1 × (−2.00 ×10−7 C ) ×0.100 m / ( 0.200 m )3|=2.25 × 104 V m−1
4 π ϵ 0 r2

4. The point of application of the force ( 4 i+ ^ 3 k^ ) N moves from the point with position vector
(−2 i^ − ^j) m to the point with position vector ( i+2^ k^ ) m. Find the work done by the force.
Ans: 18 J
^ k^ ) N ⋅ [ ( i+2
W =F ⋅ Δr =( 4 i+3 ^ k^ ) m− (−2 i^ − ^j ) m ]=( 12+6 ) J=18 J

5. Find the electric field magnitude inside a uniformly charged sphere of radius 0.20 m and total
charge 0.20 mC at a point 0.040 m from the center of the sphere.
Ans: 9.0 MV m−1

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

1 Qr
=|9.0 ×10 m F × ( 0.20× 10 C ) × 0.040 m / ( 0.20 m) |=9.0 ×10 V m
9 −1 −3 3 6 −1
4 π ϵ 0 R3

6. Find the focal length in air of a thin biconcave lens with spherical surfaces each of radius 54 cm
which is made of glass of refractive index 1.45.
Ans: −60 cm

[ ( )] [ )]
−1 −1

f = ( n2−1 )

R1 R 2
= ( 1.45−1 ) ( 1

−54 cm 54 cm
=−60 cm

7. Find the electric field magnitude inside a uniformly charged sphere of radius 0.20 m and total
charge 0.20 mC at a point 0.10 m from the center of the sphere.
Ans: 22.5 MV m−1
1 Qr
=|9.0 ×10 m F × ( 0.20× 10 C ) × 0.10 m / ( 0.20 m) |=2.25 ×10 V m
9 −1 −3 3 7 −1
4 π ϵ0 R 3

8. Find the focal length in air of a thin biconcave lens with spherical surfaces each of radius 27 cm
which is made of glass of refractive index 1.45.
Ans: −30 cm

[ ( )] [ )]
−1 −1

f = ( n−1 )

R1 R 2
= (1.45−1 ) ( 1

−27 cm 27 cm
=−30 cm

9. The point of application of the force ( 2 i−3 ^ k^ ) N moves from the point with position vector
( 2 i^ + ^j ) m to the point with position vector ( 4 i+ ^ 2 k^ ) m. Find the work done by the force.
Ans: −2 J
W =F ⋅ Δ r =( 2 i−3 k^ ) N ⋅ [ ( 4 i+2
^ k^ ) m−( 2 i+ ^ ^j ) m ] =( 4−6 ) J=−2 J

Contest 35
1. The maximum speed with which a vehicle can make a turn without skidding in a curve of radius
10 m is 1.5 m s−1. Find the maximum speed at which the vehicle can turn in a curve of radius 20 m.
Ans: 2.1 m s−1
v 2=√ r 2 v 21 / r 1=v 1 √ r 2 / r 1= √20 m / 10 m× 1.5 m s−1 =1.5 √2 m s−1=2.1 ms−1

2. Determine the work done by a quantity of ideal gas that expands from a volume of 2 m3 to a
volume of 8 m3 at a constant pressure of 10 kPa .
Ans: 60 kJ
W =P ΔV =10 ×103 Pa× ( 8 m3−2 m3 )=6 ×10 4 J =60 kJ

3. Find the capacitance of a metal sphere of radius 0.40 m.

Ans: 44 pF
−12 −1 −11
C=Q / V =4 π ϵ 0 R=4 π × 8.85 ×10 F m × 0.40 m=4.4 × 10 F=44 pF

4. Determine the work done by a gas that expands from a volume of 5 m3 to a volume of 10 m 3 at a
constant pressure of 40 kPa.
Ans: 200 kJ
W =P ΔV =40× 103 Pa × ( 10 m3−5 m 3 )=2× 105 J =200 kJ

5. Find the capacitance of a metal sphere of radius 0.50 m.

Ans: 56 pF

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

−12 −1 −11
C=Q / V =4 π ϵ 0 R=4 π × 8.85 ×10 F m × 0.50 m=5.6 ×10 F=56 pF

6. The maximum speed with which a vehicle can make a turn without skidding in a curve of radius
10 m is 1.5 m s−1. What is the maximum speed at which the vehicle can turn in a curve of radius
40 m .
Ans: 3 m s−1
v 2=√ r 2 v 21 / r 1=√ 40 m / 10 m× 1.5 m s−1 =3 m s−1

7. Find the capacitance of a metal sphere of radius 0.20 m.

Ans: 22 pF
C=Q / V =4 π ϵ 0 R=4 π × 8.85 ×10−12 F m−1 × 0.20 m=2.2× 10−11 F=22 pF

8. The maximum speed with which a vehicle can make a turn without skidding in a curve of radius
15 m is 2.0 m s−1. Find the maximum speed at which the vehicle can turn in a curve of radius 45 m .
Ans: 3.5 m s−1
v 2=√ r 2 v 21 / r 1=√ 45 m / 15 m× 2 m s−1=2 √ 3 m s−1=3.5 m s−1

9. Determine the pressure of a gas which does 50 kJ of work when it expands from a volume of 3 m3
to a volume of 8 m3 at constant pressure.
Ans: 10 kPa
P=W / Δ V =50 ×10 J / ( 8 m −3 m )=1 ×10 Pa=10 kPa
3 3 3 4

Contest 36
1. Nuclide X of mass number 27 absorbs a neutron and subsequently decays by electron emission into
a nuclide of atomic number 14 . How many electrons are there in a neutral atom of nuclide X ?
Ans: 13
Neutron absorption does not change Z but electron emission increases it by unity, so

2. Find the focal length in air of a thin plano-concave lens with a spherical surface of radius 54 cm
which is made of glass of refractive index 1.45.
Ans: −120 cm=−1.2 m

[ ( )] [ )]
−1 −1

f = ( n−1 )
1 1

R1 R 2
= (1.45−1 ) ( 1

−54 cm ∞
=−120 cm

3. A charged metal sphere of radius 0.5 m has a potential of 200 V . Find the number of excess
protons on the sphere.
Ans: 7 ×1 010
N=Q / e=4 π ϵ 0 RV / e=4 π × 8.85× 10−12 F m−1 ×0.5 m ×200 V / ( 1.60 ×10−19 C )=7 × 1010

4. Find the focal length in air of a thin plano-concave lens with a spherical surface of radius 27 cm
which is made of glass of refractive index 1.45.
Ans: −60 cm

[ ( )] [ )]
−1 −1

f = ( n−1 )

R1 R 2
= (1.45−1 )
( −
−27 cm ∞
=−60 cm

5. A charged metal sphere of radius 0.20 m has a potential of 100 V . Find the number of excess
protons on the sphere.

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

Ans: 1.4 ×1 010

N=Q / e=4 π ϵ 0 RV / e=4 π × 8.85× 10 F m ×0.20 m ×100 V / ( 1.60 ×10 C )=1.4 × 10
−12 −1 −19 10

6. A long-lived isotope of nuclide X decays by positron emission into Mg -26 . How many electrons
are there in a neutral atom of nuclide X ?
Ans: 13
Positron emission decreases Z by unity, so Z=12+1=13
7. A charged metal sphere of radius 0.20 m has a potential of 100 V . Find the number of excess
protons on the sphere.
Ans: 1.4 ×1 010
N=Q / e=4 π ϵ 0 RV / e=4 π × 8.85× 10 F m ×0.20 m ×100 V / ( 1.60 ×10 C )=1.4 × 10
−12 −1 −19 10

8. Nuclide X of mass number 83 decays by electron capture into a nuclide of atomic number 36 . How
many electrons are there in a neutral atom of nuclide X ?
Ans: 37
Electron capture decreases Z by unity, so Z=36+1=37

9. Find the focal length in air of a thinplano-concave lens with a spherical surface of radius 14 cm
which is made of glass of refractive index 1.35.
Ans: −40 cm

[ ( )] [ )]
−1 −1

f = ( n−1 )

R1 R 2
= (1.35−1 )

−14 cm ∞
=−40 cm

Contest 37
1. Find the loss in total kinetic energy when a 2 kg object moving at 5 m s−1 collides head-on with a
stationary 3 kg object if the coefficient of restitution is 0.8 .
Ans: 5.4 J
( 2 kg ) ( 3 kg ) ( 5 m s−1 )
T −T =( 1−e ) u1 m1 m 2 / 2 ( m1 +m 2 )= × ( 1−0.8 )=5.4 J
' 2 2 2
2 ( 2 kg+3 kg )

2. The Rydberg energy is approximately13.6 eV . Express this quantity in scientific notation using SI
base units only.
Ans: 2.18 ×10−18 kg m2 s−2
−19 −18 2 −2
13.6 eV =13.6 eV ×1.60 ×10 J / eV =2.18 ×10 kg m s

3. Find the power dissipated by a 10 Ω resistor carrying a current of 2 A .

Ans: 40 W
P=I 2 R=( 2 A )2 × 10 Ω=40W

4. The characteristic yellow emission of sodiumcontains photons of energy 2.11 eV . Express this
energy in scientific notation using SI base units only.
Ans: 3.38 ×1 0−19 kg m2 s−2
2.11 eV =2.11eV × 1.60× 10−19 J / eV =3.38× 10−19 kg m2 s−2

5. Find the power dissipated by a 10 Ω resistor with a potential difference of 2 V across its terminals.
Ans: 0.4 W
2 2
P=V / R=( 2 V ) / ( 10 Ω )=0.4 W

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

6. The coefficient of restitution for the head-on collision between a 3 kg object moving at 4 m s−1 and
a stationary 5 kg object is 0.6 . Find the loss in kinetic energy of the objects in the collision.
Ans: 9.6 J
( 3 kg )( 5 kg ) ( 4 m s−1 )
T −T =( 1−e ) u1 m1 m2 / 2 ( m1 +m2 )= × ( 1−0.6 ) =9.6 J
' 2 2 2
2 ( 3 kg +5 kg )

7. Find the power dissipated by a resistor which carries a current of 2 A at a potential difference of
10 V across its terminals.
Ans: 20 W
P=IV =2 A ×10 V =20 W

8. The coefficient of restitution for the head-on collision between a 2.00 kg object moving at
3.00 m s and a stationary 1.00 kg object is 0.500 . Find the loss in kinetic energy of the objects in

the collision.
Ans: 2.25 J
( 2 kg ) ( 1 kg ) ( 3 m s−1 )
T −T =( 1−e ) u1 m1 m2 / 2 ( m1 +m2 )= × ( 1−0.6 )=2.25 J
' 2 2 2
2 ( 2 kg+1 kg )

9. Mercury emits blue photons of energy 2.85 eV . Express this energy in scientific notation using SI
base units only.
Ans: 4.56 × 10−19 kg m2 s−2
2.85 eV =2.85 eV ×1.60 ×10−19 J / eV =4.56 × 10−19 kg m2 s−2

Contest 38
1. The temperature of a black body is increased from 27 ℃ to 327 ℃ and its total surface area is
decreased from 10 m2 to 5 m2 at the same time. Determine the ratio of the power the black body
emits after the changes to the power it emits before the changes.
Ans: 8

( )
2 4
5m 600 K
Pf / Pi= A f T f / ( A i T i ) =
4 4
× =8
10 m2 300 K

2. A simple pendulum of length 2 m has a bob of mass 0.5 kg . Find the potential energy of the
pendulum relative to its equilibrium position when the string of the pendulum makes60 ° with the
Ans: 5 J
U =mgl ( 1−cos θ )=0.5 kg × 10 m s ×2 m× ( 1−cos 60 ° )=5 J
3. Find the power factor of a circuit with a resistance of 80 Ω and a series reactance of 60 Ω .
Ans: 0.8
PF =R / √ R + X =80 Ω / √ ( 80 Ω ) + ( 60 Ω ) =8 / 10=0.8
2 2 2 2

4. The potential energy of a simple pendulum is 2.80 J relative to the equilibrium position when the
pendulum is displaced 30 ° from the vertical. What is the potential energy of the pendulum when
the displacement is 60 ° ?
Ans: 10.4 J
U =U 0 ( 1−cos θ ) / ( 1−cos θ 0 )=2.80 J × ( 1−cos 60 ° ) / ( 1−cos 30 ° )=2.80 J × ( 2+ √3 ) =10.4 J

5. Find the power factor of a circuit with a resistance of 30 Ω and a series reactance of 40 Ω.
Ans: 0.6

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

PF =R / √ R2 + X 2=30 Ω / √ ( 30 Ω ) + ( 40 Ω ) =3 /5=0.6
2 2

6. The temperature of a black body is increased from −73 ℃ to 127 ℃ and its total surface area is
decreased from 4 m 2 to 1 m2 at the same time. Determine the ratio of the power the black body
emits after the changes to the power it emits before the changes.
Ans: 4

( )
2 4
1m 400 K
P f / Pi= A f T f / ( A i T i ) =
4 4
× =4
200 K
7. Find the power factor of a circuit with a resistance of 12 Ωand a series reactance of 5.0 Ω .
Ans: 0.92
PF=R / √ R + X =12 Ω / √ ( 12 Ω ) + ( 5.0 Ω ) =12 / 13=0.92
2 2 2 2

8. The temperature of a black body is decreased from 727 ℃ to 127 ℃ and its total surface area is
increased from 8 m2 to 25 m2 at the same time. Determine the ratio of the power the black body
emits after the changes to the power it emits before the changes.
Ans: 2 / 25=0.08

( )
2 4
25m 400 K
Pf / Pi= A f T 4f / ( A i T 4i ) = × =2 / 25
1000 K

9. A simple pendulum of length 1.2 m has a bob of mass 1.0 kg . Find the potential energy of the
pendulum relative to its equilibrium position when the pendulum is displaced by 30 ° .
Ans: 1.6 J
U =mgl ( 1−cos θ )=1.0 kg × 10 ms ×1.2 m× ( 1−cos 30 ° )=1.6 J

Contest 39
1. Find the radius of the fourth electron orbit in the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom.
Ans: 846 pm
2 2
r =n a0=4 ×52.9 pm=846 pm

2. A 20 N centripetal force acts ona 0.5 kg object moving in a circle of radius 2 m. Find the kinetic
energy of the object.
Ans: 20 J
K=Fr / 2=20 N × 2 m / 2=20 J

3. The coefficient of restitution for the head-on collision between a 3.0 kg object moving at 4.0 m s−1
and a stationary 5.0 kg object is 0.60 . Find the velocity of the initially stationary object after the
Ans: 2.4 m s−1
v 2=( 1+ e ) m1 u 1 / ( m1+ m2 ) =( 1+ 0.60 ) ( 3.0 kg ) ( 4.0 m s−1 ) / ( 3.0 kg+ 5.0 kg )=2.4 m s−1

4. The coefficient of restitution for the head-on collision between a 2.0 kg object moving at 5.0 m s−1
and a stationary 4.0 kg object is 0.80 . Find the velocity of the initially stationary object after the
Ans: 3.0 m s−1
v 2=( 1+ e ) m1 u 1 / ( m1+ m2 ) =( 1+ 0.80 ) ( 2.0 kg ) ( 5.0 m s−1 ) / ( 2.0 kg+ 4.0 kg ) =3.0 ms−1

5. Find the radius of the seventh electron orbit in the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom.
Ans: 2.59 nm
2 2
r =n a0=7 × 52.9 pm=2.59 nm

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

6. The kinetic energy of a0.5 kg object moving in a circle of radius 4 m is 100 J . Find the magnitude
of the centripetal force on the object.
Ans: 50 N
F=2 K / r =2× 100 J / 4 m=50 N

7. An80 N centripetal force acts on a 5 kg object moving in a circle with a kinetic energy of160 J .
Find the radius of the circle.
Ans: 4 m
r =2 K / F=2× 160 J / ( 80 N )=4 m
8. The coefficient of restitution for the head-on collision between a 3.0 kg object moving at 4.0 m s−1
and a stationary 5.0 kg object is 0.60 . Find the velocity of the initially moving object after the
Ans: 0
v1 =( m 1−m2 e ) u1 / ( m1 +m 2 )=( 3.0 kg−5.0 kg × 0.60 ) ( 4.0 m s−1 ) / ( 3.0 kg+ 5.0 kg )=0

9. Find the radius of the second electron orbit in the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom.
Ans: 212 pm
r =n2 a0=22 ×52.9 pm=212 pm

Contest 40
28 27
1. ❑A l, which has a half-life of 2.2 min, is created when ❑A l, a stable aluminium isotope, absorbs a
neutron. What is the activity of a 20 g sample of 27❑ A l immediately after it absorbs 104 neutrons?
Ans: 52.5 s−1
4 −1
A=λN=0.693× 10 / (2.2 ×60 s ) =52.5 s

2. The uncertainty in the z coordinate of a particle is 5.0 nm. Estimate the smallest value of the
uncertainty in the z component of its linear momentum.
Ans: 1.0 ×1 0−26 N s
σ p ≥ ℏ / ( 2σ z ) =1.05 ×10−34 J s / ( 2 ×5.0 ×10−9 m) =1.0 ×10−26 N s

3. The slope efficiency of a laser of threshold 4 mW is 25 % . Find the output power of the laser when
the input power is 20 mW .
Ans: 4 mW
Pout = ( P¿−P ❑th ) η=( 20 mW −4 mW ) ×0.25=4 mW

4. The uncertainty in the y coordinate of a particle is 5.0 ×10−15 m. Estimate the smallest value of the
uncertainty in the y component of its linear momentum.
Ans: 1.0 ×1 0−20 N s
σ p ≥ ℏ / ( 2σ y )=1.05 ×10−34 J s / ( 2× 5.00× 10−15 m ) =1.0 ×10−20 N s

5. The slope efficiency of a laser of threshold 2 mW is 20 % . Find the output power of the laser when
the input power is 16 mW .
Ans: 2.8 mW
Pout = ( P¿−P ❑th ) η=( 16 mW −2 mW ) ×0.2=2.8 mW

Physics……Main ….2017 contest 1 -- 40

6. A50 g block of 27❑A lhas an activity of 1.05 ×103 s−1 immediately after irradiation with neutrons, a
process which produces 28❑ A l whose half-life is 2.2 min. How many 28❑A l nuclei were created by
the irradiation?
Ans: 2 ×1 05
N= A / λ=1.05 ×103 s−1 × ( 2.2 min× 60 s / min ) / 0.693=2 ×105

7. The slope efficiency of a laser of threshold 10 mW is 40 %. Find the output power of the laser
when the input power is 16 mW .
Ans: 2.4 mW
Pout = ( P¿−P ❑th ) η=( 16 mW −10 mW ) × 0.4=2.4 mW

25 25 27
8. ❑ A l is a positron emitter with a half-life of 7.2 s . How many ❑A lnuclei in a 20 g block of ❑ A l
gives an activity of 500.5 s−1?
Ans: 5200
N= A / λ=500.5 s−1 × ( 7.2 s ) / 0.693=5200

9. The uncertainty in the x coordinate of a particle is 1.00 pm . Estimate the smallest value of the
uncertainty in the x component of its linear momentum.
Ans: 5.25 ×1 0−23 N s
σ p ≥ ℏ / ( 2σ x ) =1.05× 10−34 J s / ( 2× 1.00 ×10−12 m) =5.25 ×10−23 N s


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