Prelims Round 1 - Physics 2017 D

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2017 Prelims……Physics

1. What is the height to which a projectile launched vertically upward at 20 m s−1 rises?
Ans: 20 m
v2 ( 20 m s−1)
H= = =20 m
2 g 2 ×10 m s−2

2. Find the launch speed of an object projected vertically upward to a maximum height of 45 m
above its launch point.
Ans: 30 m s−1
v=√ 2 gH = √ 2 ×10 m s × 45 m=30 m s
−2 −1

3. Find the height to which a projectile launched vertically upward at 7.74 m s−1 rises.
Ans: 3.0 m
−1 2
v 2 ( 7.74 m s )
H= = =3.0 m
2 g 2 ×10 m s−2

4. Find the horizontal range of a projectile launched with a speed of 50 m s−1 at an angle of 60 ° to the
Ans: 125 √ 3 m=216 m
−1 2
v sin ( 2 θ ) ( 50 ms ) ×sin ( 2 ×60 ° )
R= = =125 √3 m=216 m
g 10 m s

5. Find the horizontal range of a projectile launched with a speed of 50 m s−1 at an angle of 30 ° to the
Ans:125 √ 3 m=216 m
−1 2
v sin ( 2 θ ) ( 50 ms ) ×sin ( 2 ×30 ° )
R= = =125 √3 m=216 m
g 10 m s

6. Find the horizontal range of a projectile launched with a speed of 50 m s−1 at an angle of 75 ° to the
Ans:125 m
−1 2
v sin ( 2 θ ) ( 50 m s ) ×sin ( 2 ×75 ° )
R= = =125 m
g 10 m s

7. Find the change in kinetic energy of a 2.0 kg object whose linear momentum changes from 6.0 N s to
10.0 N s.
Ans: 16 J
p f −p i [ ( 10.0 N s ) −( 6.0 N s ) ]
2 2 2 2
ΔT = = =16 J
2m 2 ×2.0 kg

8. Find the change in kinetic energy of a 5 kg object whose linear momentum changes from 1 5 N s to
5 N s.
Ans:−20 J
p f −p i [ ( 5 N s ) −( 15 N s ) ]
2 2 2 2
ΔT = = =−20 J
2m 2 ×5 kg

9. Find the change in kinetic energy of a 2 kg object whose linear momentum changes from 4 N s to
16 N s .
Ans:60 J

2017 Prelims……Physics

p2f −p 2i [ ( 16 N s )2−( 4 N s )2 ]
ΔT = = =60 J
2m 2 ×2 kg

10. Find the velocity of a particle moving along the z -axis with a constant 10 m s−2 acceleration20 s
after its velocity attains −50 m s−1.
Ans: 150 m s−1
v=u+at=−50 m s−1 +10 m s−2 ×20 s=150 m s−1

11. Find the velocity of a particle moving along the x -axis with a constant −2 m s−2 acceleration 1 0 s
after its velocity attains 5 m s−1.
Ans: −15 m s−1
v=u+at=5 m s−1−2 m s−2 × 10 s=−15 m s−1

12. Find the velocity of a particle moving along the z -axis with a constant 8 m s−2 acceleration 5 s after
its velocity attains 10 m s−1.
Ans: 50 m s−1
−1 −2 −1
v=u+at=10 m s +8 m s ×5 s=50 m s

13. One end of a rod is fixed and the other end is pulled with a steady force. What is the nature of
stress developed in the rod?
Ans: Tensile

14. A rod is subjected to a tensile load. What is the sign of the strain in the rod?
Ans: Positive

15. A rod is subjected to a tensile load without undergoing plastic deformation. What is the difference
between the magnitudesof the strain it undergoes and the strain it would undergo if a compressive
load of equal magnitude were applied?

16. A rectangular soccer field measures 100 mlong and 90 m wide. Find the total distance traversed by
a soccer player who runs once around the edge of the field starting from a corner and back to the
same corner.
Ans: 380 m

17. Find the shortest length of string that just wraps around a cylindrical can whose radius is5.00 cm.
Ans:31.4 cm
l=2 πr=2 π × 5.00 cm=31.4 cm=0.314 m

18. A rectangular field measures 40 m long and 30 m wide. Find the distance between diagonally
opposite corners of the field.
Ans:50 m
l= √( 40m ) + ( 30 m ) =50 m
2 2

19. The density of a type of stainless steel is 8000 kg m−3 . Find the mass of a solid sphere of the steel
with a radius of 5 ×10−2 m.
Ans: 4 kg
m=ρV =8000 kg m−3 ×4 π × ( 5× 10−2 m ) / 3=4 kg

20. The density of pewter is 7200 kg m−3 . Find the mass of a pewter sphere of diameter8.0 ×10−3 m .
Ans:1.9 ×10−3 kg=1.9 g

2017 Prelims……Physics
m=ρV =7200 kg m−3 × 4 π × ( 4.0 ×10−3 m ) / 3=1.9× 10−3 kg=1.9 g

21. Find the mass of a cube of side 8.00 ×10−3 m made of an alloy of density 5.00 ×103 kg m−3 .
Ans:2.56 ×10−3 kg=2.56 g
m=ρV =5.00× 10 kg m × ( 8.00 ×10 m ) =2.56× 10 kg=2.56 g
3 −3 −3 −3

22. Find the magnitude of the linear momentum of a 5 kg object moving at 2 m s−1 due north.
Ans: 10 N s
p=mv=5 kg ×2 m s =10 N s

23. A 500 kg car moves at 0.4 ms−1 in a north easterly direction. Find the magnitude of its linear
Ans:200 N s
p=mv=500 kg ×0.4 m s =200 N s

24. Find the magnitude of the linear momentum of a 2 kg object moving at 3 m s−1 due east.
Ans:6 N s
p=mv=2kg × 3 m s =6 N s

25. Asimple pendulumis in a region where the local acceleration due to gravity is 9.60 m s−2. Find the
pendulum length for a period of 10.0 s .
Ans: 24.3 m
l=g T 2 / ( 4 π 2) =9.60 m s−2 × (10.0 s ) / ( 4 π 2 )=24.3 m

26. Asimple pendulum oscillates at a frequency of 0.50 Hz in a region where the local acceleration
due to gravity is 9.8 m s−2. Find the length of the pendulum.
Ans:0.99 m
l=g / ( 4 π f ) =9.8 m s / ( 4 π × ( 0.50 Hz ) )=0.99 m
2 2 −2 2 2

27. Find the length of a simple pendulum which oscillates with a period of 2.00 s in a region where the
local acceleration due to gravity is 10.5 m s−2.
Ans:1.06 m
l=g T 2 / ( 4 π 2) =10.5 m s−2 × ( 2.00 s ) / ( 4 π 2 )=1.06 m

28. Find the local acceleration due to gravity in a region where a 5.0 m simple pendulum has an
angular frequency of 1.4 rad s−1.
Ans: 9.8 m s−2
−1 2
g=ω L=( 1.4 rad s ) ×5.0 m=9.8 m s
2 −2

29. Find the acceleration due to gravity on a celestial body where a 2. 5 m simple pendulum has an
angular frequency of 1.6 rad s−1.
Ans: 6.4 m s−2
g=ω2 L=( 1.6 rad s−1 ) × 2.5 m=6.4 m s−2

30. Find the acceleration due to gravity on a celestial body where a 2. 0 m simple pendulum has an
angular frequency of 3.0 rad s−1.
Ans:18 m s−2
g=ω2 L=( 3.0 rad s−1 ) × 2.0 m=18 m s−2

2017 Prelims……Physics

31. A particle moves along the x-axis with a constant acceleration of 0. 8 m s−2 and passes the origin
with a velocity of −20 m s−1. Find the velocity of the particle 50 s after passing through the origin.
Ans: 20 m s−1
v=u+at=−20 ms−1 +0.8 m s−2 × 50 s=20 m s−1

32. A particle moving along the x-axis with constant acceleration passes the origin with a velocity of
4.0 m s . Find the acceleration of the particle if its position 2.0 s after passing the origin is

x=5.0 m.
Ans: −1.5 m s−2
a=2 ( s−ut ) / t =2× ( 5.0 m−4.0 m s × 2.0 s ) / ( 2.0 s ) =−1.5 m s
2 −1 2 −2

33. A particle moves along the x-axis with a constant acceleration of −5.0 m s−2 and passes the origin
with a velocity of 20 m s−1. Find the velocity of the particle 50 s after passing through the origin.
Ans: −270 m s−1
v=u+at=−20 ms + (−5.0 m s × 50 s )=−270 m s
−1 −2 −1

34. Find the strain in a 5 m long wire when it is stretched by2 cm.
Ans: 0.4 %
η=Δl / l=2×10−2 m / (5 m )=4 ×10−3=0.4 %

35. A stretched rod has a strain of 0.1 % when its elongation is 5 mm. What length does it return to
when the stress in it is removed?
Ans:5 m
l= Δl / η=5 × 10−3 m / ( 0.1 ×10−2 ) =5 m

36. Find the strain in a 10 m long plastic rod when it is stretched to 10.01 m.
Ans:0.1 %
η=Δl / l=0.01m / ( 10 m )=0.001=0.1 %
37. A 50 N weight remains stationary on a horizontal surface when a 40 N horizontal force is exerted
on it. What is the coefficient of static friction between the weight and the surface?
Ans: 0.8
f s 40 N
μs = = =0.8
N 50 N

38. The limiting coefficient of static friction between a 100 N object and a horizontal surface is 0.6 .
What is the maximum horizontal force that can be applied without causing the object to move?
Ans:60 N
f s=μ s N =0.6 ×100 N=60 N

39. The limiting coefficient of static friction between a 400 N object and a horizontal surface is 0.2.
What is the maximum horizontal force that can be applied without causing the object to move?
Ans:80 N
f s=μ s N =0.2 ×400 N =80 N

40. A constant 20 N horizontal force is needed to maintain the horizontal motion of a50 N object at
constant velocity. Find the coefficient of kinetic friction between the object and the surface on
which it moves.
Ans: 0.4
μk =f k / N =20 N / ( 50 N )=0.4

2017 Prelims……Physics
41. The coefficient of kinetic friction between a 100 N object and a horizontal surface is 0.5 . What is
the force needed to maintain the motion of the object at constant velocity?
Ans:50 N
F=f k =n k N =0.5 ×100 N=50 N

42. Find the force needed to maintain motion of a 500 N object at constant velocity on a horizontal
surface if the coefficient of kinetic friction between the object and the surface is 0.4 ?
Ans:200 N
F=f k =μk N=μ k W =0.4 × 500 N =200 N

43. A 400 N box slides steadily on a horizontal floor with a 300 N horizontal force pushing on it. Find the
coefficient of kinetic friction.
Ans: 0.75
μk =f k / N =300 N / ( 400 N )=0.75

44. A 400 N box slides steadily on a horizontal floor. Find the horizontal force pushing on it if the
coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.2.
Ans:80 N
F=f k =μk N=0.2× 400 N=80 N

45. A 200 N object slides steadily on a horizontal floor with a 40 N horizontal force pushing on it.
Find the coefficient of kinetic friction.
μk =f k / N =40 N / ( 200 N )=0.2

46. Find the magnitude of a force which makes an angle of 60° with the vertical and whose vertical
component is 200 N .
Ans: 400 N
200 N
F= 0
=400 N
cos 60

47. Find the vertical component of a 200 N force which makes an angle of 30 ° with the vertical.
Ans:100 √ 3 N =173 N
F v =200 N ×cos 30 °=100 √ 3 N=173 N

48. Find the horizontal component of a 1000 N force which makes an angle of 30 ° with the vertical.
Ans:500 N
F h=1000 N × sin 30° =500 N

49. Find the magnitude of the torque about one end of a 0.200 m lever which is inclined at 30 ° to the
horizontal when a50.0 N vertical force is applied to the other end.
Ans: 8.66 N m
N=Fr sin θ=50.0 N ×0.200 m ×cos 30 °=8.66 N m

50. Find the magnitude of the torque about one end of a horizontal 0.8 m lever when a 50 N vertical
force is applied to the other end.
Ans:40 N m
N=Fr =50 N × 0.8 m=40 N m

51. A vertical 50 N force is applied to one end of a 2 m long lever which makes an angle of 30 ° with
the vertical. Find the magnitude of the torque of the force about the other end of the lever.
Ans:50 N m

2017 Prelims……Physics
N=Fr sin θ=50 N ×2 m× sin 30° =50 N m

Convert the given unit to a unit containing only SI base units.

52. C
Ans: A s

53. N
Ans:kg ms−2

54. W
Ans:kg m2 s−3

55. The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.6 for an object with weight 200 N when the object slides on
a certain horizontal surface. Find the kinetic friction force acting on the object as it moves.
Ans: 120 N
f k =μk N=0.6 ×200 N=120 N
56. The kinetic friction force acting on an object with a weight of 500 N is 40 N when the object
slides on a certain horizontal surface. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction?
μk =f k / N =40 N / ( 500 N )=0.08

57. The kinetic friction force acting on an object is 100 N and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.4
when the object slides on a certain horizontal surface. Find the weight of the object.
Ans:250 N
W =N=f k / μ k =100 N / ( 0.4 )=250 N

58. Find the height to which a projectile launched vertically upward at 10 m s−1 rises above its launch
Ans: 5 m
H=u 2 / 2 g=( 10 m s−1 ) / ( 2 ×10 m s−2) =5 m

59. Find the launch speed of an object projected vertically upward which rises to a height of 20 m.
Ans:20 m s−1
u=√2 gH =√ 2 ×10 m s ×20 m=20 ms
−2 −1

60. Find the launch speed of an object projected vertically upward which rises to a height of 1.8 m.
Ans:6 m s−1
u=√2 gH=√ 2 ×10 m s ×1.8 m=6 m s
−2 −1

61. A spherical soccer ball has a diameter of 0.2 m. Find the volume of the ball.
Ans: 4 ×1 0−3 m3
3 3 3 −3 3
V =4 π R / 3=π D / 6=3.14 × ( 0.2 m) / 6=4 ×10 m

62. A steel ball in a ball bearing has a radius of 5 ×10−3 m . Find the volume of the ball.
Ans:5 ×1 0−7 m3
V =4 π R / 3=4 × 3.14 × ( 5 ×10 m ) / 3=5 ×10 m
3 −3 −7 3

63. Find the volume of a spherical particle whose radius is 5 ×10−9 m .

Ans:5 ×10−25 m 3
V =4 π R / 3=4 × 3.14 × ( 5 ×10 m) / 3=5 ×10 m
3 −9 −25 3

2017 Prelims……Physics
64. Determine the horizontal range of a projectile launched at 30 ° to the horizontal with a speed of
40.0 m s−1.
Ans: 139 m
−1 2
v sin ( 2 θ ) ( 40 m s ) × sin (2 ×30 ° )
R= = =80 √ 3 m=139 m
g 10 m s

65. Determine the horizontal range of a projectile launched at 15 ° to the horizontal with a speed of
80 m s .
Ans:320 m
−1 2
v sin ( 2 θ ) ( 80 m s ) ×sin ( 2 ×15 ° )
R= = =320 m
g 10 m s

66. Determine the horizontal range of a projectile launched at 45 ° to the horizontal with a speed of
40 m s−1.
Ans:160 m
−1 2
v sin ( 2 θ ) ( 40 m s ) × sin (2 × 45 ° )
R= = =160m
g 10 m s

67. A 500 N weight remains stationary on a horizontal surface when a 200 N horizontal force is
exerted on it. What is the coefficient of static friction between the weight and the surface?
Ans: 0.4
f s 200 N
μs = = =0.4
N 500 N

68. The limiting coefficient of static friction between a 100 N object and a horizontal surface is 0.5 .
What is the maximum horizontal force that can be applied without causing the object to move?
Ans:50 N
f s=μ s N =0. 5× 100 N =50 N

69. The limiting coefficient of static friction between a 500 N object and a horizontal surface is 0.2.
What is the maximum horizontal force that can be applied without causing the object to move?
Ans:100 N
f s=μ s N =0. 2× 500 N =100 N

70. A constant 200 N horizontal force pushes a 500 N weight moving horizontally at constant
velocity. Find the coefficient of kinetic friction between the object and the surface on which it
Ans: 0.4
μk =f k / N =200 N / ( 500 N )=0.4

71. The coefficient of kinetic friction between a 400 N object and a horizontal surface is 0.2. What is
the force needed to maintain the motion of the object at constant velocity?
Ans:80 N
F=f k =μk N=0.2× 400 N=80 N

72. Find the force needed to maintain motion of a 100 N object at constant velocity on a horizontal
surface if the coefficient of kinetic friction between the object and the surface is 0.2.
Ans:20 N
F=f k =μk N=μ k W =0.2 ×100 N=20 N

Convert the given unit into a unit containing SI base units only.
73. Pa

2017 Prelims……Physics
Ans: kg m−1 s−2

Ans:kg m2 s−2

75. kWh
Ans:kg m2 s−2

Find the linear momentum of an object with the given mass and velocity.

A2 kg object whose velocity is ( 3 i^ +2 ^j ) m s−1.

Ans: ( 6 i^ +4 ^j ) kg m s−1
p=mv =2 kg × ( 3 i^ +2 ^j ) m s−1 =( 6 i^ + 4 ^j ) kg m s−1

76. A 5 kg object whose velocity is ( 2 ^j+2 k^ ) m s−1.

Ans: ( 10 ^j+10 k^ ) kg m s−1
p=mv =5 kg × ( 2 ^j+2 k^ ) ms =( 10 ^j+ 10 k^ ) kg m s
−1 −1

77. A 3 kg object whose velocity is ( 2 i^ + 3 ^j ) m s−1.

Ans: ( 6 i^ +9 ^j ) kg ms−1
p=mv =3 kg × ( 2 i^ +3 ^j ) m s−1=( 6 i^ +9 ^j ) kg m s−1

78. A uniform meter rule is balanced at the 45 cm mark when a 10 g mass is suspended from the zero
mark. Find the mass of the meter rule.
Ans: 90 g
mR =ms Ls / L R=10 g × 45 cm / ( 5 cm) =90 g

79. Find the mass of auniform meter rule which is balanced at the 40 cm mark when a 15 g mass is
suspended from the zero mark.
Ans:60 g
mR =ms Ls / L R=15 g × 40 cm /(10 cm)=60 g

80. Find the mass of auniform meter rule which is balanced at the 30 cm mark when an80 g mass is
suspended from the zero mark.
Ans:120 g
mR =ms Ls / L R=80 g ×30 cm / ( 20 cm )=120 g

81. What is the length of a wall that encloses a rectangular parcel of land of length 100 m and width
50 m.
Ans: 300 m
l=2( L+W )=2× ( 100 m+50 m )=300 m

82. What is the length of a wall that borders a circular field whose diameter is 70 m?
Ans:220 m
l=πd=3.14 × 70 m=220 m

83. A square parcel of land measuring 105 m on the side is divided into two by drawing a line between
a pair of opposite corners. What is the length of a wall that encloses one of the halves?
Ans:358 m
l=105 m+105 m+ 105 √ 2 m=210 m+ 105 √2 m=358 m

2017 Prelims……Physics

Particle/Atomic and Nuclear Physics

84. Find the quantum number of the Bohr orbit for which the magnitude of the orbital angular
momentum is1.04 ×10−33 J s .
Ans: 10
n=L / ℏ=1.04 ×10−33 J s / ( 1.05 ×10−34 J s )=10

85. Find the quantum number of the Bohr orbit for which the magnitude of the orbital angular
momentum is8.4 × 10−34 J s.
Ans: 8
n=L / ℏ=8.4 ×10−34 J s / ( 1.05 × 10−34 J s ) =8

86. Find the orbital angular momentum for the Bohr orbit with quantum number 16 .
Ans: 1.68 ×10−33 J s
−34 −33
L=nℏ=16 ×1.05 × 10 J s=1.68× 10 J s

87. Rank thefollowing in increasing order of electric charge: photon, proton, alpha particle, cathode
Ans: Cathode ray, photon, proton, alpha particle

88. Group the following particles according to mass: photon, positron, alpha particle, cathode ray,
gamma ray.
Ans: photon and gamma ray; positron and cathode ray; alpha particle

89. Rank the following particles in increasing order of mass: photon, alpha particle, cathode ray,
Ans: Photon, cathode ray, deuteron, alpha particle

90. What is the relationship between decay constant and half-life of a radioactive substance?
Ans: decay constant =ln ( 2 ) ÷ half - life
Accept 0.693 / half - life

91. What is the relationship between half-life and mean lifetime of a radioactive substance?
Ans: half-life= ln ( 2 ) × meanlifetime

92. What is the relationship between decay constant and activity of a radioactive substance?
Ans: Decay constant equals activity divided by number of decaying species.
Or activity equals product of decay constant and number of decaying species.

93. Find the activity due to 2.3 ×106 atoms of 28❑Al , which decays to 28❑Si with a decay constant of
−3 −1
5.2 ×10 s .
Ans: 1.2 ×1 04 Bq
A=λN=5.2 ×10−3 s−1 ×2.3 × 106=1.2 ×104 Bq

94. Find the activity due to 9.6 × 107 atoms of 30❑Al , which decays to 30❑Si with a decay constant of
0.19 s .
Ans:1.8 ×1 07 Bq
A=λN=0.19 s−1 × 9.6 ×107=1.8× 107 Bq

95. Find the activity due to 8.5 ×107 atoms of 25❑Al , which decays to 25❑Mg with a decay constant of
0.096 s .

2017 Prelims……Physics
Ans:8.2 ×1 06 Bq
−1 7 6
A=λN=0.096 s × 8.5 ×10 =8.2× 10 Bq

96. The work function of a photocathode is 8.1 ×10−19 J . What is the linear momentum of the longest-
wavelength photon that can eject electrons from the photocathode?
Ans: 2.7 ×1 0−27 N s
p=E / c=8.1×10 J / ( 3.0× 10 m s ) =2.7 ×10 N s
−19 8 −1 −27

97. The longest-wavelength photonthat can eject an electron from a photocathode has a linear
momentum of 1.4 ×10−27 N s. What is the work function of the photocathode?
Ans:4.2 ×1 0−19 J
W =pc=1.4 ×10−27 N s × 3.0× 108 m s−1 =4.2 ×10−19 J =2.6 eV

98. Find the linear momentum of the longest-wavelength photon that can eject an electron from the
surface of a metal whose work function is 6.4 × 10−19 J .
Ans:2.1 ×1 0−27 N s
p=E / c=6.4 ×10 J / ( 3.0 ×10 m s )=2.1 ×10 N s
−19 8 −1 −27

99. A particle has a mass of 4.50 × 10−27 kg. What is the total energy of the particle when it is at rest?
Ans: 4.05 × 10−10 J
−1 2
E=mc =4.5 ×10 kg × ( 3.00 ×10 m s ) =4.05 ×10 J
2 −27 8 −10

100. Find the total energy of a 2.0 ×10−27 kg particle at rest.

Ans:1.8 ×1 0−10 J
E=mc 2=2.4 ×10−27 kg × ( 3.0 ×108 m s−1) =1.8× 10−10 J

101. Find the mass of a particle whose rest energy is 8.1 ×10−12 J .
Ans:9.0 ×10−29 kg
m=E / c 2=8.1 ×10−12 J / ( 3.0 ×10 8 m s−1 ) =9.0× 10−29 kg

102. What is the decay constant of an unstable particle whose half-life is 11 s ?

Ans: 0.063 s−1
λ=0.693 / t 1 / 2 =0.693 / ( 11 s )=0.063 s

103. Find the decay constant of the W boson whose half-life is about 3 ×10−25 s.
Ans:2 ×1 024 s−1
λ=0.693 / t 1 / 2 =0.693 / ( 3 ×10 s ) =2 ×10 s
−25 24 −1

104. A free neutron is unstable with respect to beta decay and decays with a half-life of 610 s . What is
the decay constant for a free neutron?
Ans:1.1 ×1 0−3 s−1
−3 −1
λ=0.693 / t 1 / 2 =0.693 / ( 610 s )=1.1 ×10 s
105. The half-life of an unstable particle is 100 s . Find its lifetime.
Ans: 144 s
τ =t 1 / 2 / 0.693=100 s / 0.693=144 s

106. The lifetime of an unstable particle is 100 s . Find its decay constant.
Ans:0.01 s
λ=1 / τ=1 / ( 100 s )=0.01 s

2017 Prelims……Physics

107. The lifetime of an unstable particle is 51 μs . Find its half-life.

Ans:35 μs
t 1 / 2=0.693 τ =0.693 ×51 μs=35 μs

108. Find the activity due to 1017 atoms of a radioisotope with a decay constant of 8 ×10−2 s−1.
Ans: 8 ×1 015 Bq
−2 −1 17 15
A=λN=8× 10 s × 10 =8 ×10 Bq

109. Find the activity due to 5 ×108 unstable particles which disintegrate with a decay constant of
−5 −1
4 ×10 s .
Ans:2 ×1 04 Bq=20 kBq
−5 −1 8 4
A=λN=4 ×10 s ×5 × 10 =2 ×10 Bq

110. Find the activity due to 8 ×10 7 atoms of a radioisotopewith a decay constant of 0.1 s−1.
Ans:8 ×1 06 Bq=8 MBq
−1 7 6
A=λN=0.1 s ×8 × 10 =8 × 10 Bq

111. Determine the activity of a specimen containing 5.00 ×1018 atoms of a radionuclide whose half-
life is 4.20 × 102 s.
Ans: 8.25 ×1 015 Bq
A=Nλ=0.693 N / t 1 / 2=0.693× 5.00× 1018 / ( 420 s )=8.25× 1015 Bq

112. Determine the activity of a specimen containing 2.0 ×1021 atoms of a radionuclide whose half-life
is 420 s.
Ans:3.3 ×1 018 Bq
20 18
A=Nλ=0.693 N / t 1 / 2=0.693× 2.5× 10 / ( 420 s ) =3.3× 10 Bq

113. Determine the activity of a specimen containing 2.50 ×1021 atoms of a radionuclide whose half-
life is 21.0 s .
Ans:8.25 ×1 019 Bq
21 19
A=Nλ=0.693 N / t 1 / 2=0.693× 2.50× 10 / ( 21.0 s )=8.25 ×10 Bq

114. What is the linear momentum of the longest-wavelength photon that can eject electrons from a
photocathode whose work function is 1.5 ×10−18 J ?
Ans: 5.0 ×1 0−27 N s
p=E / c=1.5 ×10 J / ( 3.0 ×10 m s ) =5.0 ×10 N s
−18 8 −1 −27

115. The longest-wavelength photon that can eject an electron from a photocathode has a linear
momentum of 2.1 ×10−27 N s . What is the work function of the photocathode?
Ans:4.2 ×1 0−19 J
−27 8 −1 −19
W =pc=2.1× 10 N s ×3.0 ×10 m s =6.3 ×10 J =3.9 eV

116. Find the linear momentum of the longest-wavelength photon that can eject an electron from the
surface of a photocathode whose work function is 5.4 ×10−19 J .
Ans:1.8 ×1 0−27 N s
p=E / c=5.4 × 10 J / ( 3.0 ×10 m s )=1.8 ×10 N s
−19 8 −1 −27

117. What is the total energy of a particle of mass 4.0 × 10−18 kg at rest in the laboratory?
Ans: 0.36 J

2017 Prelims……Physics
E=mc 2=4.0 ×10−18 × ( 3.0 ×10 8 m s−1 ) =0.36 J

118. Find the mass of a particle whose total energy is 0.54 J when it is at rest.
Ans:6.0 ×10−18 kg
m=E / c 2=0.54 J / ( 3.0 ×108 m s−1 ) =6.0 ×10−18 kg

119. Find the total energy of a particle of mass 5.0 ×10−20 kg at rest.
Ans:4.5 mJ
E=mc 2=5.0 × 10−20 kg × ( 3.0 ×10 8 m s−1 ) =4.5× 10−3 J =4.5 mJ

Electric and Magnetic Fields

120. A uniform 10 V m electric field parallel to the x -axis exists in a region. Find the potential

difference between two points on the x -axis which are 20 cm apart.

Ans: 2 V
V =Ed=10 V m ×0.2 m=2 V

121. Two very large parallel plates 5 mm aparthave a uniform 200 V m−1 electric field between them.
Find the potential difference across the plates.
Ans:1 V
V =Ed=200V m−1 ×5 ×10−3 m=1 V

122. A uniform 50 V m−1electric field parallel to the z -axis exists in a region. Find the potential
difference between two points on the z -axis which are 2 mm apart.
Ans: 0.1 V
−1 −3
V =Ed=50 V m ×2× 10 m=0.1 V

A circular loop of copper wire lies on a horizontal surface perpendicular to a uniform magnetic
field. Give the direction of the induced current in the loop as seen by an observer looking down on
the loop for the given situation.

123. The magnetic field points upward and its magnitude is increasing.
Ans: Clockwise

124. The magnetic field points downward and its magnitude is decreasing.

125. The magnetic field points upward and its magnitude is constant.
Ans:No current is induced

Where needed, you may take the permittivity and permeability of free space as 8.85 ×10−12 F m−1 and
−6 −1
1.26 ×10 H m respectively.

126. What is the capacitance of a pair of parallel plates with a common area of 15 m2 and a separation
of 3.0 mm?
Ans: 44 nF
C=ϵ 0 A / d=8.85 ×10−12 F m−1 × 15 m2 / ( 3.0× 10−3 m )=4.4 ×10−8 F=44 nF

127. Find the separation between a pair of parallel plates with a common area of 8.0 m2 and a
capacitance of 35 nF .
Ans:2.0 mm

2017 Prelims……Physics

F m × 8.0 m / ( 35 ×10 F )=2.0 ×10 m=2.0 mm

−12 −1 2 −9 −3
d=ϵ 0 A / C=8.85 ×10

128. Find the capacitance of a pair of parallel plates with a common area of 4.0 m2 and a separation of
5.0 mm.
Ans:7.1 nF
C=ϵ 0 A / d=8.85 ×10−12 F m−1 × 4.0 m 2 / ( 5.0 ×10−3 m ) =7.1×10−9 F=7.1 nF

The inputs of an AND gate are labelled A and B. Give the output sequence for the given input sequences.
129. A=00110; B=00110
Ans: 00110

130. A=11001; B=00110

Ans: 00000

131. A=11110; B=00111

Ans: 00110

A circular loop of copper wire lies on a horizontal surface perpendicular to a uniform magnetic
field. Give the direction of the induced current in the loop as seen by an observer looking down on
the loop for the given situation.
132. The magnetic field points downward and its magnitude is increasing.
Ans: Counterclockwise

133. The magnetic field points upward and its magnitude is increasing.
Ans: Clockwise

134. The magnetic field points downward and its magnitude is decreasing.
Ans: Counterclockwise

Three charged particles A, B, and C with respective charges q , 3 q , and 5 q and equal mass enter a uniform
magnetic field with equal velocity perpendicular to the field.

135. Rank the particles in increasing order of magnetic force.

Ans: A, B, C

136. Rank the particles in increasing order of kinetic energy after 100 s in the magnetic field.
Ans:They have the same kinetic energy

137. Rank the particles in increasing order of radius of path in the magnetic field.
Ans:C, B, A
R ∝1 / Q

The inputs of a NAND gate are labelled A and B. Give the output sequence for the given input
138. A=00110; B=00110
Ans: 11001

139. A=11001; B=00110

Ans: 11111

2017 Prelims……Physics
140. A=11110; B=00111
Ans: 11001

A capacitive transducer is made of a pair of parallel plates and it has a capacitance of 20.0 pF when
the plates are0.50 mmapart. In operation, the area of the plates is fixed and the distance between them
is varied.
141. Find the capacitance of the transducer when the plates are 0.45 mm apart.
Ans: 22 pF
C 1=C0 d 0 / d 1=20.0 pF ×0.50 mm / ( 0.45 mm )=22 pF

142. Find the distance between the plates when the capacitance of the transducer is determined to be
15 pF .
Ans:0.67 mm
d 2=C 0 d 0 / C 2=20.0 pF ×0.50 mm / (15 pF )=( 2 / 3 ) mm=0.67 mm

143. Find the distance between the plates when the capacitance of the transducer is determined to be
25 pF .
Ans:0.40 mm
d 2=C 0 d 0 / C 2=20.0 pF ×0.50 mm / ( 25 pF )=( 2 / 5 ) mm=0.40 mm

144. Find the change in length of5.0 m of an alloy whose linear coefficient of thermal expansionis
1.5 ×10−6 K −1 when its temperature changes from 5.0 ℃ to 21 ℃.
Ans: 0.12 mm
−6 −1 −4
ΔL=LαΔT =5.0 m×1.5 ×10 K × 16 K =1.2× 10 m=0.12mm

145. The linear coefficient of thermal expansion of a material is 5.0 ×10−6 K −1. Find the thermal strain
induced in a wire made of the material when the temperature of the wire changes from 0.0 ℃ to
8.0 ℃ .
Ans:4.0 × 10−5=0.004 %
ΔL −6 −1 −5
=αΔT =5.0 ×10 K ×8.0 K =4.0 ×10 =0.004 %

146. Find the change in length of a 2.0 m length of a metal whose linear coefficient of expansion is
1.8 ×10 K when its temperature changes from 0.0 ℃ to 5.0 ℃.
−5 −1

Ans: 0.18 mm
ΔL=LαΔT =2.0 m×1.8 ×10−5 K −1 × 5.0 K =1.8 ×10−4 m=0.18 mm

147. The heat capacity of a well-lagged calorimeter is 500 J K −1 when empty. Find the heat capacity of
the calorimeter when it contains 50 g of a substanceofspecific heat capacity 2000 J kg−1 K−1.
Ans: 600 J K−1
−1 −1 −1 −1
C=C 0+ mc=500 J K +0.05 kg × 2000 J kg K =600 J kg

148. The empty calorimeter is filled with 100 g of a pure substance and the heat capacity of the
calorimeter and its contents is found to be 550 J K −1. What is the specific heat capacity of the
substance in the calorimeter?
Ans: 500 J kg−1 K−1
C−C 0
=( 550 J K −500 J K ) / ( 0.1 kg ) =500 J kg K
−1 −1 −1 −1

2017 Prelims……Physics
149. A fluid of specific heat capacity400 J kg−1 K −1is placed in the calorimeter and the heat capacity of
the calorimeter and its contents is found to be 900 J K−1. Find the mass of fluid in the calorimeter.
Ans:1 kg
C−C 0
=( 900 J K −500 J K ) / ( 400 J kg K )=1 kg
−1 −1 −1 −1

150. The heat capacity of 10 kg of aluminum is 9.0 kJ K−1. How much heat is needed to increase the
temperature of a 10 kg aluminum block from 21 ℃ to 26 ℃ ?
Ans: 45 kJ
3 −1 4
Q=C Δ T =9.0 ×10 J K ×5 K=4.5× 10 J=45 kJ

151. The heat capacity of 10 kg of mercury is 1.4 kJ K−1. How much heat is needed to increase the
temperature of 10 kg of mercury from 25 ℃ to 28 ℃ ?
Ans:4.2 kJ
Q=C Δ T =1.4 kJ K × 3 K=4.2 kJ

152. The heat capacity of an object is 52 kJ K −1 . Find the heat required to increase the temperature of
the object from 10 ℃ to 35 ℃.
Ans:1.3 MJ
Q=C ΔT =52 kJ K ×25 K =1300 kJ =1.3 MJ

153. Rank the following temperatures from lowest to highest: 5 ℃,20 ℃ ,32 ℉ ,50 ℉ .
Ans: 32 ℉ ,5 ℃, 50 ℉ , 20 ℃
50 ℉=( 50−32 ) × =10℃ ; 32 ℉=0 ℃

154. Rank the following temperatures from highest to lowest: 10 ℃, 15 ℃,32 ℉ ,41 ℉ .
Ans: 15 ℃,10 ℃,41 ℉ , 32 ℉

155. Rank the following temperatures from lowest to highest: −5 ℃,0 ℃ ,14 ℉ , 27.5 ℉ .
Ans: 14 ℉ , −5 ℃, 27.5 ℉ , 0 ℃

156. A system absorbs 100 kJ of heat and does 80 kJ of work. How much additional heat must be
added or removed from the system to return its internal energy to its initial value?
Ans: Remove 20 kJ
Δ U =Q−W =100 kJ −80 kJ =20 kJ so remove 20 kJ

157. A system does 800 kJ of work in a process in which its internal energy does not change. How
much heat flows into the system?
Ans:800 kJ
Q= ΔU +W =0+800 kJ =800 kJ

158. Find the change in internal energy of a system which rejects 100 kJ of heat when 500 kJ of work is
done on it.
Ans:400 kJ
Δ U =Q−W =−100 kJ −(−500 kJ )=400 kJ

159. A heat engine operates between a hot thermal reservoir held at 800 K and a cold thermal reservoir
held at 300 K . What would the thermal efficiency of the engine be if it were ideal?
Ans: 62.5 %
η=1−T c / T h=1−( 300 K ) / ( 800 K ) =5 / 8=62.5 %

2017 Prelims……Physics
160. Find the limiting thermal efficiency of a heat engine which operates between thermal reservoirs
held at 450 K and 600 K .
Ans:25 %
η=1−T c / T h=1−( 450 K ) / ( 600 K )=1 / 4=25 %

161. Find the limiting thermal efficiency of a heat engine which operates between thermal reservoirs
held at 200 K and 500 K .
Ans:60 %
η=1−T c / T h=1−( 200 K ) / ( 500 K )=3 / 5=60 %

162. The heat capacity of an object is 500 J K −1. How much heat does it absorb when its temperature
increases by 40 K ?
Ans: 20 kJ
Q=C Δ T =500 J K × 40 K=20 000 J =20 kJ

163. Find the heat capacity of an object whose temperature increases by 20 K when it absorbs 800 J of
Ans:40 J K −1
C=Q / Δ T =800 J / ( 20 K )=40 J K −1

164. How much heat does an object with a heat capacity of 400 J K −1 absorb when its temperature
increases by 2 K ?
Ans:800 J
Q=C Δ T =400 J K ×2 K=800 J

Convert the given temperature to Kelvins.

165. 68 oF
Ans: 293 K

9 ] (
T = ( T F /℉ −32 ) +273 K= × 36+273 K =293 K

166. 77 oF
Ans:298 K
[ 5
( ] ( 5
T F /℉ −32 ) +273 K= × 45+273 K=298 K

167. 104 oF
Ans:313 K
[ 5
( ] ( 5
T F /℉ −32 ) +273 K= × 72+ 273 K =313 K

168. Determine the heat capacity of an object whose temperature changes from 20 ℃ to 10 ℃ when it
loses 200 J of heat.
Ans: 20 J K−1
C=Q / ΔT =200 J / ( 10 K )=20 J K−1
169. Find the heat required to raise the temperature of an object whose heat capacity is 50 J K −1 by
20 K .
Ans:1 kJ
Q=C ΔT =50 J K × 20 K =1000 J =1 kJ

2017 Prelims……Physics
170. An object with a heat capacity of 80 J K−1is initially at 40 ℃ . Find its final temperature when it
absorbs 400 J of heat.
Ans:45 ℃
T f =T i +Q / C=T i +400 J / ( 80 J K −1 )=T i+5 K =45 ℃

171. Find the change in length of a 20 m long rod whose temperature changes by 40 K if its linear
coefficient of thermal expansion is 1.5 ×10−6 K −1.
Ans:1.2 mm
−6 −1 −3
ΔL=LαΔT =20 m×1.5 ×10 K × 40 K=1.2 ×10 m=1.2 mm

172. Find the change in length of a 5.0 m long rod whose linear coefficient of thermal expansion is
4.0 × 10 K when the temperature of the rod changes by 50.0 K .
−6 −1

Ans:1.0 mm
−6 −1 −3
ΔL=LαΔT =5.0 m× 4.0× 10 K ×50 K=1.0 ×10 m=1.0 mm

173. Find the change in length of a 4 m bar whose linear coefficient of thermal expansion is
5 ×10 K when the temperature of the bar changes by 20 K .
−6 −1

Ans:0.4 mm
−6 −1 −4
ΔL=LαΔT =4 m ×5 ×10 K × 20 K =4 × 10 m=0.4 mm

Find the work done by a system which undergoes an adiabatic process in which its internal energy
changes by the given amount.
174. -100 kJ
Ans: 100 kJ

175. 0 J

176. 50 kJ
Ans:−50 kJ

177. A heat engine absorbs 100 kJ of heat and does 20 kJ of work in each cycle.Find the change in
internal energy of the working fluid of the engine at the end of a complete cycle.
Ans: 0

178. A heat engine absorbs 100 kJ of heat and does 18 kJ of work in each cycle. Find the thermal
efficiency of the engine.
Ans: 18 %
η=W / Q=( 18 kJ ) / ( 100 kJ )=18 %

179. A heat engine absorbs 100 kJ of heat and does 20 kJ of work in one stage of a cycle. Find the
change in internal energy of the working fluid of the engine at the end of the stage.
Ans: 80 kJ
Δ U =Q−W =100 kJ −20 kJ =80 kJ

Wave Phenomenon
180. The radius of curvature of a concave mirror is 50 cm .Find its optical power.
Ans: 4 diopter

2017 Prelims……Physics
1 2 2 −1
P= = = =4 m =4 diopter
f R 0.5 m

181. Find the radius of curvature of a concave mirror whose optical power is 2 diopter .
Ans:1 m
2 2
R= = −1 =1 m
P 2m

182. Find the radius of curvature of a concave mirror whose optical power is 5 diopter .
Ans:0.4 m
2 2
R= = −1 =0.4 m
P 5m

183. A ray incident at the pole of a convex mirrorof focal length50 cm makes an angle of 30 ° with the
principal axis of the mirror. What is the angle between the reflected ray and the principal axis?
Ans: 30 °

184. A ray parallel to and 5 cm from the principal axis of a convex mirror of focal length50 cm is
incident on the mirror. Find the distance between the pole of the mirror and the intersection of the
reflected ray with the principal axis.
Ans:50 cm

185. A ray parallel to and displaced from the principal axis of a convex mirror is incident on the mirror
so that it makes an angle of 20 ° with the normal at the point of incidence. Find the angle between
the reflected ray and the normal at the point of incidence.
Ans:20 °

186. An object is placed 25 cm from the pole of concave mirror whose focal length is 50 cm. Find the
magnification of the image.
Ans: −2
f 50 cm
M= = =−2
u−f 25 cm−50 cm

187. An object is placed 30 cm from the pole ofa concave mirror whose focal length is 20 cm . Find the
magnification of the image.
f 20 cm
M= = =2
u−f 30 cm−20 cm

188. Find the focal length of a concave mirror which gives a magnification of −5 when a paraxial
object is placed 40 cm from its pole.
Ans:50 cm
uM 40 cm× (−5 )
f= = =50 cm
M +1 −5+1

189. The speed of sound in dry air at a certain temperature is340 m s−1. At what frequency is the
wavelength of sound 2 m?
Ans: 170 Hz
f =v / λ=340 m s−1 / (2 m )=170 Hz

190. Find the speed of a sound wave whose wavelength is 1.5 m when its frequency is 200 Hz .
Ans:300 m s−1

2017 Prelims……Physics

v=fλ =200 Hz × 1.5 m=300 m s−1

191. What is the wavelength of 20 Hz sound waves in a medium in which the speed of sound is
400 m s ?
Ans:20 m
λ=v / f =400 m s−1 / ( 20 Hz )=20 m
192. A string fixed at both ends is plucked in such a manner that only the first harmonic mode is
excited. How many points other than the ends are nodes?
Ans: 0

193. A string fixed at both ends is plucked in such a manner that only the second harmonic mode is
excited. How many points other than the ends are antinodes?

194. How many antinodes are present in the lowest frequency mode of a string fixed at both ends?

195. A string fixed at both ends is plucked in such a manner that only the third harmonic mode is
excited. How many points other than the ends are nodes?
Ans: 2

196. A string fixed at both ends is plucked in such a manner that only the second harmonic mode is
excited. How many points other than the ends are nodes?

197. How many antinodes are present in the third harmonic mode of a string fixed at both ends?

198. Find the focal length of a concave mirror whose radius of curvature is 40 cm.
Ans: 20 cm
f =R / 2=40 cm / 2=20 cm

199. Find the radius of curvature of a concave mirror whose focal length is 30 cm.
Ans: 60 cm
R=2 f =2 ×30 cm=60 cm

200. Find the focal length of a concave mirror whose radius of curvature is 80 cm .
Ans: 40 cm
f =R / 2=80 cm / 2=40 cm

201. The focal length of a converging lens is 50 cm. Find the object distance for an image distance of
60 cm .
Ans: 300 cm=3 m
u=fv / ( v −f ) =( 50 cm × 60 cm) / ( 60 cm−50 cm )=300 cm

202. The focal length of a converging lens is 50.0 cm. Find the image distance for an object distance of
70.0 cm.
Ans: 175 cm
v=fu / ( u−f )=( 50 cm × 70 cm ) / ( 70 cm−50 cm )=175 cm

203. The focal length of a converging lens is 20 cm . Find the image distance for an object distance of
60 cm .
Ans: 30 cm
v=fu / ( u−f )=( 20 cm× 60 cm ) / ( 60 cm−20 cm )=30 cm

2017 Prelims……Physics

204. An object is placed 20 cm from the pole of a concave mirror whose focal length is 25 cm . Find the
magnification of the image produced.
Ans: −5
M =f / ( u−f )=25 cm / ( 20 cm−25 cm )=−5

205. Find the distance of an object from a 20 cm focal length concave mirror at which the magnification
of its image is 5.
Ans:24 cm
u=f / M + f =20 cm / 5+20 cm=24 cm

206. Find the distance of an object from a 20 cm focal length concave mirror at which the magnification
of its image is 2.
Ans:30 cm
u=f / M + f =20 cm / 2+ 20 cm=30 cm

207. The frequency of the fundamental mode of a stretched 0.2 m string fixed at both ends is 200 Hz.
Find the velocity of waves on the string.
Ans: 80 m s−1
v=fλ =200 Hz × ( 2× 0.2 m ) =80 m s−1

208. The frequency of the fundamental mode of a stretched 0.5 m string fixed at both ends is 50 Hz .
Find the velocity of waves on the string.
Ans: 50 m s−1
v=fλ =50 Hz × ( 2× 0.5 m )=50 m s

209. Find the wave velocity for a stretched 0.4 m string fixed at both ends whose fundamental mode has
a frequency of25 Hz .
Ans: 20 m s−1
v=fλ =25 Hz × ( 2× 0.4 m )=20 m s−1

How many beats per second does one hear when listening to the given pair of tuning forks?
210. A tuning fork of frequency 255 Hz and a tuning fork of frequency 259 Hz .
Ans: 4

211. A tuning fork of frequency 256 Hz and a tuning fork of frequency 253 Hz .

212. A tuning fork of frequency 240 Hz and a tuning fork of frequency 241 Hz.


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