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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science

Date: June 3, 2022

Grade Level: 3-4
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson pupils/students will be able to:
a) discuss what is landform;
b) describe the different types of landforms and;
c) identify the importance of each landform.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Different Kind of Landforms
B. References: Science and Health II p. 126-128
C. Materials:
Visual Aids,
Laptop and Projector

D. Science Ideas:

Landform- is a naturally-formed feature on the Earth's surface, often with

a recognizable shape like a valley or mountain.

The different major landforms are:

Mountains- the highest landform on the surface of the earth. It is usually

found to be conical in shape with steep sides and a pointed tip called a

Hills- are lower than mountains but are higher than their surrounding

Valleys- are the low-lying areas between two mountains or hills.

Plateaus- is a flat topped highland with steep sides. Since it looks like a
table, it is also called a tableland. They are basically areas of high flat

Plains- are areas of flat land.

Deserts- are large, dry and hot areas of land which receive little or no
rainfall throughout the year. The vegetation is scanty due to the shortage
of water. Deserts are covered with sand.

Islands- is a body of land surrounded by water.

E. Science Process Skills: Defining, Differentiating and Observing

F. Value Focus: Inquisitive mind and cooperation during the teaching-
learning process

III. Procedure:




Good morning children! How are you today? Good morning teacher Trisha!
Fine? Fine teacher!

Okay very good

Prayer: (The pupils will stand and recite the

Let’s start our day with an opening prayer.
Father in heaven,
Father in heaven, Thank you for family-watch over my
Thank you for family-watch over my love ones. love ones.
Thank you for play-help me to be happy and Thank you for play-help me to be
free. happy and free.
Thank you for my school-teach me to listen Thank you for my school-teach me to
and learn. listen and learn.
Thank you for food and rest-you give as lovely Thank you for food and rest-you give
food and peaceful sleep. as lovely food and peaceful sleep.
Thank you for all of these wonderful things. Thank you for all of these wonderful
Amen. things.
Please remain standing, and let’s have some
Good morning teacher, good morning
Ok! Very good, Good morning once again class. classmates.

You may now take your seat.

---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
So children what did we discuss on our last --
meeting? Teacher, we discussed about the sun.
The sun is the center of solar system.
Very good Mae!

Another? Yes, Kent?

There are planets, meteors and
asteroids and moons that moves
around the sun.
Very good. So, I think all of you understand
what we have tackled yesterday.

a. Engage

1.1 Okay children what comes to your mind Teacher, it is where our house build
when you hear the word “land”? in.

Kids please, don’t answer in chorus just raise

your hand if you know the answer.

Let me hear from Joey? It is where the plants grow.

Yes, Louie? It is where we live in and it is where

farmers plant rice, vegetables, corns
Kate? and many more.

You are all very good.

It is just the land that we can see in the world? No teacher, we have also the ocean,
seas and rivers.
Yes, because our Earth is also consisting of
water forms.

But before we discuss the water forms

Let us know more first about the landforms.

b. Explore

Let them watch to the video you have prepared

so that they will be having fun while learning
the lesson. (Okay children so now, I have here
a video entitled “Different Kind of Landforms”,
you will watch the video, after you have
watched the video, I will explain it further for
you to understand more about the types of

c. Explain

Okay! So, let us define what is land? The land is made up of rock and soil.
The land is about one-fourth of the
Please read this all together class. earth. Lands can be high and low.

Okay, so we know now that land is made up of

soil and rocks. And it is about one-fourth of
the earth surface.
Let us see the globe and determine where
these lands are.

What can you notice about the globe? The lands on the globe are
surrounded by water. And the water
forms are bigger than the land forms.

Yes, very good. It’s true!

Okay children, let us now discover the

different landforms on earth.

First, we have the mountain.

Have you seen a mountain? Yes, teacher!
Can you describe the mountain? Mountains are high and tall.
Okay. Good!

Now kids please read what’s on the board A mountain is a body of highland that
about mountain. is wide at base and narrow at the top.

Okay, let us see an example of mountain, can

you see the picture class?

This is the Mt. Apo, we can find this mountain

here in the Philippines particularly in Davao
and North Cotabato.

Another example is a valley.

Girlie can you read about the valley? A valley is a body of low land
between mountains.
Here is the example of valley.

Another landform the hill.

Who can read the description of a hill?

Yes, Charie. A hill looks like a mountain but it is


Here is an example of a hill.

The famous Chocolate Hills of Bohol.

Another one is the Plateau. It is a flat topped highland with steep

sides. Since it looks like a table, it is
also called a tableland. They are
basically areas of high flat land.

And another is the Plain Plains are areas of flat land.

Next is the Deserts Deserts are large, dry and hot areas
of land which receive little or no
rainfall throughout the year. The
vegetation is scanty due to the
shortage of water. Deserts are
covered with sand.

And last is the Island. An island is a body of land

surrounded by water.

d. Elaborate

(Exercise their mind. Ask some questions after

the lecture).

What are the different types of land The different types of land
formation? formations are mountain, valley, hill,
plateaus, plain, desert and island.

e. Evaluate
A. Identify the pictures below. Write their Answers:
names on your paper.

1. Mountain

2. Plain

3. Hills

4. Mountain

5. Island

6. Valley
B. Answer each question on your paper.
1. Plain
1. Which is lower, a plateau or a plain?
2. Mountain
2. Which is higher, a hill or a mountain?
3. Valley
3. Which land is between two mountains, a
plateau or a valley?
4. Mountain
4. Which is higher, a mountain or a plateau?
5. Plain
5. Which is a level in land, a hill or a plain?

IV. Assignment/Agreement: Draw any of the different kinds of land formation

and explain why you draw it.
ML: 86/100
ID: Proceed

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