CPAR Performance Task 1 Rubrics

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Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions

Performance Task Rubrics

Name:_______________________ Score:___________
Grade and Section:_____________ Date: ___________

Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Fair

21-25 Points 16-20 Points 11-15 Points 1-10 Points
Drawing Skill Objects are Objects are Objects drawn
drawn with great drawn with great with fair skill. Has not tried to
skill. Student has skill. Student has Student has apply basic
taken concept applied basic applied basic concepts or to
being taught and concepts being concepts being draw a realistic
applied in a taught. Drawing taught. Drawing portrait.
unique way. looks realistic. needs some
Drawing looks improvement to
realistic. look realistic.
Details and Details drawn Details and hair Details drawn as Details and hair
Texture very well. drawn very well. a shape then drawn as a
Simulated Simulated filled in with a shape then
texture is well texture is clear. simulated colored
defined (area not filled in texture. (blended) in,
(repeated lines completely). texture no
fill in area to attempted.
create texture).
Neatness/ Have no tears, Drew the Drew the Everything it too
Craftmanship smudges or contour lines contour lines too dark and/or
stray marks. dark but erase dark to erase. messy.
Drew contour them so they The dark edges
line lightly, not were not take away from
noticeable in noticeable. the drawing.
drawing or Smudges and
erased contour stray marks
lines very well. successfully
Rules for Followed all Followed all Remained Did not follow
Drawing rules throughout rules throughout nonverbal most any rules and/or
the drawing the drawing days while was highly
assignment. assignment. working on the disruptive.
Class time was Class time was drawing
used wisely. used wisely. assignment.
Much time and Conversations
effort went into were not
the planning and disruptive and
design of the stayed focused
drawing. on the drawing

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