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4th Demonstration Lesson Plan

Date/Time: February 5, 2020/3:00 - 4:00

Grade & Section: Grade 8 - Narra / Rm. 18

I: Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

A. Define business letter

B. Determine the difference between business letter and friendly letter

C. Identify the parts of the business letter; and

D. Write a business letter guided by its parts as presented

II: Subject Matter

A. Topic: Parts of a Business Letter

B. References: Voyages in Communication 8 Learner’s Module, pp. 566-568, 573-575

C. Materials: flash cards, hand-outs, pictures, television/laptop

III: Procedure:

A. Preliminary Activities:


Checking of Attendance

B. Motivation

Teacher’s Instruction Student’s Response

The teacher will show a picture then the students will

identify if the picture is instructional or transactional.

1 2

3 4

5 6
7 8

Then the teacher asks the following questions.  The images 2, 3, 4 and 7 show interactional language.
The people are having interactions with each other.
 What do the pictures 2, 3, 4 and 7 show?

 That’s right!
 Yes Ma’am. The first image shows two girls maybe
 Do you think they are close? Do they have good sisters who are having a relaxed and fun time talking
relationship? How do you say so? in the park while sitting down close to each other. The
picture 3 shows classmates/friends having a chitchat
while waiting for their teacher. The image 4 is like
boyfriend and girlfriend closeness talking inside a
library; like they don’t care about the world and just
focus on their faces or conversation. Image 7 is a
picture of friends having a good conversation closely
seated on the couch.

 You are correct!

 They are having transactional conversation because

 How about the images 1, 5, 6 and 8? of the way they are dressed and their body languages
are so stiff and they are dealing about business.

 It is because they are in a very formal environment

 Yeah! That is really an awesome answer!
and talk about business which is formal and serious.
 Why do you think they are formal and stiff?

 That is great!
 We can reach out to them through a letter, specifically
 If we can’t talk to a person directly about business, a business letter Ma’am.
what else is there to communicate to a person about
business or any other deals?

 Very nice answer!

C. Discussion and Presentation of the Lesson

The teacher will tell that if personal meeting is not possible,

transaction can be done through a letter, specifically
business letter.

Then the teacher asks the following questions:

 What is a business letter?

 Ma’am business letter is usually a letter from one
company to another, or between organizations and
their customer, clients, and other external parties.

 That is correct. It is a business correspondence

within/among companies and organizations with their
clients, customer and other external parties.
 Going back to our activity a while ago, what now is a
transactional language?
 Ma’am it seems that transactional language is use
especially for business transactions.

 Very good! Transactional language is a language that

is used to send messages with content. It has a clear
objective when asking for information to request, to
complain, to solicit, etc.

 When should we use it?

 Correct! Transactional language is the appropriate  Ma’am we use it in writing a business letter.
language to be used in business letter especially for
its tone and nature.

 How about the interactional language? When/how can

we use it?

 Very good again! Interactional language is used to

 Ma’am interactional language has informal nature so it
establish and maintain various sorts of social
can be used for friendly letter.
relationships. It involves shorter conversation.

 Let us now delve much deeper into writing a business

letter. Let’s discuss about its parts first.

 What do you call this written information on the

topmost of the letter?

 Nice try but nope. Though your answer is so near the

correct answer. Who else wants to try?

 Very good! That is the heading of the letter. What  Ma’am header?
composed a heading as you can see?
 Very good observation! So we can conclude now that  Ma’am heading.
the heading is basically the information about the
sender right?
 Ma’am it has the name of the sender, the complete
address and also the e-mail add of the sender.

 Yes Ma’am.

 What about this encircled part of the letter?

 Yeah of course that is the date. But we have another

word that goes with it that completes its name. Clue: it
is straight.

 Very good! That is technically the dateline because

the name of the month and specific date and year is
written there. But what date should be written there?  Ma’am date.

 Good guess!  Ma’am dateline!

 Ma’am the date when the letter is written.

 What about that information written after the dateline,
what do you call that? Any wild guess?

 Yes it consists of address again but that is not the

name of that. Anyone? Clue: the antonym of outside
before the word address.

 Amazing! Whose address is it?

 Fabulous! What should be the content of it?  Ma’am another address.

 Wow! Your answer is awesome. Very keen observer!  Ma’am inside address!

 The address of the receiver Ma’am!

 Ma’am just like the heading there should be complete

name, address, e-mail add, and of course the position
of the receiver.

 This encircled part of the letter, what is it?

 Nope! Actually it is like you are saluting someone in

the form of greeting.

 Awesome! That is the salutation. What punctuation

mark should be used there?

 Good job!
 The dearline.

 Ma’am the salutation.

 Now after those preliminary of the letter, what now is  Ma’am a comma.
this part?

 Very good again! What is the content of the body?

 Very nice answer. It has three main parts: the first

paragraph, middle paragraph and the final paragraph.

 Ma’am that is the most important part of the letter, the


 Ma’am I think just like other letters, it has the

introduction in the first paragraph. The body in the
second paragraph. And lastly the conclusion in the
third paragraph.
 Now we are near in the ending of the letter. What is
this part?
 Nice try. But this one is more specifically called
complimentary closing. What do you usually use as
complimentary closing?

 Such a sharp observation! How about this part after  Ma’am that is the closing.
the complimentary closing?

 Exactly! So we call that signature.  Ma’am I usually read sincerely yours, yours truly and
respectfully yours.

 Ma’am that is the signature of the sender with its

complete name.
D. Generalization

Teacher’s Instruction Students’ Response

I will show flash cards then you have to tell me the part of
the letter that coincides with the flash card.

 Ma’am signature!

 Ma’am body!

 Ma’am inside address

 Salutation Ma’am!
 Complimentary closing Ma’am!

 Dateline Madam!

 Heading Ma’am!

E. Enrichment

Teacher’s Instruction Students’ Response

The students will be grouped into 5. Each group will be

given a letter which they will arrange properly. They will
write it on a manila paper for class’ evaluation and

IV: Evaluation

Teacher’s Instruction Students’ Response

Using the same grouping from the previous activity, the
students will be tasked to write their own business letter
about a topic that they have picked out.

 Group 1: You are planning to conduct a feeding

program in your school. You lack funds to conduct
your project. Write a solicitation letter addressed to
the PTA.

 Group 2: Your teacher in English asked you to

conduct a One-Play program. You need a sound
system and the gym to be the venue of your program.
Write a request letter addressed to the property

 Group 3: You want to have an educational trip in your

school. Write a letter of intent addressed to the Office
of the Principal.

 Group 4: As a Student Council President you want to

have a Completers and Graduation Ball. Write a
request letter addressed to the Office of the Principal.

V: Assignment

Research on the different kinds of business letter. Make notes on it on your notebooks.

Prepared by:

Fil Anne Dela Cruz

Teacher - I

Checked by:

Janette N. Ballares, Ed D

Principal - I

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