King James Bible Extraction

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Christine Martin & Sophia Meatheringham Continuation of Maranatha Puzzle How to use the key

Our Key consisted of a cross (+) and (X) combined encased in a square and circle. As per diagram below.As we have mentioned before the + five points spelt the word Truth. Then we had to learn how to use the key.

Now through our research we concluded that this key was to be used over the King James Bible 1611 editionNow where to find a copy at a reasonable price. Well just recently we were able to obtain a copy of the 400th anniversary edition replica of the official King James Bible edition for $13.00 AUD. We have discovered that the key relates to certain pages. So what we are going to be doing is as we decode certain pages we will be uploading our research onto scribd.

First page relates to the beginning of the bible First the bible starts with the section the Translators of the Bible, flick through this section until you reach the Crest page just before the Genealogies section. Then Sophia and I place our diagram over this page lining the (+) of our diagram with the (+) over the shield on the crest. Refer below:-

Then we extracted the letters using + and X went through. First was Q Then S H E Diamond M And the top of the + fitted under the crown/lion and the bottom of the + met the Rose. This also related to clues in the puzzle. Diamond shape as below

Now in the words around the shield are Honi soit qui mal y pense with the Diamond shape in-between each letter. So it was interesting that we have the letter Q and the word SHEM..with the Diamond shape. So what to make of this??? First we looked at the diamond shape and its representation. Relates to the order of the Garter and the words translate to "Shame on him who
thinks ill of it") other meanings we came across was Shame be to him who thinks evil of it. Next the letter Q interesting we found that this related to the word EGO, also in Etruscan origins Q = Pie they say stood for the number of pie 1.61803the Etruscan seemed to relate to ancient Italy Tuscany..thought the Tuscany aspect interesting especially in relation to the Medici Dukes of Tuscany. Also that the V/Q aspect relates to the value 500. And the 500 number became interesting when we looked at the word Shem. As Shem was the Son of Noah and Noah was 500 years old when he begot Shem. Shem: - Looking at Jewish encyclopaedia we noted that Shem was son of Noah, so would appear we need to look at the lineage of Shem in this bible. So under the Genealogies of Adam and Eve Noah coming from the line of there third son Seth and this genealogies placed Shem in the middle, so we then placed our key over the lineage of Shem in Genealogies and noted the points of the Cross + lined up with Eber, Peleg, Ioktan and Abraham. Now going back to our crest page. The bottom of our circle went through the words Diev ET Mon Droit which we translated to Divine right of the Monarch to Govern it also quoted as God and my right shall me defend and God and my Right Also saying it relates to the Divine right of Kings. So could this be relating to Noahs line in regards to Shem, as Noah line sits on the right-hand side of Adam and Eve Genealogy implying that a birthright.

This was first used at the battle of Gisors according to sites we looked into it states 1198 Battle of Gisors King Richard I defeated Philip 11 of France.Implying that Richard owed his royalty to no power other then God and his own heredity and was therefore subject to no earthly power nor monarch. It is seen as a direct reference of the divine right of KingsSo could he be imply he came from the right hand side of Adam and Eve meaning Seth down to Noah to Shem.

So now we decided to see how our key fitted over Da Vincis paintings and drawings. We looked at the last supper and Vitruvian man as these were drawn to our attention from the puzzle especially Vitruvian Man as this drawing appears on the back cover of the Maranatha Puzzle. We placed our diagram over Vitruvian Man and noted how it fitted the portions rather well and also how it related to the King of Terrors from page 10. The centre line lines up with the stationery foot in middle as per the King of Terrors on page 10 and the extended right leg on Vitruvian Man and King of Terrors on page 10 line up with the circle. So it would appear that these two drawing inter relate as confirmation.

Next we decided to look at the Last Supper. On page 10 the King of Terrors we used the pointing of his hand and form and line meeting up with the hilt of the sword. So with the Da Vinci painting we took the extended hands to line up our centre line and noted it fitted rather uniquely. The left hand is the portrayal of Judas and the right hand figure relates to Matthew. It would appear that these two figures need researching. Found this reference: - Matthew 10:34b read I came not to send peace, but the sword from book of Kells. Now thought that wording was interesting as the King of Terror carries a Sword. So we need to look more into the concept of Judas and Matthew, we have noted that Judas is wearing blue clothing and through our research we concluded the colour blue related to Knowledge. And when reading aspects of Jesus and Judas we found that in Judas Gospel that they were described as best friends and that Jesus gave him his knowledge. Now Matthew is also wearing blue but he is turning away from Jesus in the painting.


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