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31/8/22, 21:48 Task 1 - Checking my Prior Knowledge - Evaluation Quiz: Revisión del intento

Página Principal / Cursos / INGLES B1+ - (900004A_1144) / Evaluation

/ Task 1 - Checking my Prior Knowledge - Evaluation Quiz

Comenzado el Wednesday, 31 de August de 2022, 21:28

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Wednesday, 31 de August de 2022, 21:48
Tiempo 20 minutos 48 segundos
Calificación 22,5 de 25,0 (90%)
Comentario - Congratulations! You have done an excellent work. Keep working hard!

Pregunta 1
Select the option that best completes the question: What is ________?

Puntúa 2,5 a. those

sobre 2,5
b. they
c. this
d. these 1/6
31/8/22, 21:48 Task 1 - Checking my Prior Knowledge - Evaluation Quiz: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 2
"Read the options and match the right one with the context below:
You can find this nice place in any city. Here you can walk and get
Finalizado some services, goods or food."
Puntúa 2,5
sobre 2,5 a. Supermarket.
b. Gallery.
c. Movies.
d. Park.

Pregunta 3 Where can you find this kind of advertisement, according to this notice?

Puntúa 2,5
sobre 2,5

a. At the gallery

b. At the amusement Park

c. Bus station 2/6
31/8/22, 21:48 Task 1 - Checking my Prior Knowledge - Evaluation Quiz: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 4
" Select the option that best completes the text:
Sara doesn’t like math but she is very ___________."

Puntúa 2,5 a. intelligence.

sobre 2,5
b. intelligently.
c. inteligent.
d. intelligent.

Pregunta 5
Choose the answer that describes the word: "Sad".

Puntúa 2,5 a. A nice person.

sobre 2,5
b. A relaxed person.
c. An unhappy person.
d. An alert person. 3/6
31/8/22, 21:48 Task 1 - Checking my Prior Knowledge - Evaluation Quiz: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 6
According to this notice, what can't you do?
Puntúa 0,0
sobre 2,5

a. Talk with your mask

b. Remove your mask

c. Breath with your mask 4/6
31/8/22, 21:48 Task 1 - Checking my Prior Knowledge - Evaluation Quiz: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 7
According to the reading: "The United States", fill in the blank with the most appropriate option:
The United States is a large country. It is the third-largest in the whole world! It is located in a continent called North America. Parts of the
Puntúa 2,5
United States touch three different oceans. The United States has tall mountains, wide plains, deserts, hills, rivers, lakes, volcanoes, and
sobre 2,5
even rainforests! People from all over the world have come to live in the United States. There are 50 states in the United States. The
newest states, Alaska and Hawaii, are not connected to the other states. Alaska is the largest state and Hawaii is a chain of islands in the
Pacific Ocean.

Alaska is _______________ and Hawaii is _________.

a. the largest state; a chain of islands.

b. not connected to the other states; the largest state.

c. connected to the other states; a chain of islands.

d. a chain of islands; the largest state.

Pregunta 8
Where would you probably find this sign: UNDER 18 YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO ENTER

Puntúa 2,5 a. At a disco.

sobre 2,5
b. At a school.
c. At the mall.
d. At the beach.

Pregunta 9
Choose one answer. You can find this sign _________________. YOU CAN PAY 2 HAMBURGERS AND GET TWO MORE FOR FREE

Puntúa 2,5 a. In a restaurant.

sobre 2,5
b. At the library.
c. At the office.
d. At the police station. 5/6
31/8/22, 21:48 Task 1 - Checking my Prior Knowledge - Evaluation Quiz: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 10
Select the option that best completes the text: I love to wear my brown leather ______. Really? I think it’s very old.

Puntúa 2,5 a. boots.

sobre 2,5
b. glasses.
c. jacket.
d. jeans.

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