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Broadly speaking, justice means the fulfillment of the legitimate expectation of the individual
under laws and to assure him the benefit promised therein. Justice tries to reconcile the
individual rights with the social good. The concept of justice is related to dealings amongst
human beings. It emphases on the concept of equality. It requires that no discrimination should
be made among the various members of the society To define justice it is very essential to refer
to the root idea of the word “Jus" meaning joining or fitting. Thus, justice carries the meaning of
cementing and joining up human beings together
2. Intellectual leadership can influence negotiated outcomes by appealing to the moral or
ideological attractiveness of a particular solution. Of course, we all know that the whole life of
Rizal is a monument to education. So that I consider Rizal one of the most highly educated
heroes in Philippine History. Rizal is number one in education, number one in eminence.
Agrarian problems in the Philippines during the late 19th century were apparently known to the
famous Filipino national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal. Such familiarity and interest on agrarian matters
have clearly reflected in his selected works and writings. These materials can help us understand
how Rizal had formed his views or opinion concerning the matter which he, undoubtedly,
regarded as a complicated socio-economic problem that could result to economic dislocation,
loss of trust to the justice system, revolt and violence.
3. 3A. I truly admire him for Rizal believed that education gives knowledge, knowledge gives
wisdom, and that great wisdom benefits everyone. Considering that education is a vehicle for a
country’s prosperity and success, he encouraged the Filipinos through the poem to acquire
education for them to be able to fulfill their dreams and to improve their motherland. His high
regards for education was manifested in his determination to seek the best education possible
even across the shores of his country. This poem made me realized the importance of a good
education and for Rizal to prove that he valued education so much that may give the power of
the country to survive from any forces in the struggles of societal freedom.

3B. Rizal shared his thought about the importance of education to enlighten the nation which
was useful to gain societal freedom for every nation. It may also provide us the necessary
knowledge, skills and attitude to expand the horizon of our thoughts. However, this would not
be enough to be properly educated. Rizal thought that there was really an intimate alliance
between religion and good education.

3C. Dr. Jose Rizal composed the poem “To the Filipino Youth’’ dedicating to the youth of
Philippines. He wanted the Filipino youth to use their capabilities, talents and skills to stand out
not only for their own praise and success but also for the praise and success of their own
motherland, the Philippines.

4. Education is an essential tool for bright future for all of us. We can achieve anything good in the
life using the tool of education. Higher level of education helps people in earning social and
family respect and unique recognition. Education time is a crucial part of life for everyone
personally and socially. It provides a person a unique standard in the life and feeling of
wellbeing. Education provides ability to solve any big social and family and even national and
international level problems. The one of us can unseen the importance of education in the life in
every aspect. It turns the minds towards positivity in the life and removes all the mental
problems and negativity

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