10.BSBLDR602 Assessment 3 Learner

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Learner Instructions 3

(Build and support teams)

Submission details

Students Name

Student ID


Assessor’s Name

Assessment Date/s

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this
arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective

You will demonstrate knowledge and skills required to build and support teams.

Assessment description

Using the workplace scenario information provided, and following on from work completed in
Assessment Task 2, you will lead and support a team of managers to implement a change


1. Review the simulated business documentation, including policies and procedures, in

Appendix 1: Max Lionel Realty. Review templates contained in Appendix 2: Assessment
Templates for possible use or adaptation in completing assessment task requirements.
2. Review completed work from Assessment Task 2.
3. Review the scenario information below.
4. Develop agenda for workshop and arrange time to meet with managers to workshop
implementation of agent training. Arrange for the assessor to observe workshop.
5. Lead team workshop with managers. Ensure you:
a. set and complete objectives for workshop; determine how to ensure effective training
of agents
b. assign roles for each manager
c. model ethical behaviour and encourage ethical behaviour in team
d. use an appropriate leadership style to achieve objectives
e. discuss organisational requirements such as legislation
f. provide support for team as team generates ideas for how to produce effective
g. model innovative methods to generate ideas for training agents and achieving training
objectives; for example, brainstorming, fishbone diagrams, 8Ps, flowcharting
h. discuss, suggest, demonstrate and encourage innovative approaches
i. provide constructive criticism, advice
j. discuss leadership styles to be employed by managers in training
k. discuss budget for training
l. take notes from workshop to evidence participation.
6. Submit documentation as per specifications below.


You must:
● meet with managers to workshop training of agents

● submit:

○ agenda
○ team roles and responsibilities document
○ team budget
○ workshop notes.

Your assessor will be looking for:

● how you communicate and inspire trust and confidence of others to ensure their
cooperation and support
● how you network to ensure support from key groups and individuals for
● how you encourage others to adopt ethics and build commitment

● how you demonstrate ethical conduct and professional competence

● how you demonstrate leadership through consultation and collaboration with stakeholders

Candidate: I declare that this work has been completed by me

honestly and with integrity and that I have been assessed in a
Signature: ___________________
fair and flexible manner. I understand that the Institute’s
Student Assessment, Reassessment and Repeating Units of
Competency Guidelines apply to these assessment tasks. Date: ____/_____/_____
Develop a workshop agenda using the training objectives set for the agents.


Team building and empowering people in Max Leonel Reality is the main agenda for the action
plan in order to upkeep and uphold the business code of conduct. Delegation and consensus
decision making is key in the team building process so that all stakeholders can play their role in
making the plan a success. Use of technology, encouraging innovation, creating a positive work
environment and managing conflict resolution can go a long way in implementing the plan.

Under the WHS legislation the company must adhere to having a primary duty of care to ensure
workers and others aren’t exposed to a risk to their health and safety.

Employers should under the policy ensure health, safety and welfare of their employees at work
by eliminating risk and upholding safety as far as is reasonably practicable.

Employees and contractors of Max Lionel Reality, under the WHS legislation owe one another a
duty of due care at work for their own health and safety and that of others. When the legislation is
not observed, legal action should be taken as an offence under the Act.
Team roles and responsibility

Employees are expected to act and perform work in a courteous and professional
manner while dealing with clients for the company. Safe work practices and required safe
job procedures should be upheld. Any WHS incident should be reported to supervisors, any
condition or practice of employees, contractors or visitors you think might cause injury to
employees, or damage property or equipment. Any personal injury or damage regardless of
how minor including near-misses should be reported to the supervisors immediately. Max
Lionel Reality personnel should practice and promote good housekeeping. Put everything
used in its rightful place and make the facility a friendly workplace.

Roles and responsibilities

Roles and responsibilities

Role Name/s Responsibilities Signature/

s (if

Project Riz Mehra providing the fund and has the Riz Mehra

sponsor/projec ultimate authority over the project

ct board.

Manager of Max Lionel organize the strategy plan for new Max Lionel

the project product and increase high success

manager Manager of the project manager The
operational/line manager who the
project manager reports to on a day-
to-day basis.

Project manager Rattana K organize the strategy plan for new Rattana K

product and increase high success

Project manager Person responsible
for running the project on a day-to-
day basis within defined authorities
for cost and schedule as agreed with
the project sponsor/board

Project Jenny,Andy, Provide to work as teams in this Jenny,Andy,Bob

team Bo project as the project manager give. y, Rattana
members by,Rattana Need meeting and discuss the detail
when the project running. Project
team members Staff who will be
working on the project

Steering Riz Mehra, Responsibilities all problem and Riz Mehra,

committee/ Kim solution from company and staff. Kim Sweeney,

working Sweeney, Les Recognize all project make sure that Les Goodale,
party Goodale, Sam will be success in future. Steering Sam Lee, Pat

Lee, Pat committee/ working party To Misfud, Peter

Misfud, Peter provide advice and Michell, Leng

Michell, Leng recommendations. Erwan Tjan

Erwan Tjan

Project Name:
Income Incl. GST Excl. GST
Training budget

Total income 2,800 2,520

Expense Incl. GST Excl. GST
Managers 600 540
Training rooms 800 720
Paper 100 90
Projector 100 90
Subtotal 1,600 1,400
Contingency (+10%)
TOTAL 1,600 1,120

Signature: Angelo Date: _10 / 08 /_2020

Part 4: Develop a workshop notes (Summary of the activities on the training / workshop,
what has been achieved and what needs to be done / any improvements to be done).

Name of project: Implementation of administration system Date and location of meeting:

18/07/2022 and Perth convention Centre Names of attendees:, CEO Max Lionel Realty Staffs

Summary of the activities on the training

Review of the project is to grow the customer base and have good relation with customers
which is good for the company’s reputation and growth. The project manager has the overall
authority and responsibility for managing and executing this project team will consist of
personnel from the coding group, quality control. The project manager is responsible for
communicating with organizational managers on the progress and performance of each
project resource.

Review by team of goals, objectives / deliverables and schedule as outlined in project plan
Goals of the project have been achieved by everyone. It had been told again and again. So
everyone knew the goals from the beginning. Deliverables have been achieved just on time.
Work has been very organized. Employees could have come to work on time instead of being
late by fifteen minutes and half an hour.

What has been achieved?

● Stakeholder management has been handled well by the Public relations officer. Without
his help, it would not have been able to keep good relation with all the stakeholders.

● Planning had been done in advanced and everything has gone according to plan.

What needs to be done?

● Employees could have come to work on time instead of being late by fifteen minutes
and half an hour.

● Communication has been poor among team members. Team members always got
message slate. Some team members always argued that they had not been told to do the
task properly by the manager. There have been arguments with the manager.

● We had been struggling with resources. At times, we could not pay our employees for
all the hard work they have done.
BSBLDR602 Provide leadership across the organisation

Any improvements to be done

Employees could have come to work on time instead of being late by fifteen
minutes and half an hour. Planning had been done in advanced and everything
has gone according to plan Communication has been poor among team members.
Team members always got messages late. Some team members always argued
that they had not been told to do the task properly by the manager. There have
been arguments with the manager. Risk management has been spot on. We had a
backup plan in case there was a risk. There had been a lot of risks and we did
cover up all the risks. Stakeholder management has been handled well by the
Public relations officer. Without his help, it would not have been able to keep
good relation with all the stakeholders. We had been struggling with resources.
At times, we could not pay our employees for all the hard work they have done.

Always finish work on time. Managers should be strict with staff about being
late to work. Initiative needs to be taken and work should not be left at the last

Hire staff who are more reliable, who are on time at work and hire staff that
would not take a lot

BSBLDR602 Learner Instructions 3

Version: 1.1
Implemented: 2nd July 2021
To be reviewed: 2nd July 2023
Responsibility: Operations Manager
RTO Code: 0249, CRICOS Provider Code: 03282E
© MVJ Enterprises Pty Ltd t/a Perth College of Beauty Therapy, YES College Page 9 of 9

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