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Why habay II?
Habay II still has underdeveloped areas and unlike near barangays full of subdivisions it has
congested and dense residential inside. SM bacoor is also located in Habay II which is a major
contributor of traffic in the area, determining the main problem and coming up with alternative
solutions to the traffic and flooding in the area can be a great help to the people of Habay II and
also of bacoor cavite since Aguinaldo Highway is a major road that people use daily especially
the commuters to go to manila and also for going to cavite and batangas. As the population
grows and the volume of vehicle passing thru rises traffic congestion will only worsen. Flooding
can also increase as pollution comes with the rise of population also as a result of global
warming sea level rises and Habay 2 will be more flood risk so in preparation finding solutions for
these main problems of the site must be addressed for the well being of the residents in the site.
Some accounts indicate that the city of Bacoor, also named Bakood or Bakoor was founded
as a pueblo or town in 1671. When Spanish troops first arrived in Bacoor they met some
local inhabitants in the process of building a bamboo fence (bakod in Filipino) around a
house. The Spaniards asked the men the name of the village but because of the difficulties
in understanding each other, the local inhabitants thought the Spaniards were asking what
they were building. The men answered "bakood". The Spaniards pronounced it as "bacoor"
which soon became the town's name.
In Spanish conquistador Miguel de Loarca's book Relacion de Las Islas Filipinas, published
in 1582, Bacoor is mentioned as Vacol, which may have been derived from "bakod" or
bamboo fence in Tagalog:
"On the coast near Manila are Laguo, Malahat, Longalo, Palañac, Vakol, Minacaya, and
Cavite. All these villages are in the neighborhood of Cavite and belong to his Majesty,
to whom they pay tribute."


Habay II is a barangay in the city of Bacoor, in the province of Cavite. Its

population as determined by the 2020 Census was 11,888. This represented
1.79% of the total population of Bacoor.

Estimated elevation above 6.4 meters

sea level (21.0 feet)


The household population of Habay II in the 2015 Census was 11,276 broken down into
2,681 households or an average of 4.21 members per household.

Population by age group

According to the 2015 Census, the age group with the highest population in Habay II is 20 to
24, with 1,168 individuals. Conversely, the age group with the lowest population is 80 and
over, with 45 individuals.

Combining age groups together, those aged 14 and below, consisting of the young
dependent population which include infants/babies, children and young
adolescents/teenagers, make up an aggregate of 29.80% (3,360). Those aged 15 up to 64,
roughly, the economically active population and actual or potential members of the work
force, constitute a total of 66.86% (7,539). Finally, old dependent population consisting of the
senior citizens, those aged 65 and over, total 3.34% (377) in all.

The computed Age Dependency Ratios mean that among the population of Habay II, there
are 45 youth dependents to every 100 of the working age population; there are 5
aged/senior citizens to every 100 of the working population; and overall, there are 50
dependents (young and old-age) to every 100 of the working population.
The median age of 25 indicates that half of the entire population of Habay II are aged less
than 25 and the other half are over the age of 25.

Historical population
The population of Habay II grew from 5,920 in 1995 to 11,888 in 2020, an increase of 5,968
people over the course of 25 years. The latest census figures in 2020 denote a positive
growth rate of 1.12%, or an increase of 612 people, from the previous population of 11,276
in 2015.

- Rise in population also comes with an increase of pollution in the area as the
population of Habay II Bacoor cavite continues to rise and the commercial
areas of the barangay become more dense with people, waste or garbage
production in the area will increase and can cause harm or hazard to the
area. Brgy. Habay II lacks mrf and the nearest mrf is found on Digman bacoor
cavite. A proper waste management must be developed in the area especially
bacoor river runs through the barangay and waste and garbage must be
disposed properly for future hazards can be prevented.

● Main Issues and Problems

Aguinaldo Highway - The Emilio Aguinaldo Highway,(often shortened as
Aguinaldo Highway), alternatively known as Cavite–Batangas Road and Cavite-
Manila South Road, is a four-to-six lane, 41.4-kilometer (25.7 mi), network of primary
and secondary highways passing through the busiest towns and cities of Cavite,
Philippines. It is the busiest and most congested of the three major highways located in
the province, the others are Governor's Drive and Antero Soriano Highway.
Tirona highway - The Tirona Highway is a two-to-four lane, primary highway in
Cavite, Philippines.The road was named for Filipino revolutionary leader Daniel
Tirona. The road is a component of the National Route 62 (N62) of the Philippine
highway network.

- Habay II, Bacoor Cavite is adjacent to Aguinaldo Highway and

Tirona Highway which serves as main roads for private and public
vehicles passing through bacoor cavite. A very high volume of
vehicle is expected between Metro Manila and coastal towns of
Cavite daily especially during peak or rush hours causing traffic
jams in Aguinaldo Highway.
- Commercial establishments in Habay II also adds more traffic to
the site, Public vehicle drop offs and pick offs, human
interferences on roads, overcrowding and high volume of vehicles
going to commercial places in the area contributes more to the
traffic congestion.
- The worst point of traffic congestion is at the intersection of
Aguinaldo Highway, tirona highway and Andrea Avenue of
Panapaan V


Habay II

11,888 Population [2020] – Census

0.6018 km² Area
19,753/km² Population Density [2020]
1.1% Annual Population Change [2015 → 2020]

There is a lot of talk about at which level should the population of any given country be.
However, it has been established that the ideal population density is between 50-100 people
per square km. Perhaps over that until 150 is bearable but not very desirable.

- In terms of population, Habay II accommodates 1.79% of the

population in Bacoor

- Due to Zapote River and Prinza Dam, Habay II is one of the
Barangays that are suffering from flooding especially during
heavy rainfall
- Canal systems are often blocked by garbage such as plastics and
non-biodegradable materials which is caused by people littering
on streets and lack of proper maintenance.


- Road widening is implemented all throughout the country
especially main roads like aguinaldo highway but the road
developed is often used as parking slot and do not serve its true
purpose due to electric posts blocking the roads.
- The habay II mainly have commercial spaces in front of the
highway and the residential spaces found inside narrow roads
with poor cable management which is a hazard to the people.

- Aguinaldo highway and Tirona highway are the only wide roads
found in habay II
- Parking in the residential areas inside the barangay is mostly the
street itself
- Narrow and Undeveloped



- Bacoor District Hospital is a Level 1 hospital that can only
accommodate 10 beds, Government classification, and has no
Service Capability

- Waste Management

Form of landscape
Community development, Urbanization and Migration

● Effective Solutions/ Strategies

- Green Horizon Environmental Management Inc. - HAZARDOUS


● Additional Research

● Land Use
● Mall
● Hospital/ Clinics
● Fast Food/ Restaurants
● Professional Offices
● Other Commercial Establishments
● Recreation/ Sport
● Public Car Park
● Activities
● Day Time Activities
● Day and Night Time Activities
● No Activities
● Major Attractions
● Street Network
● Primary Road
● Secondary Road
● Tertiary Road
● Traffic Movement
● High Activity
● Medium Activity
● Low Activity
● Pedestrian Network
● Primary Access
● Secondary Access
● Figure and Ground
● Open Space and Vegetation
● Historical Sites and Buildings

● People Place and Behavior
● Public Realm
● Neighbourhoods
● Safety and Security
● The COntrol of Public Space
● Equitable Environment

1. Synopsis/Executive Summary
• Outline the purpose of the case study.
• Describe the field of research.
• Outline the issues and findings of the case study without the specific details.
• Identify the theory that will be used.
• Note any assumptions made (you may not have all the information you'd like
so some assumptions may be necessary e.g.: "It has been assumed that…",
"Assuming that it takes half an hour to read one document…").

2. Findings
• Identify the problems found in the case by:
- analysing the problem, supporting your findings with facts given in the
case, the relevant theory and course concepts.
- searching for the underlying problems
• This section is often divided into sub-sections.

3. Discussion
• Summarise the major problem/s.
• Identify alternative solutions to these major problem/s.
• Briefly outline each alternative solution and evaluate its advantages and
• There is no need to refer to theory or coursework here

4. Conclusion
• Sum up the main points from the findings and discussion.

5. Recommendations
- Having proper streetscape rather than road widening can solve the
traffic problem, reduce pollution and enhance the flood control of the
area. Road widening only results in development of roads which are
inaccessible to the public and more often become a parking lot or cause
accidents due to the trees or electric posts which are not relocated
properly. Developing proper streetscape in Barangay habay 2 can
promote walking and using bicycles as a mode of transportation
resulting in lesser carbon production and vehicular volume in the area.
- This pandemic showed the convenience and importance of using bikes
as a mode of transportation and also as a form of exercise. During the
lockdown public transportation was limited and a lot of people used
bicycles to go to work and even exercise. Developing the streetscape
and adding bicycle lane instead of road widening and developing
inaccessible roads will lessen the traffic congestion and also avoid road
accidents by having proper lanes for each mode of transportation.
- Adding permeable pavements and water filtering plant strips can
prevent garbage and plastics from blocking the canal system in the
area. Plant strips can provide green shades, aesthetics and filter
pollution coming from cars to the pedestrian areas.
- Developing the streetscape of this barangay can influence nearby or
adjacent barangay to follow and develop their own and this micro
development can turn into a macro change benefitting the people of
- In addition to a growth in population, as the population of Habay II
Bacoor cavite continues to grow and the commercial districts of the
barangay become more densely populated, trash or rubbish production
in the area will increase, posing a threat or hazard. Brgy. The nearest
mrf is located on Digman bacoor cavite, which is missing from Habay II.
In the area, especially where the Bacoor River passes through the
barangay, adequate waste and rubbish management must be
implemented so that future problems can be avoided.
• Choose which of the alternative solutions should be adopted.
• Briefly justify your choice explaining how it will solve the major problem/s.
• This should be written in a forceful style as this section is intended to be
• Here integration of theory and coursework is appropriate.

6. Implementation
- Barangay can start the development in micro scale projects such as
providing trash receptacles, light posts and street signs throughout the
barangay. The development of the streetscape must be requested or be
presented by the barangay officials to the local government of bacoor
for funding and legal processes.
- Bicycle and pedestrian lane must be strictly imposed for the safety of
the people, avoid road accidents and traffic congestion in the area of
Habay 2.
- The average construction cost in the Philippines for 2022 is roughly
13,000 pesos per sq.m.. Streetscapes development of the site can take
up to 1 to 2 years as 2 to 3 miles of highway takes up to 2 to 3 years of
• Explain what should be done, by whom and by when.
• If appropriate include a rough estimate of costs (both financial and time).

7. References
- Sustainable streetscape as an effective tool in sustainable urban design
- ScienceDirect
- Habay II - Google Maps
- Bacoor Flood Map.pdf (
- Habay II, Bacoor, Cavite Profile – PhilAtlas

8. Appendices (if any)

• Attach any original data that relates to the study but which would have
interrupted the flow of the main body.

I. Synopsis / Executive Summary

Some accounts indicate that the city of Bacoor, also named Bakood or Bakoor was founded as a pueblo
or town in 1671. When Spanish troops first arrived in Bacoor they met some local inhabitants in the
process of building a bamboo fence (bakod in Filipino) around a house. The Spaniards asked the men the
name of the village but because of the difficulties in understanding each other, the local inhabitants
thought the Spaniards were asking what they were building. The men answered "bakood". The Spaniards
pronounced it as "bacoor" which soon became the town's name.
In Spanish conquistador Miguel de Loarca's book Relacion de Las Islas Filipinas, published in 1582,
Bacoor is mentioned as Vacol, which may have been derived from "bakod" or bamboo fence in Tagalog:
"On the coast near Manila are Laguo, Malahat, Longalo, Palañac, Vakol, Minacaya, and
Cavite. All these villages are in the neighborhood of Cavite and belong to his Majesty, to
whom they pay tribute."
Habay II still has underdeveloped areas and unlike near barangays full of subdivisions it has congested
and dense residential inside. SM bacoor is also located in Habay II which is a major contributor of
traffic in the area, determining the main problem and coming up with alternative solutions to the traffic
and flooding in the area can be a great help to the people of Habay II and also of Bacoor Cavite since
Aguinaldo Highway is a major road that people use daily especially the commuters to go to manila and
also for going to Cavite and Batangas. As the population grows and the volume of vehicle passing thru
rises traffic congestion will only worsen. Flooding can also increase as pollution comes with the rise of
population also as a result of global warming sea level rises and Habay 2 will be more flood risk so in
preparation finding solutions for these main problems of the site must be addressed for the well being
of the residents in the site.

II. Findings
A. Traffic Congestion
Aguinaldo Highway and Tirona Highway, which serve as key roadways for private and public
vehicles travelling through Bacoor Cavite, are near to Habay II, Bacoor Cavite. Every day, a
large number of vehicles are scheduled to travel between Metro Manila and the coastal towns
of Cavite, producing traffic bottlenecks on the Aguinaldo Highway. Traffic congestion is
worsened by commercial businesses. The worst traffic congestion is at the intersection of
Aguinaldo Highway, Tirona Highway, and Andrea Avenue of Panapaan V lishments in Habay II
also contribute to the site's traffic congestion. Public vehicle drop-offs and pick-ups, human
interference on roads, overcrowding, and a high volume of vehicles going to commercial places
in the area all contribute to the site's traffic congestion.
1. Aguinaldo Highway

The Emilio Aguinaldo Highway (also known as Cavite–Batangas Road or Cavite–Manila

South Road) is a four-to-six lane, 41.4-kilometer (25.7 mi) network of major and
secondary roadways that runs through the busiest towns and cities in Cavite,
Philippines. Governor's Drive and Antero Soriano Highway are the other two important
routes in the province, and it is the busiest and most congested of the three.

2. Tirona Highway

The Tirona Highway is a two-to-four lane, primary highway in Cavite, Philippines.The

road was named for Filipino revolutionary leader Daniel Tirona. The road is a
component of the National Route 62 (N62) of the Philippine highway network.

B. Flooding

Flooding has been prominent in this area since part of the Bacoor River is within Habay II and
during heavy rainfall Habay II is expected to be flooded by the Zapote River and Prinza Dam.
Canal systems are often blocked by garbage such as plastics and non-biodegradable materials
which is caused by people littering on streets and lack of proper maintenance.

1. Prinza Dam

The Prinza Dam is a Spanish Era made Dam located in the heart of the town of General
Trias. It was said to be built within the 18th to 19th Century which stops the water
from the Upland Parts of Southern Tagalog and especially the Laguna de Bay Area.
Prinza Dam, when overflowed, causes floods in some areas in Bacoor City, including
parts of Barangays Talaba IV, Mambog V, Zapote I, Habay II, and Bayanan.

2. Zapote River
The Zapote River, also known as the Alabang–Zapote River, is a river in the Philippines
that runs between the cities of Metro Manila's Las Pinas and Muntinlupa, Cavite's
Bacoor and Dasmarinas, and Laguna's San Pedro. When the Zapote River overflows, it
floods sections of Bacoor City, including Barangays Talaba IV, Mambog V, Zapote I,
Habay II, and Bayanan.

3. Bacoor River

C. Cable Lines and Electric Posts

Road widening is implemented all throughout the country especially main roads like Aguinaldo
highway but the road developed is often used as a parking slot and does not serve its true
purpose due to electric posts blocking the roads. The Habay II mainly have commercial spaces
in front of the highway and the residential spaces found inside narrow roads with poor cable
management which is a hazard to the people.

D. Narrow Roads

Aguinaldo highway and Tirona highway are the only wide roads found in Habay II. Parking in the
residential areas inside the barangay is mostly the street itself

III. Discussion
A. Streets

In summarizing the issues raised in the research, the key issue that we investigated was traffic
congestion, cable lines, and electric poles that obstruct the flow of traffic, and small roads
within residential areas that produce traffic congestion. One of the most essential methods for
sustainable urban design is streetscape sustainability. Because most streets in Bacoor lack a
suitable streetscape, users' behavior and aesthetic components of the built environment suffer,
resulting in the visual image of most of the barangay deteriorating.
Sustainable streetscape as an effective tool in sustainable urban design

One of the most essential methods for sustainable urban design is streetscape sustainability. Because
most streets in Bacoor lack a suitable streetscape, users' behavior and aesthetic components of the
built environment suffer, resulting in the visual image of most of the barangay deteriorating.

Definition of sustainable streetscape

"The term "streetscape" refers to the natural and built fabric of a street, as well as the design quality
and visual effect of the street, particularly how the paved surface is set out and treated. Buildings, the
roadway pavement, and the fixtures and fittings that make it easier to use – from bus shelters and
signage to landscaping – are all included." "The success of a visual experience can be aided by the
harmonization of streetscape features." "Using technologies that regulate stormwater runoff and reduce
carbon footprint, a sustainable streetscape guarantees that spaces are long-lasting and operate as a
part of the larger ecosystem." It also aided in the creation of better locations for current and future
occupants." So the sustainable design of the streetscape is one of the decisive aspects in the success
of the city.

Elements of sustainable streetscape

Elements of sustainable streetscape are main components of streets’ urban design, and are
summarized as follows:


Pavement is an integral component of every cityscape. "By offering well-planned and coordinated tree
planting, lighting, and street furnishings, sidewalks should be intended to provide safe, attractive,
engaging, and comfortable environments for pedestrians." Reflectivity, green manufacturing, local
sourcing, and permeability should all be considered when selecting paving materials for a sustainable
Street corners,120.9477198,3a,75y,269.42h,86.48t/data=!

"Through the placement of benches and site furnishings, street corners give enhanced pedestrian
space and opportunities for social contact, as well as a secure sanctuary while waiting to cross the
street." They also allow people to cross at shorter distances."


"Lighting is an important part of the streetscape because it helps to create safe and visually appealing
public spaces." Aside from the fact that all pedestrian areas should be lit at night, lighting should be
employed to confirm landscaping, ornamentation, and prominent structures." To avoid pollution of the
night sky, all lighting fixtures should be energy efficient and emit little light.

Trash receptacles,120.9486456,3a,75y,141.31h,93.24t/data=!

Recycling bins are one of the most commonly used streetscape elements, and they should be
conveniently situated near benches, bus stops, and other activity nodes for pedestrian traffic. One trash
container should be positioned at each corner at the very least." To achieve sustainability in the
streetscape, materials used in garbage receptacles should be sustainable or recycled.

"By providing a visual guide and orientation tool for both pedestrians and drivers, signage plays a
crucial part in creating a comfortable urban environment." "The signage should be simple, ageless, and
adaptable." Solar signs should be employed in the streetscape since they have a long lifespan and
efficiently transmit information."

Bus shelter,120.9486456,3a,75y,141.31h,93.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!

To protect passengers from the elements, bus shelters are constructed at some bus stops. Bus stop
signs should be placed at all bus stops, as well as benches and garbage cans." Adding a green roof to
each bus shelter to have a stronger impact on environmental quality, and making it with recyclable
materials, is encouraged by the sustainable strategy of streetscape."


Adding medians to a cityscape is an excellent way to make it more pedestrian-friendly. "For both
automobiles and pedestrians, landscaped medians can radically alter the visual character of a street."
To separate opposing traffic, give space for planting, and provide a sanctuary for pedestrians crossing
the road, medians fulfill three basic roles.

To prevent motor traffic from riding up onto a sidewalk, curbs are described as an edge of the sidewalk
where it meets the street and act as a barrier." The sidewalk is connected to the street via curb ramps,
which are used by individuals in wheelchairs, people pushing strollers, children on bikes, and delivery
services to get from the sidewalk to the street.

Bicycle facilities,120.9486456,3a,75y,141.31h,93.24t/data=!
"Identifying demands and accommodating bicycles, as well as other vehicles in the traffic mix, should
be part of designing sustainable streets." Streets should be designed and constructed in a way that
allows for and encourages the use of bicycles. Bicyclists have two basic needs: safety while cycling
through traffic and convenient, safe, and secure parking." The following are some examples of bicycle

Between the sidewalks and the parking lane, there are bike lanes that can create a streetscape. A bike
lane's influence on a community could be to minimize automobile congestion and pollution."

Cycling racks are key features that will stimulate bicycle use and promote alternative ways of
transportation. Bike racks should be placed in handy positions along streets, such as near entrances to

The pedestrian network is incomplete without crosswalks. "Enhanced crosswalk paving can increase
pedestrian awareness among vehicles." "Special paving at crosswalks should be added to the
streetscape to signify safe pedestrian circulation."

Fig. 4 shows cross section representing the elements of streetscape.

Principles of sustainable streetscape

Many requirements and design considerations must be taken into account in sustainable urban design
for streets. There are four main principles of sustainable streetscape.

Urban principles

It includes many elements as the following:


"Legibility is a property of a city that allows residents and tourists to readily understand it and travel
around the city." Therefore, significant streets and squares must appear important - they must be
bordered by grand buildings and lined by towering trees, with broad roadways and walkways, distinctive
street furniture, and abundant nighttime illumination."

Comfort and safety

Every streetscape must be practical. " This necessitates it being sensitive to the needs of all users, both
motorized and non-motorized, at the same time. It must be planned and outfitted for the convenience
and safety of all users: pedestrians, drivers, strollers, patrons of street cafés, shoppers, sightseers and
so on."


To improve a city's visual image and promote sustainability, "all streetscape elements should be
esthetically pleasant." This will not be achieved without applying the proper design rates at the level of
urban design.

Social principles

To achieve sustainable urban design of the streetscape, the principle of liveliness should be taken into

"Streets must be more than just transportation and infrastructural corridors." They must be planned as
lively locations where people can see and be seen, where they may meet and communicate, depending
on their position in a larger urban setting. The city's image and visitor attraction are heavily influenced
by its street life."

Supports healthy urban communities

Healthy urban communities could be reached by providing comfortable separation of pedestrians from
vehicular, trash receptacles, benches, and pedestrian lighting.

Economic principles

In order to achieve sustainability in streetscape at the economical level the following points should be

Sustainable materials

"Sustainable materials are produced with toxicity, source sustainability, and the amount of energy
required for production in mind. Using environmentally friendly products saves energy and natural
resources. Renewable resources are used to make sustainable materials."

Reduce consumption of material resources

"Design solutions that reduce material resource use fall under this category." Recycling resources in
construction, fewer infrastructures in the solution, or increased endurance are all design alternatives."

Environmental principles

Streetscape must meet environmental efficiency to achieve sustainable streets, as follows:

Reduce impacts on environmental resources

To achieve this, the Pedestrian Environment must be improved, and streetscape design must
encourage people to walk rather than drive, resulting in lower greenhouse gas emissions. "By shielding
sunlight from hard surfaces, planting trees minimizes the urban heat island effect. Urban heat islands
can also be reduced by reflective paving and roofing materials. Of conventional pavement materials,
concrete is slightly more reflective than asphalt”.

Improve water quality

“This sustainable strategy considers minimizing the quantity of storm water runoff that enters into storm
drains unchecked, washing pollutants into the water system. “Rain garden” planters must absorb storm
water and filter it with plant material before it is then drained into the storm drain system”.

Reduce energy consumption

“This category covers alternatives and project solutions that reduce energy consumption, such as
solutions that promote non-motorized travel, solutions that assist energy efficient transportation of
people and products, and solutions that employ resources with lower operations and maintenance
requirements”. It can be attained through energy efficiency, as "the installation of energy efficient
lighting is a direct means of enhancing energy efficiency within the scope of the Streetscape."

Reducing light pollution

"Over-illumination of metropolitan areas creates a'sky glow' that harms wildlife and causes glare, which
jeopardizes motorists' and pedestrians' safety." Furthermore, light that is projected excessively upward
or forth is lost energy. Full cut-off light fixtures will ensure that light is directed downward, where it is
most needed to lighting sidewalks, without producing extra light”.


Sustainable streetscape of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA

Sustainable materials: “Portland represented opportunities to use recycled materials along sidewalks.
The materials installed within these sidewalks bring a new visual language to the streetscape without
interrupting the continuity of the standard streetscape design. The current standard tree grate is
manufactured from recycled scrap metal and is made from durable cast iron. These tree grates had a
lasting presence within the streetscape without need for continual replacement or maintenance. In
addition, the trash receptacles are refurbished and reused, as are the bench frames”.

Fig. 5. Recycled paving materials, the pavers above are made from recycled glass, tree grates
contain recycled materials, and Chapel Hill standard receptacle.

Biodiversity: “Plantings had a consistent visual character, included large canopy trees, while
being particularly well adapted to the harsh conditions of urban environment

Fig. 6. Planting trees, in sustainable streetscape of Chapel Hill.

The urban heat island effect, which refers to the rise in temperature in urban areas as a result of solar
heat absorbed by huge sections of pavement, was mitigated by planting urban-tolerant canopy trees.
By providing adequate shade in the spring and summer, canopy trees served to keep the walkways
cool and avoid the harmful influence of the street on climatic conditions”.
Surface water: “The long-term approach to streetscape design was to consider the implementation of
storm water runoff filtration. These “rain gardens” could improve the aesthetics of the sidewalk by
including lush plantings with varying colors and textures. An ideal placement for these rain gardens was
along sidewalks, where they could capture runoff from roads and sidewalks”.

Reducing light pollution: “Many urban areas in the U.S. have taken on ‘dark sky’ initiatives that seek to
reduce light pollution through a number of means. The most common is to install full cut-off light
fixtures, which prevent light from being cast upward and outward. These types of fixtures also have the
benefit of reducing glare that can pose hazards to motorists, pedestrians and cyclists”
Sustainable streetscape of Chicago, USA

the city's first sustainable streetscape is being built by the Chicago Department of Transportation" In its
design and construction, the project employs a number of environmentally friendly practices. It includes
features that are long-term, such as:

– Stormwater management: Incorporate stormwater best management strategies into 80 percent of the
usual average annual rainfall and at least 2/3 of rainwater falling within the catchment region.

–Water efficiency: For all landscape materials, avoid using potable water for irrigation and instead
choose native or climate-adapted, drought-tolerant plants.

–Energy efficiency: Make a conscious effort to save energy. 40 percent below a typical streetscape
baseline employ reflective materials on roads/sidewalks, use dark sky-friendly lighting. Within 500
miles of the project site, at least 40% of total materials will be extracted, harvested, recovered, and/or

–Recycling: Recycle at least 90 percent of construction waste based on LEED NC requirements,

Post/Pre-Consumer recycled content must be min. 10 percent of total materials’ worth.

–Urban heat island: High albedo pavements, landscaping, photocatalytic cement, sidewalk concrete
with slag, micro-thin concrete overlay, and permeable pavements can all help to reduce ambient
summer temperatures on streets and sidewalks."
As case studies show, cities that successfully revitalize the streetscape find that particular attention to
sustainable streetscape is necessary to create sustainable cities to live, work, and entertain. All these
cases applied many ways for achieving sustainability in streetscape, as:

•Stormwater management

•Use of sustainable materials

•Lighting & dark skies

•Landscaping & urban heat island

From above, these modifications will contribute to meet sustainable Streetscape as follows (Table 1).
One of the methods to develop sustainable cities is through sustainable streetscape design. So, in
order to create a sustainable streetscape, stormwater management, the use of sustainable materials,
lighting & dark skies, and landscaping should all be considered. Brgy. Habay 2 Bacoor Cavite is a direct
route or access road of cavite and manila, overcrowding, traffic congestion and flooding were main
problems that the barangay faces. Proper streetscape design can solve the problems of the brgy. And
also encourages walking and cycling as a mode of transportation throughout the site. Solving the traffic
problem, flooding and overcrowding in the area will be helpful to the people especially those who use
the Aguinaldo highway on the way to their work or schools. Promoting walking and cycling can lessen
the volume of vehicles on site as well as the amount of carbon produced can make a positive impact in
the barangay. This proposed solution can inspire the nearby barangays facing the same problem as
Brgy. habay 2 and this micro solution may produce a macro effect and solve this main problem not only
Brgy. habay 2 faces but also the whole city of bacoor.

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