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Tuning magnetofluidic spreading in microchannels

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2015 J. Micromech. Microeng. 25 124001


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Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering

J. Micromech. Microeng. 25 (2015) 124001 (11pp) doi:10.1088/0960-1317/25/12/124001

Tuning magnetofluidic spreading in

Zhaomeng Wang1, V B Varma1, Z P Wang2 and R V Ramanujan1
  School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue,
Singapore 639798, Singapore
  Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, 71 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 638075, Singapore


Received 14 June 2015, revised 25 August 2015

Accepted for publication 28 August 2015
Published 19 October 2015

Magnetofluidic spreading (MFS) is a phenomenon in which a uniform magnetic field is used
to induce spreading of a ferrofluid core cladded by diamagnetic fluidic streams in a three-
stream channel. Applications of MFS include micromixing, cell sorting and novel microfluidic
lab-on-a-chip design. However, the relative importance of the parameters which govern
MFS is still unclear, leading to non-optimal control of MFS. Hence, in this work, the effect
of various key parameters on MFS was experimentally and numerically studied. Our multi-
physics model, which combines magnetic and fluidic analysis, showed excellent agreement
between theory and experiment. It was found that spreading was mainly due to cross-sectional
convection induced by magnetic forces, and can be enhanced by tuning various parameters.
Smaller flow rate ratio, higher magnetic field, higher core stream or lower cladding stream
dynamic viscosity, and larger magnetic particle size can increase MFS. These results can be
used to tune magnetofluidic spreading in microchannels.

Keywords: microfluidics, magnetofluidic spreading, ferrofluid, micromixer, mathematical

S Online supplementary data available from

(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

1. Introduction cell sorting [16, 17], cell analysis [18, 19], immobilization of
enzymes [19, 20], MRI [21] and magnetic fluid hyperthermia
Microfluidics, emerging as a field for the manipulation of [22, 23].
fluids in channels with width size of the order of microns [1], Ferrofluids are magnetic fluids containing super-para-
has gained importance due to its versatile novel applications. magnetic nanoparticles dispersed in a carrier fluid, e.g. oil or
Combining microfluidics with a magnetic fluid gave rise to the water. Ferrofluids can be manipulated by an external magnetic
field of micro-magnetofluidics (MMF) [2]. The behavior of field [24]. Ferrofluids exhibit a range of novel microfluidic
magnetic fluids varies with the size of the magnetic particles applications.
and the type of dispersion medium. MMF can be divided into Rapid micromixing in the presence of a uniform magnetic
three branches based on the particle size [2], i.e. ferrohydro- field at low magnetic flux density, due to interfacial instability
dynamics, magnetorheology and magnetophoresis, which are achieved by mismatch in magnetization of the fluids has been
relevant to a broad spectrum of applications. MMF can be studied [4]. Kurtoglu et al [6] experimentally demonstrated
useful for applications such as micromixing [3, 4], actuation ferrofluid actuation using a rotating magnetic field source to
[5–7], magnetic separation [8, 9], heat transfer enhance- achieve a magnetic field gradient. Continuous actuation was
ment [10, 11], MEMS [12] and optofluidics [13]. MMF is obtained, suggesting micropumping applications. Magnetic
also the guiding principle behind several biomedical appli- sorting of particles and cells in ferrofluids was studied [8,
cations involving nanocytometry–microcytometry [14, 15], 9, 25]. Zeng et al [8] demonstrated continuous sorting of

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J. Micromech. Microeng. 25 (2015) 124001 Z Wang et al

Figure 1.  Cross-sectional view of the magnetic particle concentration along the flow direction. Ha  =  3.18 kA m−1 and Qratio  =  4−1. The
bottom-left inset shows a photo of our three-inlet channel tested with flowing ferrofluid (dark color) as the core stream.

diamagnetic particles and cells in ferrofluid flow using a pair However, a correction factor of ~1000 had to be applied to the
of permanent magnets in a straight microchannel. Zhu et al magnetic forces, and the effects of only a few parameters, like
[25] reported a ferrofluid-based continuous flow method for magnetic field strength and flow rate ratios, were discussed.
the sorting of particles from live cells. Kose et al [26] dem- Thus, the mechanisms and parameters governing MFS were
onstrated nanocytometry for label free manipulation and not systematically studied in the previous literature.
separation of microparticles capable of sorting and focusing Previously, we reported a numerical model which was in
two or more species, with up to 99% separation efficiency. very good agreement with our experimental results, without
Magnetic focusing in ferrofluid flow to concentrate poly- the use of any correction factor [30]. Four factors were dis-
styrene particles and yeast cells was demonstrated by Zeng cussed: applied magnetic field strength, flow rate ratio, flow
et al [27]. A combination of two attracting permanent mag- rate of core stream and initial particle concentration of the fer-
nets was used to apply a magnetic field gradient, the effects rofluid core stream. However, the evolution of MFS with time,
of magnet–magnet distance and ferrofluid flow were studied. the relative importance of the factors governing MFS and the
The transport of non-magnetic microparticles in ferrofluids range of parameters for which a given factor dominates MFS
under the non-uniform magnetic field of a permanent magnet were not reported.
has been reported [28]. In this work, the mechanism of MFS is systematically
These applications require fundamental understanding of studied in greater detail. The velocity and pressure profiles
ferrofluid flow behavior at various magnetic fields, magnetic are studied over a range of flow rate ratios and magnetic
field orientation, viscosity, particle concentration, particle field strengths, and it was found that cross-sectional convec-
size, microflow rates and instability conditions. Modeling and tion arises from balance between the magnetic force and the
simulation are also required to clarify the properties of the cross-sectional fluid pressure force. The ranges of various
ferrofluid flow. Some relevant findings are summarized in the parameters, such as magnetic field strength, fluidic properties
following paragraphs. and particle size are systematically discussed. Thus, (1) the
Understanding ferrofluid flow behavior is very impor- evolution of spreading profile with time, (2) the mechanisms
tant for MMF applications of cell/particle sorting, focusing, governing spreading and (3) the range of parameters for which
nanocytometry and micromixing. Specifically, simulations a given mechanism dominates MFS were investigated. This
and numerical modeling to obtain a quantitative description work is useful for ferrofluid-based lab-on-chip design and
of ferrofluid flow, spreading and focusing in the presence parameter selection and predictions related to MMF applica-
of a uniform magnetic field are helpful to understand MMF tions in micro/nano fluidic devices.
and its advanced applications. Hence, we report numerical
simulations for a quantitative description of magnetofluidic 2. Methodology
spreading (MFS) in a uniform magnetic field for a range of
viscosity, microflow rates, particle sizes and magnetic field The methodology has been previously reported [30]. Briefly,
strength values. thermally bonded poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) micro-
Usually, a magnetic field gradient is used to drive ferrofluid fluidic chips were used for all experiments. Fabricated by a
flow. But the deployment of large magnetic field gradients in standard micro milling technique, the micro channel (inset
lab-on-a-chip devices is impractical. Also, when multiple mag- of figure 1) consists of three inlets connected to a single test
nets are used in a single chip, their interactions will make the channel, with two outlets, and the middle test channel has
magnetic field complex. Hence, in this work, the performance dimensions of 2500 μm (length)  ×  200 μm (width)  ×  30 μm
of ferrofluids in uniform magnetic fields was studied. Zhu et (height). The middle inlet contains a core stream of water based
al [29] described the spreading of ferrofluid core with oil as ferrofluid, with the remaining two inlets containing the clad-
cladding. They reported experimental results showing stronger ding stream of aqueous glycerol solution (inset of figure  1).
spreading effect for higher magnetic fields and lower flow A uniform magnetic field was applied to the microfluidic chip
rate ratios. They also tried to model the results numerically. in the 5 cm air gap, generated by a DEXING electromagnet

J. Micromech. Microeng. 25 (2015) 124001 Z Wang et al

(DXSB-178) system. Imaging of MFS was performed with a ∂

Phantom MIRO high speed camera (M320S). The photos cap- (ρmixu) + u ⋅ ∇ (ρmixu) = − ∇ p + ∇
tured were tuned to a gray color, and the width fraction (WF) of
the core stream was measured based on the gray level. A KDS ⋅ [ηmix(∇ u + ∇ uT )] + Ff
Gemini 88 Dual Rate Syringe Pump was used to deliver fluids where ρmix, u, p, ηmix and F f  denote the local density of the
and control flow rates. An inlet flow rate of ferrofluid core (FR) mixed flow, flow velocity vector (u,v,w), pressure, fluid vis-
of 0.05 ml h−1 was selected. A flow rate ratio (Qratio) of 4 was cosity and external volume force vector, respectively.
maintained (Qratio  =  cladding flow rate/core flow rate). Convection–diffusion equation:
3. Geometry + ∇ ⋅ (upc ) = D ∇2 c

A 3D model was developed for the analysis of magnetofluidic where local particle velocity up = u + udrift and diffusivity
spreading, with the cross-sectional view shown in figure  1. D = kBT /3πηmixd p, with kB as Boltzmann’s constant and T as
The model geometry consists of a rectangular channel with absolute temperature.
2500 μm length, 200 μm width and 30 μm height along the The drift velocity udrift = Fs /(6πηmixrp ) describes the par-
x, y and z directions respectively. The origin was set in the ticle local slip velocity related to the surrounding flow (u)
middle of the core stream inlet surface. The reference width within each mesh cell.
of the inlet ferrofluid core stream was set to 44 μm (figure 1, The following electrodynamics equations  describe the
red colored stream near the inlet). magnetic field:
Gauss equation : ∇ ⋅ B = 0
4. Materials
Constitutive equation : B = μ0 (H + M ) = μ0 (1 + χmix )H
The black-brown colored water-based ferrofluid (EMG707,
where µ0 represents the permeability of vacuum, the vector
FerroTec) has a density (ρff ) of 1100 kg m−3, dynamic vis-
terms B, H and M indicate the local magnetic flux density,
cosity (ηff ) of 3 mPa s, initial volume concentration (i) of 2%
magnetic field strength and magnetization, respectively.
and magnetic susceptibility χff of 1.51 in SI units. Its mag-
χmix = χff c is the local susceptibility of the ferrofluid diluted
netic particles have an average diameter of d p = 2rp  =  10 nm,
by glycerol–water solution, and χff is the magnetic suscepti-
where rp is the average radius of the particle. The glycerol–
bility of initial ferrofluid with c  =  1.
water mixture which was used as the cladding streams has
The volume force term F f  (N m−3) in the Navier–Stokes
a glycerol volume concentration of 0.6, a density (ρdiam) of
equation was determined by summing the gravitational force
1169.4 kg m−3, a dynamic viscosity (ηdiam) of 12.5 mPa s, and
vector (Fg, in z direction) and the magnetic force vector (Fm):
a magnetic susceptibility (χdiam) of −9.5 × 10−6, indicating a
typical diamagnetic material. Ff = Fg + Fm.
The local density (ρmix) of the mixed solutions was simply
The gravitational force vector Fg, which was usually
determined from the following equation:
ignored in previous literature [29], is considered here:
ρmix = cρff + (1 − c )ρdiam
(1) Fg = ρmixg
where c is a dimensionless local concentration, c = l /i, and
where g  =  −9.81 m s−2 (along the z direction) is the accelera-
l is the local volume concentration of magnetic particles in
tion due to gravity.
the ferrofluid and glycerol–water mixture. c has the same
Compared with magnetic particles, the magnetic suscepti-
meaning through the whole work. For initial ferrofluid and
bility of diamagnetic fluid (χdiam of −9.5 × 10−6) is too small
glycrol–water streams, c is equal to 1 and 0, respectively.
and the magnetic buoyancy forces applied on the magnetic
The local viscosity (ηmix) of the mixed solutions with a
forces can be ignored. Thus the local volume force vector term
similar nature and comparable viscosities was determined
Fm (N m−3) is given as [32, 33]:
using a Grunberg–Nissan model for a binary mixture [31]:
χ c
ln ηmix = c ⋅ ln ηff + (1 − c ) ⋅ ln ηdiam + c ⋅ (1 − c ) ⋅ G12
(2) (9) Fm = ff (B ⋅ ∇ B).
where G12 is a interaction parameter of two fluids, depending
The uniform externally applied magnetic field (Ha) refers to
on the composition of the mixture and temperature. Here, G12
the uniformity of the magnetic field in air. This field would be
was fit to be  −1.44 based on experimental results.
distorted by the non-uniform distribution of magnetic suscep-
tibilities in the three-stream fluid system. Since the magnetic
5.  Governing equations susceptibility of ferrofluid (1.51) is much higher than that of
the diamagnetic glycerol–water mixture (−9.5 × 10−6), the
The relevant equations  governing MFS are listed here, and magnetic flux densities inside the ferrofluid core is much
more details are provided in [30]. higher than the cladding diamagnetic streams, as indicated
Navier–Stokes equation: by the magnetic field lines in the 2D video file (supporting

J. Micromech. Microeng. 25 (2015) 124001 Z Wang et al

Figure 2.  Effect of parameters on MFS.

material) ( This summarized in figure  2. Larger MFS can be achieved by

non-uniform flux density arrangement leads to gradients in tuning various parameters, e.g. a smaller flow rate ratio, higher
the magnetic field within the channel, resulting in magnetic magnetic field, higher core stream or lower cladding stream
forces on the ferrofluid. dynamic viscosity, and larger size of magnetic particles.
Changing a parameter can influence MFS by more than one
6.  Results and discussion mechanism, e.g. a higher magnetic field would increase MFS
by enhanced cross-sectional convection as well as increased
The spreading process is described in figure  1. At the inlet particle drift velocity.
cross-sectional plane where the three streams mixed, the fer-
rofluid core stream has a rectangular shape. With a magnetic 6.1.1. Cross-sectional convection as a mechanism of spread-
field applied in the y direction, the ferrofluid core stream con- ing.  In the absence of external forces, convective diffusion
tinuously spreads in a direction parallel to the magnetic field, mainly depends on inlet flow conditions. With a fixed inlet flow
and spreading near the channel walls is more obvious. rate of the ferrofluid core stream (FR) equal to 0.05 ml h−1,
larger Qratio leads to higher inlet flow velocities of the clad-
ding streams and higher average flow velocities of all the fluids
6.1.  Mechanisms that govern MFS
inside the channel. When a magnetic field is applied (Ha  =  3.18
The spreading process can be explained by the combined kA m−1), figures 3(a) and (b) compares the conditions for dif-
effect of convective diffusion and particle drift velocity. ferent Qratio values. A higher Qratio of 12 (figure 3(a)) shows a
much higher x component of flow velocities (u) compared with
(1) Convective diffusion. Convective diffusion depends on
Qratio  =  4 (figure 3(b)), indicating a shorter average duration
local fluid velocity (u) and is influenced by: (a) initial
(~2.6 times shorter) for fluid flow across the channel. Thus,
inlet flow conditions (e.g. inlet velocities, fluid viscosities
there is less time for ferrofluid spreading. Also, due to the higher
and channel geometries) and (b) cross-sectional velocity
speed of the cladding fluids, the ferrofluid core will be diluted
changes driven by external forces (e.g. gravitational
and its width narrowed due to a hydrodynamic focusing effect
and magnetic volume forces) applied on the ferrofluid.
[34]. For a fixed flow rate (FR) of the ferrofluid core, the total
The magnetic volume forces on the ferrofluid can be
flux of magnetic particles flowing through the inlet surface into
controlled by the external magnetic field strength and the
the channel is constant, and only depends on FR and initial vol-
ferrofluid magnetic susceptibility. Distortion of the mag-
ume concentration (i). This amount of total particle flux through
netic field due to the position of the ferrofluid relative to
the inlet surface should be the same as the total flux flowing out
the diamagnetic cladding can also contribute to magnetic
of the channel through the outlet surface. Thus, for higher flow
volume forces.
velocities at the outlet (figure 3(a)), the concentration profile
(2) Particle drift velocity driven by magnetic forces applied
indicates a diluted and narrower ferrofluid core compared with
on each particle depends on magnetic field strength,
figure 3(b). For the same applied magnetic field, a diluted fer-
particle size, particle’s magnetic susceptibility and fluid
rofluid core has less magnetization and smaller magnetic forces
dynamic viscosities.
applied on the ferrofluid and thus smaller cross-sectional veloc-
The various parameters discussed later in this work govern ities driven by these magnetic forces. Thus, with higher Qratio,
MFS through the above mechanisms; their relationships are spreading of the ferrofluid core is suppressed.

J. Micromech. Microeng. 25 (2015) 124001 Z Wang et al

Figure 3.  The volume concentration of particles (l), magnetization of ferrofluid (M), y component of magnetic volume force (Fy), y
component (v) and x component (u) of fluid velocities, measured at x  =  2.25 mm. The range of color legends for the same category in
(a) and (c) are based on those of group (b). (a) Qratio  =  12, Ha  =  3.18 kA m−1; (b) Qratio  =  4, Ha  =  3.18 kA m−1 [30]; (c) Qratio  =  4,
Ha  =  0A m−1.

Figure 4. Depth-averaged x component of velocity (u) at a cross-sectional plane located at x  =  2.25 mm measured with: (a) Ha  =  3.18 kA m−1,
varying Qratio, and (b) Qratio  =  4, varying Ha.

J. Micromech. Microeng. 25 (2015) 124001 Z Wang et al

Figure 5.  Depth-averaged (a) pressure and (b) pressure and magnetic volume forces at a cross-sectional plane located at x  =  2.25 mm
measured with Qratio increased from 2 to 12, as shown by the arrows. Ha  =  3.18 kA m−1.

For the inlet flow condition of Qratio  =  4, compared with the (figures 1 and 3(b)). The magnetized ferrofluid with high mag-
case without applied magnetic field (figure 3(c)), the ferrofluids netic susceptibilities can bend the magnetic field lines towards
in figure 3(b) are magnetized due to the external magnetic field, the ferrofluid core. With a rectangular-shaped cross-sectional
and the local magnitude of magnetization (M) depends linearly concentration profile, the magnetic field lines in the ferrofluid
on local particle concentration (l). The y component of mag- appear similar to those of a permanent magnet, and higher
netic volume force (Fy) is mainly applied on the boundaries values of B gradient can be obtained near the top and bottom
of the ferrofluid core, where the particle concentration varies surfaces of the ferrofluid core. Thus, more particles can be
along the direction of the magnetic field (i.e. the y direction), attracted towards the top and bottom channel walls, causing
pointing away from high particle concentration regions. more obvious spreading at those positions. Another contrib-
In the y–z cross-sectional plan view, the ferrofluid core uting factor is that the fluid velocity is lower near the non-slip
behaves like a liquid piston that is widened due to magnetic channel wall, hence the particles have a longer time to spread.
forces, pushing and narrowing the cladding streams. We In the cross-sectional plane view, compared with figure 3(c),
observed that ferrofluid core prefers to spread along the top larger spreading of ferrofluid near the walls in figure  3(b)
and bottom walls, continuously deforming its cross-sectional would also result in the cladding fluids moving towards
concentration profile from a rectangular to an hourglass shape the center of the channel (arrows in figure  3(b)), similar to

J. Micromech. Microeng. 25 (2015) 124001 Z Wang et al

Figure 6.  Contour map, with WF values increasing from bottom-right to top-left corner, of WF with varied Ha and Qratio. The experimental
results were also indicated in the contour map as individual points [30].

convective flow. This kind of ‘cross-sectional convection’ is further narrow ferrofluid width and will further increase its
observed only when a magnetic field is applied and greatly velocity.
enhances ferrofluid spreading. It is a result of the unbalanced With increasing magnetic field strength, the depth aver-
forces of magnetic volume forces and fluid pressure forces aged velocities reduce for the ferrofluid core but increase
(pressure gradient). Interestingly, these cross-sectional fluid for the cladding streams (figure 4(b)). For high Ha values
velocities could greatly enhance convective diffusion of the (⩾3.98 kA m−1) the velocity of ferrofluid core is even lower
particles, which is usually difficult in microchannels but is than the cladding streams. The reason for this has been already
highly desired in applications like micro mixing where pres- discussed in relation to figures 3(b) and (c).
sure driven laminar flows are present. In the remaining sections, the total pressure p, which
Compared with figures  3(c), a smaller x component of is the sum of static pressure and dynamic pressure
velocity (u) is observed in figure 3(b) with applied magnetic ( p = pstatic + 2 ρmixu2) will be used. The total pressure was
field. For a constant total particle flux, the concentration pro- studied in the cross-sectional plane located at x  =  2.25 mm.
file with applied magnetic field is widened, thus the outlet Without a magnetic field, the depth averaged total pres-
velocity has to reduce to maintain the same particle flux sure is almost constant for varying y position (~450.2 Pa for
through the outlet surface. The depth (in the z direction) aver- Qratio  =  4, figure not shown). With an applied magnetic field,
aged velocities were also studied for a range of magnetic the total pressure is no longer constant along the y axis, but
fields and flow rate ratios as shown in figure 4. will be lower for the ferrofluid core compared to the cladding
For increasing Qratio and fixed Ha, the total flow rate through streams (figure 5(a)) due to the additional magnetic volume
the cross-sectional area and the flow velocities increased forces (Fm) applied on the ferrofluid.
(figure 4(a)). As shown in figure 5(b), the magnetic volume force Fm,
The shapes of the velocity curves are similar for various which points away from the ferrofluid core, will widen the
Qratio (figure 4(a)), but will change with increasing Ha. The ferrofluid. This would generate an additional pressure dif-
solid line in figure 4(b) shows the velocity (u) profile without ference between the ferrofluid core stream and diamagnetic
magnetic force. Compared with a typical parabolic velocity cladding streams. The y component of pressure force, due
profile for a fluid with uniform physical properties, the velocity to this pressure difference, equals the pressure gradient
of the ferrofluid in the central area is much higher. This is along the y axis (Fp = − dy , with units of N m−3). Fp acts
because the viscosity of the ferrofluid (4.5 mPa s) is lower than to oppose Fm. Thus, Fp is the response of the fluid system
that of the cladding fluid (12.8 mPa s). As a result, the low- to the external magnetic force Fm, and will be less than Fm.
viscosity ferrofluid is narrowed and its velocity is increased The magnitudes of Fm at this cross-sectional plane are higher
based on the Darcy–Weisbach equation  ∆p = 32 D2 ηu, i.e. than those of Fp, indicating that the system is not stabilized
fluid velocity u should increase for fluid with lower dynamic and cross-sectional convective spreading is still occurring.
viscosity η to minimize the pressure difference ∆p, where L This process will be stabilized only when the two forces are
and D present pipe length and diameter. Increasing Qratio will balanced.

J. Micromech. Microeng. 25 (2015) 124001 Z Wang et al

increasing Qratio. With high Qratio, the ferrofluid core will be

diluted and narrower (figures 3(a) and (b)), thus magnetic
volume force and pressure force will be reduced and their
peak positions will be narrowed.

6.2.  Parameters that control MFS

In this work, MFS was quantified by the ratio of ferrofluid

width measured at the outlet divided by the width of the
channel, and this ratio was named the width fraction (WF)
of the ferrofluid core. The simulated WF values of the fer-
rofluid core near the outlet was calculated by the expression:
WF = 0.375WFsurface + 0.625WFave, where WFsurface and WFave
are the maximum width fraction value of the ferrofluid core
measured at the outlet surface (l profile in figure 3) and the
depth-averaged (averaged along the z direction) volume con-
centration profile at the outlet, respectively [30]. The values
of 0.375 and 0.625 are fitting parameters between the experi-
mental results and the above relationship.

6.2.1.  Effect of magnetic field strength and flow rate ratio.  The
experimental and simulated WF values were recorded for
varying Ha and Qratio and compared in a contour map (figure
6). As reported earlier [30], it can be concluded that higher
WF values can be obtained at regions of either lower Qratio or
higher Ha values.

6.2.2. Effect of dynamic viscosity of fluids.  The dynamic

viscosity effect was studied by varying the viscosities of the
ferrofluid core or glycerol–water cladding streams. From fig-
ures  7(a) and (b), a higher WF was observed for higher fer-
rofluid dynamic viscosities. On the other hand, for higher
glycerol concentration in the glycerol–water mixture, the
dynamic viscosity of the inlet cladding streams will increase
[35], and this would suppress the spreading of the ferrofluid
(figure 7(c)) core stream. The above results were consistent
with the Darcy–Weisbach equation, as previously discussed.
Excellent agreement was seen between these modeling results
and the experimental data.

6.2.3. Particle size effect.  As shown in figure 8(a), the larger

size particle and/or the higher the magnetic fields, the larger the
WF value. As can be seen in figure 8(b), for Qratio  =  4, the particle
concentration profiles for two particles sizes (10 nm or 500 nm)
without a magnetic field are the same and there is almost no
spreading, indicating that particle diffusion effects for larger par-
ticles (greater than or equal to 10 nm) can be ignored. Spreading
occurs when a magnetic field is applied (3.18 kA m−1); spread-
Figure 7.  Contour maps of WF for varying initial dynamic ing is much more for larger particles. Similar results are also
viscosity of ferrofluid (ηff) and (a) varying Ha and constant Qratio of obtained for the case of Qratio of 12 (figure 8(b)).
2, (b) varying Qratio and constant Ha of 2.39 kA m−1. (c) Simulation Since the initial volume concentration and suscepti-
results: the WF of the ferrofluid core reduces with increasing
volume concentration of glycerol in the cladding streams, with
bility of particles in the inlet ferrofluid stream are fixed, the
varying Ha and Qratio  =  4. The experimental results with a glycerol magnetic volume force applied on the ferrofluid should be
volume concentration of 0.6 are also indicated as individual points. the same for the same concentration profile. The y compo-
nent of velocity (v) and cross-sectional convection will not
As shown in figure 5(a), the total pressure increases with change with varying particle diameter if the same concentra-
increasing Qratio, but the pressure difference between the tion profile is assumed. The only factor that changes is the
ferrofluid core stream and cladding streams decreases with increase in particle drift velocities (figure 8(c)). For larger

J. Micromech. Microeng. 25 (2015) 124001 Z Wang et al

Figure 8.  (a) contour map of WF with varied dp and Ha, with Qratio  =  4. The experimental results for dp  =  10 nm were also indicated as
individual points. (b) shows the cross-sectional view of particle volume concentration profile located at x  =  2.25 mm with varied dp, Ha and
Qratio. (c) shows the y component of particle drift velocity with varied particle diameter.

particle sizes, the magnetic force applied on each particle It is clear that the hourglass shaped spreading of ferrofluid
and the local drift velocity would change as the cube and core shown in figure 3(b) enhances the contact area of the core
the square of the particle size, respectively. The drift veloci- and cladding streams. This is very useful for lab-on-a-chip
ties are directed away from the ferrofluid core (figure 8(c)), applications like micro mixing and micro chemical reac-
spreading the particles. tors, where the mixing level or reaction speeds of two fluids

J. Micromech. Microeng. 25 (2015) 124001 Z Wang et al

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7. Summary
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